blob: aa52041bce158b01fd90b8ded3d28e010b66142a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package iconvg
import (
var (
errCSELUsedAsBothGradientAndStop = errors.New("iconvg: CSEL used as both gradient and stop")
errDrawingOpsUsedInStylingMode = errors.New("iconvg: drawing ops used in styling mode")
errInvalidSelectorAdjustment = errors.New("iconvg: invalid selector adjustment")
errInvalidIncrementingAdjustment = errors.New("iconvg: invalid incrementing adjustment")
errStylingOpsUsedInDrawingMode = errors.New("iconvg: styling ops used in drawing mode")
errTooManyGradientStops = errors.New("iconvg: too many gradient stops")
type mode uint8
const (
modeInitial mode = iota
// Encoder is an IconVG encoder.
// The zero value is usable. Calling Reset, which is optional, sets the
// Metadata for the subsequent encoded form. If Reset is not called before
// other Encoder methods, the default metadata is implied.
type Encoder struct {
// HighResolutionCoordinates is whether the encoder should encode
// coordinate numbers for subsequent paths at the best possible resolution
// afforded by the underlying graphic format.
// By default (false), the encoder quantizes coordinates to 1/64th of a
// unit if possible (the default graphic size is 64 by 64 units, so
// 1/4096th of the default width or height). Each such coordinate can
// therefore be encoded in either 1 or 2 bytes. If true, some coordinates
// will be encoded in 4 bytes, giving greater accuracy but larger file
// sizes. On the Material Design icon set, the 950 or so icons take up
// around 40% more bytes (172K vs 123K) at high resolution.
// See the package documentation for more details on the coordinate number
// encoding format.
HighResolutionCoordinates bool
// highResolutionCoordinates is a local copy, copied during StartPath, to
// avoid having to specify the semantics of modifying the exported field
// while drawing.
highResolutionCoordinates bool
buf buffer
altBuf buffer
metadata Metadata
err error
lod0 float32
lod1 float32
cSel uint8
nSel uint8
mode mode
drawOp byte
drawArgs []float32
scratch [12]byte
// Bytes returns the encoded form.
func (e *Encoder) Bytes() ([]byte, error) {
if e.err != nil {
return nil, e.err
if e.mode == modeInitial {
return []byte(e.buf), nil
// Reset resets the Encoder for the given Metadata.
// This includes setting e.HighResolutionCoordinates to false.
func (e *Encoder) Reset(m Metadata) {
*e = Encoder{
buf: append(e.buf[:0], magic...),
metadata: m,
mode: modeStyling,
lod1: positiveInfinity,
nMetadataChunks := 0
mcViewBox := m.ViewBox != DefaultViewBox
if mcViewBox {
mcSuggestedPalette := m.Palette != DefaultPalette
if mcSuggestedPalette {
if mcViewBox {
e.altBuf = e.altBuf[:0]
e.buf = append(e.buf, e.altBuf...)
if mcSuggestedPalette {
panic("TODO: encode mcSuggestedPalette")
func (e *Encoder) appendDefaultMetadata() {
e.buf = append(e.buf[:0], magic...)
e.buf = append(e.buf, 0x00) // There are zero metadata chunks.
e.mode = modeStyling
func (e *Encoder) CSel() uint8 {
if e.mode == modeInitial {
return e.cSel
func (e *Encoder) NSel() uint8 {
if e.mode == modeInitial {
return e.nSel
func (e *Encoder) LOD() (lod0, lod1 float32) {
if e.mode == modeInitial {
return e.lod0, e.lod1
func (e *Encoder) checkModeStyling() {
if e.mode == modeStyling {
if e.mode == modeInitial {
e.err = errStylingOpsUsedInDrawingMode
func (e *Encoder) SetCSel(cSel uint8) {
if e.err != nil {
e.cSel = cSel & 0x3f
e.buf = append(e.buf, e.cSel)
func (e *Encoder) SetNSel(nSel uint8) {
if e.err != nil {
e.nSel = nSel & 0x3f
e.buf = append(e.buf, e.nSel|0x40)
func (e *Encoder) SetCReg(adj uint8, incr bool, c Color) {
if e.err != nil {
if adj < 0 || 6 < adj {
e.err = errInvalidSelectorAdjustment
if incr {
if adj != 0 {
e.err = errInvalidIncrementingAdjustment
adj = 7
if x, ok := encodeColor1(c); ok {
e.buf = append(e.buf, adj|0x80, x)
if x, ok := encodeColor2(c); ok {
e.buf = append(e.buf, adj|0x88, x[0], x[1])
if x, ok := encodeColor3Direct(c); ok {
e.buf = append(e.buf, adj|0x90, x[0], x[1], x[2])
if x, ok := encodeColor4(c); ok {
e.buf = append(e.buf, adj|0x98, x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3])
if x, ok := encodeColor3Indirect(c); ok {
e.buf = append(e.buf, adj|0xa0, x[0], x[1], x[2])
func (e *Encoder) SetNReg(adj uint8, incr bool, f float32) {
if e.err != nil {
if adj < 0 || 6 < adj {
e.err = errInvalidSelectorAdjustment
if incr {
if adj != 0 {
e.err = errInvalidIncrementingAdjustment
adj = 7
// Try three different encodings and pick the shortest.
b := buffer(e.scratch[0:0])
opcode, iBest, nBest := uint8(0xa8), 0, b.encodeReal(f)
b = buffer(e.scratch[4:4])
if n := b.encodeCoordinate(f); n < nBest {
opcode, iBest, nBest = 0xb0, 4, n
b = buffer(e.scratch[8:8])
if n := b.encodeZeroToOne(f); n < nBest {
opcode, iBest, nBest = 0xb8, 8, n
e.buf = append(e.buf, adj|opcode)
e.buf = append(e.buf, e.scratch[iBest:iBest+nBest]...)
func (e *Encoder) SetLOD(lod0, lod1 float32) {
if e.err != nil {
e.lod0 = lod0
e.lod1 = lod1
e.buf = append(e.buf, 0xc7)
// SetLinearGradient sets CREG[CSEL] to encode the linear gradient whose
// geometry is defined by x1, y1, x2, y2 and colors defined by spread and
// stops.
// The colors of the n stops are encoded at CREG[cBase+0], CREG[cBase+1], ...,
// CREG[cBase+n-1]. Similarly, the offsets of the n stops are encoded at
// NREG[nBase+0], NREG[nBase+1], ..., NREG[nBase+n-1]. Additional parameters
// are stored at NREG[nBase-4], NREG[nBase-3], NREG[nBase-2] and NREG[nBase-1].
// See the package documentation for more details on the gradient encoding
// format.
// The CSEL and NSEL selector registers maintain the same values after the
// method returns as they had when the method was called.
func (e *Encoder) SetLinearGradient(cBase, nBase uint8, x1, y1, x2, y2 float32, spread GradientSpread, stops []GradientStop) {
e.setGradient(cBase, nBase, x1, y1, x2, y2, 0x80, spread, stops)
// SetRadialGradient is like SetLinearGradient except that the radial
// gradient's geometry is defined by cx, cy and r.
func (e *Encoder) SetRadialGradient(cBase, nBase uint8, cx, cy, r float32, spread GradientSpread, stops []GradientStop) {
// TODO: two radii, r1 and r2, as per doc.go.
e.setGradient(cBase, nBase, cx, cy, 0, r, 0xc0, spread, stops)
func (e *Encoder) setGradient(cBase, nBase uint8, a0, a1, a2, a3 float32, bFlags uint8, spread GradientSpread, stops []GradientStop) {
if e.err != nil {
if len(stops) > 60 {
e.err = errTooManyGradientStops
if x, y := e.cSel, e.cSel+64; (cBase <= x && x < cBase+uint8(len(stops))) ||
(cBase <= y && y < cBase+uint8(len(stops))) {
e.err = errCSELUsedAsBothGradientAndStop
oldCSel := e.cSel
oldNSel := e.nSel
cBase &= 0x3f
nBase &= 0x3f
e.SetCReg(0, false, RGBAColor(color.RGBA{
R: uint8(len(stops)),
G: cBase | uint8(spread<<6),
B: nBase | bFlags,
A: 0x00,
e.SetNReg(4, false, a0)
e.SetNReg(3, false, a1)
e.SetNReg(2, false, a2)
e.SetNReg(1, false, a3)
for _, s := range stops {
r, g, b, a := s.Color.RGBA()
e.SetCReg(0, true, RGBAColor(color.RGBA{
R: uint8(r >> 8),
G: uint8(g >> 8),
B: uint8(b >> 8),
A: uint8(a >> 8),
e.SetNReg(0, true, s.Offset)
func (e *Encoder) StartPath(adj uint8, x, y float32) {
if e.err != nil {
if adj < 0 || 6 < adj {
e.err = errInvalidSelectorAdjustment
e.highResolutionCoordinates = e.HighResolutionCoordinates
e.buf = append(e.buf, uint8(0xc0+adj))
e.mode = modeDrawing
func (e *Encoder) AbsHLineTo(x float32) { e.draw('H', x, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) }
func (e *Encoder) RelHLineTo(x float32) { e.draw('h', x, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) }
func (e *Encoder) AbsVLineTo(y float32) { e.draw('V', y, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) }
func (e *Encoder) RelVLineTo(y float32) { e.draw('v', y, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) }
func (e *Encoder) AbsLineTo(x, y float32) { e.draw('L', x, y, 0, 0, 0, 0) }
func (e *Encoder) RelLineTo(x, y float32) { e.draw('l', x, y, 0, 0, 0, 0) }
func (e *Encoder) AbsSmoothQuadTo(x, y float32) { e.draw('T', x, y, 0, 0, 0, 0) }
func (e *Encoder) RelSmoothQuadTo(x, y float32) { e.draw('t', x, y, 0, 0, 0, 0) }
func (e *Encoder) AbsQuadTo(x1, y1, x, y float32) { e.draw('Q', x1, y1, x, y, 0, 0) }
func (e *Encoder) RelQuadTo(x1, y1, x, y float32) { e.draw('q', x1, y1, x, y, 0, 0) }
func (e *Encoder) AbsSmoothCubeTo(x2, y2, x, y float32) { e.draw('S', x2, y2, x, y, 0, 0) }
func (e *Encoder) RelSmoothCubeTo(x2, y2, x, y float32) { e.draw('s', x2, y2, x, y, 0, 0) }
func (e *Encoder) AbsCubeTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, x, y float32) { e.draw('C', x1, y1, x2, y2, x, y) }
func (e *Encoder) RelCubeTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, x, y float32) { e.draw('c', x1, y1, x2, y2, x, y) }
func (e *Encoder) ClosePathEndPath() { e.draw('Z', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) }
func (e *Encoder) ClosePathAbsMoveTo(x, y float32) { e.draw('Y', x, y, 0, 0, 0, 0) }
func (e *Encoder) ClosePathRelMoveTo(x, y float32) { e.draw('y', x, y, 0, 0, 0, 0) }
func (e *Encoder) AbsArcTo(rx, ry, xAxisRotation float32, largeArc, sweep bool, x, y float32) {
e.arcTo('A', rx, ry, xAxisRotation, largeArc, sweep, x, y)
func (e *Encoder) RelArcTo(rx, ry, xAxisRotation float32, largeArc, sweep bool, x, y float32) {
e.arcTo('a', rx, ry, xAxisRotation, largeArc, sweep, x, y)
func (e *Encoder) arcTo(drawOp byte, rx, ry, xAxisRotation float32, largeArc, sweep bool, x, y float32) {
flags := uint32(0)
if largeArc {
flags |= 0x01
if sweep {
flags |= 0x02
e.draw(drawOp, rx, ry, xAxisRotation, float32(flags), x, y)
func (e *Encoder) draw(drawOp byte, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5 float32) {
if e.err != nil {
if e.mode != modeDrawing {
e.err = errDrawingOpsUsedInStylingMode
if e.drawOp != drawOp {
e.drawOp = drawOp
switch drawOps[drawOp].nArgs {
case 0:
// No-op.
case 1:
e.drawArgs = append(e.drawArgs, arg0)
case 2:
e.drawArgs = append(e.drawArgs, arg0, arg1)
case 4:
e.drawArgs = append(e.drawArgs, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3)
case 6:
e.drawArgs = append(e.drawArgs, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5)
switch drawOp {
case 'Z':
e.mode = modeStyling
case 'Y', 'y':
func (e *Encoder) flushDrawOps() {
if e.drawOp == 0x00 {
if op := drawOps[e.drawOp]; op.nArgs == 0 {
e.buf = append(e.buf, op.opcodeBase)
} else {
n := len(e.drawArgs) / int(op.nArgs)
for i := 0; n > 0; {
m := n
if m > int(op.maxRepCount) {
m = int(op.maxRepCount)
e.buf = append(e.buf, op.opcodeBase+uint8(m)-1)
switch e.drawOp {
for j := m * int(op.nArgs); j > 0; j-- {
case 'A', 'a':
for j := m; j > 0; j-- {
i += 6
n -= m
e.drawOp = 0x00
e.drawArgs = e.drawArgs[:0]
func (e *Encoder) quantize(coord float32) float32 {
if !e.highResolutionCoordinates && (-128 <= coord && coord < 128) {
x := math.Floor(float64(coord*64 + 0.5))
return float32(x) / 64
return coord
var drawOps = [256]struct {
opcodeBase byte
maxRepCount uint8
nArgs uint8
'L': {0x00, 32, 2},
'l': {0x20, 32, 2},
'T': {0x40, 16, 2},
't': {0x50, 16, 2},
'Q': {0x60, 16, 4},
'q': {0x70, 16, 4},
'S': {0x80, 16, 4},
's': {0x90, 16, 4},
'C': {0xa0, 16, 6},
'c': {0xb0, 16, 6},
'A': {0xc0, 16, 6},
'a': {0xd0, 16, 6},
// Z means close path and then end path.
'Z': {0xe1, 1, 0},
// Y/y means close path and then open a new path (with a MoveTo/moveTo).
'Y': {0xe2, 1, 2},
'y': {0xe3, 1, 2},
'H': {0xe6, 1, 1},
'h': {0xe7, 1, 1},
'V': {0xe8, 1, 1},
'v': {0xe9, 1, 1},