blob: 32f80d1a6d32acd345d21faf8e47d8a83020ec6c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package event
import (
// Builder is a fluent builder for construction of new events.
// Storing the first few labels directly can avoid an allocation at all for the
// very common cases of simple events. The length needs to be large enough to
// cope with the majority of events but no so large as to cause undue stack
// pressure.
type Builder struct {
exporter *Exporter
Event Event
labels [4]Label
var builderPool = sync.Pool{New: func() interface{} { return &Builder{} }}
// Clone returns a copy of this builder.
// The two copies can be independently delivered.
func (b *Builder) Clone() *Builder {
if b == nil {
return nil
clone := builderPool.Get().(*Builder)
clone.exporter = b.exporter
clone.Event = b.Event
n := len(b.Event.Labels)
if n <= len(b.labels) {
clone.Event.Labels = clone.labels[:n]
} else {
clone.Event.Labels = make([]Label, n)
copy(clone.Event.Labels, b.Event.Labels)
return clone
// With adds a new label to the event being constructed.
func (b *Builder) With(label Label) *Builder {
if b == nil {
return nil
b.Event.Labels = append(b.Event.Labels, label)
return b
// WithAll adds all the supplied labels to the event being constructed.
func (b *Builder) WithAll(labels ...Label) *Builder {
if b == nil || len(labels) == 0 {
return b
// TODO: this can cause the aliasing check based on length to fail,
// so find another way to check.
if len(b.Event.Labels) == 0 {
b.Event.Labels = labels
return b
b.Event.Labels = append(b.Event.Labels, labels...)
return b
// Deliver sends the constructed event to the exporter.
func (b *Builder) Deliver(kind Kind, message string) uint64 {
if b == nil {
return 0
b.Event.Kind = kind
b.Event.Message = message
id := b.exporter.Deliver(&b.Event)
*b = Builder{}
return id
// Log is a helper that calls Deliver with LogKind.
func (b *Builder) Log(message string) {
b.Deliver(LogKind, message)
// Logf is a helper that uses fmt.Sprint to build the message and then
// calls Deliver with LogKind.
func (b *Builder) Logf(template string, args ...interface{}) {
b.Deliver(LogKind, fmt.Sprintf(template, args...))
// End is a helper that calls Deliver with EndKind.
func (b *Builder) End() {
b.Deliver(EndKind, "")
// Metric is a helper that calls Deliver with MetricKind.
func (b *Builder) Metric() {
b.Deliver(MetricKind, "")
// Annotate is a helper that calls Deliver with AnnotateKind.
func (b *Builder) Annotate() {
b.Deliver(AnnotateKind, "")