blob: 4d8cc901309ca8759efab0bf2cd421c25433af72 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package vulncheck detects uses of known vulnerabilities
// in Go binaries and source code.
package vulncheck
import (
// Config is used for configuring vulncheck algorithms.
type Config struct {
// ImportsOnly flag, if true, signals vulncheck to analyze import chains only.
// Otherwise, call chains are analyzed too.
ImportsOnly bool
// Client is used for querying data from a vulnerability database.
Client client.Client
// Result contains information on which vulnerabilities are potentially affecting
// user code and how are they affecting it via call graph, package imports graph,
// and module requires graph.
type Result struct {
// Calls is a call graph whose roots are program entry functions/methods and
// sinks are vulnerable functions/methods. Empty when Config.ImportsOnly=true
// or when no vulnerable symbols are reachable via program call graph.
Calls *CallGraph
// Imports is a package dependency graph whose roots are entry user packages
// and sinks are the packages with some vulnerable symbols. Empty when no
// packages with some vulnerabilities are imported in the program.
Imports *ImportGraph
// Requires is a module dependency graph whose roots are entry user modules
// and sinks are modules with some vulnerable packages. Empty when no modules
// with some vulnerabilities are required by the program.
Requires *RequireGraph
// Vulns contains information on detected vulnerabilities and their place in
// the above graphs. Only vulnerabilities whose symbols are reachable in Calls,
// or whose packages are imported in Imports, or whose modules are required in
// Requires, have an entry in Vulns.
Vulns []*Vuln
// Vuln provides information on how a vulnerability is affecting user code by
// connecting it to the Result.{Calls,Imports,Requires} graphs. Vulnerabilities
// detected in Go binaries do not have a place in the Result graphs.
type Vuln struct {
// The next four fields identify a vulnerability. Note that *osv.Entry
// describes potentially multiple symbols from multiple packages.
// OSV contains information on detected vulnerability in the shared
// vulnerability format.
OSV *osv.Entry
// Symbol is the name of the detected vulnerable function or method.
Symbol string
// PkgPath is the package path of the detected Symbol.
PkgPath string
// ModPath is the module path corresponding to PkgPath.
ModPath string
// CallSink is the ID of the sink node in Calls graph corresponding to
// the use of Symbol. ID is not available (denoted with 0) in binary mode,
// or if Symbol is not reachable, or if Config.ImportsOnly=true.
CallSink int
// ImportSink is the ID of the sink node in the Imports graph corresponding
// to the import of PkgPath. ID is not available (denoted with 0) in binary
// mode or if PkgPath is not imported.
ImportSink int
// RequireSink is the ID of the sink node in Requires graph corresponding
// to the require statement of ModPath. ID is not available (denoted with 0)
// in binary mode.
RequireSink int
// CallGraph whose sinks are vulnerable functions and sources are entry points of user
// packages. CallGraph is backwards directed, i.e., from a function node to the place
// where the function is called.
type CallGraph struct {
// Funcs contains all call graph nodes as a map: func node id -> func node.
Funcs map[int]*FuncNode
// Entries are a subset of Funcs representing vulncheck entry points.
Entries []*FuncNode
type FuncNode struct {
ID int
Name string
// RecvType is the receiver object type of this function, if any.
RecvType string
PkgPath string
Pos *token.Position
// CallSites is a set of call sites where this function is called.
CallSites []*CallSite
type CallSite struct {
// Parent is ID of the enclosing function where the call is made.
Parent int
// Name stands for the name of the function (variable) being called.
Name string
// RecvType is the full path of the receiver object type, if any.
RecvType string
Pos *token.Position
// Resolved indicates if the called function can be statically resolved.
Resolved bool
// RequireGraph models part of module requires graph where sinks are modules with
// some known vulnerabilities and sources are modules of user entry packages.
// RequireGraph is backwards directed, i.e., from a module to the set of modules
// it is required by.
type RequireGraph struct {
// Modules contains all module nodes as a map: module node id -> module node.
Modules map[int]*ModNode
// Entries are a subset of Modules representing modules of vulncheck entry points.
Entries []*ModNode
type ModNode struct {
Path string
Version string
Replace *ModNode
// RequiredBy contains IDs of the modules requiring this module.
RequiredBy []int
// ImportGraph models part of package import graph where sinks are packages with
// some known vulnerabilities and sources are user specified packages. The graph
// is backwards directed, i.e., from a package to the set of packages importing it.
type ImportGraph struct {
// Packages contains all package nodes as a map: package node id -> package node.
Packages map[int]*PkgNode
// Entries are a subset of Packages representing packages of vulncheck entry points.
Entries []*PkgNode
type PkgNode struct {
// Name is the package identifier as it appears in the source code.
Name string
Path string
// Module holds ID of the corresponding module (node) in Requires graph.
Module int
// ImportedBy contains IDs of packages directly importing this package.
ImportedBy []int