blob: e4db5587f9f3b235195ba363b44937befd07daea [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
//go:build linux || darwin
// Package dashboard contains the implementation of the build dashboard for the Coordinator.
package dashboard
import (
_ "embed"
type data struct {
Branch string
Builders []*builder
Commits []*commit
Dashboard struct {
Name string
Package dashPackage
Pagination *struct{}
TagState []struct{}
// MaintnerClient is a subset of apipb.MaintnerServiceClient.
type MaintnerClient interface {
// GetDashboard is extracted from apipb.MaintnerServiceClient.
GetDashboard(ctx context.Context, in *apipb.DashboardRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*apipb.DashboardResponse, error)
type luciClient interface {
PostSubmitSnapshot() lucipoll.Snapshot
type Handler struct {
// Datastore is a client used for fetching build status. If nil, it uses in-memory storage of build status.
Datastore *datastore.Client
// Maintner is a client for Maintner, used for fetching lists of commits.
Maintner MaintnerClient
// LUCI is a client for LUCI, used for fetching build results from there.
LUCI luciClient
// memoryResults is an in-memory storage of CI results. Used in development and testing for datastore data.
memoryResults map[string][]string
func (d *Handler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
var showLUCI = true
if legacyOnly, _ := strconv.ParseBool(req.URL.Query().Get("legacyonly")); legacyOnly {
showLUCI = false
var luci lucipoll.Snapshot
if d.LUCI != nil && showLUCI {
luci = d.LUCI.PostSubmitSnapshot()
dd := &data{
Builders: d.getBuilders(dashboard.Builders, luci),
Commits: d.commits(req.Context(), luci),
Package: dashPackage{Name: "Go"},
var buf bytes.Buffer
if err := templ.Execute(&buf, dd); err != nil {
log.Printf("handleDashboard: error rendering template: %v", err)
http.Error(w, http.StatusText(http.StatusInternalServerError), http.StatusInternalServerError)
func (d *Handler) commits(ctx context.Context, luci lucipoll.Snapshot) []*commit {
resp, err := d.Maintner.GetDashboard(ctx, &apipb.DashboardRequest{})
if err != nil {
log.Printf("handleDashboard: error fetching from maintner: %v", err)
return nil
var commits []*commit
for _, c := range resp.GetCommits() {
commits = append(commits, &commit{
Desc: c.Title,
Hash: c.Commit,
Time: time.Unix(c.CommitTimeSec, 0).Format("02 Jan 15:04"),
User: formatGitAuthor(c.AuthorName, c.AuthorEmail),
d.getResults(ctx, commits, luci)
return commits
// getResults populates result data on commits, fetched from Datastore or in-memory storage
// and, if luci is non-zero, also from LUCI.
func (d *Handler) getResults(ctx context.Context, commits []*commit, luci lucipoll.Snapshot) {
if d.Datastore != nil {
getDatastoreResults(ctx, d.Datastore, commits, "go")
} else {
for _, c := range commits {
if result, ok := d.memoryResults[c.Hash]; ok {
c.ResultData = result
appendLUCIResults(luci, commits, "go")
func (d *Handler) getBuilders(conf map[string]*dashboard.BuildConfig, luci lucipoll.Snapshot) []*builder {
bm := make(map[string]builder)
for _, b := range conf {
if !b.BuildsRepoPostSubmit("go", "master", "master") {
if migration.BuildersPortedToLUCI[b.Name] && len(luci.Builders) > 0 {
// Don't display old builders that have been ported
// to LUCI if willing to show LUCI builders as well.
db := bm[b.GOOS()]
db.OS = b.GOOS()
db.Archs = append(db.Archs, &arch{
os: b.GOOS(), Arch: b.GOARCH(),
Name: b.Name,
// Tag is the part after "os-arch", if any, without leading dash.
Tag: strings.TrimPrefix(strings.TrimPrefix(b.Name, fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", b.GOOS(), b.GOARCH())), "-"),
bm[b.GOOS()] = db
for _, b := range luci.Builders {
if b.Repo != "go" || b.GoBranch != "master" {
db := bm[b.Target.GOOS]
db.OS = b.Target.GOOS
tagFriendly := b.Name + "-🐇"
if after, ok := strings.CutPrefix(tagFriendly, fmt.Sprintf("gotip-%s-%s_", b.Target.GOOS, b.Target.GOARCH)); ok {
// Convert os-arch_osversion-mod1-mod2 (an underscore at start of "_osversion")
// to have os-arch-osversion-mod1-mod2 (a dash at start of "-osversion") form.
// The tag computation below uses this to find both "osversion-mod1" or "mod1".
tagFriendly = fmt.Sprintf("gotip-%s-%s-", b.Target.GOOS, b.Target.GOARCH) + after
db.Archs = append(db.Archs, &arch{
os: b.Target.GOOS, Arch: b.Target.GOARCH,
Name: b.Name,
// Tag is the part after "os-arch", if any, without leading dash.
Tag: strings.TrimPrefix(strings.TrimPrefix(tagFriendly, fmt.Sprintf("gotip-%s-%s", b.Target.GOOS, b.Target.GOARCH)), "-"),
bm[b.Target.GOOS] = db
var builders builderSlice
for _, db := range bm {
db := db
builders = append(builders, &db)
return builders
type arch struct {
os, Arch string
Name string
Tag string
func (a arch) FirstClass() bool { return releasetargets.IsFirstClass(a.os, a.Arch) }
type archSlice []*arch
func (d archSlice) Len() int {
return len(d)
// Less sorts first-class ports first, then it sorts by name.
func (d archSlice) Less(i, j int) bool {
iFirst, jFirst := d[i].FirstClass(), d[j].FirstClass()
if iFirst && !jFirst {
return true
if !iFirst && jFirst {
return false
return d[i].Name < d[j].Name
func (d archSlice) Swap(i, j int) {
d[i], d[j] = d[j], d[i]
type builder struct {
Active bool
Archs archSlice
OS string
Unsupported bool
func (b *builder) FirstClass() bool {
for _, a := range b.Archs {
if a.FirstClass() {
return true
return false
func (b *builder) FirstClassArchs() archSlice {
var as archSlice
for _, a := range b.Archs {
if a.FirstClass() {
as = append(as, a)
return as
type builderSlice []*builder
func (d builderSlice) Len() int {
return len(d)
// Less sorts first-class ports first, then it sorts by name.
func (d builderSlice) Less(i, j int) bool {
iFirst, jFirst := d[i].FirstClass(), d[j].FirstClass()
if iFirst && !jFirst {
return true
if !iFirst && jFirst {
return false
return d[i].OS < d[j].OS
func (d builderSlice) Swap(i, j int) {
d[i], d[j] = d[j], d[i]
type dashPackage struct {
Name string
Path string
type commit struct {
Desc string
Hash string
// ResultData is a copy of the [Commit.ResultData] field from datastore,
// with an additional rule that the second '|'-separated value may be "infra_failure"
// to indicate a problem with the infrastructure rather than the code being tested.
// It can also have the form of "builder|BuildingURL" for in progress builds.
ResultData []string
Time string
User string
// ShortUser returns a shortened version of a user string.
func (c *commit) ShortUser() string {
user := c.User
if i, j := strings.Index(user, "<"), strings.Index(user, ">"); 0 <= i && i < j {
user = user[i+1 : j]
if i := strings.Index(user, "@"); i >= 0 {
return user[:i]
return user
func (c *commit) ResultForBuilder(builder string) *result {
for _, rd := range c.ResultData {
segs := strings.Split(rd, "|")
if len(segs) == 2 && segs[0] == builder {
return &result{
BuildingURL: segs[1],
if len(segs) < 4 {
if segs[0] == builder {
return &result{
OK: segs[1] == "true",
Noise: segs[1] == "infra_failure",
LogHash: segs[2],
return nil
type result struct {
BuildingURL string
OK bool
Noise bool
LogHash string
func (r result) LogURL() string {
if strings.HasPrefix(r.LogHash, "https://") {
return r.LogHash
} else {
return "" + r.LogHash
// formatGitAuthor formats the git author name and email (as split by
// maintner) back into the unified string how they're stored in a git
// commit, so the shortUser func (used by the HTML template) can parse
// back out the email part's username later. Maybe we could plumb down
// the parsed proto into the template later.
func formatGitAuthor(name, email string) string {
name = strings.TrimSpace(name)
email = strings.TrimSpace(email)
if name != "" && email != "" {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s <%s>", name, email)
if name != "" {
return name
return "<" + email + ">"
//go:embed dashboard.html
var dashboardTemplate string
var templ = template.Must(
"shortHash": shortHash,
// shortHash returns a short version of a hash.
func shortHash(hash string) string {
if len(hash) > 7 {
hash = hash[:7]
return hash
// A Commit describes an individual commit in a package.
// Each Commit entity is a descendant of its associated Package entity.
// In other words, all Commits with the same PackagePath belong to the same
// datastore entity group.
type Commit struct {
PackagePath string // (empty for main repo commits)
Hash string
// ResultData is the Data string of each build Result for this Commit.
// For non-Go commits, only the Results for the current Go tip, weekly,
// and release Tags are stored here. This is purely de-normalized data.
// The complete data set is stored in Result entities.
// Each string is formatted as builder|OK|LogHash|GoHash.
ResultData []string `datastore:",noindex"`