blob: 92446e760acfcc021d84d3579b2e739dd0b2c7d7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package gradient provides linear and radial gradient images.
package gradient
import (
// TODO: gamma correction / non-linear color interpolation?
// TODO: move this out of an internal directory, either under
// or under the standard library's image, so that
//{draw,vector} and possibly image/draw can type switch on
// the gradient.Gradient type and provide fast path code.
// Doing so requires coming up with a stable API that we'd be happy to support
// in the long term. This would probably include an easier way to create
// linear, circular and elliptical gradients, without having to explicitly
// calculate the f64.Aff3 matrix.
// Shape is the gradient shape.
type Shape uint8
const (
ShapeLinear Shape = iota
// Spread is the gradient spread, or how to spread a gradient past its nominal
// bounds (from offset being 0.0 to offset being 1.0).
type Spread uint8
const (
// SpreadNone means that offsets outside of the [0, 1] range map to
// transparent black.
SpreadNone Spread = iota
// SpreadPad means that offsets below 0 and above 1 map to the colors that
// 0 and 1 would map to.
// SpreadReflect means that the offset mapping is reflected start-to-end,
// end-to-start, start-to-end, etc.
// SpreadRepeat means that the offset mapping is repeated start-to-end,
// start-to-end, start-to-end, etc.
// Clamp clamps x to the range [0, 1]. If x is outside that range, it is
// converted to a value in that range according to s's semantics. It returns -1
// if s is SpreadNone and x is outside the range [0, 1].
func (s Spread) Clamp(x float64) float64 {
if x >= 0 {
if x <= 1 {
return x
switch s {
case SpreadPad:
return 1
case SpreadReflect:
if int(x)&1 == 0 {
return x - math.Floor(x)
return math.Ceil(x) - x
case SpreadRepeat:
return x - math.Floor(x)
return -1
switch s {
case SpreadPad:
return 0
case SpreadReflect:
x = -x
if int(x)&1 == 0 {
return x - math.Floor(x)
return math.Ceil(x) - x
case SpreadRepeat:
return x - math.Floor(x)
return -1
// Stop is an offset and color.
type Stop struct {
Offset float64
RGBA64 color.RGBA64
// Range is the range between two stops.
type Range struct {
Offset0 float64
Offset1 float64
Width float64
R0 float64
R1 float64
G0 float64
G1 float64
B0 float64
B1 float64
A0 float64
A1 float64
// MakeRange returns the range between two stops.
func MakeRange(s0, s1 Stop) Range {
return Range{
Offset0: s0.Offset,
Offset1: s1.Offset,
Width: s1.Offset - s0.Offset,
R0: float64(s0.RGBA64.R),
R1: float64(s1.RGBA64.R),
G0: float64(s0.RGBA64.G),
G1: float64(s1.RGBA64.G),
B0: float64(s0.RGBA64.B),
B1: float64(s1.RGBA64.B),
A0: float64(s0.RGBA64.A),
A1: float64(s1.RGBA64.A),
// AppendRanges appends to a the ranges defined by a's implicit final stop (if
// any exist) and stops.
func AppendRanges(a []Range, stops []Stop) []Range {
if len(stops) == 0 {
return nil
if len(a) != 0 {
z := a[len(a)-1]
a = append(a, MakeRange(Stop{
Offset: z.Offset1,
RGBA64: color.RGBA64{
R: uint16(z.R1),
G: uint16(z.G1),
B: uint16(z.B1),
A: uint16(z.A1),
}, stops[0]))
for i := 0; i < len(stops)-1; i++ {
a = append(a, MakeRange(stops[i], stops[i+1]))
return a
// Gradient is a very large image.Image (the same size as an image.Uniform)
// whose colors form a gradient.
type Gradient struct {
Shape Shape
Spread Spread
// Pix2Grad transforms coordinates from pixel space (the arguments to the
// Image.At method) to gradient space. Gradient space is where a linear
// gradient ranges from x == 0 to x == 1, and a radial gradient has center
// (0, 0) and radius 1.
// This is an affine transform, so it can represent elliptical gradients in
// pixel space, including non-axis-aligned ellipses.
// For a linear gradient, the bottom row is ignored.
Pix2Grad f64.Aff3
Ranges []Range
// First and Last are the first and last stop's colors.
First, Last color.RGBA64
// Init initializes g to a gradient whose geometry is defined by shape and
// pix2Grad and whose colors are defined by spread and stops.
func (g *Gradient) Init(shape Shape, spread Spread, pix2Grad f64.Aff3, stops []Stop) {
g.Shape = shape
g.Spread = spread
g.Pix2Grad = pix2Grad
g.Ranges = AppendRanges(g.Ranges[:0], stops)
if len(stops) == 0 {
g.First = color.RGBA64{}
g.Last = color.RGBA64{}
} else {
g.First = stops[0].RGBA64
g.Last = stops[len(stops)-1].RGBA64
// ColorModel satisfies the image.Image interface.
func (g *Gradient) ColorModel() color.Model {
return color.RGBA64Model
// Bounds satisfies the image.Image interface.
func (g *Gradient) Bounds() image.Rectangle {
return image.Rectangle{
Min: image.Point{-1e9, -1e9},
Max: image.Point{+1e9, +1e9},
// At satisfies the image.Image interface.
func (g *Gradient) At(x, y int) color.Color {
if len(g.Ranges) == 0 {
return color.RGBA64{}
px := float64(x) + 0.5
py := float64(y) + 0.5
offset := 0.0
if g.Shape == ShapeLinear {
offset = g.Spread.Clamp(g.Pix2Grad[0]*px + g.Pix2Grad[1]*py + g.Pix2Grad[2])
} else {
gx := g.Pix2Grad[0]*px + g.Pix2Grad[1]*py + g.Pix2Grad[2]
gy := g.Pix2Grad[3]*px + g.Pix2Grad[4]*py + g.Pix2Grad[5]
offset = g.Spread.Clamp(math.Sqrt(gx*gx + gy*gy))
if !(offset >= 0) {
return color.RGBA64{}
if offset < g.Ranges[0].Offset0 {
return g.First
for _, r := range g.Ranges {
if r.Offset0 <= offset && offset <= r.Offset1 {
t := (offset - r.Offset0) / r.Width
s := 1 - t
return color.RGBA64{
uint16(s*r.R0 + t*r.R1),
uint16(s*r.G0 + t*r.G1),
uint16(s*r.B0 + t*r.B1),
uint16(s*r.A0 + t*r.A1),
return g.Last