blob: c883fe301b0c97b74d479a76a046e511ab23b0dc [file] [log] [blame]
action-info.svg comes from the Material Design icon set. See
action/svg/production/ic_info_48px.svg in the repository.
action-info.{lo,hi}res.ivg are low- and high-resolution IconVG versions of
action-info.svg. Low resolution means that coordinates are quantized to 1/64th
of a unit; the graphic's size is 48 by 48 units. High resolution means that
coordinates are represented by all but the 2 least significant bits of a
float32. Each low resolution coordinate is encoded in either 1 or 2 bytes. Each
high resolution coordinate is encoded in either 1, 2 or 4 bytes.
action-info.{lo,hi}res.ivg.disassembly are disassemblies of those IconVG files.
action-info.{lo,hi}res.png are renderings of those IconVG files.
arcs.ivg is inspired by the two examples at
arcs.ivg.disassembly is a disassembly of that IconVG file.
arcs.png is a rendering of that IconVG file.
blank.ivg is a blank, square graphic.
blank.ivg.disassembly is a disassembly of that IconVG file.
blank.png is a rendering of that IconVG file.
lod-polygon.ivg was created manually.
lod-polygon.ivg.disassembly is a disassembly of that IconVG file.
lod-polygon.png and lod-polygon.64.png are renderings of that IconVG file.
video-005.jpeg comes from an old version of the Go repository. See
video-005.primitive.svg was based on running on a
256x192 scaled version of video-005.jpeg.
video-005.primitive.ivg is an IconVG version of video-005.primitive.svg.
video-005.primitive.ivg.disassembly is a disassembly of that IconVG file.
video-005.primitive.png is a rendering of that IconVG file.