blob: de8d6034873eb0db4d5fd1357b22e00be8b13b29 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build !disable_events
// zap provides an implementation of zapcore.Core for events.
// To use globally:
// zap.ReplaceGlobals(zap.New(NewCore(exporter)))
// If you call elogging.SetExporter, then you can pass nil
// for the exporter above and it will use the global one.
package zap
import (
type core struct {
builder event.Builder // never delivered, only cloned
var _ zapcore.Core = (*core)(nil)
func NewCore(ctx context.Context) zapcore.Core {
return &core{
builder: event.To(ctx),
func (c *core) Enabled(level zapcore.Level) bool {
return true
func (c *core) With(fields []zapcore.Field) zapcore.Core {
c2 := *c
c2.builder = c2.builder.Clone()
addLabels(c2.builder, fields)
return &c2
func (c *core) Write(e zapcore.Entry, fs []zapcore.Field) error {
b := c.builder.Clone().
// TODO: add these additional labels more efficiently.
if e.Stack != "" {
if e.Caller.Defined {
addLabels(b, fs)
return nil
func (c *core) Check(e zapcore.Entry, ce *zapcore.CheckedEntry) *zapcore.CheckedEntry {
return ce.AddCore(e, c)
func (c *core) Sync() error { return nil }
// addLabels creates a new []event.Label with the given labels followed by the
// labels constructed from fields.
func addLabels(b event.Builder, fields []zap.Field) {
for i := 0; i < len(fields); i++ {
func newLabel(f zap.Field) event.Label {
switch f.Type {
case zapcore.ArrayMarshalerType, zapcore.ObjectMarshalerType, zapcore.BinaryType, zapcore.ByteStringType,
zapcore.Complex128Type, zapcore.Complex64Type, zapcore.TimeFullType, zapcore.ReflectType,
return keys.Value(f.Key).Of(f.Interface)
case zapcore.DurationType:
// TODO: avoid this allocation?
return keys.Value(f.Key).Of(time.Duration(f.Integer))
case zapcore.Float64Type:
return keys.Float64(f.Key).Of(math.Float64frombits(uint64(f.Integer)))
case zapcore.Float32Type:
return keys.Float32(f.Key).Of(math.Float32frombits(uint32(f.Integer)))
case zapcore.BoolType:
b := false
if f.Integer != 0 {
b = true
return keys.Bool(f.Key).Of(b)
case zapcore.Int64Type:
return keys.Int64(f.Key).Of(f.Integer)
case zapcore.Int32Type:
return keys.Int32(f.Key).Of(int32(f.Integer))
//, zapcore.Int16Type, zapcore.Int8Type,
// zapcore.Uint64Type, zapcore.Uint32Type, zapcore.Uint16Type, zapcore.Uint8Type, zapcore.UintptrType:
// return (f.Key).Of(uint64(f.Integer))
case zapcore.StringType:
return keys.String(f.Key).Of(f.String)
case zapcore.TimeType:
key := keys.Value(f.Key)
t := time.Unix(0, f.Integer)
if f.Interface != nil {
t = t.In(f.Interface.(*time.Location))
return key.Of(t)
case zapcore.StringerType:
return keys.String(f.Key).Of(stringerToString(f.Interface))
case zapcore.NamespaceType:
// TODO: ???
return event.Label{}
case zapcore.SkipType:
// TODO: avoid creating a label at all in this case.
return event.Label{}
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown field type: %v", f))
// Adapter from encodeStringer in
func stringerToString(stringer interface{}) (s string) {
// Try to capture panics (from nil references or otherwise) when calling
// the String() method, similar to
defer func() {
if err := recover(); err != nil {
// If it's a nil pointer, just say "<nil>". The likeliest causes are a
// Stringer that fails to guard against nil or a nil pointer for a
// value receiver, and in either case, "<nil>" is a nice result.
if v := reflect.ValueOf(stringer); v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && v.IsNil() {
s = "<nil>"
s = fmt.Sprintf("PANIC=%v", err)
return stringer.(fmt.Stringer).String()
func convertLevel(level zapcore.Level) event.Label {
switch level {
case zapcore.DebugLevel:
return severity.Debug
case zapcore.InfoLevel:
return severity.Info
case zapcore.WarnLevel:
return severity.Warning
case zapcore.ErrorLevel:
return severity.Error
case zapcore.DPanicLevel:
return severity.Of(severity.FatalLevel - 1)
case zapcore.PanicLevel:
return severity.Of(severity.FatalLevel + 1)
case zapcore.FatalLevel:
return severity.Fatal
return severity.Trace