blob: 877e6ea5c8f57e7e35664f26a7d1da25f7a113f9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
package database
import (
// PackageDocument defines the data structure used to represent a package document
// in the search index.
type PackageDocument struct {
Name search.Atom
Path string
Synopsis string
Score float64
ImportCount float64
Stars float64
Fork search.Atom
// PutIndex creates or updates a package entry in the search index. id identifies the document in the index.
// If pdoc is non-nil, PutIndex will update the package's name, path and synopsis supplied by pdoc.
// pdoc must be non-nil for a package's first call to PutIndex.
// PutIndex updates the Score to score, if non-negative.
func PutIndex(c context.Context, pdoc *doc.Package, id string, score float64, importCount int) error {
if id == "" {
return errors.New("indexae: no id assigned")
idx, err := search.Open("packages")
if err != nil {
return err
var pkg PackageDocument
if err := idx.Get(c, id, &pkg); err != nil {
if err != search.ErrNoSuchDocument {
return err
} else if pdoc == nil {
// Cannot update a non-existing document.
return errors.New("indexae: cannot create new document with nil pdoc")
// No such document in the index, fall through.
// Update document information accordingly.
if pdoc != nil {
pkg.Name = search.Atom(pdoc.Name)
pkg.Path = pdoc.ImportPath
pkg.Synopsis = pdoc.Synopsis
pkg.Stars = float64(pdoc.Stars)
var fork string
if forkAvailable(pdoc.ImportPath) {
fork = fmt.Sprint(pdoc.Fork) // "true" or "false"
pkg.Fork = search.Atom(fork)
if score >= 0 {
pkg.Score = score
pkg.ImportCount = float64(importCount)
if _, err := idx.Put(c, id, &pkg); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func forkAvailable(p string) bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(p, "") || strings.HasPrefix(p, "")
// Search searches the packages index for a given query. A path-like query string
// will be passed in unchanged, whereas single words will be stemmed.
func Search(c context.Context, q string) ([]Package, error) {
index, err := search.Open("packages")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var pkgs []Package
opt := &search.SearchOptions{
Sort: &search.SortOptions{
Expressions: []search.SortExpression{
{Expr: "Score * log(10 + ImportCount)"},
for it := index.Search(c, parseQuery2(q), opt); ; {
var pd PackageDocument
_, err := it.Next(&pd)
if err == search.Done {
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pkg := Package{
Path: pd.Path,
ImportCount: int(pd.ImportCount),
Synopsis: pd.Synopsis,
if pd.Fork == "true" {
pkg.Fork = true
if pd.Stars > 0 {
pkg.Stars = int(pd.Stars)
pkgs = append(pkgs, pkg)
return pkgs, nil
func parseQuery2(q string) string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
for _, s := range strings.FieldsFunc(q, isTermSep2) {
if strings.ContainsAny(s, "./") {
// Quote terms with / or . for path like query.
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%q ", s)
} else {
// Stem for single word terms.
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "~%v ", s)
return buf.String()
func isTermSep2(r rune) bool {
return unicode.IsSpace(r) ||
r != '.' && r != '/' && unicode.IsPunct(r) ||