blob: 43edda64383377b76dd62edc5ad537cb09ba386b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build ignore
// Collation table generator.
// Data read from the web.
package main
import (
var (
root = flag.String("root",
`URL of the Default Unicode Collation Element Table (DUCET). This can be a zip
file containing the file allkeys_CLDR.txt or an allkeys.txt file.`)
cldrzip = flag.String("cldr",
"URL of CLDR archive.")
test = flag.Bool("test", false,
"test existing tables; can be used to compare web data with package data.")
localFiles = flag.Bool("local", false,
"data files have been copied to the current directory; for debugging only.")
short = flag.Bool("short", false, `Use "short" alternatives, when available.`)
draft = flag.Bool("draft", false, `Use draft versions, when available.`)
tags = flag.String("tags", "", "build tags to be included after +build directive")
pkg = flag.String("package", "collate",
"the name of the package in which the generated file is to be included")
tables = flagStringSetAllowAll("tables", "collate", "collate,chars",
"comma-spearated list of tables to generate.")
exclude = flagStringSet("exclude", "zh2", "",
"comma-separated list of languages to exclude.")
include = flagStringSet("include", "", "",
"comma-separated list of languages to include. Include trumps exclude.")
types = flagStringSetAllowAll("types", "", "",
"comma-separated list of types that should be included in addition to the standard type.")
// stringSet implements an ordered set based on a list. It implements flag.Value
// to allow a set to be specified as a comma-separated list.
type stringSet struct {
s []string
allowed *stringSet
dirty bool // needs compaction if true
all bool
allowAll bool
func flagStringSet(name, def, allowed, usage string) *stringSet {
ss := &stringSet{}
if allowed != "" {
usage += fmt.Sprintf(" (allowed values: any of %s)", allowed)
ss.allowed = &stringSet{}
flag.Var(ss, name, usage)
return ss
func flagStringSetAllowAll(name, def, allowed, usage string) *stringSet {
ss := &stringSet{allowAll: true}
if allowed == "" {
flag.Var(ss, name, usage+fmt.Sprintf(` Use "all" to select all.`))
} else {
ss.allowed = &stringSet{}
flag.Var(ss, name, usage+fmt.Sprintf(` (allowed values: "all" or any of %s)`, allowed))
return ss
func (ss stringSet) Len() int {
return len(ss.s)
func (ss stringSet) String() string {
return strings.Join(ss.s, ",")
func (ss *stringSet) Set(s string) error {
if ss.allowAll && s == "all" {
ss.s = nil
ss.all = true
return nil
ss.s = ss.s[:0]
for _, s := range strings.Split(s, ",") {
if s := strings.TrimSpace(s); s != "" {
if ss.allowed != nil && !ss.allowed.contains(s) {
return fmt.Errorf("unsupported value %q; must be one of %s", s, ss.allowed)
return nil
func (ss *stringSet) add(s string) {
ss.s = append(ss.s, s)
ss.dirty = true
func (ss *stringSet) values() []string {
return ss.s
func (ss *stringSet) contains(s string) bool {
if ss.all {
return true
for _, v := range ss.s {
if v == s {
return true
return false
func (ss *stringSet) compact() {
if !ss.dirty {
a := ss.s
k := 0
for i := 1; i < len(a); i++ {
if a[k] != a[i] {
a[k+1] = a[i]
ss.s = a[:k+1]
ss.dirty = false
func skipLang(l string) bool {
if include.Len() > 0 {
return !include.contains(l)
return exclude.contains(l)
// altInclude returns a list of alternatives (for the LDML alt attribute)
// in order of preference. An empty string in this list indicates the
// default entry.
func altInclude() []string {
l := []string{}
if *short {
l = append(l, "short")
l = append(l, "")
// TODO: handle draft using cldr.SetDraftLevel
if *draft {
l = append(l, "proposed")
return l
func failOnError(e error) {
if e != nil {
// openReader opens the URL or file given by url and returns it as an io.ReadCloser
// or nil on error.
func openReader(url *string) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
if *localFiles {
pwd, _ := os.Getwd()
*url = "file://" + path.Join(pwd, path.Base(*url))
t := &http.Transport{}
t.RegisterProtocol("file", http.NewFileTransport(http.Dir("/")))
c := &http.Client{Transport: t}
resp, err := c.Get(*url)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(`bad GET status for "%s": %s`, *url, resp.Status)
return resp.Body, nil
func openArchive(url *string) *zip.Reader {
f, err := openReader(url)
buffer, err := ioutil.ReadAll(f)
archive, err := zip.NewReader(bytes.NewReader(buffer), int64(len(buffer)))
return archive
// parseUCA parses a Default Unicode Collation Element Table of the format
// specified in
// It returns the variable top.
func parseUCA(builder *build.Builder) {
var r io.ReadCloser
var err error
if strings.HasSuffix(*root, ".zip") {
for _, f := range openArchive(root).File {
if strings.HasSuffix(f.Name, "allkeys_CLDR.txt") {
r, err = f.Open()
if r == nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("file allkeys_CLDR.txt not found in archive %q", *root)
} else {
r, err = openReader(root)
defer r.Close()
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(r)
colelem := regexp.MustCompile(`\[([.*])([0-9A-F.]+)\]`)
for i := 1; scanner.Scan(); i++ {
line := scanner.Text()
if len(line) == 0 || line[0] == '#' {
if line[0] == '@' {
// parse properties
switch {
case strings.HasPrefix(line[1:], "version "):
a := strings.Split(line[1:], " ")
if a[1] != unicode.Version {
log.Fatalf("incompatible version %s; want %s", a[1], unicode.Version)
case strings.HasPrefix(line[1:], "backwards "):
log.Fatalf("%d: unsupported option backwards", i)
log.Printf("%d: unknown option %s", i, line[1:])
} else {
// parse entries
part := strings.Split(line, " ; ")
if len(part) != 2 {
log.Fatalf("%d: production rule without ';': %v", i, line)
lhs := []rune{}
for _, v := range strings.Split(part[0], " ") {
if v == "" {
lhs = append(lhs, rune(convHex(i, v)))
var n int
var vars []int
rhs := [][]int{}
for i, m := range colelem.FindAllStringSubmatch(part[1], -1) {
n += len(m[0])
elem := []int{}
for _, h := range strings.Split(m[2], ".") {
elem = append(elem, convHex(i, h))
if m[1] == "*" {
vars = append(vars, i)
rhs = append(rhs, elem)
if len(part[1]) < n+3 || part[1][n+1] != '#' {
log.Fatalf("%d: expected comment; found %s", i, part[1][n:])
if *test {
failOnError(builder.Add(lhs, rhs, vars))
if scanner.Err() != nil {
func convHex(line int, s string) int {
r, e := strconv.ParseInt(s, 16, 32)
if e != nil {
log.Fatalf("%d: %v", line, e)
return int(r)
var testInput = stringSet{}
var charRe = regexp.MustCompile(`&#x([0-9A-F]*);`)
var tagRe = regexp.MustCompile(`<([a-z_]*) */>`)
var mainLocales = []string{}
// charsets holds a list of exemplar characters per category.
type charSets map[string][]string
func (p charSets) fprint(w io.Writer) {
fmt.Fprintln(w, "[exN]string{")
for i, k := range []string{"", "contractions", "punctuation", "auxiliary", "currencySymbol", "index"} {
if set := p[k]; len(set) != 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\t\t%d: %q,\n", i, strings.Join(set, " "))
fmt.Fprintln(w, "\t},")
var localeChars = make(map[string]charSets)
const exemplarHeader = `
type exemplarType int
const (
exCharacters exemplarType = iota
func printExemplarCharacters(w io.Writer) {
fmt.Fprintln(w, exemplarHeader)
fmt.Fprintln(w, "var exemplarCharacters = map[string][exN]string{")
for _, loc := range mainLocales {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\t%q: ", loc)
fmt.Fprintln(w, "}")
func decodeCLDR(d *cldr.Decoder) *cldr.CLDR {
r, err := openReader(cldrzip)
data, err := d.DecodeZip(r)
return data
// parseMain parses XML files in the main directory of the CLDR file.
func parseMain() {
d := &cldr.Decoder{}
data := decodeCLDR(d)
for _, locale := range data.Locales() {
x := data.RawLDML(locale)
if skipLang(x.Identity.Language.Type) {
if x.Characters != nil {
x, _ = data.LDML(locale)
for _, ec := range x.Characters.ExemplarCharacters {
if ec.Draft != "" {
if _, ok := localeChars[locale]; !ok {
mainLocales = append(mainLocales, locale)
localeChars[locale] = make(charSets)
localeChars[locale][ec.Type] = parseCharacters(ec.Data())
func parseCharacters(chars string) []string {
parseSingle := func(s string) (r rune, tail string, escaped bool) {
if s[0] == '\\' {
return rune(s[1]), s[2:], true
r, sz := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s)
return r, s[sz:], false
chars = strings.TrimSpace(chars)
if n := len(chars) - 1; chars[n] == ']' && chars[0] == '[' {
chars = chars[1:n]
list := []string{}
var r, last, end rune
for len(chars) > 0 {
if chars[0] == '{' { // character sequence
buf := []rune{}
for chars = chars[1:]; len(chars) > 0; {
r, chars, _ = parseSingle(chars)
if r == '}' {
if r == ' ' {
log.Fatalf("space not supported in sequence %q", chars)
buf = append(buf, r)
list = append(list, string(buf))
last = 0
} else { // single character
escaped := false
r, chars, escaped = parseSingle(chars)
if r != ' ' {
if r == '-' && !escaped {
if last == 0 {
log.Fatal("'-' should be preceded by a character")
end, chars, _ = parseSingle(chars)
for ; last <= end; last++ {
list = append(list, string(last))
last = 0
} else {
list = append(list, string(r))
last = r
return list
var fileRe = regexp.MustCompile(`.*/collation/(.*)\.xml`)
// parseCollation parses XML files in the collation directory of the CLDR file.
func parseCollation(b *build.Builder) {
d := &cldr.Decoder{}
data := decodeCLDR(d)
for _, loc := range data.Locales() {
x, err := data.LDML(loc)
if skipLang(x.Identity.Language.Type) {
cs := x.Collations.Collation
sl := cldr.MakeSlice(&cs)
if !types.all {
sl.SelectAnyOf("type", append(types.s, x.Collations.Default())...)
sl.SelectOnePerGroup("alt", altInclude())
for _, c := range cs {
locale := loc
if c.Type != x.Collations.Default() {
locale += "_u_co_" + c.Type
t := b.Tailoring(locale)
type processor struct {
t *build.Tailoring
func (p processor) Reset(anchor string, before int) (err error) {
if before != 0 {
err = p.t.SetAnchorBefore(anchor)
} else {
err = p.t.SetAnchor(anchor)
return nil
func (p processor) Insert(level int, str, context, extend string) error {
str = context + str
if *test {
// TODO: mimic bug in old maketables: remove.
err := p.t.Insert(colltab.Level(level-1), str, context+extend)
return nil
func (p processor) Index(id string) {
func testCollator(c *collate.Collator) {
c0 := collate.New("")
// iterator over all characters for all locales and check
// whether Key is equal.
buf := collate.Buffer{}
// Add all common and not too uncommon runes to the test set.
for i := rune(0); i < 0x30000; i++ {
for i := rune(0xE0000); i < 0xF0000; i++ {
for _, str := range testInput.values() {
k0 := c0.KeyFromString(&buf, str)
k := c.KeyFromString(&buf, str)
if !bytes.Equal(k0, k) {
failOnError(fmt.Errorf("test:%U: keys differ (%x vs %x)", []rune(str), k0, k))
func main() {
b := build.NewBuilder()
if *root != "" {
if *cldrzip != "" {
if tables.contains("chars") {
c, err := b.Build()
if *test {
} else {
fmt.Println("// Generated by running")
fmt.Printf("// maketables -root=%s -cldr=%s\n", *root, *cldrzip)
fmt.Println("// DO NOT EDIT")
fmt.Println("// TODO: implement more compact representation for sparse blocks.")
if *tags != "" {
fmt.Printf("// +build %s\n", *tags)
fmt.Printf("package %s\n", *pkg)
if tables.contains("collate") {
_, err = b.Print(os.Stdout)
if tables.contains("chars") {