blob: bf297de34b5264b1462296a0b300aafb3b9969e0 [file] [log] [blame]
action-info.svg comes from the Material Design icon set. See
action/svg/production/ic_info_48px.svg in the repository.
action-info.ivg is an IconVG version of action-info.svg.
action-info.ivg.disassembly is a disassembly of that IconVG file.
action-info.png is a rendering of that IconVG file.
blank.ivg is a blank, square graphic.
blank.ivg.disassembly is a disassembly of that IconVG file.
blank.png is a rendering of that IconVG file.
video-005.jpeg comes from an old version of the Go repository. See
video-005.primitive.svg was based on running on a
256x192 scaled version of video-005.jpeg.
video-005.primitive.ivg is an IconVG version of video-005.primitive.svg.
video-005.primitive.ivg.disassembly is a disassembly of that IconVG file.
video-005.primitive.png is a rendering of that IconVG file.