blob: 473421bc15cf3643a3a69135f5989eb02090a9c9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package iconvg
import (
// TODO: decoding and encoding colors, not just numbers.
// buffer holds an encoded IconVG graphic.
// The decodeXxx methods return the decoded value and an integer n, the number
// of bytes that value was encoded in. They return n == 0 if an error occured.
// The encodeXxx methods append to the buffer, modifying the slice in place.
type buffer []byte
func (b buffer) decodeNatural() (u uint32, n int) {
if len(b) < 1 {
return 0, 0
x := b[0]
if x&0x01 == 0 {
return uint32(x) >> 1, 1
if x&0x02 == 0 {
if len(b) >= 2 {
y := uint16(b[0]) | uint16(b[1])<<8
return uint32(y) >> 2, 2
return 0, 0
if len(b) >= 4 {
y := uint32(b[0]) | uint32(b[1])<<8 | uint32(b[2])<<16 | uint32(b[3])<<24
return y >> 2, 4
return 0, 0
func (b buffer) decodeReal() (f float32, n int) {
switch u, n := b.decodeNatural(); n {
case 0:
return 0, n
case 1:
return float32(u), n
case 2:
return float32(u), n
return math.Float32frombits(u << 2), n
func (b buffer) decodeCoordinate() (f float32, n int) {
switch u, n := b.decodeNatural(); n {
case 0:
return 0, n
case 1:
return float32(int32(u) - 64), n
case 2:
return float32(int32(u)-64*128) / 64, n
return math.Float32frombits(u << 2), n
func (b buffer) decodeZeroToOne() (f float32, n int) {
switch u, n := b.decodeNatural(); n {
case 0:
return 0, n
case 1:
return float32(u) / 120, n
case 2:
return float32(u) / 15120, n
return math.Float32frombits(u << 2), n
func (b *buffer) encodeNatural(u uint32) {
if u < 1<<7 {
u = (u << 1)
*b = append(*b, uint8(u))
if u < 1<<14 {
u = (u << 2) | 1
*b = append(*b, uint8(u), uint8(u>>8))
u = (u << 2) | 3
*b = append(*b, uint8(u), uint8(u>>8), uint8(u>>16), uint8(u>>24))
func (b *buffer) encodeReal(f float32) {
if u := uint32(f); float32(u) == f && u < 1<<14 {
if u < 1<<7 {
u = (u << 1)
*b = append(*b, uint8(u))
} else {
u = (u << 2) | 1
*b = append(*b, uint8(u), uint8(u>>8))
func (b *buffer) encode4ByteReal(f float32) {
u := math.Float32bits(f)
// Round the fractional bits (the low 23 bits) to the nearest multiple of
// 4, being careful not to overflow into the upper bits.
v := u & 0x007fffff
if v < 0x007fffffe {
v += 2
u = (u & 0xff800000) | v
// A 4 byte encoding has the low two bits set.
u |= 0x03
*b = append(*b, uint8(u), uint8(u>>8), uint8(u>>16), uint8(u>>24))
func (b *buffer) encodeCoordinate(f float32) {
if i := int32(f); -64 <= i && i < +64 && float32(i) == f {
u := uint32(i + 64)
u = (u << 1)
*b = append(*b, uint8(u))
if i := int32(f * 64); -128*64 <= i && i < +128*64 && float32(i) == f*64 {
u := uint32(i + 128*64)
u = (u << 2) | 1
*b = append(*b, uint8(u), uint8(u>>8))
func (b *buffer) encodeZeroToOne(f float32) {
if u := uint32(f * 15120); float32(u) == f*15120 && u < 15120 {
if u%126 == 0 {
u = ((u / 126) << 1)
*b = append(*b, uint8(u))
} else {
u = (u << 2) | 1
*b = append(*b, uint8(u), uint8(u>>8))