blob: 469b4b499bb68d5aedfc617839925477c9615646 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
# license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
# This creates the debian-bullseye-vmx buildlet VM that's
# like the Container-Optimized OS but using Debian Bullseye
# instead of the Chromium OS, and with nested virtualization
# enabled.
set -e
set -x
# Create disk, forking Debian 9 (Stretch).
gcloud compute disks delete $TMP_DISK --zone=$ZONE --quiet || true
gcloud compute disks create $TMP_DISK \
--zone=$ZONE \
--size=40GB \
--image-project=debian-cloud \
--image-family debian-11
# Create image based on that disk, with the nested virtualization
# opt-in flag ("license").
gcloud compute images delete $TMP_IMG --quiet || true
gcloud compute images create \
--source-disk=$TMP_DISK \
--source-disk-zone=$ZONE \
--licenses ""
# No longer need that temp disk:
gcloud compute disks delete $TMP_DISK --zone=$ZONE --quiet
# Create the VM
gcloud compute instances delete --zone=$ZONE $TMP_VM --quiet || true
gcloud compute instances create \
--zone=$ZONE \
--image=$TMP_IMG \
--min-cpu-platform "Intel Haswell" \
--network default-vpc \
--no-service-account --no-scopes
echo "Waiting for SSH port to be available..."
while ! gcloud compute ssh $TMP_VM --zone=$ZONE --tunnel-through-iap -- echo hi; do
sleep 1
echo "SSH is up. Copying script to VM..."
# gcloud compute scp lacks an --internal-ip flag, even though gcloud
# compute ssh has it. Annoying. Workaround:
gcloud compute scp --zone=$ZONE --tunnel-through-iap $TMP_VM:
# And prep the machine.
gcloud compute ssh $TMP_VM --zone=$ZONE --tunnel-through-iap -- sudo bash ./
echo "Done prepping machine; shutting down"
# Shut it down so it's a stable source to snapshot from.
gcloud compute instances stop $TMP_VM --zone=$ZONE
# Now make the new image from our instance's disk.
gcloud compute images delete $TARGET_IMAGE --quiet || true
gcloud compute images create $TARGET_IMAGE --source-disk=$TMP_VM --source-disk-zone=$ZONE
gcloud compute images delete $TMP_IMG --quiet
echo "Done."