ocsp: fix vet format string issues

Fix the following format string issues reported by go vet:

  ocsp_test.go:46: Errorf format %d has arg resp.ThisUpdate of wrong type time.Time
  ocsp_test.go:50: Errorf format %d has arg resp.NextUpdate of wrong type time.Time
  ocsp_test.go:271: Errorf format %d has arg resp.ThisUpdate of wrong type time.Time
  ocsp_test.go:275: Errorf format %d has arg resp.NextUpdate of wrong type time.Time
  ocsp_test.go:279: Errorf format %d has arg resp.RevokedAt of wrong type time.Time

Change-Id: I3b516bb216424ad1777acfc27b11dc1b2d78836a
Reviewed-on: https://go-review.googlesource.com/76130
Reviewed-by: Filippo Valsorda <hi@filippo.io>
1 file changed
tree: afa3befb08a6b1ecd57b8221f93dda0143a65568
  1. acme/
  2. bcrypt/
  3. blake2b/
  4. blake2s/
  5. blowfish/
  6. bn256/
  7. cast5/
  8. chacha20poly1305/
  9. cryptobyte/
  10. curve25519/
  11. ed25519/
  12. hkdf/
  13. md4/
  14. nacl/
  15. ocsp/
  16. openpgp/
  17. otr/
  18. pbkdf2/
  19. pkcs12/
  20. poly1305/
  21. ripemd160/
  22. salsa20/
  23. scrypt/
  24. sha3/
  25. ssh/
  26. tea/
  27. twofish/
  28. xtea/
  29. xts/
  30. .gitattributes
  31. .gitignore
  33. codereview.cfg
  38. README.md

Go Cryptography

This repository holds supplementary Go cryptography libraries.


The easiest way to install is to run go get -u golang.org/x/crypto/.... You can also manually git clone the repository to $GOPATH/src/golang.org/x/crypto.

Report Issues / Send Patches

This repository uses Gerrit for code changes. To learn how to submit changes to this repository, see https://golang.org/doc/contribute.html.

The main issue tracker for the crypto repository is located at https://github.com/golang/go/issues. Prefix your issue with “x/crypto:” in the subject line, so it is easy to find.

Note that contributions to the cryptography package receive additional scrutiny due to their sensitive nature. Patches may take longer than normal to receive feedback.