blob: 6362145386a9ac551e7e89ca655aa2c45b56ffea [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package relnote supports working with release notes.
// Its main feature is the ability to merge Markdown fragments into a single
// document.
// This package has minimal imports, so that it can be vendored into the
// main go repo.
// # Fragments
// A release note fragment is designed to be merged into a final document.
// The merging is done by matching headings, and inserting the contents
// of that heading (that is, the non-heading blocks following it) into
// the merged document.
// If the text of a heading begins with '+', then it doesn't have to match
// with an existing heading. If it doesn't match, the heading and its contents
// are both inserted into the result.
// A fragment must begin with a non-empty matching heading.
package relnote
import (
md ""
// NewParser returns a properly configured Markdown parser.
func NewParser() *md.Parser {
var p md.Parser
p.HeadingIDs = true
return &p
// CheckFragment reports problems in a release-note fragment.
func CheckFragment(data string) error {
doc := NewParser().Parse(data)
if len(doc.Blocks) == 0 {
return errors.New("empty content")
if !isHeading(doc.Blocks[0]) {
return errors.New("does not start with a heading")
htext := text(doc.Blocks[0])
if strings.TrimSpace(htext) == "" {
return errors.New("starts with an empty heading")
if !headingTextMustMatch(htext) {
return errors.New("starts with a non-matching heading (text begins with a '+')")
// Check that the content of each heading either contains a TODO or at least one sentence.
cur := doc.Blocks[0] // the heading beginning the current section
found := false // did we find the content we were looking for in this section?
for _, b := range doc.Blocks[1:] {
if isHeading(b) {
if !found {
cur = b
found = false
} else {
t := text(b)
// Check for a TODO or standard end-of-sentence punctuation
// (as a crude approximation to a full sentence).
found = strings.Contains(t, "TODO") || strings.ContainsAny(t, ".?!")
if !found {
return fmt.Errorf("section with heading %q needs a TODO or a sentence", text(cur))
return nil
// isHeading reports whether b is a Heading node.
func isHeading(b md.Block) bool {
_, ok := b.(*md.Heading)
return ok
// headingTextMustMatch reports whether s is the text of a heading
// that must be matched against another heading.
// Headings beginning with '+' don't require a match; all others do.
func headingTextMustMatch(s string) bool {
return len(s) == 0 || s[0] != '+'
// text returns all the text in a block, without any formatting.
func text(b md.Block) string {
switch b := b.(type) {
case *md.Heading:
return text(b.Text)
case *md.Text:
return inlineText(b.Inline)
case *md.CodeBlock:
return strings.Join(b.Text, "\n")
case *md.HTMLBlock:
return strings.Join(b.Text, "\n")
case *md.List:
return blocksText(b.Items)
case *md.Item:
return blocksText(b.Blocks)
case *md.Empty:
return ""
case *md.Paragraph:
return text(b.Text)
case *md.Quote:
return blocksText(b.Blocks)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown block type %T", b))
// blocksText returns all the text in a slice of block nodes.
func blocksText(bs []md.Block) string {
var d strings.Builder
for _, b := range bs {
io.WriteString(&d, text(b))
return d.String()
// inlineText returns all the next in a slice of inline nodes.
func inlineText(ins []md.Inline) string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
for _, in := range ins {
return buf.String()