blob: 395f068d7ba6b07c35391b3904d53b6bc4fe2fd1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build appengine
package build
import (
func init() {
handleFunc("/perfdetail", perfDetailUIHandler)
func perfDetailUIHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
d := dashboardForRequest(r)
c := d.Context(appengine.NewContext(r))
pc, err := GetPerfConfig(c, r)
if err != nil {
logErr(w, r, err)
kind := r.FormValue("kind")
builder := r.FormValue("builder")
benchmark := r.FormValue("benchmark")
if kind == "" {
kind = "benchmark"
if kind != "benchmark" && kind != "builder" {
logErr(w, r, fmt.Errorf("unknown kind %s", kind))
// Fetch the new commit.
com1 := new(Commit)
com1.Hash = r.FormValue("commit")
if hash, ok := knownTags[com1.Hash]; ok {
com1.Hash = hash
if err := datastore.Get(c, com1.Key(c), com1); err != nil {
logErr(w, r, fmt.Errorf("failed to fetch commit %s: %v", com1.Hash, err))
// Fetch the associated perf result.
ress1 := &PerfResult{CommitHash: com1.Hash}
if err := datastore.Get(c, ress1.Key(c), ress1); err != nil {
logErr(w, r, fmt.Errorf("failed to fetch perf result %s: %v", com1.Hash, err))
// Fetch the old commit.
var ress0 *PerfResult
com0 := new(Commit)
com0.Hash = r.FormValue("commit0")
if hash, ok := knownTags[com0.Hash]; ok {
com0.Hash = hash
if com0.Hash != "" {
// Have an exact commit hash, fetch directly.
if err := datastore.Get(c, com0.Key(c), com0); err != nil {
logErr(w, r, fmt.Errorf("failed to fetch commit %s: %v", com0.Hash, err))
ress0 = &PerfResult{CommitHash: com0.Hash}
if err := datastore.Get(c, ress0.Key(c), ress0); err != nil {
logErr(w, r, fmt.Errorf("failed to fetch perf result for %s: %v", com0.Hash, err))
} else {
// Don't have the commit hash, find the previous commit to compare.
rc := MakePerfResultCache(c, com1, false)
ress0, err = rc.NextForComparison(com1.Num, "")
if err != nil {
logErr(w, r, err)
if ress0 == nil {
logErr(w, r, fmt.Errorf("no previous commit with results"))
// Now that we know the right result, fetch the commit.
com0.Hash = ress0.CommitHash
if err := datastore.Get(c, com0.Key(c), com0); err != nil {
logErr(w, r, fmt.Errorf("failed to fetch commit %s: %v", com0.Hash, err))
res0 := ress0.ParseData()
res1 := ress1.ParseData()
var benchmarks []*uiPerfDetailBenchmark
var list []string
if kind == "builder" {
list = pc.BenchmarksForBuilder(builder)
} else {
list = pc.BuildersForBenchmark(benchmark)
for _, other := range list {
if kind == "builder" {
benchmark = other
} else {
builder = other
var procs []*uiPerfDetailProcs
allProcs := pc.ProcList(builder)
for _, p := range allProcs {
BenchProcs := fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v", benchmark, p)
if res0[builder] == nil || res0[builder][BenchProcs] == nil {
pp := &uiPerfDetailProcs{Procs: p}
for metric, val := range res0[builder][BenchProcs].Metrics {
var pm uiPerfDetailMetric
pm.Name = metric
pm.Val0 = fmt.Sprintf("%v", val)
val1 := uint64(0)
if res1[builder] != nil && res1[builder][BenchProcs] != nil {
val1 = res1[builder][BenchProcs].Metrics[metric]
pm.Val1 = fmt.Sprintf("%v", val1)
v0 := val
v1 := val1
valf := perfDiff(v0, v1)
pm.Delta = fmt.Sprintf("%+.2f%%", valf)
pm.Style = perfChangeStyle(pc, valf, builder, BenchProcs, pm.Name)
pp.Metrics = append(pp.Metrics, pm)
for artifact, hash := range res0[builder][BenchProcs].Artifacts {
var pm uiPerfDetailMetric
pm.Val0 = fmt.Sprintf("%v", artifact)
pm.Link0 = fmt.Sprintf("log/%v", hash)
pm.Val1 = fmt.Sprintf("%v", artifact)
if res1[builder] != nil && res1[builder][BenchProcs] != nil && res1[builder][BenchProcs].Artifacts[artifact] != "" {
pm.Link1 = fmt.Sprintf("log/%v", res1[builder][BenchProcs].Artifacts[artifact])
pp.Metrics = append(pp.Metrics, pm)
procs = append(procs, pp)
benchmarks = append(benchmarks, &uiPerfDetailBenchmark{other, procs})
cfg := new(uiPerfConfig)
for _, v := range pc.BuildersForBenchmark("") {
cfg.Builders = append(cfg.Builders, uiPerfConfigElem{v, v == builder})
for _, v := range pc.BenchmarksForBuilder("") {
cfg.Benchmarks = append(cfg.Benchmarks, uiPerfConfigElem{v, v == benchmark})
data := &uiPerfDetailTemplateData{d, cfg, kind == "builder", com0, com1, benchmarks}
var buf bytes.Buffer
if err := uiPerfDetailTemplate.Execute(&buf, data); err != nil {
logErr(w, r, err)
func perfResultSplit(s string) (builder string, benchmark string, procs int) {
s1 := strings.Split(s, "|")
s2 := strings.Split(s1[1], "-")
procs, _ = strconv.Atoi(s2[1])
return s1[0], s2[0], procs
type uiPerfDetailTemplateData struct {
Dashboard *Dashboard
Config *uiPerfConfig
KindBuilder bool
Commit0 *Commit
Commit1 *Commit
Benchmarks []*uiPerfDetailBenchmark
type uiPerfDetailBenchmark struct {
Name string
Procs []*uiPerfDetailProcs
type uiPerfDetailProcs struct {
Procs int
Metrics uiPerfDetailMetrics
type uiPerfDetailMetric struct {
Name string
Val0 string
Val1 string
Link0 string
Link1 string
Delta string
Style string
type uiPerfDetailMetrics []uiPerfDetailMetric
func (l uiPerfDetailMetrics) Len() int { return len(l) }
func (l uiPerfDetailMetrics) Swap(i, j int) { l[i], l[j] = l[j], l[i] }
func (l uiPerfDetailMetrics) Less(i, j int) bool { return l[i].Name < l[j].Name }
var uiPerfDetailTemplate = template.Must(