blob: 2d5f1ab7d0bde6f47ea1be2520a17f1d8293d4f9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build linux,!android
package gldriver
#cgo LDFLAGS: -lEGL -lGLESv2 -lX11
#include <stdint.h>
void startDriver();
void processEvents();
void makeCurrent(uintptr_t ctx);
void swapBuffers(uintptr_t ctx);
uintptr_t doNewWindow(int width, int height);
uintptr_t doShowWindow(uintptr_t id);
import "C"
import (
func init() {
// It might not be necessary, but it probably doesn't hurt to try to make
// 'the main thread' be 'the X11 / OpenGL thread'.
func newWindow(width, height int32) uintptr {
retc := make(chan uintptr)
uic <- uiClosure{
f: func() uintptr {
return uintptr(C.doNewWindow(,
retc: retc,
return <-retc
func showWindow(id uintptr) uintptr {
retc := make(chan uintptr)
uic <- uiClosure{
f: func() uintptr {
return uintptr(C.doShowWindow(C.uintptr_t(id)))
retc: retc,
return <-retc
func closeWindow(id uintptr) {
// TODO.
func drawLoop(w *windowImpl) {
glcontextc <- w.ctx
go func() {
for range w.publish {
publishc <- w
var (
glcontextc = make(chan uintptr)
publishc = make(chan *windowImpl)
uic = make(chan uiClosure)
// uiClosure is a closure to be run on C's UI thread.
type uiClosure struct {
f func() uintptr
retc chan uintptr
func main(f func(screen.Screen)) error {
closec := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
// heartbeat is a channel that, at regular intervals, directs the select
// below to also consider X11 events, not just Go events (channel
// communications).
// TODO: select instead of poll. Note that knowing whether to call
// C.processEvents needs to select on a file descriptor, and the other
// cases below select on Go channels.
heartbeat := time.NewTicker(time.Second / 60)
// glWorkAvailable is set to gl.WorkAvailable after we have a GL context.
// TODO: should we be able to make a shiny.Texture before having a
// shiny.Window's GL context? Should something like gl.IsProgram be a
// method instead of a function, and have each shiny.Window have its own
// gl.Context?
var glWorkAvailable <-chan struct{}
for {
select {
case <-closec:
return nil
case ctx := <-glcontextc:
glWorkAvailable = gl.WorkAvailable
// TODO: don't assume that there is only one window, and hence only
// one (global) GL context.
// TODO: do we need to synchronize with seeing a size event for
// this window's context before or after calling makeCurrent?
// Otherwise, are we racing with the gl.Viewport call? I've
// occasionally seen a stale viewport, if the window manager sets
// the window width and height to something other than that
// requested by XCreateWindow, but it's not easily reproducible.
case w := <-publishc:
case req := <-uic:
req.retc <- req.f()
case <-heartbeat.C:
case <-glWorkAvailable:
//export onMouse
func onMouse(id uintptr, x, y, state, button, dir int32) {
w :=[id]
if w == nil {
// TODO: should a mouse.Event have a separate MouseModifiers field, for
// which buttons are pressed during a mouse move?
X: float32(x),
Y: float32(y),
Button: mouse.Button(button),
Modifiers: x11key.KeyModifiers(uint16(state)),
Direction: mouse.Direction(dir),
//export onResize
func onResize(id uintptr, width, height int32) {
w :=[id]
if w == nil {
// TODO: should this really be done on the receiving end of the w.Events()
// channel, in the same goroutine as other GL calls in the app's 'business
// logic'?
go func() {
gl.Viewport(0, 0, int(width), int(height))
sz := size.Event{
WidthPx: int(width),
HeightPx: int(height),
WidthPt: geom.Pt(width),
HeightPt: geom.Pt(height),
// TODO: don't assume 72 DPI. DisplayWidth and DisplayWidthMM is
// probably the best place to start looking.
PixelsPerPt: 1,
} = sz
// TODO: convert X11 expose events to shiny paint events, instead of this
// one-off hack.