blob: 5d0dbb5ef7a922afeda541573f6a6f8e944688cc [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
package p
// old
type SM struct {
func (SM) V1() {}
func (SM) V2() {}
func (SM) V3() {}
func (SM) V4() {}
func (SM) v() {}
func (*SM) P1() {}
func (*SM) P2() {}
func (*SM) P3() {}
func (*SM) P4() {}
func (*SM) p() {}
type embedm int
func (embedm) EV1() {}
func (embedm) EV2() {}
func (embedm) EV3() {}
func (*embedm) EP1() {}
func (*embedm) EP2() {}
func (*embedm) EP3() {}
type Embedm struct {
A int
func (Embedm) FV() {}
func (*Embedm) FP() {}
type RepeatEmbedm struct {
// new
type SM struct {
// i SM.A: changed from int to bool
// c SMa: added
type SMa = SM
func (SM) V1() {} // OK: same
// func (SM) V2() {}
// i SM.V2: removed
// i SM.V3: changed from func() to func(int)
func (SM) V3(int) {}
// c SM.V5: added
func (SM) V5() {}
func (SM) v(int) {} // OK: unexported method change
func (SM) v2() {} // OK: unexported method added
func (*SM) P1() {} // OK: same
//func (*SM) P2() {}
// i (*SM).P2: removed
// i (*SM).P3: changed from func() to func(int)
func (*SMa) P3(int) {}
// c (*SM).P5: added
func (*SM) P5() {}
// func (*SM) p() {} // OK: unexported method removed
// Changing from a value to a pointer receiver or vice versa
// just looks like adding and removing a method.
// i SM.V4: removed
// i (*SM).V4: changed from func() to func(int)
func (*SM) V4(int) {}
// c SM.P4: added
// P4 is not removed from (*SM) because value methods
// are in the pointer method set.
func (SM) P4() {}
type embedm2 int
// i embedm.EV1: changed from func() to func(int)
func (embedm2) EV1(int) {}
// i embedm.EV2, method set of SM: removed
// i embedm.EV2, method set of *SM: removed
// i (*embedm).EP2, method set of *SM: removed
func (*embedm2) EP1() {}
type embedm3 int
func (embedm3) EV3() {} // OK: compatible with old embedm.EV3
func (*embedm3) EP3() {} // OK: compatible with old (*embedm).EP3
type Embedm struct {
// i Embedm.A: changed from int to bool
A bool
// i Embedm.FV: changed from func() to func(int)
func (Embedm) FV(int) {}
func (*Embedm) FP() {}
type RepeatEmbedm struct {
// i RepeatEmbedm.A: changed from int to bool