blob: 2d2e09f1d47d111642a4cbaf0d93fc716f8277b8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This file implements the Check function, which typechecks a package.
package types
import (
// debugging support
const (
debug = true // leave on during development
trace = false // turn on for detailed type resolution traces
// exprInfo stores type and constant value for an untyped expression.
type exprInfo struct {
isConst bool // expression has a, possibly unknown, constant value
isLhs bool // expression is lhs operand of a shift with delayed type check
typ *Basic
val interface{} // constant value (may be nil if unknown); valid if isConst
// A checker is an instance of the type checker.
type checker struct {
ctxt *Context
fset *token.FileSet
files []*ast.File
// lazily initialized
pkg *Package // current package
firsterr error // first error encountered
idents map[*ast.Ident]Object // maps identifiers to their unique object
objects map[*ast.Object]Object // maps *ast.Objects to their unique object
initspecs map[*ast.ValueSpec]*ast.ValueSpec // "inherited" type and initialization expressions for constant declarations
methods map[*TypeName]*Scope // maps type names to associated methods
conversions map[*ast.CallExpr]bool // set of type-checked conversions (to distinguish from calls)
untyped map[ast.Expr]exprInfo // map of expressions without final type
// functions
funclist []function // list of functions/methods with correct signatures and non-empty bodies
funcsig *Signature // signature of currently typechecked function
pos []token.Pos // stack of expr positions; debugging support, used if trace is set
func (check *checker) register(id *ast.Ident, obj Object) {
// When an expression is evaluated more than once (happens
// in rare cases, e.g. for statement expressions, see
// comment in stmt.go), the object has been registered
// before. Don't do anything in that case.
if alt := check.idents[id]; alt != nil {
assert(alt == obj)
check.idents[id] = obj
if f := check.ctxt.Ident; f != nil {
f(id, obj)
// lookup returns the unique Object denoted by the identifier.
// For identifiers without assigned *ast.Object, it uses the
// checker.idents map; for identifiers with an *ast.Object it
// uses the checker.objects map.
// TODO(gri) Once identifier resolution is done entirely by
// the typechecker, only the idents map is needed.
func (check *checker) lookup(ident *ast.Ident) Object {
obj := check.idents[ident]
astObj := ident.Obj
if obj != nil {
assert(astObj == nil || check.objects[astObj] == nil || check.objects[astObj] == obj)
return obj
if astObj == nil {
return nil
if obj = check.objects[astObj]; obj == nil {
obj = newObj(check.pkg, astObj)
check.objects[astObj] = obj
check.register(ident, obj)
return obj
type function struct {
obj *Func // for debugging/tracing only
sig *Signature
body *ast.BlockStmt
// later adds a function with non-empty body to the list of functions
// that need to be processed after all package-level declarations
// are typechecked.
func (check *checker) later(f *Func, sig *Signature, body *ast.BlockStmt) {
// functions implemented elsewhere (say in assembly) have no body
if body != nil {
check.funclist = append(check.funclist, function{f, sig, body})
func (check *checker) declareIdent(scope *Scope, ident *ast.Ident, obj Object) {
assert(check.lookup(ident) == nil) // identifier already declared or resolved
check.register(ident, obj)
if ident.Name != "_" {
if alt := scope.Insert(obj); alt != nil {
prevDecl := ""
if pos := alt.GetPos(); pos.IsValid() {
prevDecl = fmt.Sprintf("\n\tprevious declaration at %s", check.fset.Position(pos))
check.errorf(ident.Pos(), fmt.Sprintf("%s redeclared in this block%s", ident.Name, prevDecl))
func (check *checker) valueSpec(pos token.Pos, obj Object, lhs []*ast.Ident, spec *ast.ValueSpec, iota int) {
if len(lhs) == 0 {
check.invalidAST(pos, "missing lhs in declaration")
// determine type for all of lhs, if any
// (but only set it for the object we typecheck!)
var typ Type
if spec.Type != nil {
typ = check.typ(spec.Type, false)
// len(lhs) > 0
rhs := spec.Values
if len(lhs) == len(rhs) {
// check only lhs and rhs corresponding to obj
var l, r ast.Expr
for i, name := range lhs {
if check.lookup(name) == obj {
l = lhs[i]
r = rhs[i]
assert(l != nil)
switch obj := obj.(type) {
case *Const:
obj.Type = typ
case *Var:
obj.Type = typ
check.assign1to1(l, r, nil, true, iota)
// there must be a type or initialization expressions
if typ == nil && len(rhs) == 0 {
check.invalidAST(pos, "missing type or initialization expression")
typ = Typ[Invalid]
// if we have a type, mark all of lhs
if typ != nil {
for _, name := range lhs {
switch obj := check.lookup(name).(type) {
case *Const:
obj.Type = typ
case *Var:
obj.Type = typ
// check initial values, if any
if len(rhs) > 0 {
// TODO(gri) should try to avoid this conversion
lhx := make([]ast.Expr, len(lhs))
for i, e := range lhs {
lhx[i] = e
check.assignNtoM(lhx, rhs, true, iota)
// object typechecks an object by assigning it a type.
func (check *checker) object(obj Object, cycleOk bool) {
switch obj := obj.(type) {
case *Package:
// nothing to do
case *Const:
if obj.Type != nil {
return // already checked
// The obj.Val field for constants is initialized to its respective
// iota value (type int) by the parser.
// If the object's type is Typ[Invalid], the object value is ignored.
// If the object's type is valid, the object value must be a legal
// constant value; it may be nil to indicate that we don't know the
// value of the constant (e.g., in: "const x = float32("foo")" we
// know that x is a constant and has type float32, but we don't
// have a value due to the error in the conversion).
if obj.visited {
check.errorf(obj.GetPos(), "illegal cycle in initialization of constant %s", obj.Name)
obj.Type = Typ[Invalid]
obj.visited = true
spec := obj.spec
iota := obj.Val.(int)
obj.Val = nil // set to a valid (but unknown) constant value
// determine spec for type and initialization expressions
init := spec
if len(init.Values) == 0 {
init = check.initspecs[spec]
check.valueSpec(spec.Pos(), obj, spec.Names, init, iota)
case *Var:
if obj.Type != nil {
return // already checked
if obj.visited {
check.errorf(obj.GetPos(), "illegal cycle in initialization of variable %s", obj.Name)
obj.Type = Typ[Invalid]
obj.visited = true
switch d := obj.decl.(type) {
case *ast.Field:
unreachable() // function parameters are always typed when collected
case *ast.ValueSpec:
check.valueSpec(d.Pos(), obj, d.Names, d, 0)
case *ast.AssignStmt:
unreachable() // assign1to1 sets the type for failing short var decls
unreachable() // see also function newObj
case *TypeName:
if obj.Type != nil {
return // already checked
typ := &NamedType{Obj: obj}
obj.Type = typ // "mark" object so recursion terminates
typ.Underlying = underlying(check.typ(obj.spec.Type, cycleOk))
// typecheck associated method signatures
if scope := check.methods[obj]; scope != nil {
switch t := typ.Underlying.(type) {
case *Struct:
// struct fields must not conflict with methods
for _, f := range t.Fields {
if m := scope.Lookup(f.Name); m != nil {
check.errorf(m.GetPos(), "type %s has both field and method named %s", obj.Name, f.Name)
// ok to continue
case *Interface:
// methods cannot be associated with an interface type
for _, m := range scope.Entries {
recv := m.(*Func).decl.Recv.List[0].Type
check.errorf(recv.Pos(), "invalid receiver type %s (%s is an interface type)", obj.Name, obj.Name)
// ok to continue
// typecheck method signatures
var methods []*Method
for _, obj := range scope.Entries {
m := obj.(*Func)
sig := check.typ(m.decl.Type, cycleOk).(*Signature)
params, _ := check.collectParams(m.decl.Recv, false)
sig.Recv = params[0] // the parser/assocMethod ensure there is exactly one parameter
m.Type = sig
methods = append(methods, &Method{QualifiedName{check.pkg, m.Name}, sig})
check.later(m, sig, m.decl.Body)
typ.Methods = methods
delete(check.methods, obj) // we don't need this scope anymore
case *Func:
if obj.Type != nil {
return // already checked
fdecl := obj.decl
// methods are typechecked when their receivers are typechecked
if fdecl.Recv == nil {
sig := check.typ(fdecl.Type, cycleOk).(*Signature)
if obj.Name == "init" && (len(sig.Params) != 0 || len(sig.Results) != 0) {
check.errorf(fdecl.Pos(), "func init must have no arguments and no return values")
// ok to continue
obj.Type = sig
check.later(obj, sig, fdecl.Body)
// assocInitvals associates "inherited" initialization expressions
// with the corresponding *ast.ValueSpec in the check.initspecs map
// for constant declarations without explicit initialization expressions.
func (check *checker) assocInitvals(decl *ast.GenDecl) {
var last *ast.ValueSpec
for _, s := range decl.Specs {
if s, ok := s.(*ast.ValueSpec); ok {
if len(s.Values) > 0 {
last = s
} else {
check.initspecs[s] = last
if last == nil {
check.invalidAST(decl.Pos(), "no initialization values provided")
// assocMethod associates a method declaration with the respective
// receiver base type. meth.Recv must exist.
func (check *checker) assocMethod(meth *ast.FuncDecl) {
// The receiver type is one of the following (enforced by parser):
// - *ast.Ident
// - *ast.StarExpr{*ast.Ident}
// - *ast.BadExpr (parser error)
typ := meth.Recv.List[0].Type
if ptr, ok := typ.(*ast.StarExpr); ok {
typ = ptr.X
// determine receiver base type name
ident, ok := typ.(*ast.Ident)
if !ok {
// not an identifier - parser reported error already
return // ignore this method
// determine receiver base type object
var tname *TypeName
if obj := check.lookup(ident); obj != nil {
obj, ok := obj.(*TypeName)
if !ok {
check.errorf(ident.Pos(), "%s is not a type", ident.Name)
return // ignore this method
if obj.spec == nil {
check.errorf(ident.Pos(), "cannot define method on non-local type %s", ident.Name)
return // ignore this method
tname = obj
} else {
// identifier not declared/resolved - parser reported error already
return // ignore this method
// declare method in receiver base type scope
scope := check.methods[tname]
if scope == nil {
scope = new(Scope)
check.methods[tname] = scope
check.declareIdent(scope, meth.Name, &Func{Pkg: check.pkg, Name: meth.Name.Name, decl: meth})
func (check *checker) decl(decl ast.Decl) {
switch d := decl.(type) {
case *ast.BadDecl:
// ignore
case *ast.GenDecl:
for _, spec := range d.Specs {
switch s := spec.(type) {
case *ast.ImportSpec:
// nothing to do (handled by check.resolve)
case *ast.ValueSpec:
for _, name := range s.Names {
check.object(check.lookup(name), false)
case *ast.TypeSpec:
check.object(check.lookup(s.Name), false)
check.invalidAST(s.Pos(), "unknown ast.Spec node %T", s)
case *ast.FuncDecl:
// methods are checked when their respective base types are checked
if d.Recv != nil {
obj := check.lookup(d.Name)
// Initialization functions don't have an object associated with them
// since they are not in any scope. Create a dummy object for them.
if d.Name.Name == "init" {
assert(obj == nil) // all other functions should have an object
obj = &Func{Pkg: check.pkg, Name: d.Name.Name, decl: d}
check.register(d.Name, obj)
check.object(obj, false)
check.invalidAST(d.Pos(), "unknown ast.Decl node %T", d)
// A bailout panic is raised to indicate early termination.
type bailout struct{}
func check(ctxt *Context, fset *token.FileSet, files []*ast.File) (pkg *Package, err error) {
// initialize checker
check := checker{
ctxt: ctxt,
fset: fset,
files: files,
idents: make(map[*ast.Ident]Object),
objects: make(map[*ast.Object]Object),
initspecs: make(map[*ast.ValueSpec]*ast.ValueSpec),
methods: make(map[*TypeName]*Scope),
conversions: make(map[*ast.CallExpr]bool),
untyped: make(map[ast.Expr]exprInfo),
// set results and handle panics
defer func() {
pkg = check.pkg
switch p := recover().(type) {
case nil, bailout:
// normal return or early exit
err = check.firsterr
// unexpected panic: don't crash clients
if debug {
check.dump("INTERNAL PANIC: %v", p)
// TODO(gri) add a test case for this scenario
err = fmt.Errorf("types internal error: %v", p)
// resolve identifiers
imp := ctxt.Import
if imp == nil {
imp = GcImport
methods := check.resolve(imp)
// associate methods with types
for _, m := range methods {
// typecheck all declarations
for _, f := range check.files {
for _, d := range f.Decls {
// typecheck all function/method bodies
// (funclist may grow when checking statements - do not use range clause!)
for i := 0; i < len(check.funclist); i++ {
f := check.funclist[i]
if trace {
s := "<function literal>"
if f.obj != nil {
s = f.obj.Name
fmt.Println("---", s)
check.funcsig = f.sig
if len(f.sig.Results) > 0 && f.body != nil && !check.isTerminating(f.body, "") {
check.errorf(f.body.Rbrace, "missing return")
// remaining untyped expressions must indeed be untyped
if debug {
for x, info := range check.untyped {
if !isUntyped(info.typ) {
check.dump("%s: %s (type %s) is not untyped", x.Pos(), x, info.typ)
// notify client of any untyped types left
// TODO(gri) Consider doing this before and
// after function body checking for smaller
// map size and more immediate feedback.
if ctxt.Expr != nil {
for x, info := range check.untyped {
var val interface{}
if info.isConst {
val = info.val
ctxt.Expr(x, info.typ, val)