blob: 124ad0dd4faa6d9b61f51ead8c86a9aad3cb4935 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// gorelease is an experimental tool that helps module authors avoid common
// problems before releasing a new version of a module.
// Usage:
// gorelease [-base={version|none}] [-version=version]
// Examples:
// # Compare with the latest version and suggest a new version.
// gorelease
// # Compare with a specific version and suggest a new version.
// gorelease -base=v1.2.3
// # Compare with the latest version and check a specific new version for compatibility.
// gorelease -version=v1.3.0
// # Compare with a specific version and check a specific new version for compatibility.
// gorelease -base=v1.2.3 -version=v1.3.0
// gorelease analyzes changes in the public API and dependencies of the main
// module. It compares a base version (set with -base) with the currently
// checked out revision. Given a proposed version to release (set with
// -version), gorelease reports whether the changes are consistent with
// semantic versioning. If no version is proposed with -version, gorelease
// suggests the lowest version consistent with semantic versioning.
// If there are no visible changes in the module's public API, gorelease
// accepts versions that increment the minor or patch version numbers. For
// example, if the base version is "v2.3.1", gorelease would accept "v2.3.2" or
// "v2.4.0" or any prerelease of those versions, like "v2.4.0-beta". If no
// version is proposed, gorelease would suggest "v2.3.2".
// If there are only backward compatible differences in the module's public
// API, gorelease only accepts versions that increment the minor version. For
// example, if the base version is "v2.3.1", gorelease would accept "v2.4.0"
// but not "v2.3.2".
// If there are incompatible API differences for a proposed version with
// major version 1 or higher, gorelease will exit with a non-zero status.
// Incompatible differences may only be released in a new major version, which
// requires creating a module with a different path. For example, if
// incompatible changes are made in the module "", a
// new major version must be released as a new module, "".
// For a proposed version with major version 0, which allows incompatible
// changes, gorelease will describe all changes, but incompatible changes
// will not affect its exit status.
// For more information on semantic versioning, see
// Note: gorelease does not accept build metadata in releases (like
// v1.0.0+debug). Although it is valid semver, the Go tool and other tools in
// the ecosystem do not support it, so its use is not recommended.
// gorelease accepts the following flags:
// -base=version: The version that the current version of the module will be
// compared against. This may be a version like "v1.5.2", a version query like
// "latest", or "none". If the version is "none", gorelease will not compare the
// current version against any previous version; it will only validate the
// current version. This is useful for checking the first release of a new major
// version. The version may be preceded by a different module path and an '@',
// like This is useful to compare against
// an earlier major version or a fork. If -base is not specified, gorelease will
// attempt to infer a base version from the -version flag and available released
// versions.
// -version=version: The proposed version to be released. If specified,
// gorelease will confirm whether this version is consistent with changes made
// to the module's public API. gorelease will exit with a non-zero status if the
// version is not valid.
// gorelease is eventually intended to be merged into the go command
// as "go release". See
package main
import (
// * Should we suggest versions at all or should -version be mandatory?
// * Verify downstream modules have licenses. May need an API or library
// for this. Be clear that we can't provide legal advice.
// * Internal packages may be relevant to submodules (for example,
// is imported by
// gorelease should detect whether this is the case and include internal
// directories in comparison. It should be possible to opt out or specify
// a different list of submodules.
// * Decide what to do about build constraints, particularly GOOS and GOARCH.
// The API may be different on some platforms (e.g., x/sys).
// Should gorelease load packages in multiple configurations in the same run?
// Is it a compatible change if the same API is available for more platforms?
// Is it an incompatible change for fewer?
// How about cgo? Is adding a new cgo dependency an incompatible change?
// * Support splits and joins of nested modules. For example, if we are
// proposing to tag a particular commit as both v0.46.2
// and v1.0.0, we should ensure that the sets of
// packages provided by those modules are disjoint, and we should not report
// the packages moved from one to the other as an incompatible change (since
// the APIs are still compatible, just with a different module split).
// TODO(jayconrod):
// * Clean up overuse of fmt.Errorf.
// * Support migration to modules after v2.x.y+incompatible. Requires comparing
// packages with different module paths.
// * Error when packages import from earlier major version of same module.
// (this may be intentional; look for real examples first).
// * Mechanism to suppress error messages.
func main() {
log.SetPrefix("gorelease: ")
wd, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), "env", append(os.Environ(), "GO111MODULE=on"))
success, err := runRelease(ctx, os.Stdout, wd, os.Args[1:])
if err != nil {
if _, ok := err.(*usageError); ok {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
} else {
if !success {
// runRelease is the main function of gorelease. It's called by tests, so
// it writes to w instead of os.Stdout and returns an error instead of
// exiting.
func runRelease(ctx context.Context, w io.Writer, dir string, args []string) (success bool, err error) {
// Validate arguments and flags. We'll print our own errors, since we want to
// test without printing to stderr.
fs := flag.NewFlagSet("gorelease", flag.ContinueOnError)
fs.Usage = func() {}
var baseOpt, releaseVersion string
fs.StringVar(&baseOpt, "base", "", "previous version to compare against")
fs.StringVar(&releaseVersion, "version", "", "proposed version to be released")
if err := fs.Parse(args); err != nil {
return false, &usageError{err: err}
if len(fs.Args()) > 0 {
return false, usageErrorf("no arguments allowed")
if releaseVersion != "" {
if semver.Build(releaseVersion) != "" {
return false, usageErrorf("release version %q is not a canonical semantic version: build metadata is not supported", releaseVersion)
if c := semver.Canonical(releaseVersion); c != releaseVersion {
return false, usageErrorf("release version %q is not a canonical semantic version", releaseVersion)
var baseModPath, baseVersion string
if at := strings.Index(baseOpt, "@"); at >= 0 {
baseModPath = baseOpt[:at]
baseVersion = baseOpt[at+1:]
} else if dot, slash := strings.Index(baseOpt, "."), strings.Index(baseOpt, "/"); dot >= 0 && slash >= 0 && dot < slash {
baseModPath = baseOpt
} else {
baseVersion = baseOpt
if baseModPath == "" {
if baseVersion != "" && semver.Canonical(baseVersion) == baseVersion && releaseVersion != "" {
if cmp := semver.Compare(baseOpt, releaseVersion); cmp == 0 {
return false, usageErrorf("-base and -version must be different")
} else if cmp > 0 {
return false, usageErrorf("base version (%q) must be lower than release version (%q)", baseVersion, releaseVersion)
} else if baseModPath != "" && baseVersion == "none" {
return false, usageErrorf(`base version (%q) cannot have version "none" with explicit module path`, baseOpt)
// Find the local module and repository root directories.
modRoot, err := findModuleRoot(dir)
if err != nil {
return false, err
repoRoot := findRepoRoot(modRoot)
// Load packages for the version to be released from the local directory.
release, err := loadLocalModule(ctx, modRoot, repoRoot, releaseVersion)
if err != nil {
return false, err
// Find the base version if there is one, download it, and load packages from
// the module cache.
var max string
if baseModPath == "" {
baseModPath = release.modPath
max = releaseVersion
base, err := loadDownloadedModule(ctx, baseModPath, baseVersion, max)
if err != nil {
return false, err
// Compare packages and check for other issues.
report, err := makeReleaseReport(ctx, base, release)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if err := report.Text(w); err != nil {
return false, err
return report.isSuccessful(), nil
type moduleInfo struct {
modRoot string // module root directory
repoRoot string // repository root directory (may be "")
modPath string // module path in go.mod
version string // resolved version or "none"
versionQuery string // a query like "latest" or "dev-branch", if specified
versionInferred bool // true if the version was unspecified and inferred
highestTransitiveVersion string // version of the highest transitive self-dependency (cycle)
modPathMajor string // major version suffix like "/v3" or ".v2"
tagPrefix string // prefix for version tags if module not in repo root
goModPath string // file path to go.mod
goModData []byte // content of go.mod
goSumData []byte // content of go.sum
goModFile *modfile.File // parsed go.mod file
diagnostics []string // problems not related to loading specific packages
pkgs []*packages.Package // loaded packages with type information
// Versions of this module which already exist. Only loaded for release
// (not base).
existingVersions []string
// loadLocalModule loads information about a module and its packages from a
// local directory.
// modRoot is the directory containing the module's go.mod file.
// repoRoot is the root directory of the repository containing the module or "".
// version is a proposed version for the module or "".
func loadLocalModule(ctx context.Context, modRoot, repoRoot, version string) (m moduleInfo, err error) {
if repoRoot != "" && !hasFilePathPrefix(modRoot, repoRoot) {
return moduleInfo{}, fmt.Errorf("module root %q is not in repository root %q", modRoot, repoRoot)
// Load the go.mod file and check the module path and go version.
m = moduleInfo{
modRoot: modRoot,
repoRoot: repoRoot,
version: version,
goModPath: filepath.Join(modRoot, "go.mod"),
if version != "" && semver.Compare(version, "v0.0.0-99999999999999-zzzzzzzzzzzz") < 0 {
m.diagnostics = append(m.diagnostics, fmt.Sprintf("Version %s is lower than most pseudo-versions. Consider releasing v0.1.0-0 instead.", version))
m.goModData, err = ioutil.ReadFile(m.goModPath)
if err != nil {
return moduleInfo{}, err
m.goModFile, err = modfile.ParseLax(m.goModPath, m.goModData, nil)
if err != nil {
return moduleInfo{}, err
if m.goModFile.Module == nil {
return moduleInfo{}, fmt.Errorf("%s: module directive is missing", m.goModPath)
m.modPath = m.goModFile.Module.Mod.Path
if err := checkModPath(m.modPath); err != nil {
return moduleInfo{}, err
var ok bool
_, m.modPathMajor, ok = module.SplitPathVersion(m.modPath)
if !ok {
// we just validated the path above.
panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not find version suffix in module path %q", m.modPath))
if m.goModFile.Go == nil {
m.diagnostics = append(m.diagnostics, "go.mod: go directive is missing")
// Determine the version tag prefix for the module within the repository.
if repoRoot != "" && modRoot != repoRoot {
if strings.HasPrefix(m.modPathMajor, ".") {
m.diagnostics = append(m.diagnostics, fmt.Sprintf("%s: module path starts with and must be declared in the root directory of the repository", m.modPath))
} else {
codeDir := filepath.ToSlash(modRoot[len(repoRoot)+1:])
var altGoModPath string
if m.modPathMajor == "" {
// module has no major version suffix.
// codeDir must be a suffix of modPath.
// tagPrefix is codeDir with a trailing slash.
if strings.HasSuffix(m.modPath, "/"+codeDir) {
m.tagPrefix = codeDir + "/"
} else {
m.diagnostics = append(m.diagnostics, fmt.Sprintf("%s: module path must end with %[2]q, since it is in subdirectory %[2]q", m.modPath, codeDir))
} else {
if strings.HasSuffix(m.modPath, "/"+codeDir) {
// module has a major version suffix and is in a major version subdirectory.
// codeDir must be a suffix of modPath.
// tagPrefix must not include the major version.
m.tagPrefix = codeDir[:len(codeDir)-len(m.modPathMajor)+1]
altGoModPath = modRoot[:len(modRoot)-len(m.modPathMajor)+1] + "go.mod"
} else if strings.HasSuffix(m.modPath, "/"+codeDir+m.modPathMajor) {
// module has a major version suffix and is not in a major version subdirectory.
// codeDir + modPathMajor is a suffix of modPath.
// tagPrefix is codeDir with a trailing slash.
m.tagPrefix = codeDir + "/"
altGoModPath = filepath.Join(modRoot, m.modPathMajor[1:], "go.mod")
} else {
m.diagnostics = append(m.diagnostics, fmt.Sprintf("%s: module path must end with %[2]q or %q, since it is in subdirectory %[2]q", m.modPath, codeDir, codeDir+m.modPathMajor))
// Modules with major version suffixes can be defined in two places
// (e.g., sub/go.mod and sub/v2/go.mod). They must not be defined in both.
if altGoModPath != "" {
if data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(altGoModPath); err == nil {
if altModPath := modfile.ModulePath(data); m.modPath == altModPath {
goModRel, _ := filepath.Rel(repoRoot, m.goModPath)
altGoModRel, _ := filepath.Rel(repoRoot, altGoModPath)
m.diagnostics = append(m.diagnostics, fmt.Sprintf("module is defined in two locations:\n\t%s\n\t%s", goModRel, altGoModRel))
// Load the module's packages.
// We pack the module into a zip file and extract it to a temporary directory
// as if it were published and downloaded. We'll detect any errors that would
// occur (for example, invalid file names). We avoid loading it as the
// main module.
tmpModRoot, err := copyModuleToTempDir(m.modPath, m.modRoot)
if err != nil {
return moduleInfo{}, err
defer func() {
if rerr := os.RemoveAll(tmpModRoot); err == nil && rerr != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("removing temporary module directory: %v", rerr)
tmpLoadDir, tmpGoModData, tmpGoSumData, pkgPaths, prepareDiagnostics, err := prepareLoadDir(ctx, m.goModFile, m.modPath, tmpModRoot, version, false)
if err != nil {
return moduleInfo{}, err
defer func() {
if rerr := os.RemoveAll(tmpLoadDir); err == nil && rerr != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("removing temporary load directory: %v", rerr)
var loadDiagnostics []string
m.pkgs, loadDiagnostics, err = loadPackages(ctx, m.modPath, tmpModRoot, tmpLoadDir, tmpGoModData, tmpGoSumData, pkgPaths)
if err != nil {
return moduleInfo{}, err
m.diagnostics = append(m.diagnostics, prepareDiagnostics...)
m.diagnostics = append(m.diagnostics, loadDiagnostics...)
highestVersion, err := findSelectedVersion(ctx, tmpLoadDir, m.modPath)
if err != nil {
return moduleInfo{}, err
if highestVersion != "" {
// A version of the module is included in the transitive dependencies.
// Add it to the moduleInfo so that the release report stage can use it
// in verifying the version or suggestion a new version, depending on
// whether the user provided a version already.
m.highestTransitiveVersion = highestVersion
// Calculate the existing versions.
ev, err := existingVersions(ctx, m.modPath, tmpLoadDir)
if err != nil {
return moduleInfo{}, err
m.existingVersions = ev
return m, nil
// loadDownloadedModule downloads a module and loads information about it and
// its packages from the module cache.
// modPath is the module path used to fetch the module. The module's path in
// go.mod (m.modPath) may be different, for example in a soft fork intended as
// a replacement.
// version is the version to load. It may be "none" (indicating nothing should
// be loaded), "" (the highest available version below max should be used), a
// version query (to be resolved with 'go list'), or a canonical version.
// If version is "" and max is not "", available versions greater than or equal
// to max will not be considered. Typically, loadDownloadedModule is used to
// load the base version, and max is the release version.
func loadDownloadedModule(ctx context.Context, modPath, version, max string) (m moduleInfo, err error) {
// Check the module path and version.
// If the version is a query, resolve it to a canonical version.
m = moduleInfo{modPath: modPath}
if err := checkModPath(modPath); err != nil {
return moduleInfo{}, err
var ok bool
_, m.modPathMajor, ok = module.SplitPathVersion(modPath)
if !ok {
// we just validated the path above.
panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not find version suffix in module path %q", modPath))
if version == "none" {
// We don't have a base version to compare against.
m.version = "none"
return m, nil
if version == "" {
// Unspecified version: use the highest version below max.
m.versionInferred = true
if m.version, err = inferBaseVersion(ctx, modPath, max); err != nil {
return moduleInfo{}, err
if m.version == "none" {
return m, nil
} else if version != module.CanonicalVersion(version) {
// Version query: find the real version.
m.versionQuery = version
if m.version, err = queryVersion(ctx, modPath, version); err != nil {
return moduleInfo{}, err
if m.version != "none" && max != "" && semver.Compare(m.version, max) >= 0 {
// TODO(jayconrod): reconsider this comparison for pseudo-versions in
// general. A query might match different pseudo-versions over time,
// depending on ancestor versions, so this might start failing with
// no local change.
return moduleInfo{}, fmt.Errorf("base version %s (%s) must be lower than release version %s", m.version, m.versionQuery, max)
} else {
// Canonical version: make sure it matches the module path.
if err := module.CheckPathMajor(version, m.modPathMajor); err != nil {
// TODO( don't assume this is the base version
// or that we're comparing across major versions.
return moduleInfo{}, fmt.Errorf("can't compare major versions: base version %s does not belong to module %s", version, modPath)
m.version = version
// Download the module into the cache and load the mod file.
// Note that goModPath is $GOMODCACHE/cache/download/$modPath/@v/$version.mod,
// which is not inside modRoot. This is what the go command uses. Even if
// the module didn't have a go.mod file, one will be synthesized there.
v := module.Version{Path: modPath, Version: m.version}
if m.modRoot, m.goModPath, err = downloadModule(ctx, v); err != nil {
return moduleInfo{}, err
if m.goModData, err = ioutil.ReadFile(m.goModPath); err != nil {
return moduleInfo{}, err
if m.goModFile, err = modfile.ParseLax(m.goModPath, m.goModData, nil); err != nil {
return moduleInfo{}, err
if m.goModFile.Module == nil {
return moduleInfo{}, fmt.Errorf("%s: missing module directive", m.goModPath)
m.modPath = m.goModFile.Module.Mod.Path
// Load packages.
tmpLoadDir, tmpGoModData, tmpGoSumData, pkgPaths, _, err := prepareLoadDir(ctx, nil, m.modPath, m.modRoot, m.version, true)
if err != nil {
return moduleInfo{}, err
defer func() {
if rerr := os.RemoveAll(tmpLoadDir); err == nil && rerr != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("removing temporary load directory: %v", err)
if m.pkgs, _, err = loadPackages(ctx, m.modPath, m.modRoot, tmpLoadDir, tmpGoModData, tmpGoSumData, pkgPaths); err != nil {
return moduleInfo{}, err
return m, nil
// makeReleaseReport returns a report comparing the current version of a
// module with a previously released version. The report notes any backward
// compatible and incompatible changes in the module's public API. It also
// diagnoses common problems, such as go.mod or go.sum being incomplete.
// The report recommends or validates a release version and indicates a
// version control tag to use (with an appropriate prefix, for modules not
// in the repository root directory).
func makeReleaseReport(ctx context.Context, base, release moduleInfo) (report, error) {
// Compare each pair of packages.
// Ignore internal packages.
// If we don't have a base version to compare against just check the new
// packages for errors.
shouldCompare := base.version != "none"
isInternal := func(modPath, pkgPath string) bool {
if !hasPathPrefix(pkgPath, modPath) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("package %s not in module %s", pkgPath, modPath))
for pkgPath != modPath {
if path.Base(pkgPath) == "internal" {
return true
pkgPath = path.Dir(pkgPath)
return false
r := report{
base: base,
release: release,
for _, pair := range zipPackages(base.modPath, base.pkgs, release.modPath, release.pkgs) {
basePkg, releasePkg := pair.base, pair.release
switch {
case releasePkg == nil:
// Package removed
if internal := isInternal(base.modPath, basePkg.PkgPath); !internal || len(basePkg.Errors) > 0 {
pr := packageReport{
path: basePkg.PkgPath,
baseErrors: basePkg.Errors,
if !internal {
pr.Report = apidiff.Report{
Changes: []apidiff.Change{{
Message: "package removed",
Compatible: false,
case basePkg == nil:
// Package added
if internal := isInternal(release.modPath, releasePkg.PkgPath); !internal && shouldCompare || len(releasePkg.Errors) > 0 {
pr := packageReport{
path: releasePkg.PkgPath,
releaseErrors: releasePkg.Errors,
if !internal && shouldCompare {
// If we aren't comparing against a base version, don't say
// "package added". Only report packages with errors.
pr.Report = apidiff.Report{
Changes: []apidiff.Change{{
Message: "package added",
Compatible: true,
// Matched packages
// Both packages are internal or neither; we only consider path components
// after the module path.
internal := isInternal(release.modPath, releasePkg.PkgPath)
if !internal && basePkg.Name != "main" && releasePkg.Name != "main" {
pr := packageReport{
path: basePkg.PkgPath,
baseErrors: basePkg.Errors,
releaseErrors: releasePkg.Errors,
Report: apidiff.Changes(basePkg.Types, releasePkg.Types),
if r.canVerifyReleaseVersion() {
if release.version == "" {
} else {
return r, nil
// existingVersions returns the versions that already exist for the given
// modPath.
func existingVersions(ctx context.Context, modPath, modRoot string) (versions []string, err error) {
defer func() {
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("listing versions of %s: %w", modPath, err)
type listVersions struct {
Versions []string `json: "Versions"`
cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx, "go", "list", "-json", "-m", "-versions", modPath)
if env, ok := ctx.Value("env").([]string); ok {
cmd.Env = env
cmd.Dir = modRoot
out, err := cmd.Output()
if err != nil {
return nil, cleanCmdError(err)
if len(out) == 0 {
return nil, nil
var lv listVersions
if err := json.Unmarshal(out, &lv); err != nil {
return nil, err
return lv.Versions, nil
// findRepoRoot finds the root directory of the repository that contains dir.
// findRepoRoot returns "" if it can't find the repository root.
func findRepoRoot(dir string) string {
vcsDirs := []string{".git", ".hg", ".svn", ".bzr"}
d := filepath.Clean(dir)
for {
for _, vcsDir := range vcsDirs {
if _, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(d, vcsDir)); err == nil {
return d
parent := filepath.Dir(d)
if parent == d {
return ""
d = parent
// findModuleRoot finds the root directory of the module that contains dir.
func findModuleRoot(dir string) (string, error) {
d := filepath.Clean(dir)
for {
if fi, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(d, "go.mod")); err == nil && !fi.IsDir() {
return dir, nil
parent := filepath.Dir(d)
if parent == d {
d = parent
return "", fmt.Errorf("%s: cannot find go.mod file", dir)
// checkModPath is like, but it returns
// friendlier error messages for common mistakes.
// TODO(jayconrod): update module.CheckPath and delete this function.
func checkModPath(modPath string) error {
if path.IsAbs(modPath) || filepath.IsAbs(modPath) {
// TODO(jayconrod): improve error message in x/mod instead of checking here.
return fmt.Errorf("module path %q must not be an absolute path.\nIt must be an address where your module may be found.", modPath)
if suffix := dirMajorSuffix(modPath); suffix == "v0" || suffix == "v1" {
return fmt.Errorf("module path %q has major version suffix %q.\nA major version suffix is only allowed for v2 or later.", modPath, suffix)
} else if strings.HasPrefix(suffix, "v0") {
return fmt.Errorf("module path %q has major version suffix %q.\nA major version may not have a leading zero.", modPath, suffix)
} else if strings.ContainsRune(suffix, '.') {
return fmt.Errorf("module path %q has major version suffix %q.\nA major version may not contain dots.", modPath, suffix)
return module.CheckPath(modPath)
// inferBaseVersion returns an appropriate base version if one was not specified
// explicitly.
// If max is not "", inferBaseVersion returns the highest available release
// version of the module lower than max. Otherwise, inferBaseVersion returns the
// highest available release version. Pre-release versions are not considered.
// If there is no available version, and max appears to be the first release
// version (for example, "v0.1.0", "v2.0.0"), "none" is returned.
func inferBaseVersion(ctx context.Context, modPath, max string) (baseVersion string, err error) {
defer func() {
if err != nil {
err = &baseVersionError{err: err}
versions, err := loadVersions(ctx, modPath)
if err != nil {
return "", err
for i := len(versions) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
v := versions[i]
if semver.Prerelease(v) == "" &&
(max == "" || semver.Compare(v, max) < 0) {
return v, nil
if max == "" || maybeFirstVersion(max) {
return "none", nil
return "", fmt.Errorf("no versions found lower than %s", max)
// queryVersion returns the canonical version for a given module version query.
func queryVersion(ctx context.Context, modPath, query string) (resolved string, err error) {
defer func() {
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("could not resolve version %s@%s: %w", modPath, query, err)
if query == "upgrade" || query == "patch" {
return "", errors.New("query is based on requirements in main go.mod file")
tmpDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "")
if err != nil {
return "", err
defer func() {
if rerr := os.Remove(tmpDir); rerr != nil && err == nil {
err = rerr
arg := modPath + "@" + query
cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx, "go", "list", "-m", "-f", "{{.Version}}", "--", arg)
if env, ok := ctx.Value("env").([]string); ok {
cmd.Env = env
cmd.Dir = tmpDir
cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, "GO111MODULE=on")
out, err := cmd.Output()
if err != nil {
return "", cleanCmdError(err)
return strings.TrimSpace(string(out)), nil
// loadVersions loads the list of versions for the given module using
// 'go list -m -versions'. The returned versions are sorted in ascending
// semver order.
func loadVersions(ctx context.Context, modPath string) (versions []string, err error) {
defer func() {
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("could not load versions for %s: %v", modPath, err)
tmpDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer func() {
if rerr := os.Remove(tmpDir); rerr != nil && err == nil {
err = rerr
cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx, "go", "list", "-m", "-versions", "--", modPath)
if env, ok := ctx.Value("env").([]string); ok {
cmd.Env = env
cmd.Dir = tmpDir
cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, "GO111MODULE=on")
out, err := cmd.Output()
if err != nil {
return nil, cleanCmdError(err)
versions = strings.Fields(string(out))
if len(versions) > 0 {
versions = versions[1:] // skip module path
// Sort versions defensively. 'go list -m -versions' should always returns
// a sorted list of versions, but it's fast and easy to sort them here, too.
sort.Slice(versions, func(i, j int) bool {
return semver.Compare(versions[i], versions[j]) < 0
return versions, nil
// maybeFirstVersion returns whether v appears to be the first version
// of a module.
func maybeFirstVersion(v string) bool {
major, minor, patch, _, _, err := parseVersion(v)
if err != nil {
return false
if major == "0" {
return minor == "0" && patch == "0" ||
minor == "0" && patch == "1" ||
minor == "1" && patch == "0"
return minor == "0" && patch == "0"
// dirMajorSuffix returns a major version suffix for a slash-separated path.
// For example, for the path "foo/bar/v2", dirMajorSuffix would return "v2".
// If no major version suffix is found, "" is returned.
// dirMajorSuffix is less strict than module.SplitPathVersion so that incorrect
// suffixes like "v0", "v02", "v1.2" can be detected. It doesn't handle
// special cases for paths.
func dirMajorSuffix(path string) string {
i := len(path)
for i > 0 && ('0' <= path[i-1] && path[i-1] <= '9') || path[i-1] == '.' {
if i <= 1 || i == len(path) || path[i-1] != 'v' || (i > 1 && path[i-2] != '/') {
return ""
return path[i-1:]
// copyModuleToTempDir copies module files from modRoot to a subdirectory of
// scratchDir. Submodules, vendor directories, and irregular files are excluded.
// An error is returned if the module contains any files or directories that
// can't be included in a module zip file (due to special characters,
// excessive sizes, etc.).
func copyModuleToTempDir(modPath, modRoot string) (dir string, err error) {
// Generate a fake version consistent with modPath. We need a canonical
// version to create a zip file.
version := "v0.0.0-gorelease"
_, majorPathSuffix, _ := module.SplitPathVersion(modPath)
if majorPathSuffix != "" {
version = majorPathSuffix[1:] + ".0.0-gorelease"
m := module.Version{Path: modPath, Version: version}
zipFile, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "gorelease-*.zip")
if err != nil {
return "", err
defer func() {
dir, err = ioutil.TempDir("", "gorelease")
if err != nil {
return "", err
defer func() {
if err != nil {
dir = ""
if err := zip.CreateFromDir(zipFile, m, modRoot); err != nil {
var e zip.FileErrorList
if errors.As(err, &e) {
return "", e
return "", err
if err := zipFile.Close(); err != nil {
return "", err
if err := zip.Unzip(dir, m, zipFile.Name()); err != nil {
return "", err
return dir, nil
// downloadModule downloads a specific version of a module to the
// module cache using 'go mod download'.
func downloadModule(ctx context.Context, m module.Version) (modRoot, goModPath string, err error) {
defer func() {
if err != nil {
err = &downloadError{m: m, err: cleanCmdError(err)}
// Run 'go mod download' from a temporary directory to avoid needing to load
// go.mod from gorelease's working directory (or a parent).
// go.mod may be broken, and we don't need it.
// TODO( 'go mod download' reads go.mod even though
// we don't need information about the main module or the build list.
// If it didn't read go.mod in this case, we wouldn't need a temp directory.
tmpDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "gorelease-download")
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
defer os.Remove(tmpDir)
cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx, "go", "mod", "download", "-json", "--", m.Path+"@"+m.Version)
if env, ok := ctx.Value("env").([]string); ok {
cmd.Env = env
cmd.Dir = tmpDir
out, err := cmd.Output()
var xerr *exec.ExitError
if err != nil {
var ok bool
if xerr, ok = err.(*exec.ExitError); !ok {
return "", "", err
// If 'go mod download' exited unsuccessfully but printed well-formed JSON
// with an error, return that error.
parsed := struct{ Dir, GoMod, Error string }{}
if jsonErr := json.Unmarshal(out, &parsed); jsonErr != nil {
if xerr != nil {
return "", "", cleanCmdError(xerr)
return "", "", jsonErr
if parsed.Error != "" {
return "", "", errors.New(parsed.Error)
if xerr != nil {
return "", "", cleanCmdError(xerr)
return parsed.Dir, parsed.GoMod, nil
// prepareLoadDir creates a temporary directory and a go.mod file that requires
// the module being loaded. go.sum is copied if present. It also creates a .go
// file that imports every package in the given modPath. This temporary module
// is useful for two reasons. First, replace and exclude directives from the
// target module aren't applied, so we have the same view as a dependent module.
// Second, we can run commands like 'go get' without modifying the original
// go.mod and go.sum files.
// modFile is the pre-parsed go.mod file. If non-nil, its requirements and
// go version will be copied so that incomplete and out-of-date requirements
// may be reported later.
// modPath is the module's path.
// modRoot is the module's root directory.
// version is the version of the module being loaded. If must be canonical
// for modules loaded from the cache. Otherwise, it may be empty (for example,
// when no release version is proposed).
// cached indicates whether the module is being loaded from the module cache.
// If cached is true, then the module lives in the cache at
// $GOMODCACHE/$modPath@$version/. Its go.mod file is at
// $GOMODCACHE/cache/download/$modPath/@v/$version.mod. It must be referenced
// with a simple require. A replace directive won't work because it may not have
// a go.mod file in modRoot.
// If cached is false, then modRoot is somewhere outside the module cache
// (ex /tmp). We'll reference it with a local replace directive. It must have a
// go.mod file in modRoot.
// dir is the location of the temporary directory.
// goModData and goSumData are the contents of the go.mod and go.sum files,
// respectively.
// pkgPaths are the import paths of the module being loaded, including the path
// to any main packages (as if they were importable).
func prepareLoadDir(ctx context.Context, modFile *modfile.File, modPath, modRoot, version string, cached bool) (dir string, goModData, goSumData []byte, pkgPaths []string, diagnostics []string, err error) {
defer func() {
if err != nil {
if cached {
err = fmt.Errorf("preparing to load packages for %s@%s: %w", modPath, version, err)
} else {
err = fmt.Errorf("preparing to load packages for %s: %w", modPath, err)
if module.Check(modPath, version) != nil {
// If no version is proposed or if the version isn't valid, use a fake
// version that matches the module's major version suffix. If the version
// is invalid, that will be reported elsewhere.
version = "v0.0.0-gorelease"
if _, pathMajor, _ := module.SplitPathVersion(modPath); pathMajor != "" {
version = pathMajor[1:] + ".0.0-gorelease"
dir, err = ioutil.TempDir("", "gorelease-load")
if err != nil {
return "", nil, nil, nil, nil, err
f := &modfile.File{}
f.AddRequire(modPath, version)
if !cached {
f.AddReplace(modPath, version, modRoot, "")
if modFile != nil {
if modFile.Go != nil {
for _, r := range modFile.Require {
f.AddRequire(r.Mod.Path, r.Mod.Version)
goModData, err = f.Format()
if err != nil {
return "", nil, nil, nil, nil, err
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(dir, "go.mod"), goModData, 0666); err != nil {
return "", nil, nil, nil, nil, err
goSumData, err = ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(modRoot, "go.sum"))
if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return "", nil, nil, nil, nil, err
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(dir, "go.sum"), goSumData, 0666); err != nil {
return "", nil, nil, nil, nil, err
// Add a .go file with requirements, so that `go get` won't blat
// requirements.
fakeImports := &strings.Builder{}
fmt.Fprint(fakeImports, "package tmp\n")
imps, err := collectImportPaths(modPath, modRoot)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, nil, nil, nil, err
for _, imp := range imps {
fmt.Fprintf(fakeImports, "import _ %q\n", imp)
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(dir, "tmp.go"), []byte(fakeImports.String()), 0666); err != nil {
return "", nil, nil, nil, nil, err
// Add missing requirements.
cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx, "go", "get", "-d", ".")
if env, ok := ctx.Value("env").([]string); ok {
cmd.Env = env
cmd.Dir = dir
if _, err := cmd.Output(); err != nil {
return "", nil, nil, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("looking for missing dependencies: %w", cleanCmdError(err))
// Report new requirements in go.mod.
goModPath := filepath.Join(dir, "go.mod")
loadReqs := func(data []byte) (reqs []module.Version, err error) {
modFile, err := modfile.ParseLax(goModPath, data, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, r := range modFile.Require {
reqs = append(reqs, r.Mod)
return reqs, nil
oldReqs, err := loadReqs(goModData)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, nil, nil, nil, err
newGoModData, err := ioutil.ReadFile(goModPath)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, nil, nil, nil, err
newReqs, err := loadReqs(newGoModData)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, nil, nil, nil, err
oldMap := make(map[module.Version]bool)
for _, req := range oldReqs {
oldMap[req] = true
var missing []module.Version
for _, req := range newReqs {
// Ignore cyclic imports, since a module never needs to require itself.
if req.Path == modPath {
if !oldMap[req] {
missing = append(missing, req)
if len(missing) > 0 {
var missingReqs []string
for _, m := range missing {
missingReqs = append(missingReqs, m.String())
diagnostics = append(diagnostics, fmt.Sprintf("go.mod: the following requirements are needed\n\t%s\nRun 'go mod tidy' to add missing requirements.", strings.Join(missingReqs, "\n\t")))
return dir, goModData, goSumData, imps, diagnostics, nil
// Cached modules may have no go.sum.
// We skip comparison because a downloaded module is outside the user's
// control.
if !cached {
// Check if 'go get' added new hashes to go.sum.
goSumPath := filepath.Join(dir, "go.sum")
newGoSumData, err := ioutil.ReadFile(goSumPath)
if err != nil {
if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return "", nil, nil, nil, nil, err
// If the sum doesn't exist, that's ok: we'll treat "no go.sum" like
// "empty go.sum".
if bytes.Compare(goSumData, newGoSumData) != 0 {
diagnostics = append(diagnostics, "go.sum: one or more sums are missing. Run 'go mod tidy' to add missing sums.")
return dir, goModData, goSumData, imps, diagnostics, nil
// collectImportPaths visits the given root and traverses its directories
// recursively, collecting the import paths of all importable packages in each
// directory along the way.
// modPath is the module path.
// root is the root directory of the module to collect imports for (the root
// of the modPath module).
// Note: the returned importPaths will include main if it exists in root.
func collectImportPaths(modPath, root string) (importPaths []string, _ error) {
err := filepath.Walk(root, func(walkPath string, fi os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
// Avoid .foo, _foo, and testdata subdirectory trees.
if !fi.IsDir() {
return nil
base := filepath.Base(walkPath)
if strings.HasPrefix(base, ".") || strings.HasPrefix(base, "_") || base == "testdata" || base == "internal" {
return filepath.SkipDir
p, err := build.Default.ImportDir(walkPath, 0)
if err != nil {
if nogoErr := (*build.NoGoError)(nil); errors.As(err, &nogoErr) {
// No .go files found in directory. That's ok, we'll keep
// searching.
return nil
return err
// Construct the import path.
importPath := path.Join(modPath, filepath.ToSlash(trimFilePathPrefix(p.Dir, root)))
importPaths = append(importPaths, importPath)
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("listing packages in %s: %v", root, err)
return importPaths, nil
// loadPackages returns a list of all packages in the module modPath, sorted by
// package path. modRoot is the module root directory, but packages are loaded
// from loadDir, which must contain go.mod and go.sum containing goModData and
// goSumData.
// We load packages from a temporary external module so that replace and exclude
// directives are not applied. The loading process may also modify go.mod and
// go.sum, and we want to detect and report differences.
// Package loading errors will be returned in the Errors field of each package.
// Other diagnostics (such as the go.sum file being incomplete) will be
// returned through diagnostics.
// err will be non-nil in case of a fatal error that prevented packages
// from being loaded.
func loadPackages(ctx context.Context, modPath, modRoot, loadDir string, goModData, goSumData []byte, pkgPaths []string) (pkgs []*packages.Package, diagnostics []string, err error) {
// Load packages.
// TODO(jayconrod): if there are errors loading packages in the release
// version, try loading in the release directory. Errors there would imply
// that packages don't load without replace / exclude directives.
cfg := &packages.Config{
Mode: packages.NeedName | packages.NeedTypes | packages.NeedImports | packages.NeedDeps,
Dir: loadDir,
Context: ctx,
if env, ok := ctx.Value("env").([]string); ok {
cfg.Env = env
if len(pkgPaths) > 0 {
pkgs, err = packages.Load(cfg, pkgPaths...)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// Sort the returned packages by path.
// packages.Load makes no guarantee about the order of returned packages.
sort.Slice(pkgs, func(i, j int) bool {
return pkgs[i].PkgPath < pkgs[j].PkgPath
// Trim modRoot from file paths in errors.
prefix := modRoot + string(os.PathSeparator)
for _, pkg := range pkgs {
for i := range pkg.Errors {
pkg.Errors[i].Pos = strings.TrimPrefix(pkg.Errors[i].Pos, prefix)
return pkgs, diagnostics, nil
type packagePair struct {
base, release *packages.Package
// zipPackages combines two lists of packages, sorted by package path,
// and returns a sorted list of pairs of packages with matching paths.
// If a package is in one list but not the other (because it was added or
// removed between releases), a pair will be returned with a nil
// base or release field.
func zipPackages(baseModPath string, basePkgs []*packages.Package, releaseModPath string, releasePkgs []*packages.Package) []packagePair {
baseIndex, releaseIndex := 0, 0
var pairs []packagePair
for baseIndex < len(basePkgs) || releaseIndex < len(releasePkgs) {
var basePkg, releasePkg *packages.Package
var baseSuffix, releaseSuffix string
if baseIndex < len(basePkgs) {
basePkg = basePkgs[baseIndex]
baseSuffix = trimPathPrefix(basePkg.PkgPath, baseModPath)
if releaseIndex < len(releasePkgs) {
releasePkg = releasePkgs[releaseIndex]
releaseSuffix = trimPathPrefix(releasePkg.PkgPath, releaseModPath)
var pair packagePair
if basePkg != nil && (releasePkg == nil || baseSuffix < releaseSuffix) {
// Package removed
pair = packagePair{basePkg, nil}
} else if releasePkg != nil && (basePkg == nil || releaseSuffix < baseSuffix) {
// Package added
pair = packagePair{nil, releasePkg}
} else {
// Matched packages.
pair = packagePair{basePkg, releasePkg}
pairs = append(pairs, pair)
return pairs
// findSelectedVersion returns the highest version of the given modPath at
// modDir, if a module cycle exists. modDir should be a writable directory
// containing the go.mod for modPath.
// If no module cycle exists, it returns empty string.
func findSelectedVersion(ctx context.Context, modDir, modPath string) (latestVersion string, err error) {
defer func() {
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("could not find selected version for %s: %v", modPath, err)
cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx, "go", "list", "-m", "-f", "{{.Version}}", "--", modPath)
if env, ok := ctx.Value("env").([]string); ok {
cmd.Env = env
cmd.Dir = modDir
out, err := cmd.Output()
if err != nil {
return "", cleanCmdError(err)
return strings.TrimSpace(string(out)), nil