blob: 85a2e5b8f153d120f9fe7254729e2a0adbc98378 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package text lays out paragraphs of text.
// A body of text is laid out into a Frame: Frames contain Paragraphs (stacked
// vertically), Paragraphs contain Lines (stacked vertically), and Lines
// contain Boxes (stacked horizontally). Each Box holds a []byte slice of the
// text. For example, to simply print a Frame's text from start to finish:
// var f *text.Frame = etc
// for p := f.FirstParagraph(); p != nil; p = p.Next(f) {
// for l := p.FirstLine(f); l != nil; l = l.Next(f) {
// for b := l.FirstBox(f); b != nil; b = b.Next(f) {
// fmt.Print(b.Text(f))
// }
// }
// }
// A Frame's structure (the tree of Paragraphs, Lines and Boxes), and its
// []byte text, are not modified directly. Instead, a Frame's maximum width can
// be re-sized, and text can be added and removed via Carets (which implement
// standard io interfaces). For example, to add some words to the end of a
// frame:
// var f *text.Frame = etc
// c := f.NewCaret()
// c.Seek(0, text.SeekEnd)
// c.WriteString("Not with a bang but a whimper.\n")
// c.Close()
// Either way, such modifications can cause re-layout, which can add or remove
// Paragraphs, Lines and Boxes. The underlying memory for such structs can be
// re-used, so pointer values, such as of type *Box, should not be held over
// such modifications.
package text // import ""
import (
// Direction is either forwards or backwards.
type Direction bool
const (
Forwards Direction = false
Backwards Direction = true
// These constants are equal to os.SEEK_SET, os.SEEK_CUR and os.SEEK_END,
// understood by the io.Seeker interface, and are provided so that users of
// this package don't have to explicitly import "os".
const (
SeekSet int = 0
SeekCur int = 1
SeekEnd int = 2
// maxLen is maximum (inclusive) value of len(Frame.text) and therefore of
// Box.i, Box.j and Caret.k.
const maxLen = 0x7fffffff
// Frame holds Paragraphs of text.
// The zero value is a valid Frame of empty text, which contains one Paragraph,
// which contains one Line, which contains one Box.
type Frame struct {
// These slices hold the Frame's Paragraphs, Lines and Boxes, indexed by
// fields such as Paragraph.firstL and
// Their contents are not necessarily in layout order. Each slice is
// obviously backed by an array, but a Frame's list of children
// (Paragraphs) forms a doubly-linked list, not an array list, so that
// insertion has lower algorithmic complexity. Similarly for a Paragraph's
// list of children (Lines) and a Line's list of children (Boxes).
// The 0'th index into each slice is a special case. Otherwise, each
// element is either in use (forming a double linked list with its
// siblings) or in a free list (forming a single linked list; the prev
// field is -1).
// A zero firstFoo field means that the parent holds a single, implicit
// (lazily allocated), empty-but-not-nil *Foo child. Every Frame contains
// at least one Paragraph. Similarly, every Paragraph contains at least one
// Line, and every Line contains at least one Box.
// A zero next or prev field means that there is no such sibling (for an
// in-use Paragraph, Line or Box) or no such next free element (if in the
// free list).
paragraphs []Paragraph
lines []Line
boxes []Box
// freeX is the index of the first X (Paragraph, Line or Box) in the
// respective free list. Zero means that there is no such free element.
freeP, freeL, freeB int32
firstP int32
maxWidth fixed.Int26_6
face font.Face
// len is the total length of the Frame's current textual content, in
// bytes. It can be smaller then len(text), since that []byte can contain
// 'holes' of deleted content.
// Like the paragraphs, lines and boxes slice-typed fields above, the text
// []byte does not necessarily hold the textual content in layout order.
// Instead, it holds the content in edit (insertion) order, with occasional
// compactions. Again, the algorithmic complexity of insertions matters.
len int
text []byte
// seqNum is a sequence number that is incremented every time the Frame's
// text or layout is modified. It lets us detect whether a Caret's cached
// p, l, b and k fields are stale.
seqNum uint64
carets []*Caret
// lineReaderData supports the Frame's lineReader, used when reading a
// Line's text one rune at a time.
lineReaderData bAndK
// TODO: allow multiple font faces, i.e. rich text?
// SetFace sets the font face for measuring text.
func (f *Frame) SetFace(face font.Face) {
if !f.initialized() {
f.face = face
if f.len != 0 {
// SetMaxWidth sets the target maximum width of a Line of text. Text will be
// broken so that a Line's width is less than or equal to this maximum width.
// This line breaking is not strict. A Line containing asingleverylongword
// combined with a narrow maximum width will not be broken and will remain
// longer than the target maximum width; soft hyphens are not inserted.
// A non-positive argument is treated as an infinite maximum width.
func (f *Frame) SetMaxWidth(m fixed.Int26_6) {
if !f.initialized() {
if f.maxWidth == m {
f.maxWidth = m
if f.len != 0 {
func (f *Frame) relayout() {
for p := f.firstP; p != 0; p = f.paragraphs[p].next {
l := f.mergeIntoOneLine(p)
layout(f, l)
// mergeIntoOneLine merges all of a Paragraph's Lines into a single Line, and
// compacts its empty and otherwise joinable Boxes. It returns the index of
// that Line.
func (f *Frame) mergeIntoOneLine(p int32) (l int32) {
firstL := f.paragraphs[p].firstL
ll := &f.lines[firstL]
b0 := ll.firstB
bb0 := &f.boxes[b0]
for {
if b1 :=; b1 != 0 {
bb1 := &f.boxes[b1]
if !f.joinBoxes(b0, b1, bb0, bb1) {
b0, bb0 = b1, bb1
if == 0 {
return firstL
// Unbreak the Line.
nextLL := &f.lines[]
b1 := nextLL.firstB
bb1 := &f.boxes[b1] = b1
bb1.prev = b0
toFree := =
// There's no need to fix up f.lines[].prev since it will just
// be freed later in the loop.
// joinBoxes joins two adjacent Boxes if the Box.j field of the first one
// equals the Box.i field of the second, or at least one of them is empty. It
// returns whether they were joined. If they were joined, the second of the two
// Boxes is freed.
func (f *Frame) joinBoxes(b0, b1 int32, bb0, bb1 *Box) bool {
switch {
case bb0.i == bb0.j:
// The first Box is empty. Replace its i/j with the second one's.
bb0.i, bb0.j = bb1.i, bb1.j
case bb1.i == bb1.j:
// The second box is empty. Drop it.
case bb0.j == bb1.i:
// The two non-empty Boxes are joinable.
bb0.j = bb1.j
return false
} =
if != 0 {
f.boxes[].prev = b0
return true
func (f *Frame) initialized() bool {
return len(f.paragraphs) > 0
func (f *Frame) initialize() {
// The first valid Paragraph, Line and Box all have index 1. The 0'th index
// of each slice is a special case.
f.paragraphs = make([]Paragraph, 2, 16)
f.lines = make([]Line, 2, 16)
f.boxes = make([]Box, 2, 16)
f.firstP = 1
f.paragraphs[1].firstL = 1
f.lines[1].firstB = 1
// newParagraph returns the index of an empty Paragraph, and whether or not the
// underlying memory has been re-allocated. Re-allocation means that any
// existing *Paragraph pointers become invalid.
func (f *Frame) newParagraph() (p int32, realloc bool) {
if f.freeP != 0 {
p := f.freeP
pp := &f.paragraphs[p]
f.freeP =
*pp = Paragraph{}
return p, false
realloc = len(f.paragraphs) == cap(f.paragraphs)
f.paragraphs = append(f.paragraphs, Paragraph{})
return int32(len(f.paragraphs) - 1), realloc
// newLine returns the index of an empty Line, and whether or not the
// underlying memory has been re-allocated. Re-allocation means that any
// existing *Line pointers become invalid.
func (f *Frame) newLine() (l int32, realloc bool) {
if f.freeL != 0 {
l := f.freeL
ll := &f.lines[l]
f.freeL =
*ll = Line{}
return l, false
realloc = len(f.lines) == cap(f.lines)
f.lines = append(f.lines, Line{})
return int32(len(f.lines) - 1), realloc
// newBox returns the index of an empty Box, and whether or not the underlying
// memory has been re-allocated. Re-allocation means that any existing *Box
// pointers become invalid.
func (f *Frame) newBox() (b int32, realloc bool) {
if f.freeB != 0 {
b := f.freeB
bb := &f.boxes[b]
f.freeB =
*bb = Box{}
return b, false
realloc = len(f.boxes) == cap(f.boxes)
f.boxes = append(f.boxes, Box{})
return int32(len(f.boxes) - 1), realloc
func (f *Frame) freeParagraph(p int32) {
f.paragraphs[p] = Paragraph{next: f.freeP, prev: -1}
f.freeP = p
// TODO: run a compaction if the free-list is too large?
func (f *Frame) freeLine(l int32) {
f.lines[l] = Line{next: f.freeL, prev: -1}
f.freeL = l
// TODO: run a compaction if the free-list is too large?
func (f *Frame) freeBox(b int32) {
f.boxes[b] = Box{next: f.freeB, prev: -1}
f.freeB = b
// TODO: run a compaction if the free-list is too large?
func (f *Frame) lastParagraph() int32 {
for p := f.firstP; ; {
if next := f.paragraphs[p].next; next != 0 {
p = next
return p
// FirstParagraph returns the first paragraph of this frame.
func (f *Frame) FirstParagraph() *Paragraph {
if !f.initialized() {
return &f.paragraphs[f.firstP]
// Len returns the number of bytes in the Frame's text.
func (f *Frame) Len() int {
// We would normally check f.initialized() at the start of each exported
// method of a Frame, but that is not necessary here. The Frame's text's
// length does not depend on its Paragraphs, Lines and Boxes.
return f.len
// deletedLen returns the number of deleted bytes in the Frame's text.
func (f *Frame) deletedLen() int {
return len(f.text) - f.len
func (f *Frame) compactText() {
// f.text contains f.len live bytes and len(f.text) - f.len deleted bytes.
// After the compaction, the new f.text slice's capacity should be at least
// f.len, to hold all of the live bytes, but also be below len(f.text) to
// allow total memory use to decrease. The actual value used (halfway
// between them) is arbitrary. A lower value means less up-front memory
// consumption but a lower threshold for re-allocating the f.text slice
// upon further writes, such as a paste immediately after a cut. A higher
// value means the opposite.
newText := make([]byte, 0, f.len+f.deletedLen()/2)
for p := f.firstP; p != 0; {
pp := &f.paragraphs[p]
for l := pp.firstL; l != 0; {
ll := &f.lines[l]
i := int32(len(newText))
for b := ll.firstB; b != 0; {
bb := &f.boxes[b]
newText = append(newText, f.text[bb.i:bb.j]...)
nextB :=
b = nextB
j := int32(len(newText))
ll.firstB, _ = f.newBox()
bb := &f.boxes[ll.firstB]
bb.i, bb.j = i, j
l =
p =
f.text = newText
if len(newText) != f.len {
panic("text: invalid state")
// NewCaret returns a new Caret at the start of this Frame.
func (f *Frame) NewCaret() *Caret {
if !f.initialized() {
// Make the first Paragraph, Line and Box explicit, since Carets require an
// explicit p, l and b.
p := f.FirstParagraph()
l := p.FirstLine(f)
b := l.FirstBox(f)
c := &Caret{
f: f,
p: f.firstP,
l: p.firstL,
b: l.firstB,
k: b.i,
caretsIndex: len(f.carets),
f.carets = append(f.carets, c)
return c
// readRune returns the next rune and its size in bytes, starting from the Box
// indexed by b and the text in that Box indexed by k. It also returns the new
// b and k indexes after reading size bytes. The b argument must not be zero,
// and the newB return value will not be zero.
// It can cross Box boundaries, but not Line boundaries, in finding the next
// rune.
func (f *Frame) readRune(b, k int32) (r rune, size int, newB, newK int32) {
bb := &f.boxes[b]
// In the fastest, common case, see if we can read a rune without crossing
// a Box boundary.
r, size = utf8.DecodeRune(f.text[k:bb.j])
if r < utf8.RuneSelf || size > 1 {
return r, size, b, k + int32(size)
// Otherwise, we decoded invalid UTF-8, possibly because a valid UTF-8 rune
// straddled this Box and the next one. Try again, copying up to
// utf8.UTFMax bytes from multiple Boxes into a single contiguous buffer.
buf := [utf8.UTFMax]byte{}
newBAndKs := [utf8.UTFMax + 1]bAndK{
0: bAndK{b, k},
n := int32(0)
for {
if k < bb.j {
nCopied := int32(copy(buf[n:], f.text[k:bb.j]))
for i := int32(1); i <= nCopied; i++ {
newBAndKs[n+i] = bAndK{b, k + i}
n += nCopied
if n == utf8.UTFMax {
b =
if b == 0 {
bb = &f.boxes[b]
k = bb.i
r, size = utf8.DecodeRune(buf[:n])
bk := newBAndKs[size]
if bk.b == 0 {
panic("text: invalid state")
return r, size, bk.b, bk.k
// readLastRune is like readRune but it reads the last rune before b-and-k
// instead of the first rune after.
func (f *Frame) readLastRune(b, k int32) (r rune, size int, newB, newK int32) {
bb := &f.boxes[b]
// In the fastest, common case, see if we can read a rune without crossing
// a Box boundary.
r, size = utf8.DecodeLastRune(f.text[bb.i:k])
if r < utf8.RuneSelf || size > 1 {
return r, size, b, k - int32(size)
// Otherwise, we decoded invalid UTF-8, possibly because a valid UTF-8 rune
// straddled this Box and the previous one. Try again, copying up to
// utf8.UTFMax bytes from multiple Boxes into a single contiguous buffer.
buf := [utf8.UTFMax]byte{}
newBAndKs := [utf8.UTFMax + 1]bAndK{
utf8.UTFMax: bAndK{b, k},
n := int32(utf8.UTFMax)
for {
if k < bb.j {
nCopied := k - bb.i
if nCopied > n {
nCopied = n
copy(buf[n-nCopied:n], f.text[k-nCopied:k])
for i := int32(1); i <= nCopied; i++ {
newBAndKs[n-i] = bAndK{b, k - i}
n -= nCopied
if n == 0 {
b = bb.prev
if b == 0 {
bb = &f.boxes[b]
k = bb.j
r, size = utf8.DecodeLastRune(buf[n:])
bk := newBAndKs[utf8.UTFMax-size]
if bk.b == 0 {
panic("text: invalid state")
return r, size, bk.b, bk.k
func (f *Frame) lineReader(b, k int32) lineReader {
f.lineReaderData.b = b
f.lineReaderData.k = k
return lineReader{f}
// bAndK is a text position k within a Box b. The k is analogous to the Caret.k
// field. For a bAndK x, letting bb := Frame.boxes[x.b], an invariant is that
// bb.i <= x.k && x.k <= bb.j.
type bAndK struct {
b int32
k int32
// lineReader is an io.RuneReader for a Line of text, from its current position
// (a bAndK) up until the end of the Line containing that Box.
// A Frame can have only one active lineReader at any one time. To avoid
// excessive memory allocation and garbage collection, the lineReader's data is
// a field of the Frame struct and re-used.
type lineReader struct{ f *Frame }
func (z lineReader) bAndK() bAndK {
return z.f.lineReaderData
func (z lineReader) ReadRune() (r rune, size int, err error) {
d := &z.f.lineReaderData
for d.b != 0 {
bb := &z.f.boxes[d.b]
if d.k < bb.j {
r, size, d.b, d.k = z.f.readRune(d.b, d.k)
return r, size, nil
d.b =
d.k = z.f.boxes[d.b].i
return 0, 0, io.EOF
// Paragraph holds Lines of text.
type Paragraph struct {
firstL, next, prev int32
func (p *Paragraph) lastLine(f *Frame) int32 {
for l := p.firstL; ; {
if next := f.lines[l].next; next != 0 {
l = next
return l
// FirstLine returns the first Line of this Paragraph.
// f is the Frame that contains the Paragraph.
func (p *Paragraph) FirstLine(f *Frame) *Line {
return &f.lines[p.firstL]
// Next returns the next Paragraph after this one in the Frame.
// f is the Frame that contains the Paragraph.
func (p *Paragraph) Next(f *Frame) *Paragraph {
if == 0 {
return nil
return &f.paragraphs[]
// Line holds Boxes of text.
type Line struct {
firstB, next, prev int32
func (l *Line) lastBox(f *Frame) int32 {
for b := l.firstB; ; {
if next := f.boxes[b].next; next != 0 {
b = next
return b
// FirstBox returns the first Box of this Line.
// f is the Frame that contains the Line.
func (l *Line) FirstBox(f *Frame) *Box {
return &f.boxes[l.firstB]
// Next returns the next Line after this one in the Paragraph.
// f is the Frame that contains the Line.
func (l *Line) Next(f *Frame) *Line {
if == 0 {
return nil
return &f.lines[]
// Box holds a contiguous run of text.
type Box struct {
next, prev int32
// Frame.text[i:j] holds this Box's text.
i, j int32
// Next returns the next Box after this one in the Line.
// f is the Frame that contains the Box.
func (b *Box) Next(f *Frame) *Box {
if == 0 {
return nil
return &f.boxes[]
// Text returns the Box's text.
// f is the Frame that contains the Box.
func (b *Box) Text(f *Frame) []byte {
return f.text[b.i:b.j]
// TrimmedText returns the Box's text, trimmed right of any white space if it
// is the last Box in its Line.
// f is the Frame that contains the Box.
func (b *Box) TrimmedText(f *Frame) []byte {
s := f.text[b.i:b.j]
if == 0 {
for len(s) > 0 && s[len(s)-1] <= ' ' {
s = s[:len(s)-1]
return s