blob: 4aaeca0a9222950456e7471ef63ce994815e31c5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package locale
import (
// get gets the string of length n for id from the given 4-byte string index.
func get(idx string, id, n int) string {
return idx[id<<2:][:n]
// search searchs for the insertion point of key in smap, which is a
// string with consecutive 4-byte entries. Only the first len(key)
// bytes from the start of the 4-byte entries will be considered.
func search(smap, key string) int {
n := len(key)
return sort.Search(len(smap)>>2, func(i int) bool {
return get(smap, i, n) >= key
}) << 2
func index(smap, key string) int {
i := search(smap, key)
if smap[i:i+len(key)] != key {
return -1
return i
func searchUint(imap []uint16, key uint16) int {
return sort.Search(len(imap), func(i int) bool {
return imap[i] >= key
// fixCase reformats s to the same pattern of cases as pat.
// If string s is malformed, pat is returned.
func fixCase(pat, s string) string {
if len(pat) != len(s) {
return pat
var b []byte
for i, r := range pat {
c := s[i]
if r <= 'Z' {
if s[i] >= 'a' {
c -= 'z' - 'Z'
if c > 'Z' || c < 'A' {
return pat
} else {
if s[i] <= 'Z' {
c += 'z' - 'Z'
if c > 'z' || c < 'a' {
return pat
if b == nil {
if s[i] == c {
b = make([]byte, len(pat))
copy(b, s[:i])
b[i] = c
if b == nil {
return s
return string(b)
type langID uint16
// getLangID returns the langID of s if s is a canonical ID
// or langUnknown if s is not a canonical langID.
func getLangID(s string) langID {
if len(s) == 2 {
return getLangISO2(s)
return getLangISO3(s)
func getMappedID(index int) langID {
m := mappedLang[index:]
if m[3] >= 'a' {
return getLangISO2(m[:1] + m[3:4])
i := mappedLangID[m[3]]
if i < 0 {
i = -(i + 1)
// TODO: this code can be a locale.
return getLangISO2(altTag[i:][:2])
return langID(i)
// normLang returns the langID of s, canonicalizing the language
// according to BCP47 and CLDR rules.
func normLang(s string) langID {
s = getLangID(s).String()
if len(s) < 2 || len(s) > 3 {
return unknownLang
if i := index(mappedLang, s); i != -1 {
if len(s) == 3 || mappedLang[i+2] == ' ' {
return getMappedID(i)
return getLangID(s)
// getLangISO2 returns the langID for the given 2-letter ISO language code
// or unknownLang if this does not exist.
func getLangISO2(s string) langID {
if len(s) == 2 {
s = fixCase("zz", s)
if i := index(lang, s); i != -1 && lang[i+3] != 0 {
return langID(i >> 2)
if i := index(mappedLang, s); i != -1 && mappedLang[i+2] == ' ' {
return getMappedID(i)
return unknownLang
// getLangISO3 returns the langID for the given 3-letter ISO language code
// or unknownLang if this does not exist.
func getLangISO3(s string) langID {
s = fixCase("und", s)
// first try to match canonical 3-letter entries
for i := search(lang, s[:2]); lang[i:i+2] == s[:2]; i += 4 {
if lang[i+3] == 0 && lang[i+2] == s[2] {
return langID(i >> 2)
if i := index(mappedLang, s); i != -1 {
return getMappedID(i)
// Check for non-canonical uses of ISO3.
for i := search(lang, s[:1]); lang[i] == s[0]; i += 4 {
if lang[i+2:][:2] == s[1:3] {
return langID(i >> 2)
return unknownLang
// String returns the BCP47 representation of the langID.
func (id langID) String() string {
l := lang[id<<2:]
if l[3] == 0 {
return l[:3]
return l[:2]
// ISO3 returns the ISO 639-3 language code.
func (id langID) iso3() string {
l := lang[id<<2:]
if l[3] == 0 {
return l[:3]
} else if l[2] == 0 {
return get(mappedLang, int(l[3]), 3)
// This allocation will only happen for 3-letter ISO codes
// that are non-canonical BCP47 language identifiers.
return l[0:1] + l[2:4]
type regionID uint16
// getRegionID returns the region id for s if s is a valid 2-letter region code
// or unknownRegion.
func getRegionID(s string) regionID {
if len(s) == 3 {
if s[0] >= 'A' {
return getRegionISO3(s)
if i, err := strconv.ParseUint(s, 10, 10); err == nil {
return getRegionM49(int(i))
return getRegionISO2(s)
// getRegionISO2 returns the regionID for the given 2-letter ISO country code
// or unknownRegion if this does not exist.
func getRegionISO2(s string) regionID {
if i := index(regionISO, fixCase("ZZ", s)); i != -1 {
return regionID(i>>2) + isoRegionOffset
return unknownRegion
// getRegionISO3 returns the regionID for the given 3-letter ISO country code
// or unknownRegion if this does not exist.
func getRegionISO3(s string) regionID {
s = fixCase("ZZZ", s)
for i := search(regionISO, s[:1]); regionISO[i] == s[0]; i += 4 {
if regionISO[i+2:][:2] == s[1:3] {
return regionID(i>>2) + isoRegionOffset
for i := 0; i < len(altRegionISO3); i += 3 {
if altRegionISO3[i:i+3] == s {
return regionID(altRegionIDs[i/3])
return unknownRegion
func getRegionM49(n int) regionID {
// These will mostly be group IDs, which are at the start of the list.
// For other values this may be a bit slow, as there are over 300 entries.
// TODO: group id is sorted!
if n == 0 {
return unknownRegion
for i, v := range m49 {
if v == uint16(n) {
return regionID(i)
return unknownRegion
// String returns the BCP47 representation for the region.
func (r regionID) String() string {
if r < isoRegionOffset {
return fmt.Sprintf("%03d", r.m49())
r -= isoRegionOffset
return get(regionISO, int(r), 2)
// The use of this is uncommon.
// Note: not all regionIDs have corresponding 3-letter ISO codes!
func (r regionID) iso3() string {
if r < isoRegionOffset {
return ""
r -= isoRegionOffset
reg := regionISO[r<<2:]
switch reg[2] {
case 0:
return altRegionISO3[reg[3]:][:3]
case ' ':
return ""
return reg[0:1] + reg[2:4]
func (r regionID) m49() uint16 {
return m49[r]
type scriptID uint8
// getScriptID returns the script id for string s. It assumes that s
// is of the format [A-Z][a-z]{3}.
func getScriptID(idx, s string) scriptID {
if i := index(idx, fixCase("Zzzz", s)); i != -1 {
return scriptID(i >> 2)
return unknownScript
func (s scriptID) String() string {
return get(script, int(s), 4)
type currencyID uint16
func getCurrencyID(idx, s string) currencyID {
if i := index(idx, fixCase("XXX", s)); i != -1 {
return currencyID(i >> 2)
return unknownCurrency
func round(index string, c currencyID) int {
return int(index[c<<2+3] >> 2)
func decimals(index string, c currencyID) int {
return int(index[c<<2+3] & 0x03)