blob: 5e4ef6b2b45883f9fcc546fc633d8dc5c31bfeb2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
// Redis keys and types:
// maxPackageId string: next id to assign
// ids hash maps import path to package id
// pkg:<id> hash
// terms: space separated search terms
// path: import path
// synopsis: synopsis
// gob: snappy compressed gob encoded doc.Package
// score: document search score
// etag:
// kind: p=package, c=command, d=directory with no go files
// index:<term> set: package ids for given search term
// index:import:<path> set: packages with import path
// index:project:<root> set: packages in project with root
// block set: packages to block
// popular zset: package id, score
// popular:0 string: scaled base time for popular scores
// nextCrawl zset: package id, Unix time for next crawl
// newCrawl set: new paths to crawl
// badCrawl set: paths that returned error when crawling.
// Package database manages storage for GoPkgDoc.
package database
import (
type Database struct {
Pool interface {
Get() redis.Conn
type Package struct {
Path string `json:"path"`
Synopsis string `json:"synopsis,omitempty"`
type byPath []Package
func (p byPath) Len() int { return len(p) }
func (p byPath) Less(i, j int) bool { return p[i].Path < p[j].Path }
func (p byPath) Swap(i, j int) { p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i] }
var (
redisServer = flag.String("db-server", "redis://", "URI of Redis server.")
redisIdleTimeout = flag.Duration("db-idle-timeout", 250*time.Second, "Close Redis connections after remaining idle for this duration.")
redisLog = flag.Bool("db-log", false, "Log database commands")
func dialDb() (c redis.Conn, err error) {
u, err := url.Parse(*redisServer)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer func() {
if err != nil && c != nil {
c, err = redis.Dial("tcp", u.Host)
if err != nil {
if *redisLog {
l := log.New(os.Stderr, "", log.LstdFlags)
c = redis.NewLoggingConn(c, l, "")
if u.User != nil {
if pw, ok := u.User.Password(); ok {
if _, err = c.Do("AUTH", pw); err != nil {
// New creates a database configured from command line flags.
func New() (*Database, error) {
pool := &redis.Pool{
Dial: dialDb,
MaxIdle: 10,
IdleTimeout: *redisIdleTimeout,
if c := pool.Get(); c.Err() != nil {
return nil, c.Err()
} else {
return &Database{Pool: pool}, nil
// Exists returns true if package with import path exists in the database.
func (db *Database) Exists(path string) (bool, error) {
c := db.Pool.Get()
defer c.Close()
return redis.Bool(c.Do("HEXISTS", "ids", path))
var putScript = redis.NewScript(0, `
local path = ARGV[1]
local synopsis = ARGV[2]
local score = ARGV[3]
local gob = ARGV[4]
local terms = ARGV[5]
local etag = ARGV[6]
local kind = ARGV[7]
local nextCrawl = ARGV[8]
local id ='HGET', 'ids', path)
if not id then
id ='INCR', 'maxPackageId')'HSET', 'ids', path, id)
if etag ~= '' and etag =='HGET', 'pkg:' .. id, 'clone') then
terms = ''
score = 0
local update = {}
for term in string.gmatch('HGET', 'pkg:' .. id, 'terms') or '', '([^ ]+)') do
update[term] = 1
for term in string.gmatch(terms, '([^ ]+)') do
update[term] = (update[term] or 0) + 2
for term, x in pairs(update) do
if x == 1 then'SREM', 'index:' .. term, id)
elseif x == 2 then'SADD', 'index:' .. term, id)
end'SREM', 'badCrawl', path)'SREM', 'newCrawl', path)
if nextCrawl ~= '0' then'ZADD', 'nextCrawl', nextCrawl, id)'HSET', 'pkg:' .. id, 'crawl', nextCrawl)
return'HMSET', 'pkg:' .. id, 'path', path, 'synopsis', synopsis, 'score', score, 'gob', gob, 'terms', terms, 'etag', etag, 'kind', kind)
var addCrawlScript = redis.NewScript(0, `
for i=1,#ARGV do
local pkg = ARGV[i]
if'HEXISTS', 'ids', pkg) == 0 and'SISMEMBER', 'badCrawl', pkg) == 0 then'SADD', 'newCrawl', pkg)
func (db *Database) AddNewCrawl(importPath string) error {
if !gosrc.IsValidRemotePath(importPath) {
return errors.New("bad path")
c := db.Pool.Get()
defer c.Close()
_, err := addCrawlScript.Do(c, importPath)
return err
// Put adds the package documentation to the database.
func (db *Database) Put(pdoc *doc.Package, nextCrawl time.Time, hide bool) error {
c := db.Pool.Get()
defer c.Close()
score := 0.0
if !hide {
score = documentScore(pdoc)
terms := documentTerms(pdoc, score)
var gobBuf bytes.Buffer
if err := gob.NewEncoder(&gobBuf).Encode(pdoc); err != nil {
return err
// Truncate large documents.
if gobBuf.Len() > 200000 {
pdocNew := *pdoc
pdoc = &pdocNew
pdoc.Truncated = true
pdoc.Vars = nil
pdoc.Funcs = nil
pdoc.Types = nil
pdoc.Consts = nil
pdoc.Examples = nil
if err := gob.NewEncoder(&gobBuf).Encode(pdoc); err != nil {
return err
gobBytes, err := snappy.Encode(nil, gobBuf.Bytes())
if err != nil {
return err
kind := "p"
switch {
case pdoc.Name == "":
kind = "d"
case pdoc.IsCmd:
kind = "c"
t := int64(0)
if !nextCrawl.IsZero() {
t = nextCrawl.Unix()
_, err = putScript.Do(c, pdoc.ImportPath, pdoc.Synopsis, score, gobBytes, strings.Join(terms, " "), pdoc.Etag, kind, t)
if err != nil {
return err
if nextCrawl.IsZero() {
// Skip crawling related packages if this is not a full save.
return nil
paths := make(map[string]bool)
for _, p := range pdoc.Imports {
if gosrc.IsValidRemotePath(p) {
paths[p] = true
for _, p := range pdoc.TestImports {
if gosrc.IsValidRemotePath(p) {
paths[p] = true
for _, p := range pdoc.XTestImports {
if gosrc.IsValidRemotePath(p) {
paths[p] = true
if pdoc.ImportPath != pdoc.ProjectRoot && pdoc.ProjectRoot != "" {
paths[pdoc.ProjectRoot] = true
for _, p := range pdoc.Subdirectories {
paths[pdoc.ImportPath+"/"+p] = true
args := make([]interface{}, 0, len(paths))
for p := range paths {
args = append(args, p)
_, err = addCrawlScript.Do(c, args...)
return err
var setNextCrawlEtagScript = redis.NewScript(0, `
local root = ARGV[1]
local etag = ARGV[2]
local nextCrawl = ARGV[3]
local pkgs ='SORT', 'index:project:' .. root, 'GET', '#', 'GET', 'pkg:*->etag')
for i=1,#pkgs,2 do
if pkgs[i+1] == etag then'ZADD', 'nextCrawl', nextCrawl, pkgs[i])'HSET', 'pkg:' .. pkgs[i], 'crawl', nextCrawl)
// SetNextCrawlEtag sets the next crawl time for all packages in the project with the given etag.
func (db *Database) SetNextCrawlEtag(projectRoot string, etag string, t time.Time) error {
c := db.Pool.Get()
defer c.Close()
_, err := setNextCrawlEtagScript.Do(c, normalizeProjectRoot(projectRoot), etag, t.Unix())
return err
var bumpCrawlScript = redis.NewScript(0, `
local root = ARGV[1]
local now = tonumber(ARGV[2])
local nextCrawl = now + 3600
local pkgs ='SORT', 'index:project:' .. root, 'GET', '#')
for i=1,#pkgs do
local t = tonumber('HGET', 'pkg:' .. pkgs[i], 'crawl') or 0)
if t == 0 or now < t then'HSET', 'pkg:' .. pkgs[i], 'crawl', now)
t = tonumber('ZSCORE', 'nextCrawl', pkgs[i]) or 0)
if t == 0 or nextCrawl < t then'ZADD', 'nextCrawl', nextCrawl, pkgs[i])
nextCrawl = nextCrawl + 120
func (db *Database) BumpCrawl(projectRoot string) error {
c := db.Pool.Get()
defer c.Close()
_, err := bumpCrawlScript.Do(c, normalizeProjectRoot(projectRoot), time.Now().Unix())
return err
// getDocScript gets the package documentation and update time for the
// specified path. If path is "-", then the oldest document is returned.
var getDocScript = redis.NewScript(0, `
local path = ARGV[1]
local id
if path == '-' then
local r ='ZRANGE', 'nextCrawl', 0, 0)
if not r or #r == 0 then
return false
id = r[1]
id ='HGET', 'ids', path)
if not id then
return false
local gob ='HGET', 'pkg:' .. id, 'gob')
if not gob then
return false
local nextCrawl ='HGET', 'pkg:' .. id, 'crawl')
if not nextCrawl then
nextCrawl ='ZSCORE', 'nextCrawl', id)
if not nextCrawl then
nextCrawl = 0
return {gob, nextCrawl}
func (db *Database) getDoc(c redis.Conn, path string) (*doc.Package, time.Time, error) {
r, err := redis.Values(getDocScript.Do(c, path))
if err == redis.ErrNil {
return nil, time.Time{}, nil
} else if err != nil {
return nil, time.Time{}, err
var p []byte
var t int64
if _, err := redis.Scan(r, &p, &t); err != nil {
return nil, time.Time{}, err
p, err = snappy.Decode(nil, p)
if err != nil {
return nil, time.Time{}, err
var pdoc doc.Package
if err := gob.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(p)).Decode(&pdoc); err != nil {
return nil, time.Time{}, err
nextCrawl := pdoc.Updated
if t != 0 {
nextCrawl = time.Unix(t, 0).UTC()
return &pdoc, nextCrawl, err
var getSubdirsScript = redis.NewScript(0, `
local reply
for i = 1,#ARGV do
reply ='SORT', 'index:project:' .. ARGV[i], 'ALPHA', 'BY', 'pkg:*->path', 'GET', 'pkg:*->path', 'GET', 'pkg:*->synopsis', 'GET', 'pkg:*->kind')
if #reply > 0 then
return reply
func (db *Database) getSubdirs(c redis.Conn, path string, pdoc *doc.Package) ([]Package, error) {
var reply interface{}
var err error
switch {
case isStandardPackage(path):
reply, err = getSubdirsScript.Do(c, "go")
case pdoc != nil:
reply, err = getSubdirsScript.Do(c, pdoc.ProjectRoot)
var roots []interface{}
projectRoot := path
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
roots = append(roots, projectRoot)
if j := strings.LastIndex(projectRoot, "/"); j < 0 {
} else {
projectRoot = projectRoot[:j]
reply, err = getSubdirsScript.Do(c, roots...)
values, err := redis.Values(reply, err)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var subdirs []Package
prefix := path + "/"
for len(values) > 0 {
var pkg Package
var kind string
values, err = redis.Scan(values, &pkg.Path, &pkg.Synopsis, &kind)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if (kind == "p" || kind == "c") && strings.HasPrefix(pkg.Path, prefix) {
subdirs = append(subdirs, pkg)
return subdirs, err
// Get gets the package documenation and sub-directories for the the given
// import path.
func (db *Database) Get(path string) (*doc.Package, []Package, time.Time, error) {
c := db.Pool.Get()
defer c.Close()
pdoc, nextCrawl, err := db.getDoc(c, path)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, time.Time{}, err
if pdoc != nil {
// fixup for speclal "-" path.
path = pdoc.ImportPath
subdirs, err := db.getSubdirs(c, path, pdoc)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, time.Time{}, err
return pdoc, subdirs, nextCrawl, nil
func (db *Database) GetDoc(path string) (*doc.Package, time.Time, error) {
c := db.Pool.Get()
defer c.Close()
return db.getDoc(c, path)
var deleteScript = redis.NewScript(0, `
local path = ARGV[1]
local id ='HGET', 'ids', path)
if not id then
return false
for term in string.gmatch('HGET', 'pkg:' .. id, 'terms') or '', '([^ ]+)') do'SREM', 'index:' .. term, id)
end'ZREM', 'nextCrawl', id)'SREM', 'newCrawl', path)'ZREM', 'popular', id)'DEL', 'pkg:' .. id)
return'HDEL', 'ids', path)
// Delete deletes the documenation for the given import path.
func (db *Database) Delete(path string) error {
c := db.Pool.Get()
defer c.Close()
_, err := deleteScript.Do(c, path)
return err
func packages(reply interface{}, all bool) ([]Package, error) {
values, err := redis.Values(reply, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
result := make([]Package, 0, len(values)/3)
for len(values) > 0 {
var pkg Package
var kind string
values, err = redis.Scan(values, &pkg.Path, &pkg.Synopsis, &kind)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !all && kind == "d" {
if pkg.Path == "C" {
pkg.Synopsis = "Package C is a \"pseudo-package\" used to access the C namespace from a cgo source file."
result = append(result, pkg)
return result, nil
func (db *Database) getPackages(key string, all bool) ([]Package, error) {
c := db.Pool.Get()
defer c.Close()
reply, err := c.Do("SORT", key, "ALPHA", "BY", "pkg:*->path", "GET", "pkg:*->path", "GET", "pkg:*->synopsis", "GET", "pkg:*->kind")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return packages(reply, all)
func (db *Database) GoIndex() ([]Package, error) {
return db.getPackages("index:project:go", false)
func (db *Database) GoSubrepoIndex() ([]Package, error) {
return db.getPackages("index:project:subrepo", false)
func (db *Database) Index() ([]Package, error) {
return db.getPackages("index:all:", false)
func (db *Database) Project(projectRoot string) ([]Package, error) {
return db.getPackages("index:project:"+normalizeProjectRoot(projectRoot), true)
func (db *Database) AllPackages() ([]Package, error) {
c := db.Pool.Get()
defer c.Close()
values, err := redis.Values(c.Do("SORT", "nextCrawl", "DESC", "BY", "pkg:*->score", "GET", "pkg:*->path", "GET", "pkg:*->kind"))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
result := make([]Package, 0, len(values)/2)
for len(values) > 0 {
var pkg Package
var kind string
values, err = redis.Scan(values, &pkg.Path, &kind)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if kind == "d" {
result = append(result, pkg)
return result, nil
var packagesScript = redis.NewScript(0, `
local result = {}
for i = 1,#ARGV do
local path = ARGV[i]
local synopsis = ''
local kind = 'u'
local id ='HGET', 'ids', path)
if id then
synopsis ='HGET', 'pkg:' .. id, 'synopsis')
kind ='HGET', 'pkg:' .. id, 'kind')
result[#result+1] = path
result[#result+1] = synopsis
result[#result+1] = kind
return result
func (db *Database) Packages(paths []string) ([]Package, error) {
var args []interface{}
for _, p := range paths {
args = append(args, p)
c := db.Pool.Get()
defer c.Close()
reply, err := packagesScript.Do(c, args...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pkgs, err := packages(reply, false)
return pkgs, err
func (db *Database) ImporterCount(path string) (int, error) {
c := db.Pool.Get()
defer c.Close()
return redis.Int(c.Do("SCARD", "index:import:"+path))
func (db *Database) Importers(path string) ([]Package, error) {
return db.getPackages("index:import:"+path, false)
func (db *Database) Block(root string) error {
c := db.Pool.Get()
defer c.Close()
if _, err := c.Do("SADD", "block", root); err != nil {
return err
keys, err := redis.Strings(c.Do("HKEYS", "ids"))
if err != nil {
return err
for _, key := range keys {
if key == root || strings.HasPrefix(key, root) && key[len(root)] == '/' {
if _, err := deleteScript.Do(c, key); err != nil {
return err
return nil
var isBlockedScript = redis.NewScript(0, `
local path = ''
for s in string.gmatch(ARGV[1], '[^/]+') do
path = path .. s
if'SISMEMBER', 'block', path) == 1 then
return 1
path = path .. '/'
return 0
func (db *Database) IsBlocked(path string) (bool, error) {
c := db.Pool.Get()
defer c.Close()
return redis.Bool(isBlockedScript.Do(c, path))
func (db *Database) Query(q string) ([]Package, error) {
terms := parseQuery(q)
if len(terms) == 0 {
return nil, nil
c := db.Pool.Get()
defer c.Close()
n, err := redis.Int(c.Do("INCR", "maxQueryId"))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
id := "tmp:query-" + strconv.Itoa(n)
args := []interface{}{id}
for _, term := range terms {
args = append(args, "index:"+term)
c.Send("SINTERSTORE", args...)
c.Send("SORT", id, "DESC", "BY", "pkg:*->score", "GET", "pkg:*->path", "GET", "pkg:*->synopsis", "GET", "pkg:*->kind")
c.Send("DEL", id)
values, err := redis.Values(c.Do(""))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pkgs, err := packages(values[1], false)
// Move exact match on standard package to the top of the list.
for i, pkg := range pkgs {
if !isStandardPackage(pkg.Path) {
if strings.HasSuffix(pkg.Path, q) {
pkgs[0], pkgs[i] = pkgs[i], pkgs[0]
return pkgs, err
type PackageInfo struct {
PDoc *doc.Package
Score float64
Kind string
Size int
// Do executes function f for each document in the database.
func (db *Database) Do(f func(*PackageInfo) error) error {
c := db.Pool.Get()
defer c.Close()
cursor := 0
c.Send("SCAN", cursor, "MATCH", "pkg:*")
for {
// Recieve previous SCAN.
values, err := redis.Values(c.Receive())
if err != nil {
return err
var keys [][]byte
if _, err := redis.Scan(values, &cursor, &keys); err != nil {
return err
if cursor == 0 {
for _, key := range keys {
c.Send("HMGET", key, "gob", "score", "kind", "path", "terms", "synopis")
c.Send("SCAN", cursor, "MATCH", "pkg:*")
for _ = range keys {
values, err := redis.Values(c.Receive())
if err != nil {
return err
var (
pi PackageInfo
p []byte
path string
terms string
synopsis string
if _, err := redis.Scan(values, &p, &pi.Score, &pi.Kind, &path, &terms, &synopsis); err != nil {
return err
if p == nil {
pi.Size = len(path) + len(p) + len(terms) + len(synopsis)
p, err = snappy.Decode(nil, p)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("snappy decoding %s: %v", path, err)
if err := gob.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(p)).Decode(&pi.PDoc); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("gob decoding %s: %v", path, err)
if err := f(&pi); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("func %s: %v", path, err)
return nil
var importGraphScript = redis.NewScript(0, `
local path = ARGV[1]
local id ='HGET', 'ids', path)
if not id then
return false
return'HMGET', 'pkg:' .. id, 'synopsis', 'terms')
func (db *Database) ImportGraph(pdoc *doc.Package, hideStdDeps bool) ([]Package, [][2]int, error) {
// This breadth-first traversal of the package's dependencies uses the
// Redis pipeline as queue. Links to packages with invalid import paths are
// only included for the root package.
c := db.Pool.Get()
defer c.Close()
if err := importGraphScript.Load(c); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
nodes := []Package{{Path: pdoc.ImportPath, Synopsis: pdoc.Synopsis}}
edges := [][2]int{}
index := map[string]int{pdoc.ImportPath: 0}
for _, path := range pdoc.Imports {
j := len(nodes)
index[path] = j
edges = append(edges, [2]int{0, j})
nodes = append(nodes, Package{Path: path})
importGraphScript.Send(c, path)
for i := 1; i < len(nodes); i++ {
r, err := redis.Values(c.Receive())
if err == redis.ErrNil {
} else if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
var synopsis, terms string
if _, err := redis.Scan(r, &synopsis, &terms); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
nodes[i].Synopsis = synopsis
if hideStdDeps && isStandardPackage(nodes[i].Path) {
for _, term := range strings.Fields(terms) {
if strings.HasPrefix(term, "import:") {
path := term[len("import:"):]
j, ok := index[path]
if !ok {
j = len(nodes)
index[path] = j
nodes = append(nodes, Package{Path: path})
importGraphScript.Send(c, path)
edges = append(edges, [2]int{i, j})
return nodes, edges, nil
func (db *Database) PutGob(key string, value interface{}) error {
var buf bytes.Buffer
if err := gob.NewEncoder(&buf).Encode(value); err != nil {
return err
c := db.Pool.Get()
defer c.Close()
_, err := c.Do("SET", "gob:"+key, buf.Bytes())
return err
func (db *Database) GetGob(key string, value interface{}) error {
c := db.Pool.Get()
defer c.Close()
p, err := redis.Bytes(c.Do("GET", "gob:"+key))
if err == redis.ErrNil {
return nil
} else if err != nil {
return err
return gob.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(p)).Decode(value)
var incrementPopularScoreScript = redis.NewScript(0, `
local path = ARGV[1]
local n = ARGV[2]
local t = ARGV[3]
local id ='HGET', 'ids', path)
if not id then
local t0 ='GET', 'popular:0') or '0'
local f = math.exp(tonumber(t) - tonumber(t0))'ZINCRBY', 'popular', tonumber(n) * f, id)
if f > 10 then'SET', 'popular:0', t)'ZUNIONSTORE', 'popular', 1, 'popular', 'WEIGHTS', 1.0 / f)'ZREMRANGEBYSCORE', 'popular', '-inf', 0.05)
const popularHalfLife = time.Hour * 24 * 7
func (db *Database) incrementPopularScoreInternal(path string, delta float64, t time.Time) error {
// nt = n0 * math.Exp(-lambda * t)
// lambda = math.Ln2 / thalf
c := db.Pool.Get()
defer c.Close()
const lambda = math.Ln2 / float64(popularHalfLife)
scaledTime := lambda * float64(t.Sub(time.Unix(1257894000, 0)))
_, err := incrementPopularScoreScript.Do(c, path, delta, scaledTime)
return err
func (db *Database) IncrementPopularScore(path string) error {
return db.incrementPopularScoreInternal(path, 1, time.Now())
var popularScript = redis.NewScript(0, `
local stop = ARGV[1]
local ids ='ZREVRANGE', 'popular', '0', stop)
local result = {}
for i=1,#ids do
local values ='HMGET', 'pkg:' .. ids[i], 'path', 'synopsis', 'kind')
result[#result+1] = values[1]
result[#result+1] = values[2]
result[#result+1] = values[3]
return result
func (db *Database) Popular(count int) ([]Package, error) {
c := db.Pool.Get()
defer c.Close()
reply, err := popularScript.Do(c, count-1)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pkgs, err := packages(reply, false)
return pkgs, err
var popularWithScoreScript = redis.NewScript(0, `
local ids ='ZREVRANGE', 'popular', '0', -1, 'WITHSCORES')
local result = {}
for i=1,#ids,2 do
result[#result+1] ='HGET', 'pkg:' .. ids[i], 'path')
result[#result+1] = ids[i+1]
result[#result+1] = 'p'
return result
func (db *Database) PopularWithScores() ([]Package, error) {
c := db.Pool.Get()
defer c.Close()
reply, err := popularWithScoreScript.Do(c)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pkgs, err := packages(reply, false)
return pkgs, err
func (db *Database) PopNewCrawl() (string, bool, error) {
c := db.Pool.Get()
defer c.Close()
var subdirs []Package
path, err := redis.String(c.Do("SPOP", "newCrawl"))
switch {
case err == redis.ErrNil:
err = nil
path = ""
case err == nil:
subdirs, err = db.getSubdirs(c, path, nil)
return path, len(subdirs) > 0, err
func (db *Database) AddBadCrawl(path string) error {
c := db.Pool.Get()
defer c.Close()
_, err := c.Do("SADD", "badCrawl", path)
return err
var incrementCounterScript = redis.NewScript(0, `
local key = 'counter:' .. ARGV[1]
local n = tonumber(ARGV[2])
local t = tonumber(ARGV[3])
local exp = tonumber(ARGV[4])
local counter ='GET', key)
if counter then
counter = cjson.decode(counter)
n = n + counter.n * math.exp(counter.t - t)
end'SET', key, cjson.encode({n = n; t = t}))'EXPIRE', key, exp)
return tostring(n)
const counterHalflife = time.Hour
func (db *Database) incrementCounterInternal(key string, delta float64, t time.Time) (float64, error) {
// nt = n0 * math.Exp(-lambda * t)
// lambda = math.Ln2 / thalf
c := db.Pool.Get()
defer c.Close()
const lambda = math.Ln2 / float64(counterHalflife)
scaledTime := lambda * float64(t.Sub(time.Unix(1257894000, 0)))
return redis.Float64(incrementCounterScript.Do(c, key, delta, scaledTime, (4*counterHalflife)/time.Second))
func (db *Database) IncrementCounter(key string, delta float64) (float64, error) {
return db.incrementCounterInternal(key, delta, time.Now())