blob: 2e447074ea22b0d7eb7647b8fcd1323eb8d072b4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package benchmarks
import (
func init() {
flag.BoolVar(&internal.IgnorePC, "nopc", false, "do not invoke runtime.Callers")
// We pass Attrs (or zap.Fields) inline because it affects allocations: building
// up a list outside of the benchmarked code and passing it in with "..."
// reduces measured allocations.
func BenchmarkAttrs(b *testing.B) {
ctx := context.Background()
for _, handler := range []struct {
name string
h slog.Handler
{"disabled", disabledHandler{}},
{"async discard", newAsyncHandler()},
{"fastText discard", newFastTextHandler(io.Discard)},
{"Text discard", slog.NewTextHandler(io.Discard, nil)},
{"JSON discard", slog.NewJSONHandler(io.Discard, nil)},
} {
logger := slog.New(handler.h)
b.Run(, func(b *testing.B) {
for _, call := range []struct {
name string
f func()
// The number should match nAttrsInline in slog/record.go.
// This should exercise the code path where no allocations
// happen in Record or Attr. If there are allocations, they
// should only be from Duration.String and Time.String.
"5 args",
func() {
logger.LogAttrs(nil, slog.LevelInfo, TestMessage,
slog.String("string", TestString),
slog.Int("status", TestInt),
slog.Duration("duration", TestDuration),
slog.Time("time", TestTime),
slog.Any("error", TestError),
"5 args ctx",
func() {
logger.LogAttrs(ctx, slog.LevelInfo, TestMessage,
slog.String("string", TestString),
slog.Int("status", TestInt),
slog.Duration("duration", TestDuration),
slog.Time("time", TestTime),
slog.Any("error", TestError),
"10 args",
func() {
logger.LogAttrs(nil, slog.LevelInfo, TestMessage,
slog.String("string", TestString),
slog.Int("status", TestInt),
slog.Duration("duration", TestDuration),
slog.Time("time", TestTime),
slog.Any("error", TestError),
slog.String("string", TestString),
slog.Int("status", TestInt),
slog.Duration("duration", TestDuration),
slog.Time("time", TestTime),
slog.Any("error", TestError),
"40 args",
func() {
logger.LogAttrs(nil, slog.LevelInfo, TestMessage,
slog.String("string", TestString),
slog.Int("status", TestInt),
slog.Duration("duration", TestDuration),
slog.Time("time", TestTime),
slog.Any("error", TestError),
slog.String("string", TestString),
slog.Int("status", TestInt),
slog.Duration("duration", TestDuration),
slog.Time("time", TestTime),
slog.Any("error", TestError),
slog.String("string", TestString),
slog.Int("status", TestInt),
slog.Duration("duration", TestDuration),
slog.Time("time", TestTime),
slog.Any("error", TestError),
slog.String("string", TestString),
slog.Int("status", TestInt),
slog.Duration("duration", TestDuration),
slog.Time("time", TestTime),
slog.Any("error", TestError),
slog.String("string", TestString),
slog.Int("status", TestInt),
slog.Duration("duration", TestDuration),
slog.Time("time", TestTime),
slog.Any("error", TestError),
slog.String("string", TestString),
slog.Int("status", TestInt),
slog.Duration("duration", TestDuration),
slog.Time("time", TestTime),
slog.Any("error", TestError),
slog.String("string", TestString),
slog.Int("status", TestInt),
slog.Duration("duration", TestDuration),
slog.Time("time", TestTime),
slog.Any("error", TestError),
slog.String("string", TestString),
slog.Int("status", TestInt),
slog.Duration("duration", TestDuration),
slog.Time("time", TestTime),
slog.Any("error", TestError),
} {
b.Run(, func(b *testing.B) {
b.RunParallel(func(pb *testing.PB) {
for pb.Next() {