blob: 4a876e1bd29d19ee61dbdf0f0f7434a14c7c2ef2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package slog
import (
// A Handler processes log records produced by Logger output.
// Any of the Handler's methods may be called concurrently with itself
// or with other methods. It is the responsibility of the Handler to
// manage this concurrency.
type Handler interface {
// Enabled reports whether this handler is accepting records
// at the given level.
Enabled(Level) bool
// Handle processes the Record.
// Handle methods that produce output should observe the following rules:
// - If r.Time() is the zero time, do not output the time.
// - If r.Level() is Level(0), do not output the level.
// - If an Attr's key is the empty string, do not output the Attr.
Handle(r Record) error
// With returns a new Handler whose attributes consist of
// the receiver's attributes concatenated with the arguments.
// The Handler owns the slice: it may retain, modify or discard it.
With(attrs []Attr) Handler
type defaultHandler struct {
attrs []Attr
func (*defaultHandler) Enabled(Level) bool { return true }
// Collect the level, attributes and message in a string and
// write it with the default log.Logger.
// Let the log.Logger handle time and file/line.
func (h *defaultHandler) Handle(r Record) error {
var b strings.Builder
if r.Level() > 0 {
b.WriteByte(' ')
for i := 0; i < r.NumAttrs(); i++ {
fmt.Fprint(&b, r.Attr(i)) // Attr.Format will print key=value
b.WriteByte(' ')
return log.Output(4, b.String())
func (d *defaultHandler) With(as []Attr) Handler {
d2 := *d
d2.attrs = concat(d2.attrs, as)
return &d2
// HandlerOptions are options for a TextHandler or JSONHandler.
// A zero HandlerOptions consists entirely of default values.
type HandlerOptions struct {
// Add a "source" attribute to the output whose value is of the form
// "file:line".
AddSource bool
// Ignore records with levels above AtomicLevel.Level.
// If nil, accept all levels.
AtomicLevel *AtomicLevel
// If set, ReplaceAttr is called on each attribute of the message,
// and the returned value is used instead of the original. If the returned
// key is empty, the attribute is omitted from the output.
// The built-in attributes with keys "time", "level", "source", and "msg"
// are passed to this function first, except that time and level are omitted
// if zero, and source is omitted if AddSourceLine is false.
ReplaceAttr func(a Attr) Attr
type commonHandler struct {
newAppender func(*buffer.Buffer) appender
opts HandlerOptions
attrs []Attr
preformattedAttrs []byte
mu sync.Mutex
w io.Writer
// Enabled reports whether l is less than or equal to the
// maximum level.
func (h *commonHandler) Enabled(l Level) bool {
return l <= h.opts.AtomicLevel.Level()
func (h *commonHandler) with(as []Attr) *commonHandler {
h2 := &commonHandler{
newAppender: h.newAppender,
opts: h.opts,
attrs: concat(h.attrs, as),
preformattedAttrs: h.preformattedAttrs,
w: h.w,
if h.opts.ReplaceAttr != nil {
for i, p := range h2.attrs[len(h.attrs):] {
h2.attrs[i] = h.opts.ReplaceAttr(p)
// Pre-format the attributes as an optimization.
app := h2.newAppender((*buffer.Buffer)(&h2.preformattedAttrs))
for _, p := range h2.attrs[len(h.attrs):] {
appendAttr(app, p)
return h2
func (h *commonHandler) handle(r Record) error {
buf := buffer.New()
defer buf.Free()
app := h.newAppender(buf)
rep := h.opts.ReplaceAttr
replace := func(a Attr) {
a = rep(a)
if a.Key() != "" {
if !r.Time().IsZero() {
key := "time"
val := r.Time().Round(0) // strip monotonic to match Attr behavior
if rep == nil {
if err := app.appendTime(val); err != nil {
return err
} else {
replace(Time(key, val))
if r.Level() != 0 {
key := "level"
val := r.Level()
if rep == nil {
} else {
// Don't use replace: we want to output Levels as strings
// to match the above.
a := rep(Any(key, val))
if a.Key() != "" {
if l, ok := a.any.(Level); ok {
} else {
if h.opts.AddSource {
file, line := r.SourceLine()
if file != "" {
key := "source"
if rep == nil {
app.appendSource(file, line)
} else {
buf := buffer.New()
itoa((*[]byte)(buf), line, -1)
s := string(*buf)
replace(String(key, s))
key := "msg"
val := r.Message()
if rep == nil {
} else {
replace(String(key, val))
*buf = append(*buf, h.preformattedAttrs...)
for i := 0; i < r.NumAttrs(); i++ {
a := r.Attr(i)
if rep != nil {
a = rep(a)
appendAttr(app, a)
_, err := h.w.Write(*buf)
return err
func appendAttr(app appender, a Attr) {
if a.Key() != "" {
if err := app.appendAttrValue(a); err != nil {
app.appendString(fmt.Sprintf("!ERROR:%v", err))
// An appender appends keys and values to a buffer.
// TextHandler and JSONHandler both implement it.
// It factors out the format-specific parts of the job.
// Other than growing the buffer, none of the methods should allocate.
type appender interface {
appendStart() // start a sequence of Attrs
appendEnd() // end a sequence of Attrs
appendSep() // separate one Attr from the next
appendKey(key string) // append a key
appendString(string) // append a string that may need to be escaped
appendTime(time.Time) error // append a time
appendSource(file string, line int) // append file:line
appendAttrValue(a Attr) error // append the Attr's value (but not its key)
// This takes half the time of Time.AppendFormat.
func appendTimeRFC3339Millis(buf []byte, t time.Time) []byte {
// TODO: try to speed up by indexing the buffer.
char := func(b byte) {
buf = append(buf, b)
year, month, day := t.Date()
itoa(&buf, year, 4)
itoa(&buf, int(month), 2)
itoa(&buf, day, 2)
hour, min, sec := t.Clock()
itoa(&buf, hour, 2)
itoa(&buf, min, 2)
itoa(&buf, sec, 2)
ns := t.Nanosecond()
itoa(&buf, ns/1e6, 3)
_, offsetSeconds := t.Zone()
if offsetSeconds == 0 {
} else {
offsetMinutes := offsetSeconds / 60
if offsetMinutes < 0 {
offsetMinutes = -offsetMinutes
} else {
itoa(&buf, offsetMinutes/60, 2)
itoa(&buf, offsetMinutes%60, 2)
return buf