blob: 4b2f08569b711194b4a13b5e471d86096eadec2f [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// TODO: verify that the output of Marshal{Text,JSON} is suitably escaped.
package slog
import (
func TestDefaultHandle(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
preAttrs := []Attr{Int("pre", 0)}
attrs := []Attr{Int("a", 1), String("b", "two")}
for _, test := range []struct {
name string
with func(Handler) Handler
attrs []Attr
want string
name: "no attrs",
want: "INFO message",
name: "attrs",
attrs: attrs,
want: "INFO message a=1 b=two",
name: "preformatted",
with: func(h Handler) Handler { return h.WithAttrs(preAttrs) },
attrs: attrs,
want: "INFO message pre=0 a=1 b=two",
name: "groups",
attrs: []Attr{
Int("a", 1),
Int("b", 2),
Group("h", Int("c", 3)),
Int("d", 4)),
Int("e", 5),
want: "INFO message a=1 g.b=2 g.h.c=3 g.d=4 e=5",
name: "group",
with: func(h Handler) Handler { return h.WithAttrs(preAttrs).WithGroup("s") },
attrs: attrs,
want: "INFO message pre=0 s.a=1 s.b=two",
name: "preformatted groups",
with: func(h Handler) Handler {
return h.WithAttrs([]Attr{Int("p1", 1)}).
WithAttrs([]Attr{Int("p2", 2)}).
attrs: attrs,
want: "INFO message p1=1 s1.p2=2 s1.s2.a=1 s1.s2.b=two",
name: "two with-groups",
with: func(h Handler) Handler {
return h.WithAttrs([]Attr{Int("p1", 1)}).
attrs: attrs,
want: "INFO message p1=1 s1.s2.a=1 s1.s2.b=two",
} {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
var got string
var h Handler = newDefaultHandler(func(_ int, s string) error {
got = s
return nil
if test.with != nil {
h = test.with(h)
r := NewRecord(time.Time{}, LevelInfo, "message", 0)
if err := h.Handle(ctx, r); err != nil {
if got != test.want {
t.Errorf("\ngot %s\nwant %s", got, test.want)
// Verify the common parts of TextHandler and JSONHandler.
func TestJSONAndTextHandlers(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
// remove all Attrs
removeAll := func(_ []string, a Attr) Attr { return Attr{} }
attrs := []Attr{String("a", "one"), Int("b", 2), Any("", nil)}
preAttrs := []Attr{Int("pre", 3), String("x", "y")}
for _, test := range []struct {
name string
replace func([]string, Attr) Attr
addSource bool
with func(Handler) Handler
preAttrs []Attr
attrs []Attr
wantText string
wantJSON string
name: "basic",
attrs: attrs,
wantText: "time=2000-01-02T03:04:05.000Z level=INFO msg=message a=one b=2",
wantJSON: `{"time":"2000-01-02T03:04:05Z","level":"INFO","msg":"message","a":"one","b":2}`,
name: "empty key",
attrs: append(slices.Clip(attrs), Any("", "v")),
wantText: `time=2000-01-02T03:04:05.000Z level=INFO msg=message a=one b=2 ""=v`,
wantJSON: `{"time":"2000-01-02T03:04:05Z","level":"INFO","msg":"message","a":"one","b":2,"":"v"}`,
name: "cap keys",
replace: upperCaseKey,
attrs: attrs,
wantText: "TIME=2000-01-02T03:04:05.000Z LEVEL=INFO MSG=message A=one B=2",
wantJSON: `{"TIME":"2000-01-02T03:04:05Z","LEVEL":"INFO","MSG":"message","A":"one","B":2}`,
name: "remove all",
replace: removeAll,
attrs: attrs,
wantText: "",
wantJSON: `{}`,
name: "preformatted",
with: func(h Handler) Handler { return h.WithAttrs(preAttrs) },
preAttrs: preAttrs,
attrs: attrs,
wantText: "time=2000-01-02T03:04:05.000Z level=INFO msg=message pre=3 x=y a=one b=2",
wantJSON: `{"time":"2000-01-02T03:04:05Z","level":"INFO","msg":"message","pre":3,"x":"y","a":"one","b":2}`,
name: "preformatted cap keys",
replace: upperCaseKey,
with: func(h Handler) Handler { return h.WithAttrs(preAttrs) },
preAttrs: preAttrs,
attrs: attrs,
wantText: "TIME=2000-01-02T03:04:05.000Z LEVEL=INFO MSG=message PRE=3 X=y A=one B=2",
wantJSON: `{"TIME":"2000-01-02T03:04:05Z","LEVEL":"INFO","MSG":"message","PRE":3,"X":"y","A":"one","B":2}`,
name: "preformatted remove all",
replace: removeAll,
with: func(h Handler) Handler { return h.WithAttrs(preAttrs) },
preAttrs: preAttrs,
attrs: attrs,
wantText: "",
wantJSON: "{}",
name: "remove built-in",
replace: removeKeys(TimeKey, LevelKey, MessageKey),
attrs: attrs,
wantText: "a=one b=2",
wantJSON: `{"a":"one","b":2}`,
name: "preformatted remove built-in",
replace: removeKeys(TimeKey, LevelKey, MessageKey),
with: func(h Handler) Handler { return h.WithAttrs(preAttrs) },
attrs: attrs,
wantText: "pre=3 x=y a=one b=2",
wantJSON: `{"pre":3,"x":"y","a":"one","b":2}`,
name: "groups",
replace: removeKeys(TimeKey, LevelKey), // to simplify the result
attrs: []Attr{
Int("a", 1),
Int("b", 2),
Group("h", Int("c", 3)),
Int("d", 4)),
Int("e", 5),
wantText: "msg=message a=1 g.b=2 g.h.c=3 g.d=4 e=5",
wantJSON: `{"msg":"message","a":1,"g":{"b":2,"h":{"c":3},"d":4},"e":5}`,
name: "empty group",
replace: removeKeys(TimeKey, LevelKey),
attrs: []Attr{Group("g"), Group("h", Int("a", 1))},
wantText: "msg=message h.a=1",
wantJSON: `{"msg":"message","h":{"a":1}}`,
name: "escapes",
replace: removeKeys(TimeKey, LevelKey),
attrs: []Attr{
String("a b", "x\t\n\000y"),
Group(" b.c=\"\\x2E\t",
String("d=e", "f.g\""),
Int("m.d", 1)), // dot is not escaped
wantText: `msg=message "a b"="x\t\n\x00y" " b.c=\"\\x2E\t.d=e"="f.g\"" " b.c=\"\\x2E\t.m.d"=1`,
wantJSON: `{"msg":"message","a b":"x\t\n\u0000y"," b.c=\"\\x2E\t":{"d=e":"f.g\"","m.d":1}}`,
name: "LogValuer",
replace: removeKeys(TimeKey, LevelKey),
attrs: []Attr{
Int("a", 1),
Any("name", logValueName{"Ren", "Hoek"}),
Int("b", 2),
wantText: "msg=message a=1 name.first=Ren name.last=Hoek b=2",
wantJSON: `{"msg":"message","a":1,"name":{"first":"Ren","last":"Hoek"},"b":2}`,
// Test resolution when there is no ReplaceAttr function.
name: "resolve",
attrs: []Attr{
Any("", &replace{Value{}}), // should be elided
Any("name", logValueName{"Ren", "Hoek"}),
wantText: "time=2000-01-02T03:04:05.000Z level=INFO msg=message name.first=Ren name.last=Hoek",
wantJSON: `{"time":"2000-01-02T03:04:05Z","level":"INFO","msg":"message","name":{"first":"Ren","last":"Hoek"}}`,
name: "with-group",
replace: removeKeys(TimeKey, LevelKey),
with: func(h Handler) Handler { return h.WithAttrs(preAttrs).WithGroup("s") },
attrs: attrs,
wantText: "msg=message pre=3 x=y s.a=one s.b=2",
wantJSON: `{"msg":"message","pre":3,"x":"y","s":{"a":"one","b":2}}`,
name: "preformatted with-groups",
replace: removeKeys(TimeKey, LevelKey),
with: func(h Handler) Handler {
return h.WithAttrs([]Attr{Int("p1", 1)}).
WithAttrs([]Attr{Int("p2", 2)}).
attrs: attrs,
wantText: "msg=message p1=1 s1.p2=2 s1.s2.a=one s1.s2.b=2",
wantJSON: `{"msg":"message","p1":1,"s1":{"p2":2,"s2":{"a":"one","b":2}}}`,
name: "two with-groups",
replace: removeKeys(TimeKey, LevelKey),
with: func(h Handler) Handler {
return h.WithAttrs([]Attr{Int("p1", 1)}).
attrs: attrs,
wantText: "msg=message p1=1 s1.s2.a=one s1.s2.b=2",
wantJSON: `{"msg":"message","p1":1,"s1":{"s2":{"a":"one","b":2}}}`,
name: "GroupValue as Attr value",
replace: removeKeys(TimeKey, LevelKey),
attrs: []Attr{{"v", AnyValue(IntValue(3))}},
wantText: "msg=message v=3",
wantJSON: `{"msg":"message","v":3}`,
name: "byte slice",
replace: removeKeys(TimeKey, LevelKey),
attrs: []Attr{Any("bs", []byte{1, 2, 3, 4})},
wantText: `msg=message bs="\x01\x02\x03\x04"`,
wantJSON: `{"msg":"message","bs":"AQIDBA=="}`,
name: "json.RawMessage",
replace: removeKeys(TimeKey, LevelKey),
attrs: []Attr{Any("bs", json.RawMessage([]byte("1234")))},
wantText: `msg=message bs="1234"`,
wantJSON: `{"msg":"message","bs":1234}`,
name: "inline group",
replace: removeKeys(TimeKey, LevelKey),
attrs: []Attr{
Int("a", 1),
Group("", Int("b", 2), Int("c", 3)),
Int("d", 4),
wantText: `msg=message a=1 b=2 c=3 d=4`,
wantJSON: `{"msg":"message","a":1,"b":2,"c":3,"d":4}`,
name: "Source",
replace: func(gs []string, a Attr) Attr {
if a.Key == SourceKey {
s := a.Value.Any().(*Source)
s.File = filepath.Base(s.File)
return Any(a.Key, s)
return removeKeys(TimeKey, LevelKey)(gs, a)
addSource: true,
wantText: `source=handler_test.go:$LINE msg=message`,
wantJSON: `{"source":{"function":"","file":"handler_test.go","line":$LINE},"msg":"message"}`,
} {
r := NewRecord(testTime, LevelInfo, "message", callerPC(2))
line := strconv.Itoa(r.source().Line)
var buf bytes.Buffer
opts := HandlerOptions{ReplaceAttr: test.replace, AddSource: test.addSource}
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
for _, handler := range []struct {
name string
h Handler
want string
{"text", NewTextHandler(&buf, &opts), test.wantText},
{"json", NewJSONHandler(&buf, &opts), test.wantJSON},
} {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
h := handler.h
if test.with != nil {
h = test.with(h)
if err := h.Handle(ctx, r); err != nil {
want := strings.ReplaceAll(handler.want, "$LINE", line)
got := strings.TrimSuffix(buf.String(), "\n")
if got != want {
t.Errorf("\ngot %s\nwant %s\n", got, want)
// removeKeys returns a function suitable for HandlerOptions.ReplaceAttr
// that removes all Attrs with the given keys.
func removeKeys(keys ...string) func([]string, Attr) Attr {
return func(_ []string, a Attr) Attr {
for _, k := range keys {
if a.Key == k {
return Attr{}
return a
func upperCaseKey(_ []string, a Attr) Attr {
a.Key = strings.ToUpper(a.Key)
return a
type logValueName struct {
first, last string
func (n logValueName) LogValue() Value {
return GroupValue(
String("first", n.first),
String("last", n.last))
func TestHandlerEnabled(t *testing.T) {
levelVar := func(l Level) *LevelVar {
var al LevelVar
return &al
for _, test := range []struct {
leveler Leveler
want bool
{nil, true},
{LevelWarn, false},
{&LevelVar{}, true}, // defaults to Info
{levelVar(LevelWarn), false},
{LevelDebug, true},
{levelVar(LevelDebug), true},
} {
h := &commonHandler{opts: HandlerOptions{Level: test.leveler}}
got := h.enabled(LevelInfo)
if got != test.want {
t.Errorf("%v: got %t, want %t", test.leveler, got, test.want)
func TestSecondWith(t *testing.T) {
// Verify that a second call to Logger.With does not corrupt
// the original.
var buf bytes.Buffer
h := NewTextHandler(&buf, &HandlerOptions{ReplaceAttr: removeKeys(TimeKey)})
logger := New(h).With(
String("app", "playground"),
String("role", "tester"),
Int("data_version", 2),
appLogger := logger.With("type", "log") // this becomes type=met
_ = logger.With("type", "metric")
got := strings.TrimSpace(buf.String())
want := `level=INFO msg=foo app=playground role=tester data_version=2 type=log`
if got != want {
t.Errorf("\ngot %s\nwant %s", got, want)
func TestReplaceAttrGroups(t *testing.T) {
// Verify that ReplaceAttr is called with the correct groups.
type ga struct {
groups string
key string
val string
var got []ga
h := NewTextHandler(io.Discard, &HandlerOptions{ReplaceAttr: func(gs []string, a Attr) Attr {
v := a.Value.String()
if a.Key == TimeKey {
v = "<now>"
got = append(got, ga{strings.Join(gs, ","), a.Key, v})
return a
With(Int("a", 1)).
With(Int("b", 2)).
Int("c", 3),
Group("g3", Int("d", 4)),
Int("e", 5)).
Int("f", 6),
Group("g4", Int("h", 7)),
Int("i", 8))
want := []ga{
{"", "a", "1"},
{"g1", "b", "2"},
{"g1,g2", "c", "3"},
{"g1,g2,g3", "d", "4"},
{"g1,g2", "e", "5"},
{"", "time", "<now>"},
{"", "level", "INFO"},
{"", "msg", "m"},
{"g1,g2", "f", "6"},
{"g1,g2,g4", "h", "7"},
{"g1,g2", "i", "8"},
if !slices.Equal(got, want) {
t.Errorf("\ngot %v\nwant %v", got, want)
const rfc3339Millis = "2006-01-02T15:04:05.000Z07:00"
func TestWriteTimeRFC3339(t *testing.T) {
for _, tm := range []time.Time{
time.Date(2000, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, time.UTC),
time.Date(2000, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 400, time.Local),
time.Date(2000, 11, 12, 3, 4, 500, 5e7, time.UTC),
} {
want := tm.Format(rfc3339Millis)
buf := buffer.New()
defer buf.Free()
writeTimeRFC3339Millis(buf, tm)
got := buf.String()
if got != want {
t.Errorf("got %s, want %s", got, want)
func BenchmarkWriteTime(b *testing.B) {
buf := buffer.New()
defer buf.Free()
tm := time.Date(2022, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 823456789, time.Local)
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
writeTimeRFC3339Millis(buf, tm)