blob: 7df9038bbe626377ab649062e7073d31488b67ba [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This file implements operations on constant values.
package types
import (
// TODO(gri) At the moment, constants are different types
// passed around as interface{} values. Introduce a Const
// interface and use methods instead of xConst functions.
// Representation of constant values.
// invalid -> nil (i.e., we don't know the constant value; this can only happen in erroneous programs)
// bool -> bool (true, false)
// numeric -> int64, *big.Int, *big.Rat, Complex (ordered by increasing data structure "size")
// string -> string
// nil -> NilType (nilConst)
// Numeric constants are normalized after each operation such
// that they are represented by the "smallest" data structure
// required to represent the constant, independent of actual
// type. Non-numeric constants are always normalized.
// Representation of complex numbers.
type Complex struct {
Re, Im *big.Rat
func (c Complex) String() string {
if c.Re.Sign() == 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf("%si", c.Im)
// normalized complex values always have an imaginary part
return fmt.Sprintf("(%s + %si)", c.Re, c.Im)
// Representation of nil.
type NilType struct{}
func (NilType) String() string {
return "nil"
// Frequently used values.
var (
nilConst = NilType{}
zeroConst = int64(0)
// int64 bounds
var (
minInt64 = big.NewInt(-1 << 63)
maxInt64 = big.NewInt(1<<63 - 1)
// normalizeIntConst returns the smallest constant representation
// for the specific value of x; either an int64 or a *big.Int value.
func normalizeIntConst(x *big.Int) interface{} {
if minInt64.Cmp(x) <= 0 && x.Cmp(maxInt64) <= 0 {
return x.Int64()
return x
// normalizeRatConst returns the smallest constant representation
// for the specific value of x; either an int64, *big.Int,
// or *big.Rat value.
func normalizeRatConst(x *big.Rat) interface{} {
if x.IsInt() {
return normalizeIntConst(x.Num())
return x
// newComplex returns the smallest constant representation
// for the specific value re + im*i; either an int64, *big.Int,
// *big.Rat, or complex value.
func newComplex(re, im *big.Rat) interface{} {
if im.Sign() == 0 {
return normalizeRatConst(re)
return Complex{re, im}
// makeRuneConst returns the int64 code point for the rune literal
// lit. The result is nil if lit is not a correct rune literal.
func makeRuneConst(lit string) interface{} {
if n := len(lit); n >= 2 {
if code, _, _, err := strconv.UnquoteChar(lit[1:n-1], '\''); err == nil {
return int64(code)
return nil
// makeRuneConst returns the smallest integer constant representation
// (int64, *big.Int) for the integer literal lit. The result is nil if
// lit is not a correct integer literal.
func makeIntConst(lit string) interface{} {
if x, err := strconv.ParseInt(lit, 0, 64); err == nil {
return x
if x, ok := new(big.Int).SetString(lit, 0); ok {
return x
return nil
// makeFloatConst returns the smallest floating-point constant representation
// (int64, *big.Int, *big.Rat) for the floating-point literal lit. The result
// is nil if lit is not a correct floating-point literal.
func makeFloatConst(lit string) interface{} {
if x, ok := new(big.Rat).SetString(lit); ok {
return normalizeRatConst(x)
return nil
// makeComplexConst returns the complex constant representation (Complex) for
// the imaginary literal lit. The result is nil if lit is not a correct imaginary
// literal.
func makeComplexConst(lit string) interface{} {
n := len(lit)
if n > 0 && lit[n-1] == 'i' {
if im, ok := new(big.Rat).SetString(lit[0 : n-1]); ok {
return newComplex(big.NewRat(0, 1), im)
return nil
// makeStringConst returns the string constant representation (string) for
// the string literal lit. The result is nil if lit is not a correct string
// literal.
func makeStringConst(lit string) interface{} {
if s, err := strconv.Unquote(lit); err == nil {
return s
return nil
// toImagConst returns the constant Complex(0, x) for a non-complex x.
func toImagConst(x interface{}) interface{} {
var im *big.Rat
switch x := x.(type) {
case nil:
im = rat0
case int64:
im = big.NewRat(x, 1)
case *big.Int:
im = new(big.Rat).SetFrac(x, int1)
case *big.Rat:
im = x
return Complex{rat0, im}
// isZeroConst reports whether the value of constant x is 0.
// x must be normalized.
func isZeroConst(x interface{}) bool {
i, ok := x.(int64) // good enough since constants are normalized
return ok && i == 0
// isRepresentableConst reports whether the value of constant x can
// be represented as a value of the basic type Typ[as] without loss
// of precision.
func isRepresentableConst(x interface{}, ctxt *Context, as BasicKind) bool {
if x == nil {
return true // avoid spurious errors
switch x := x.(type) {
case bool:
return as == Bool || as == UntypedBool
case int64:
switch as {
case Int:
var s = uint(ctxt.sizeof(Typ[as])) * 8
return int64(-1)<<(s-1) <= x && x <= int64(1)<<(s-1)-1
case Int8:
const s = 8
return -1<<(s-1) <= x && x <= 1<<(s-1)-1
case Int16:
const s = 16
return -1<<(s-1) <= x && x <= 1<<(s-1)-1
case Int32:
const s = 32
return -1<<(s-1) <= x && x <= 1<<(s-1)-1
case Int64:
return true
case Uint, Uintptr:
var s = uint(ctxt.sizeof(Typ[as])) * 8
return 0 <= x && x <= int64(1)<<(s-1)-1
case Uint8:
const s = 8
return 0 <= x && x <= 1<<s-1
case Uint16:
const s = 16
return 0 <= x && x <= 1<<s-1
case Uint32:
const s = 32
return 0 <= x && x <= 1<<s-1
case Uint64:
return 0 <= x
case Float32:
return true // TODO(gri) fix this
case Float64:
return true // TODO(gri) fix this
case Complex64:
return true // TODO(gri) fix this
case Complex128:
return true // TODO(gri) fix this
case UntypedInt, UntypedFloat, UntypedComplex:
return true
case *big.Int:
switch as {
case Uint, Uintptr:
var s = uint(ctxt.sizeof(Typ[as])) * 8
return x.Sign() >= 0 && x.BitLen() <= int(s)
case Uint64:
return x.Sign() >= 0 && x.BitLen() <= 64
case Float32:
return true // TODO(gri) fix this
case Float64:
return true // TODO(gri) fix this
case Complex64:
return true // TODO(gri) fix this
case Complex128:
return true // TODO(gri) fix this
case UntypedInt, UntypedFloat, UntypedComplex:
return true
case *big.Rat:
switch as {
case Float32:
return true // TODO(gri) fix this
case Float64:
return true // TODO(gri) fix this
case Complex64:
return true // TODO(gri) fix this
case Complex128:
return true // TODO(gri) fix this
case UntypedFloat, UntypedComplex:
return true
case Complex:
switch as {
case Complex64:
return true // TODO(gri) fix this
case Complex128:
return true // TODO(gri) fix this
case UntypedComplex:
return true
case string:
return as == String || as == UntypedString
case NilType:
return as == UntypedNil || as == UnsafePointer
return false
var (
int1 = big.NewInt(1)
rat0 = big.NewRat(0, 1)
// complexity returns a measure of representation complexity for constant x.
func complexity(x interface{}) int {
switch x.(type) {
case bool, string, NilType:
return 1
case int64:
return 2
case *big.Int:
return 3
case *big.Rat:
return 4
case Complex:
return 5
return 0
// matchConst returns the matching representation (same type) with the
// smallest complexity for two constant values x and y. They must be
// of the same "kind" (boolean, numeric, string, or NilType).
func matchConst(x, y interface{}) (_, _ interface{}) {
if complexity(x) > complexity(y) {
y, x = matchConst(y, x)
return x, y
// complexity(x) <= complexity(y)
switch x := x.(type) {
case bool, Complex, string, NilType:
return x, y
case int64:
switch y := y.(type) {
case int64:
return x, y
case *big.Int:
return big.NewInt(x), y
case *big.Rat:
return big.NewRat(x, 1), y
case Complex:
return Complex{big.NewRat(x, 1), rat0}, y
case *big.Int:
switch y := y.(type) {
case *big.Int:
return x, y
case *big.Rat:
return new(big.Rat).SetFrac(x, int1), y
case Complex:
return Complex{new(big.Rat).SetFrac(x, int1), rat0}, y
case *big.Rat:
switch y := y.(type) {
case *big.Rat:
return x, y
case Complex:
return Complex{x, rat0}, y
return nil, nil
// is32bit reports whether x can be represented using 32 bits.
func is32bit(x int64) bool {
return -1<<31 <= x && x <= 1<<31-1
// is63bit reports whether x can be represented using 63 bits.
func is63bit(x int64) bool {
return -1<<62 <= x && x <= 1<<62-1
// unaryOpConst returns the result of the constant evaluation op x where x is of the given type.
func unaryOpConst(x interface{}, ctxt *Context, op token.Token, typ *Basic) interface{} {
if x == nil {
return nil
switch op {
case token.ADD:
return x // nothing to do
case token.SUB:
switch x := x.(type) {
case int64:
if z := -x; z != x {
return z // no overflow
// overflow - need to convert to big.Int
return normalizeIntConst(new(big.Int).Neg(big.NewInt(x)))
case *big.Int:
return normalizeIntConst(new(big.Int).Neg(x))
case *big.Rat:
return normalizeRatConst(new(big.Rat).Neg(x))
case Complex:
return newComplex(new(big.Rat).Neg(x.Re), new(big.Rat).Neg(x.Im))
case token.XOR:
var z big.Int
switch x := x.(type) {
case int64:
case *big.Int:
// For unsigned types, the result will be negative and
// thus "too large": We must limit the result size to
// the type's size.
if typ.Info&IsUnsigned != 0 {
s := uint(ctxt.sizeof(typ)) * 8
z.AndNot(&z, new(big.Int).Lsh(big.NewInt(-1), s)) // z &^= (-1)<<s
return normalizeIntConst(&z)
case token.NOT:
return !x.(bool)
return nil
// binaryOpConst returns the result of the constant evaluation x op y;
// both operands must be of the same constant "kind" (boolean, numeric, or string).
// If typ is an integer type, division (op == token.QUO) is using integer division
// (and the result is guaranteed to be integer) rather than floating-point
// division. Division by zero leads to a run-time panic.
func binaryOpConst(x, y interface{}, op token.Token, typ *Basic) interface{} {
if x == nil || y == nil {
return nil
x, y = matchConst(x, y)
switch x := x.(type) {
case bool:
y := y.(bool)
switch op {
case token.LAND:
return x && y
case token.LOR:
return x || y
case int64:
y := y.(int64)
switch op {
case token.ADD:
// TODO(gri) can do better than this
if is63bit(x) && is63bit(y) {
return x + y
return normalizeIntConst(new(big.Int).Add(big.NewInt(x), big.NewInt(y)))
case token.SUB:
// TODO(gri) can do better than this
if is63bit(x) && is63bit(y) {
return x - y
return normalizeIntConst(new(big.Int).Sub(big.NewInt(x), big.NewInt(y)))
case token.MUL:
// TODO(gri) can do better than this
if is32bit(x) && is32bit(y) {
return x * y
return normalizeIntConst(new(big.Int).Mul(big.NewInt(x), big.NewInt(y)))
case token.REM:
return x % y
case token.QUO:
if typ.Info&IsInteger != 0 {
return x / y
return normalizeRatConst(new(big.Rat).SetFrac(big.NewInt(x), big.NewInt(y)))
case token.AND:
return x & y
case token.OR:
return x | y
case token.XOR:
return x ^ y
case token.AND_NOT:
return x &^ y
case *big.Int:
y := y.(*big.Int)
var z big.Int
switch op {
case token.ADD:
z.Add(x, y)
case token.SUB:
z.Sub(x, y)
case token.MUL:
z.Mul(x, y)
case token.REM:
z.Rem(x, y)
case token.QUO:
if typ.Info&IsInteger != 0 {
z.Quo(x, y)
} else {
return normalizeRatConst(new(big.Rat).SetFrac(x, y))
case token.AND:
z.And(x, y)
case token.OR:
z.Or(x, y)
case token.XOR:
z.Xor(x, y)
case token.AND_NOT:
z.AndNot(x, y)
return normalizeIntConst(&z)
case *big.Rat:
y := y.(*big.Rat)
var z big.Rat
switch op {
case token.ADD:
z.Add(x, y)
case token.SUB:
z.Sub(x, y)
case token.MUL:
z.Mul(x, y)
case token.QUO:
z.Quo(x, y)
return normalizeRatConst(&z)
case Complex:
y := y.(Complex)
a, b := x.Re, x.Im
c, d := y.Re, y.Im
var re, im big.Rat
switch op {
case token.ADD:
// (a+c) + i(b+d)
re.Add(a, c)
im.Add(b, d)
case token.SUB:
// (a-c) + i(b-d)
re.Sub(a, c)
im.Sub(b, d)
case token.MUL:
// (ac-bd) + i(bc+ad)
var ac, bd, bc, ad big.Rat
ac.Mul(a, c)
bd.Mul(b, d)
bc.Mul(b, c)
ad.Mul(a, d)
re.Sub(&ac, &bd)
im.Add(&bc, &ad)
case token.QUO:
// (ac+bd)/s + i(bc-ad)/s, with s = cc + dd
var ac, bd, bc, ad, s big.Rat
ac.Mul(a, c)
bd.Mul(b, d)
bc.Mul(b, c)
ad.Mul(a, d)
s.Add(c.Mul(c, c), d.Mul(d, d))
re.Add(&ac, &bd)
re.Quo(&re, &s)
im.Sub(&bc, &ad)
im.Quo(&im, &s)
return newComplex(&re, &im)
case string:
if op == token.ADD {
return x + y.(string)
return nil
// shiftConst returns the result of the constant evaluation x op s
// where op is token.SHL or token.SHR (<< or >>). x must be an
// integer constant.
func shiftConst(x interface{}, s uint, op token.Token) interface{} {
switch x := x.(type) {
case nil:
return nil
case int64:
switch op {
case token.SHL:
z := big.NewInt(x)
return normalizeIntConst(z.Lsh(z, s))
case token.SHR:
return x >> s
case *big.Int:
var z big.Int
switch op {
case token.SHL:
return normalizeIntConst(z.Lsh(x, s))
case token.SHR:
return normalizeIntConst(z.Rsh(x, s))
return nil
// compareConst returns the result of the constant comparison x op y;
// both operands must be of the same "kind" (boolean, numeric, string,
// or NilType).
func compareConst(x, y interface{}, op token.Token) (z bool) {
if x == nil || y == nil {
return false
x, y = matchConst(x, y)
// x == y => x == y
// x != y => x != y
// x > y => y < x
// x >= y => u <= x
swap := false
switch op {
case token.GTR:
swap = true
op = token.LSS
case token.GEQ:
swap = true
op = token.LEQ
// x == y => x == y
// x != y => !(x == y)
// x < y => x < y
// x <= y => !(y < x)
negate := false
switch op {
case token.NEQ:
negate = true
op = token.EQL
case token.LEQ:
swap = !swap
negate = true
op = token.LSS
if negate {
defer func() { z = !z }()
if swap {
x, y = y, x
switch x := x.(type) {
case bool:
if op == token.EQL {
return x == y.(bool)
case int64:
y := y.(int64)
switch op {
case token.EQL:
return x == y
case token.LSS:
return x < y
case *big.Int:
s := x.Cmp(y.(*big.Int))
switch op {
case token.EQL:
return s == 0
case token.LSS:
return s < 0
case *big.Rat:
s := x.Cmp(y.(*big.Rat))
switch op {
case token.EQL:
return s == 0
case token.LSS:
return s < 0
case Complex:
y := y.(Complex)
if op == token.EQL {
return x.Re.Cmp(y.Re) == 0 && x.Im.Cmp(y.Im) == 0
case string:
y := y.(string)
switch op {
case token.EQL:
return x == y
case token.LSS:
return x < y
case NilType:
if op == token.EQL {
return x == y.(NilType)
fmt.Printf("x = %s (%T), y = %s (%T)\n", x, x, y, y)