blob: 6f6e058a850c60d0bb9801c0d6bbfe963d70c7b5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This file defines operands and associated operations.
package types
import (
// An operandMode specifies the (addressing) mode of an operand.
type operandMode int
const (
invalid operandMode = iota // operand is invalid (due to an earlier error) - ignore
novalue // operand represents no value (result of a function call w/o result)
typexpr // operand is a type
constant // operand is a constant; the operand's typ is a Basic type
variable // operand is an addressable variable
value // operand is a computed value
valueok // like mode == value, but operand may be used in a comma,ok expression
var operandModeString = [...]string{
invalid: "invalid",
novalue: "no value",
typexpr: "type",
constant: "constant",
variable: "variable",
value: "value",
valueok: "value,ok",
// An operand represents an intermediate value during type checking.
// Operands have an (addressing) mode, the expression evaluating to
// the operand, the operand's type, and for constants a constant value.
type operand struct {
mode operandMode
expr ast.Expr
typ Type
val interface{}
// pos returns the position of the expression corresponding to x.
// If x is invalid the position is token.NoPos.
func (x *operand) pos() token.Pos {
// x.expr may not be set if x is invalid
if x.expr == nil {
return token.NoPos
return x.expr.Pos()
func (x *operand) String() string {
if x.mode == invalid {
return "invalid operand"
var buf bytes.Buffer
if x.expr != nil {
buf.WriteString(" (")
if x.mode == constant {
format := " %v"
if isString(x.typ) {
format = " %q"
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, format, x.val)
if x.mode != novalue && (x.mode != constant || !isUntyped(x.typ)) {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, " of type %s", typeString(x.typ))
if x.expr != nil {
return buf.String()
// setConst sets x to the untyped constant for literal lit.
func (x *operand) setConst(tok token.Token, lit string) {
x.mode = invalid
var kind BasicKind
var val interface{}
switch tok {
case token.INT:
kind = UntypedInt
val = makeIntConst(lit)
case token.FLOAT:
kind = UntypedFloat
val = makeFloatConst(lit)
case token.IMAG:
kind = UntypedComplex
val = makeComplexConst(lit)
case token.CHAR:
kind = UntypedRune
val = makeRuneConst(lit)
case token.STRING:
kind = UntypedString
val = makeStringConst(lit)
if val != nil {
x.mode = constant
x.typ = Typ[kind]
x.val = val
// isNil reports whether x is the predeclared nil constant.
func (x *operand) isNil() bool {
return x.mode == constant && x.val == nilConst
// TODO(gri) The functions operand.isAssignable, checker.convertUntyped,
// checker.isRepresentable, and checker.assignOperand are
// overlapping in functionality. Need to simplify and clean up.
// isAssignable reports whether x is assignable to a variable of type T.
func (x *operand) isAssignable(ctxt *Context, T Type) bool {
if x.mode == invalid || T == Typ[Invalid] {
return true // avoid spurious errors
V := x.typ
// x's type is identical to T
if IsIdentical(V, T) {
return true
Vu := underlying(V)
Tu := underlying(T)
// x's type V and T have identical underlying types
// and at least one of V or T is not a named type
if IsIdentical(Vu, Tu) {
return !isNamed(V) || !isNamed(T)
// T is an interface type and x implements T
if Ti, ok := Tu.(*Interface); ok {
if m, _ := missingMethod(x.typ, Ti); m == nil {
return true
// x is a bidirectional channel value, T is a channel
// type, x's type V and T have identical element types,
// and at least one of V or T is not a named type
if Vc, ok := Vu.(*Chan); ok && Vc.Dir == ast.SEND|ast.RECV {
if Tc, ok := Tu.(*Chan); ok && IsIdentical(Vc.Elt, Tc.Elt) {
return !isNamed(V) || !isNamed(T)
// x is the predeclared identifier nil and T is a pointer,
// function, slice, map, channel, or interface type
if x.isNil() {
switch t := Tu.(type) {
case *Basic:
if t.Kind == UnsafePointer {
return true
case *Pointer, *Signature, *Slice, *Map, *Chan, *Interface:
return true
return false
// x is an untyped constant representable by a value of type T
// TODO(gri) This is borrowing from checker.convertUntyped and
// checker.isRepresentable. Need to clean up.
if isUntyped(Vu) {
switch t := Tu.(type) {
case *Basic:
if x.mode == constant {
return isRepresentableConst(x.val, ctxt, t.Kind)
// The result of a comparison is an untyped boolean,
// but may not be a constant.
if Vb, _ := Vu.(*Basic); Vb != nil {
return Vb.Kind == UntypedBool && isBoolean(Tu)
case *Interface:
return x.isNil() || len(t.Methods) == 0
case *Pointer, *Signature, *Slice, *Map, *Chan:
return x.isNil()
return false
// isInteger reports whether x is a (typed or untyped) integer value.
func (x *operand) isInteger() bool {
return x.mode == invalid ||
isInteger(x.typ) ||
x.mode == constant && isRepresentableConst(x.val, nil, UntypedInt) // no context required for UntypedInt
// lookupResult represents the result of a struct field/method lookup.
type lookupResult struct {
mode operandMode
typ Type
index []int // field index sequence; nil for methods
type embeddedType struct {
typ *NamedType
index []int // field index sequence
multiples bool // if set, typ is embedded multiple times at the same level
// lookupFieldBreadthFirst searches all types in list for a single entry (field
// or method) of the given name from the given package. If such a field is found,
// the result describes the field mode and type; otherwise the result mode is invalid.
// (This function is similar in structure to FieldByNameFunc in reflect/type.go)
func lookupFieldBreadthFirst(list []embeddedType, name QualifiedName) (res lookupResult) {
// visited records the types that have been searched already.
visited := make(map[*NamedType]bool)
// embedded types of the next lower level
var next []embeddedType
// potentialMatch is invoked every time a match is found.
potentialMatch := func(multiples bool, mode operandMode, typ Type) bool {
if multiples || res.mode != invalid {
// name appeared already at this level - annihilate
res.mode = invalid
return false
// first appearance of name
res.mode = mode
res.typ = typ
res.index = nil
return true
// Search the current level if there is any work to do and collect
// embedded types of the next lower level in the next list.
for len(list) > 0 {
// The res.mode indicates whether we have found a match already
// on this level (mode != invalid), or not (mode == invalid).
assert(res.mode == invalid)
// start with empty next list (don't waste underlying array)
next = next[:0]
// look for name in all types at this level
for _, e := range list {
typ := e.typ
if visited[typ] {
visited[typ] = true
// look for a matching attached method
for _, m := range typ.Methods {
if name.IsSame(m.QualifiedName) {
assert(m.Type != nil)
if !potentialMatch(e.multiples, value, m.Type) {
return // name collision
switch t := typ.Underlying.(type) {
case *Struct:
// look for a matching field and collect embedded types
for i, f := range t.Fields {
if name.IsSame(f.QualifiedName) {
assert(f.Type != nil)
if !potentialMatch(e.multiples, variable, f.Type) {
return // name collision
var index []int
index = append(index, e.index...) // copy e.index
index = append(index, i)
res.index = index
// Collect embedded struct fields for searching the next
// lower level, but only if we have not seen a match yet
// (if we have a match it is either the desired field or
// we have a name collision on the same level; in either
// case we don't need to look further).
// Embedded fields are always of the form T or *T where
// T is a named type. If typ appeared multiple times at
// this level, f.Type appears multiple times at the next
// level.
if f.IsAnonymous && res.mode == invalid {
// Ignore embedded basic types - only user-defined
// named types can have methods or have struct fields.
if t, _ := deref(f.Type).(*NamedType); t != nil {
var index []int
index = append(index, e.index...) // copy e.index
index = append(index, i)
next = append(next, embeddedType{t, index, e.multiples})
case *Interface:
// look for a matching method
for _, m := range t.Methods {
if name.IsSame(m.QualifiedName) {
assert(m.Type != nil)
if !potentialMatch(e.multiples, value, m.Type) {
return // name collision
if res.mode != invalid {
// we found a single match on this level
// No match and no collision so far.
// Compute the list to search for the next level.
list = list[:0] // don't waste underlying array
for _, e := range next {
// Instead of adding the same type multiple times, look for
// it in the list and mark it as multiple if it was added
// before.
// We use a sequential search (instead of a map for next)
// because the lists tend to be small, can easily be reused,
// and explicit search appears to be faster in this case.
if alt := findType(list, e.typ); alt != nil {
alt.multiples = true
} else {
list = append(list, e)
func findType(list []embeddedType, typ *NamedType) *embeddedType {
for i := range list {
if p := &list[i]; p.typ == typ {
return p
return nil
func lookupField(typ Type, name QualifiedName) lookupResult {
typ = deref(typ)
if t, ok := typ.(*NamedType); ok {
for _, m := range t.Methods {
if name.IsSame(m.QualifiedName) {
assert(m.Type != nil)
return lookupResult{value, m.Type, nil}
typ = t.Underlying
switch t := typ.(type) {
case *Struct:
var next []embeddedType
for i, f := range t.Fields {
if name.IsSame(f.QualifiedName) {
return lookupResult{variable, f.Type, []int{i}}
if f.IsAnonymous {
// Possible optimization: If the embedded type
// is a pointer to the current type we could
// ignore it.
// Ignore embedded basic types - only user-defined
// named types can have methods or have struct fields.
if t, _ := deref(f.Type).(*NamedType); t != nil {
next = append(next, embeddedType{t, []int{i}, false})
if len(next) > 0 {
return lookupFieldBreadthFirst(next, name)
case *Interface:
for _, m := range t.Methods {
if name.IsSame(m.QualifiedName) {
return lookupResult{value, m.Type, nil}
// not found
return lookupResult{mode: invalid}