blob: 347a6084bb5b5c649bcea1001d3c952b81eca040 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
package gosrc
import (
func init() {
pattern: regexp.MustCompile(`^github\.com/(?P<owner>[a-z0-9A-Z_.\-]+)/(?P<repo>[a-z0-9A-Z_.\-]+)(?P<dir>/[a-z0-9A-Z_.\-/]*)?$`),
prefix: "",
get: getGitHubDir,
getPresentation: getGitHubPresentation,
getProject: getGitHubProject,
pattern: regexp.MustCompile(`^gist\.github\.com/(?P<gist>[a-z0-9A-Z_.\-]+)\.git$`),
prefix: "",
get: getGistDir,
var (
gitHubRawHeader = http.Header{"Accept": {"application/vnd.github-blob.raw"}}
gitHubPreviewHeader = http.Header{"Accept": {"application/vnd.github.preview"}}
func gitHubError(resp *http.Response) error {
var e struct {
Message string `json:"message"`
if err := json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(&e); err == nil {
return &RemoteError{resp.Request.URL.Host, fmt.Errorf("%d: %s (%s)", resp.StatusCode, e.Message, resp.Request.URL.String())}
return &RemoteError{resp.Request.URL.Host, fmt.Errorf("%d: (%s)", resp.StatusCode, resp.Request.URL.String())}
func getGitHubDir(client *http.Client, match map[string]string, savedEtag string) (*Directory, error) {
c := &httpClient{client: client, errFn: gitHubError}
var refs []*struct {
Object struct {
Type string
Sha string
URL string
Ref string
URL string
if err := c.getJSON(expand("{owner}/{repo}/git/refs", match), &refs); err != nil {
return nil, err
tags := make(map[string]string)
for _, ref := range refs {
switch {
case strings.HasPrefix(ref.Ref, "refs/heads/"):
tags[ref.Ref[len("refs/heads/"):]] = ref.Object.Sha
case strings.HasPrefix(ref.Ref, "refs/tags/"):
tags[ref.Ref[len("refs/tags/"):]] = ref.Object.Sha
var commit string
var err error
match["tag"], commit, err = bestTag(tags, "master")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if commit == savedEtag {
return nil, ErrNotModified
var contents []*struct {
Type string
Name string
GitURL string `json:"git_url"`
HTMLURL string `json:"html_url"`
if err := c.getJSON(expand("{owner}/{repo}/contents{dir}?ref={tag}", match), &contents); err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(contents) == 0 {
return nil, NotFoundError{"No files in directory."}
// Because Github API URLs are case-insensitive, we check that the owner
// and repo returned from Github matches the one that we are requesting.
if !strings.HasPrefix(contents[0].GitURL, expand("{owner}/{repo}/", match)) {
return nil, NotFoundError{"Github import path has incorrect case."}
var files []*File
var dataURLs []string
var subdirs []string
for _, item := range contents {
switch {
case item.Type == "dir":
if isValidPathElement(item.Name) {
subdirs = append(subdirs, item.Name)
case isDocFile(item.Name):
files = append(files, &File{Name: item.Name, BrowseURL: item.HTMLURL})
dataURLs = append(dataURLs, item.GitURL)
c.header = gitHubRawHeader
if err := c.getFiles(dataURLs, files); err != nil {
return nil, err
browseURL := expand("{owner}/{repo}", match)
if match["dir"] != "" {
browseURL = expand("{owner}/{repo}/tree/{tag}{dir}", match)
return &Directory{
BrowseURL: browseURL,
Etag: commit,
Files: files,
LineFmt: "%s#L%d",
ProjectName: match["repo"],
ProjectRoot: expand("{owner}/{repo}", match),
ProjectURL: expand("{owner}/{repo}", match),
Subdirectories: subdirs,
VCS: "git",
}, nil
func getGitHubPresentation(client *http.Client, match map[string]string) (*Presentation, error) {
c := &httpClient{client: client, header: gitHubRawHeader}
p, err := c.getBytes(expand("{owner}/{repo}/contents{dir}/{file}", match))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
apiBase, err := url.Parse(expand("{owner}/{repo}/contents{dir}/", match))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rawBase, err := url.Parse(expand("{owner}/{repo}/master{dir}/", match))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
c.header = gitHubRawHeader
b := &presBuilder{
data: p,
filename: match["file"],
fetch: func(fnames []string) ([]*File, error) {
var files []*File
var dataURLs []string
for _, fname := range fnames {
u, err := apiBase.Parse(fname)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
u.RawQuery = apiBase.RawQuery
files = append(files, &File{Name: fname})
dataURLs = append(dataURLs, u.String())
err := c.getFiles(dataURLs, files)
return files, err
resolveURL: func(fname string) string {
u, err := rawBase.Parse(fname)
if err != nil {
return "/notfound"
if strings.HasSuffix(fname, ".svg") {
u.Host = ""
return u.String()
// GetGitHubUpdates returns the full names ("owner/repo") of recently pushed GitHub repositories.
// by pushedAfter.
func GetGitHubUpdates(client *http.Client, pushedAfter string) (maxPushedAt string, names []string, err error) {
c := httpClient{client: client, header: gitHubPreviewHeader}
if pushedAfter == "" {
pushedAfter = time.Now().Add(-24 * time.Hour).UTC().Format("2006-01-02T15:04:05Z")
u := ">" + pushedAfter
var updates struct {
Items []struct {
FullName string `json:"full_name"`
PushedAt string `json:"pushed_at"`
err = c.getJSON(u, &updates)
if err != nil {
return pushedAfter, nil, err
maxPushedAt = pushedAfter
for _, item := range updates.Items {
names = append(names, item.FullName)
if item.PushedAt > maxPushedAt {
maxPushedAt = item.PushedAt
return maxPushedAt, names, nil
func getGitHubProject(client *http.Client, match map[string]string) (*Project, error) {
c := &httpClient{client: client, errFn: gitHubError}
var repo struct {
Description string
if err := c.getJSON(expand("{owner}/{repo}", match), &repo); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Project{
Description: repo.Description,
}, nil
func getGistDir(client *http.Client, match map[string]string, savedEtag string) (*Directory, error) {
c := &httpClient{client: client, errFn: gitHubError}
var gist struct {
Files map[string]struct {
Content string
HtmlUrl string `json:"html_url"`
History []struct {
Version string
if err := c.getJSON(expand("{gist}", match), &gist); err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(gist.History) == 0 {
return nil, NotFoundError{"History not found."}
commit := gist.History[0].Version
if commit == savedEtag {
return nil, ErrNotModified
var files []*File
for name, file := range gist.Files {
if isDocFile(name) {
files = append(files, &File{
Name: name,
Data: []byte(file.Content),
BrowseURL: gist.HtmlUrl + "#file-" + strings.Replace(name, ".", "-", -1),
return &Directory{
BrowseURL: gist.HtmlUrl,
Etag: commit,
Files: files,
LineFmt: "%s-L%d",
ProjectName: match["gist"],
ProjectRoot: expand("{gist}.git", match),
ProjectURL: gist.HtmlUrl,
Subdirectories: nil,
VCS: "git",
}, nil