blob: 3af0bd40b35ffe005f9c85ab34815dd5a107dde6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
//go:build !disable_events
package event
import (
const (
// this is the maximum amount of helpers we scan past to find a non helper
helperDepthLimit = 5
type sources struct {
entries []caller
type Source struct {
Space string
Owner string
Name string
type caller struct {
helper bool
pc uintptr
source Source
var globalCallers chan *sources
// RegisterHelper records a function as being an event helper that should not
// be used when capturing the source information on events.
// v should be either a string or a function pointer.
// If v is a string it is of the form
// Space.Owner.Name
// where Owner and Name cannot contain '/' and Name also cannot contain '.'
func RegisterHelper(v interface{}) {
g := <-globalCallers
defer func() { globalCallers <- g }()
switch v := v.(type) {
case string:
g.entries = append(g.entries, caller{source: splitName(v), helper: true})
func init() {
g := &sources{}
// make all entries in the event package helpers
globalCallers = make(chan *sources, 1)
globalCallers <- g
func newCallers() sources {
g := <-globalCallers
defer func() { globalCallers <- g }()
c := sources{}
c.entries = make([]caller, len(g.entries))
copy(c.entries, g.entries)
return c
func (c *sources) addCaller(entry caller) {
i := sort.Search(len(c.entries), func(i int) bool {
return c.entries[i].pc >= entry.pc
if i >= len(c.entries) {
// add to end
c.entries = append(c.entries, entry)
if c.entries[i].pc == entry.pc {
// already present
//expand the array
c.entries = append(c.entries, caller{})
//make a space
copy(c.entries[i+1:], c.entries[i:])
// insert the entry
c.entries[i] = entry
func (c *sources) getCaller(pc uintptr) (caller, bool) {
i := sort.Search(len(c.entries), func(i int) bool {
return c.entries[i].pc >= pc
if i == len(c.entries) || c.entries[i].pc != pc {
return caller{}, false
return c.entries[i], true
func scanStack() Source {
g := <-globalCallers
defer func() { globalCallers <- g }()
return g.scanStack()
func (c *sources) scanStack() Source {
// first capture the caller stack
var stack [helperDepthLimit]uintptr
// we can skip the first three entries
// runtime.Callers
// event.(*sources).scanStack (this function)
// another function in this package (because scanStack is private)
depth := runtime.Callers(3, stack[:]) // start at 2 to skip Callers and this function
// do a cheap first pass to see if we have an entry for this stack
for i := 0; i < depth; i++ {
pc := stack[i]
e, found := c.getCaller(pc)
if found {
if !e.helper {
// exact non helper match match found, return it
return e.source
// helper found, keep scanning
// stack entry not found, we need to fill one in
f := runtime.FuncForPC(stack[i])
if f == nil {
// symtab lookup failed, pretend it does not exist
e = caller{
source: splitName(f.Name()),
pc: pc,
e.helper = c.isHelper(e)
if !e.helper {
// found a non helper entry, add it and return it
return e.source
// ran out of stack, was all helpers
return Source{}
// we do helper matching by name, if the pc matched we would have already found
// that, but helper registration does not know the call stack pcs
func (c *sources) isHelper(entry caller) bool {
// scan to see if it matches any of the helpers
// we match by name in case of inlining
for _, e := range c.entries {
if !e.helper {
// ignore all the non helper entries
if isMatch(entry.source.Space, e.source.Space) &&
isMatch(entry.source.Owner, e.source.Owner) &&
isMatch(entry.source.Name, e.source.Name) {
return true
return false
func isMatch(value, against string) bool {
return len(against) == 0 || value == against
func (c *sources) helperFunction(v interface{}) {
r := reflect.ValueOf(v)
pc := r.Pointer()
f := runtime.FuncForPC(pc)
entry := caller{
source: splitName(f.Name()),
pc: f.Entry(),
helper: true,
if entry.pc != pc {
entry.pc = pc
func splitName(full string) Source {
// Function is the fully-qualified function name. The name itself may
// have dots (for a closure, for instance), but it can't have slashes.
// So the package path ends at the first dot after the last slash.
entry := Source{Space: full}
slash := strings.LastIndexByte(full, '/')
if slash < 0 {
slash = 0
if dot := strings.IndexByte(full[slash:], '.'); dot >= 0 {
entry.Space = full[:slash+dot]
entry.Name = full[slash+dot+1:]
if dot = strings.LastIndexByte(entry.Name, '.'); dot >= 0 {
entry.Owner = entry.Name[:dot]
entry.Name = entry.Name[dot+1:]
return entry