blob: d77eb6d1b7b681f2c5d946e351001ed9e8e23dac [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build example
// This build tag means that "go install" doesn't
// install this example program. Use "go run main.go board.go xy.go" to run it
// or "go install -tags=example" to install it.
package main
import (
_ "image/jpeg"
_ "image/png"
const maxBoard = 21 // Maximum board size we can handle.
var ZP = image.ZP // For brevity.
type stoneColor uint8
const (
blank stoneColor = iota // Unused
// Piece represents a stone on the board. A nil Piece is "blank".
// The delta records pixel offset from the central dot.
type Piece struct {
stone *Stone
ij IJ
delta image.Point
color stoneColor
type Board struct {
pieces []*Piece // The board. Dimensions are 1-indexed. 1, 1 is the lower left corner.
image *image.RGBA
stone []Stone // All the black stones, followed by all the white stones.
numBlackStones int
numWhiteStones int
type Stone struct {
originalImage *image.RGBA
originalMask *image.Alpha
image *image.RGBA
mask *image.Alpha
func NewBoard(dim, percent int) *Board {
switch dim {
case 9, 13, 19, 21:
return nil
boardTexture := get("goboard.jpg", 0)
b := new(Board)
b.Dims.Init(dim, 100)
b.pieces = make([]*Piece, maxBoard*maxBoard)
b.image = image.NewRGBA(boardTexture.Bounds())
draw.Draw(b.image, b.image.Bounds(), boardTexture, ZP, draw.Src)
dir, err := os.Open("asset")
if err != nil {
defer dir.Close()
names, err := dir.Readdirnames(0)
if err != nil {
circleMask := makeCircle()
// Blackstones go first
for _, name := range names {
if strings.HasPrefix(name, "blackstone") {
s, m := makeStone(name, circleMask)
b.stone = append(b.stone, Stone{s, m, nil, nil})
for _, name := range names {
if strings.HasPrefix(name, "whitestone") {
s, m := makeStone(name, circleMask)
b.stone = append(b.stone, Stone{s, m, nil, nil})
b.Resize(percent) // TODO
return b
func (b *Board) Resize(percent int) {
for i := range b.stone {
stone := &b.stone[i]
stone.image = resizeRGBA(stone.originalImage, b.stoneDiam)
stone.mask = resizeAlpha(stone.originalMask, b.stoneDiam)
func resizeRGBA(src *image.RGBA, size int) *image.RGBA {
dst := image.NewRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, size, size))
draw.ApproxBiLinear.Scale(dst, dst.Bounds(), src, src.Bounds(), draw.Src, nil)
return dst
func resizeAlpha(src *image.Alpha, size int) *image.Alpha {
dst := image.NewAlpha(image.Rect(0, 0, size, size))
draw.ApproxBiLinear.Scale(dst, dst.Bounds(), src, src.Bounds(), draw.Src, nil)
return dst
func (b *Board) piece(ij IJ) *Piece {
return b.pieces[(ij.j-1)*b.Dims.dim+ij.i-1]
func jitter() int {
max := 25 * *scale / 100
if max&1 == 0 {
return rand.Intn(max) - max/2
func (b *Board) putPiece(ij IJ, piece *Piece) {
b.pieces[(ij.j-1)*b.Dims.dim+ij.i-1] = piece
if piece != nil {
piece.ij = ij = image.Point{jitter(), jitter()}
func (b *Board) selectBlackPiece() *Piece {
return &Piece{
stone: &b.stone[rand.Intn(b.numBlackStones)],
color: black,
func (b *Board) selectWhitePiece() *Piece {
return &Piece{
stone: &b.stone[b.numBlackStones+rand.Intn(b.numWhiteStones)],
color: white,
func makeStone(name string, circleMask *image.Alpha) (*image.RGBA, *image.Alpha) {
stone := get(name, stoneSize0)
dst := image.NewRGBA(stone.Bounds())
// Make the whole area black, for the shadow.
draw.Draw(dst, dst.Bounds(), image.Black, ZP, draw.Src)
// Lay in the stone within the circle so it shows up inside the shadow.
draw.DrawMask(dst, dst.Bounds(), stone, ZP, circleMask, ZP, draw.Over)
return dst, makeShadowMask(stone)
func get(name string, size int) image.Image {
f, err := os.Open(filepath.Join("asset", name))
if err != nil {
i, _, err := image.Decode(f)
if err != nil {
if size != 0 {
r := i.Bounds()
if r.Dx() != size || r.Dy() != size {
log.Fatalf("bad stone size %s for %s; must be %d[2]×%d[2]", r, name, size)
return i
func makeCircle() *image.Alpha {
mask := image.NewAlpha(image.Rect(0, 0, stoneSize0, stoneSize0))
// Make alpha work on stone.
// Shade gives shape, to be applied with black.
for y := 0; y < stoneSize0; y++ {
y2 := stoneSize0/2 - y
y2 *= y2
for x := 0; x < stoneSize0; x++ {
x2 := stoneSize0/2 - x
x2 *= x2
if x2+y2 <= stoneRad2 {
mask.SetAlpha(x, y, color.Alpha{255})
return mask
func makeShadowMask(stone image.Image) *image.Alpha {
mask := image.NewAlpha(stone.Bounds())
// Make alpha work on stone.
// Shade gives shape, to be applied with black.
const size = 256
const diam = 225
for y := 0; y < size; y++ {
y2 := size/2 - y
y2 *= y2
for x := 0; x < size; x++ {
x2 := size/2 - x
x2 *= x2
if x2+y2 > stoneRad2 {
red, _, _, _ := stone.At(x, y).RGBA()
mask.SetAlpha(x, y, color.Alpha{255 - uint8(red>>8)})
} else {
mask.SetAlpha(x, y, color.Alpha{255})
return mask
func (b *Board) Draw(m *image.RGBA) {
r := b.image.Bounds()
draw.Draw(m, r, b.image, ZP, draw.Src)
// Vertical lines.
x := b.xInset + b.squareWidth/2
y := b.yInset + b.squareHeight/2
wid := b.lineWidth
for i := 0; i < b.dim; i++ {
r := image.Rect(x, y, x+wid, y+(b.dim-1)*b.squareHeight)
draw.Draw(m, r, image.Black, ZP, draw.Src)
x += b.squareWidth
// Horizontal lines.
x = b.xInset + b.squareWidth/2
for i := 0; i < b.dim; i++ {
r := image.Rect(x, y, x+(b.dim-1)*b.squareWidth+wid, y+wid)
draw.Draw(m, r, image.Black, ZP, draw.Src)
y += b.squareHeight
// Points.
spot := 4
if b.dim < 13 {
spot = 3
points := []IJ{
{spot, spot},
{spot, (b.dim + 1) / 2},
{spot, b.dim + 1 - spot},
{(b.dim + 1) / 2, spot},
{(b.dim + 1) / 2, (b.dim + 1) / 2},
{(b.dim + 1) / 2, b.dim + 1 - spot},
{b.dim + 1 - spot, spot},
{b.dim + 1 - spot, (b.dim + 1) / 2},
{b.dim + 1 - spot, b.dim + 1 - spot},
for _, ij := range points {
b.drawPoint(m, ij)
// Pieces.
for i := 1; i <= b.dim; i++ {
for j := 1; j <= b.dim; j++ {
ij := IJ{i, j}
if p := b.piece(ij); p != nil {
b.drawPiece(m, ij, p)
func (b *Board) drawPoint(m *image.RGBA, ij IJ) {
pt := ij.XYCenter(&b.Dims)
wid := b.lineWidth
sz := wid * 3 / 2
r := image.Rect(pt.x-sz, pt.y-sz, pt.x+wid+sz, pt.y+wid+sz)
draw.Draw(m, r, image.Black, ZP, draw.Src)
func (b *Board) drawPiece(m *image.RGBA, ij IJ, piece *Piece) {
xy := ij.XYStone(&b.Dims)
xy = xy.Add(
draw.DrawMask(m, xy, piece.stone.image, ZP, piece.stone.mask, ZP, draw.Over)
func (b *Board) click(m *image.RGBA, x, y, button int) {
ij, ok := XY{x, y}.IJ(&b.Dims)
if !ok {
switch button {
case 1:
b.putPiece(ij, b.selectBlackPiece())
case 2:
b.putPiece(ij, b.selectWhitePiece())
case 3:
b.putPiece(ij, nil)
render(m, b) // TODO: Connect this to paint events.