blob: 66d6c0dc2dd76575ffa3343300c481661520f2c5 [file] [log] [blame]
// +build ignore
package main
// ssadump: a tool for displaying and interpreting the SSA form of Go programs.
import (
// TODO(adonovan): perhaps these should each be separate flags?
var buildFlag = flag.String("build", "", `Options controlling the SSA builder.
The value is a sequence of zero or more of these letters:
C perform sanity [C]hecking of the SSA form.
P log [P]ackage inventory.
F log [F]unction SSA code.
S log [S]ource locations as SSA builder progresses.
G use binary object files from gc to provide imports (no code).
L build distinct packages seria[L]ly instead of in parallel.
N build [N]aive SSA form: don't replace local loads/stores with registers.
var runFlag = flag.Bool("run", false, "Invokes the SSA interpreter on the program.")
var interpFlag = flag.String("interp", "", `Options controlling the SSA test interpreter.
The value is a sequence of zero or more more of these letters:
R disable [R]ecover() from panic; show interpreter crash instead.
T [T]race execution of the program. Best for single-threaded programs!
const usage = `SSA builder and interpreter.
Usage: ssadump [<flag> ...] [<file.go> ...] [<arg> ...]
ssadump [<flag> ...] <import/path> [<arg> ...]
Use -help flag to display options.
% ssadump -run -interp=T hello.go # interpret a program, with tracing
% ssadump -build=FPG hello.go # quickly dump SSA form of a single package
var cpuprofile = flag.String("cpuprofile", "", "write cpu profile to file")
func main() {
args := flag.Args()
// TODO(adonovan): perhaps we need a more extensible option
// API than a bitset, e.g. a struct with a sane zero value?
var mode ssa.BuilderMode
for _, c := range *buildFlag {
switch c {
case 'P':
mode |= ssa.LogPackages | ssa.BuildSerially
case 'F':
mode |= ssa.LogFunctions | ssa.BuildSerially
case 'S':
mode |= ssa.LogSource | ssa.BuildSerially
case 'C':
mode |= ssa.SanityCheckFunctions
case 'N':
mode |= ssa.NaiveForm
case 'G':
mode |= ssa.UseGCImporter
case 'L':
mode |= ssa.BuildSerially
log.Fatalf("Unknown -build option: '%c'.", c)
var interpMode interp.Mode
for _, c := range *interpFlag {
switch c {
case 'T':
interpMode |= interp.EnableTracing
case 'R':
interpMode |= interp.DisableRecover
log.Fatalf("Unknown -interp option: '%c'.", c)
if len(args) == 0 {
fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, usage)
// Profiling support.
if *cpuprofile != "" {
f, err := os.Create(*cpuprofile)
if err != nil {
defer pprof.StopCPUProfile()
// TODO(adonovan/gri): the cascade of errors is confusing due
// to reentrant control flow. Disable for now and re-think.
var errh func(error)
// errh = func(err error) { fmt.Println(err.Error()) }
loader := ssa.GorootLoader
b := ssa.NewBuilder(mode, loader, errh)
var pkgname string
var files []*ast.File
var err error
switch {
case len(args) == 0:
log.Fatal("No *.go source files nor package name was specified.")
case strings.HasSuffix(args[0], ".go"):
// % ssadump a.go b.go ...
// Leading consecutive *.go arguments constitute main package.
i := 1
for ; i < len(args) && strings.HasSuffix(args[i], ".go"); i++ {
files, err = ssa.ParseFiles(b.Prog.Files, ".", args[:i]...)
pkgname = "main"
args = args[i:]
// % ssadump my/package ...
// First argument is import path of main package.
pkgname = args[0]
args = args[1:]
files, err = loader(b.Prog.Files, pkgname)
if err != nil {
// TODO(gri): make it a typechecker error for there to be
// duplicate (e.g.) main functions in the same package.
mainpkg, err := b.CreatePackage(pkgname, files)
if err != nil {
b = nil // discard Builder
if *runFlag {
interp.Interpret(mainpkg, interpMode, pkgname, args)