blob: ddd6a4c5175e3f0a6e956c3661a5dda206dd1421 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
goversion "go/version"
// A Report is the report about this reproduction attempt.
// It also holds unexported state for use during the attempt.
type Report struct {
Version string // module@version of gorebuild command
GoVersion string // version of go command gorebuild was built with
GOOS string
GOARCH string
Start time.Time // time reproduction started
End time.Time // time reproduction ended
Work string // work directory
Full bool // full bootstrap back to Go 1.4
Bootstraps []*Bootstrap // bootstrap toolchains used
Releases []*Release // releases reproduced
Log Log
dl []*DLRelease // information from
// A Bootstrap describes the result of building or obtaining a bootstrap toolchain.
type Bootstrap struct {
Version string
Dir string
Err error
Log Log
// A Release describes results for files from a single release of Go.
type Release struct {
Version string // Go version string "go1.21.3"
Log Log
dl *DLRelease
mu sync.Mutex
Files []*File // Files reproduced
// A File describes the result of reproducing a single file.
type File struct {
Name string // Name of file on ("go1.21.3-linux-amd64.tar.gz")
GOOS string
GOARCH string
SHA256 string // SHA256 hex of file
Log Log
dl *DLFile
cache bool
mu sync.Mutex
data []byte
// A Log contains timestamped log messages as well as an overall
// result status derived from them.
type Log struct {
Name string
// mu must be held when using the Log from multiple goroutines.
// It is OK not to hold mu when there is only a single goroutine accessing
// the data, such as during json.Marshal or json.Unmarshal.
mu sync.Mutex
Messages []Message
Status Status
// A Status reports the overall result of the report, version, or file:
type Status string
const (
FAIL Status = "FAIL"
PASS Status = "PASS"
SKIP Status = "SKIP"
// A Message is a single log message.
type Message struct {
Time time.Time
Text string
// Printf adds a new message to the log.
// If the message begins with FAIL:, PASS:, or SKIP:,
// the status is updated accordingly.
func (l *Log) Printf(format string, args ...any) {
text := fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)
text = strings.TrimRight(text, "\n")
now := time.Now()
l.Messages = append(l.Messages, Message{now, text})
if strings.HasPrefix(format, "FAIL:") {
l.Status = FAIL
} else if strings.HasPrefix(format, "PASS:") && l.Status != FAIL {
l.Status = PASS
} else if strings.HasPrefix(format, "SKIP:") && l.Status == "" {
l.Status = SKIP
prefix := ""
if l.Name != "" {
prefix = "[" + l.Name + "] "
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s %s%s\n", now.Format("15:04:05.000"), prefix, text)
// Run runs the rebuilds indicated by args and returns the resulting report.
func Run(args []string) *Report {
r := &Report{
Version: "(unknown)",
GoVersion: runtime.Version(),
GOOS: runtime.GOOS,
Start: time.Now(),
Full: runtime.GOOS == "linux" && runtime.GOARCH == "amd64",
defer func() {
r.End = time.Now()
if info, ok := debug.ReadBuildInfo(); ok {
m := &info.Main
if m.Replace != nil {
m = m.Replace
r.Version = m.Path + "@" + m.Version
var err error
defer func() {
if err != nil {
r.Log.Printf("FAIL: %v", err)
r.Work, err = os.MkdirTemp("", "gorebuild-")
if err != nil {
return r
r.dl, err = DLReleases(&r.Log)
if err != nil {
return r
// Allocate files for all the arguments.
if len(args) == 0 {
args = []string{""}
for _, arg := range args {
sys, vers, ok := strings.Cut(arg, "@")
versions := []string{vers}
if !ok {
versions = defaultVersions(r.dl)
for _, version := range versions {
rel := r.Release(version)
if rel == nil {
r.Log.Printf("FAIL: unknown version %q", version)
r.File(rel, rel.Version+".src.tar.gz", "", "").cache = true
for _, f := range rel.dl.Files {
if f.Kind == "source" || sys == "" || sys == f.GOOS+"-"+f.GOARCH {
r.File(rel, f.Name, f.GOOS, f.GOARCH).dl = f
if f.GOOS != "" && f.GOARCH != "" {
mod := "v0.0.1-" + rel.Version + "." + f.GOOS + "-" + f.GOARCH
r.File(rel, mod+".info", f.GOOS, f.GOARCH)
r.File(rel, mod+".mod", f.GOOS, f.GOARCH)
r.File(rel, mod+".zip", f.GOOS, f.GOARCH)
// Do the work.
// Fetch or build the bootstraps single-threaded.
for _, rel := range r.Releases {
// If BootstrapVersion fails, the parallel loop will report that.
bver, _ := BootstrapVersion(rel.Version)
if bver != "" {
// Run every file in its own goroutine.
// Limit parallelism with channel.
N := *pFlag
if N < 1 {
log.Fatalf("invalid parallelism -p=%d", *pFlag)
limit := make(chan int, N)
for i := 0; i < N; i++ {
limit <- 1
for _, rel := range r.Releases {
rel := rel
// Download source code.
src, err := GerritTarGz(&rel.Log, "go", "refs/tags/"+rel.Version)
if err != nil {
rel.Log.Printf("FAIL: downloading source: %v", err)
// Reproduce all the files.
for _, file := range rel.Files {
file := file
go func() {
defer func() { limit <- 1 }()
r.ReproFile(rel, file, src)
// Wait for goroutines to finish.
for i := 0; i < N; i++ {
// Collect results.
// Sort the list of work for nicer presentation.
if r.Log.Status != FAIL {
r.Log.Status = PASS
sort.Slice(r.Releases, func(i, j int) bool { return goversion.Compare(r.Releases[i].Version, r.Releases[j].Version) > 0 })
for _, rel := range r.Releases {
if rel.Log.Status != FAIL {
rel.Log.Status = PASS
sort.Slice(rel.Files, func(i, j int) bool { return rel.Files[i].Name < rel.Files[j].Name })
for _, f := range rel.Files {
if f.Log.Status == "" {
f.Log.Printf("FAIL: file not checked")
if f.Log.Status == FAIL {
rel.Log.Printf("FAIL: %s did not verify", f.Name)
if f.Log.Status == SKIP && rel.Log.Status == PASS {
rel.Log.Status = SKIP // be clear not completely verified
if rel.Log.Status == PASS {
if rel.Log.Status == FAIL {
r.Log.Printf("FAIL: %s did not verify", rel.Version)
r.Log.Status = FAIL
if rel.Log.Status == SKIP && r.Log.Status == PASS {
r.Log.Status = SKIP // be clear not completely verified
if r.Log.Status == PASS {
return r
// defaultVersions returns the list of default versions to rebuild.
// (See the package documentation for details about which ones.)
func defaultVersions(releases []*DLRelease) []string {
var versions []string
seen := make(map[string]bool)
for _, r := range releases {
// Take the first unstable entry if there are no stable ones yet.
// That will be the latest release candidate.
// Otherwise skip; that will skip earlier release candidates
// and unstable older releases.
if !r.Stable {
if len(versions) == 0 {
versions = append(versions, r.Version)
// Watch major versions go by. Take the first of each and stop after two.
major := r.Version
if strings.Count(major, ".") == 2 {
major = major[:strings.LastIndex(major, ".")]
if !seen[major] {
if major == "go1.20" {
// not reproducible
versions = append(versions, r.Version)
seen[major] = true
if len(seen) == 2 {
return versions
func (r *Report) ReproFile(rel *Release, file *File, src []byte) (err error) {
defer func() {
if err != nil {
file.Log.Printf("FAIL: %v", err)
if file.dl == nil || file.dl.Kind != "archive" {
// Checked as a side effect of rebuilding a different file.
return nil
file.Log.Printf("start %s", file.Name)
goroot := filepath.Join(r.Work, fmt.Sprintf("repro-%s-%s-%s", rel.Version, file.GOOS, file.GOARCH))
defer os.RemoveAll(goroot)
if err := UnpackTarGz(goroot, src); err != nil {
return err
env := []string{"GOOS=" + file.GOOS, "GOARCH=" + file.GOARCH}
// For historical reasons, the linux-arm downloads are built
// with GOARM=6, even though the cross-compiled default is 7.
if strings.HasSuffix(file.Name, "-armv6l.tar.gz") || strings.HasSuffix(file.Name, "") {
env = append(env, "GOARM=6")
if err := r.Build(&file.Log, goroot, rel.Version, env, []string{"-distpack"}); err != nil {
return err
distpack := filepath.Join(goroot, "pkg/distpack")
built, err := os.ReadDir(distpack)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, b := range built {
data, err := os.ReadFile(filepath.Join(distpack, b.Name()))
if err != nil {
return err
// Look up file from posted list.
// For historical reasons, the linux-arm downloads are named linux-armv6l.
// Other architectures are not renamed that way.
// Also, the module zips are not renamed that way, even on Linux.
name := b.Name()
if strings.HasPrefix(name, "go") && strings.HasSuffix(name, ".linux-arm.tar.gz") {
name = strings.TrimSuffix(name, "-arm.tar.gz") + "-armv6l.tar.gz"
bf := r.File(rel, name, file.GOOS, file.GOARCH)
pubData, ok := r.Download(bf)
if !ok {
match := bytes.Equal(data, pubData)
if !match && file.GOOS == "darwin" {
if strings.HasSuffix(bf.Name, ".tar.gz") && DiffTarGz(&bf.Log, data, pubData, StripDarwinSig) ||
strings.HasSuffix(bf.Name, ".zip") && DiffZip(&bf.Log, data, pubData, StripDarwinSig) {
bf.Log.Printf("verified match after stripping signatures from executables")
match = true
if !match {
if strings.HasSuffix(bf.Name, ".tar.gz") {
DiffTarGz(&bf.Log, data, pubData, nil)
if strings.HasSuffix(bf.Name, ".zip") {
DiffZip(&bf.Log, data, pubData, nil)
bf.Log.Printf("FAIL: rebuilt SHA256 %s does not match public download SHA256 %s", SHA256(data), SHA256(pubData))
bf.Log.Printf("PASS: rebuilt with %q", env)
if bf.dl != nil && bf.dl.Kind == "archive" {
if file.GOOS == "darwin" {
r.ReproDarwinPkg(rel, bf, pubData)
if file.GOOS == "windows" {
r.ReproWindowsMsi(rel, bf, pubData)
return nil
func (r *Report) ReproWindowsMsi(rel *Release, file *File, zip []byte) {
mf := r.File(rel, strings.TrimSuffix(file.Name, ".zip")+".msi", file.GOOS, file.GOARCH)
if mf.dl == nil {
mf.Log.Printf("FAIL: not found posted for download")
msi, ok := r.Download(mf)
if !ok {
ok, skip := DiffWindowsMsi(&mf.Log, zip, msi)
if ok {
mf.Log.Printf("PASS: verified content against posted zip")
} else if skip {
mf.Log.Printf("SKIP: msiextract not found")
func (r *Report) ReproDarwinPkg(rel *Release, file *File, tgz []byte) {
pf := r.File(rel, strings.TrimSuffix(file.Name, ".tar.gz")+".pkg", file.GOOS, file.GOARCH)
if pf.dl == nil {
pf.Log.Printf("FAIL: not found posted for download")
pkg, ok := r.Download(pf)
if !ok {
if DiffDarwinPkg(&pf.Log, tgz, pkg) {
pf.Log.Printf("PASS: verified content against posted tgz")
func (r *Report) Download(f *File) ([]byte, bool) {
url := ""
if strings.HasPrefix(f.Name, "v") {
url += "mod/"
if f.cache {
if != nil {
return, true
data, err := Get(&f.Log, url+f.Name)
if err != nil {
f.Log.Printf("FAIL: cannot download public copy")
return nil, false
sum := SHA256(data)
if f.dl != nil && f.dl.SHA256 != sum {
f.Log.Printf("FAIL: SHA256 %s does not match public download SHA256 %s", f.dl.SHA256, sum)
return nil, false
if f.cache { = data
return data, true
func (r *Report) Release(version string) *Release {
for _, rel := range r.Releases {
if rel.Version == version {
return rel
var dl *DLRelease
for _, dl = range r.dl {
if dl.Version == version {
rel := &Release{
Version: version,
dl: dl,
rel.Log.Name = version
r.Releases = append(r.Releases, rel)
return rel
return nil
func (r *Report) File(rel *Release, name, goos, goarch string) *File {
for _, f := range rel.Files {
if f.Name == name {
return f
f := &File{
Name: name,
GOOS: goos,
GOARCH: goarch,
f.Log.Name = name
rel.Files = append(rel.Files, f)
return f