blob: d80487bd75c384556d0393cbd30c4ac792a62935 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package buildenv contains definitions for the
// environments the Go build system can run in.
package buildenv
import (
compute ""
oauth2api ""
const (
prefix = ""
// KubeConfig describes the configuration of a Kubernetes cluster.
type KubeConfig struct {
// MinNodes is the minimum number of nodes in the Kubernetes cluster.
// The autoscaler will ensure that at least this many nodes is always
// running despite any scale-down decision.
MinNodes int64
// MaxNodes is the maximum number of nodes that the autoscaler can
// provision in the Kubernetes cluster.
// If MaxNodes is 0, Kubernetes is not used.
MaxNodes int64
// MachineType is the GCE machine type to use for the Kubernetes cluster nodes.
MachineType string
// Name is the name of the Kubernetes cluster that will be created.
Name string
// Environment describes the configuration of the infrastructure for a
// coordinator and its buildlet resources running on Google Cloud Platform.
// Staging and Production are the two common build environments.
type Environment struct {
// The GCP project name that the build infrastructure will be provisioned in.
// This field may be overridden as necessary without impacting other fields.
ProjectName string
// ProjectNumber is the GCP project's number, as visible in the admin console.
// This is used for things such as constructing the "email" of the default
// service account.
ProjectNumber int64
// The IsProd flag indicates whether production functionality should be
// enabled. When true, GCE and Kubernetes builders are enabled and the
// coordinator serves on 443. Otherwise, GCE and Kubernetes builders are
// disabled and the coordinator serves on 8119.
IsProd bool
// Zone is the GCE zone that the coordinator instance and Kubernetes cluster
// will run in. This field may be overridden as necessary without impacting
// other fields.
Zone string
// ZonesToClean are the GCE zones that will be periodically cleaned by
// deleting old VMs. The zero value means that no cleaning will occur.
// This field is optional.
ZonesToClean []string
// StaticIP is the public, static IP address that will be attached to the
// coordinator instance. The zero value means the address will be looked
// up by name. This field is optional.
StaticIP string
// MachineType is the GCE machine type to use for the coordinator.
MachineType string
// KubeBuild is the Kubernetes config for the buildlet cluster.
KubeBuild KubeConfig
// KubeTools is the Kubernetes config for the tools cluster.
KubeTools KubeConfig
// PreferContainersOnCOS controls whether we do most builds on
// Google's Container-Optimized OS Linux image running on a VM
// rather than using Kubernetes for builds. This does not
// affect cross-compiled builds just running make.bash. Those
// still use Kubernetes for now.
// See
PreferContainersOnCOS bool
// DashURL is the base URL of the build dashboard, ending in a slash.
DashURL string
// PerfDataURL is the base URL of the benchmark storage server.
PerfDataURL string
// CoordinatorURL is the location from which the coordinator
// binary will be downloaded.
// This is only used by cmd/coordinator/buildongce/create.go when
// creating the coordinator VM from scratch.
CoordinatorURL string
// CoordinatorName is the hostname of the coordinator instance.
CoordinatorName string
// BuildletBucket is the GCS bucket that stores buildlet binaries.
// TODO: rename. this is not just for buildlets; also for bootstrap.
BuildletBucket string
// LogBucket is the GCS bucket to which logs are written.
LogBucket string
// SnapBucket is the GCS bucket to which snapshots of
// completed builds (after make.bash, before tests) are
// written.
SnapBucket string
// MaxBuilds is the maximum number of concurrent builds that
// can run. Zero means unlimit. This is typically only used
// in a development or staging environment.
MaxBuilds int
// AutoCertCacheBucket is the GCS bucket to use for the
// (LetsEncrypt) cache.
// If empty, LetsEncrypt isn't used.
AutoCertCacheBucket string
// MachineTypeURI returns the URI for the environment's Machine Type.
func (e Environment) MachineTypeURI() string {
return e.ComputePrefix() + "/zones/" + e.Zone + "/machineTypes/" + e.MachineType
// ComputePrefix returns the URI prefix for Compute Engine resources in a project.
func (e Environment) ComputePrefix() string {
return prefix + e.ProjectName
// Region returns the GCE region, derived from its zone.
func (e Environment) Region() string {
return e.Zone[:strings.LastIndex(e.Zone, "-")]
// SnapshotURL returns the absolute URL of the .tar.gz containing a
// built Go tree for the builderType and Go rev (40 character Git
// commit hash). The tarball is suitable for passing to
// (*buildlet.Client).PutTarFromURL.
func (e Environment) SnapshotURL(builderType, rev string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("", e.SnapBucket, builderType, rev)
// DashBase returns the base URL of the build dashboard, ending in a slash.
func (e Environment) DashBase() string {
// TODO(quentin): Should we really default to production? That's what the old code did.
if e.DashURL != "" {
return e.DashURL
return Production.DashURL
// Credentials returns the credentials required to access the GCP environment.
// It tries to use, in order:
// - the file $HOME/keys/$PROJECT_NAME.key.json
// - the file $HOME/.config/gcloud/legacy_credentials/$
// - the Application Default Credentials (i.e. GCE metadata service, etc)
func (e Environment) Credentials(ctx context.Context) (*google.Credentials, error) {
scopes := []string{
// Cloud Platform should include all others, but the
// old code duplicated compute and the storage full
// control scopes, so I leave them here for now. They
// predated the all-encompassing "cloud platform"
// scope anyway.
// TODO: remove compute and DevstorageFullControlScope once verified to work
// without.
// The coordinator needed the userinfo email scope for
// reporting to the perf dashboard running on App
// Engine at one point. The perf dashboard is down at
// the moment, but when it's back up we'll need this,
// and if we do other authenticated requests to App
// Engine apps, this would be useful.
// Prefer any "$HOME/keys/$PROJECT.key.json" file first.
keyFile := filepath.Join(os.Getenv("HOME"), "keys", e.ProjectName+".key.json")
if _, err := os.Stat(keyFile); err == nil {
log.Printf("Using credentials from %s", keyFile)
jcred, err := ioutil.ReadFile(keyFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return google.CredentialsFromJSON(ctx, jcred, scopes...)
// Then prefer a gcloud user.
if n := findGoogUserJSON(); n != "" {
jsonData, err := ioutil.ReadFile(n)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
creds, err := google.CredentialsFromJSON(ctx, jsonData, scopes...)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("gobuild.NewClient: error loading google user credentials from %s: %v", n, err)
return nil, err
log.Printf("Using credentials from %s", n)
return creds, nil
creds, err := google.FindDefaultCredentials(ctx, scopes...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
log.Printf("Using Application Default Credentials")
return creds, nil
// findGoogUserJSON walks the gcloud config directory and returns the filename of
// $HOME/.config/gcloud/legacy_credentials/
// for the first USER found with such a file. On miss it returns the empty string.
func findGoogUserJSON() (jsonFile string) {
gcloud := filepath.Join(os.Getenv("HOME"), ".config/gcloud")
filepath.Walk(gcloud, func(path string, fi os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if jsonFile == "" && err == nil && fi.Mode().IsRegular() && strings.HasSuffix(path, "") &&
strings.HasPrefix(path, filepath.Join(gcloud, "legacy_credentials")+"/") {
jsonFile = path
return nil
// ByProjectID returns an Environment for the specified
// project ID. It is currently limited to the symbolic-datum-552
// and go-dashboard-dev projects.
// ByProjectID will panic if the project ID is not known.
func ByProjectID(projectID string) *Environment {
var envKeys []string
for k := range possibleEnvs {
envKeys = append(envKeys, k)
var env *Environment
env, ok := possibleEnvs[projectID]
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Can't get buildenv for unknown project %q. Possible envs are %s", projectID, envKeys))
return env
// Staging defines the environment that the coordinator and build
// infrastructure is deployed to before it is released to production.
// For local dev, override the project with the program's flag to set
// a custom project.
var Staging = &Environment{
ProjectName: "go-dashboard-dev",
ProjectNumber: 302018677728,
IsProd: true,
Zone: "us-central1-f",
ZonesToClean: []string{"us-central1-a", "us-central1-b", "us-central1-f"},
StaticIP: "",
MachineType: "n1-standard-1",
PreferContainersOnCOS: true,
KubeBuild: KubeConfig{
MinNodes: 1,
MaxNodes: 1, // auto-scaling disabled
Name: "buildlets",
MachineType: "n1-standard-4", // only used for make.bash due to PreferContainersOnCOS
KubeTools: KubeConfig{
MinNodes: 3,
MaxNodes: 3,
Name: "go",
MachineType: "n1-standard-4",
DashURL: "",
PerfDataURL: "",
CoordinatorURL: "",
CoordinatorName: "farmer",
BuildletBucket: "dev-go-builder-data",
LogBucket: "dev-go-build-log",
SnapBucket: "dev-go-build-snap",
// Production defines the environment that the coordinator and build
// infrastructure is deployed to for production usage at
var Production = &Environment{
ProjectName: "symbolic-datum-552",
ProjectNumber: 872405196845,
IsProd: true,
Zone: "us-central1-f",
ZonesToClean: []string{"us-central1-f"},
StaticIP: "",
MachineType: "n1-standard-4",
PreferContainersOnCOS: true,
KubeBuild: KubeConfig{
MinNodes: 2,
MaxNodes: 2, // auto-scaling disabled
Name: "buildlets",
MachineType: "n1-standard-4", // only used for make.bash due to PreferContainersOnCOS
KubeTools: KubeConfig{
MinNodes: 4,
MaxNodes: 4,
Name: "go",
MachineType: "n1-standard-4",
DashURL: "",
PerfDataURL: "",
CoordinatorURL: "",
CoordinatorName: "farmer",
BuildletBucket: "go-builder-data",
LogBucket: "go-build-log",
SnapBucket: "go-build-snap",
AutoCertCacheBucket: "farmer-golang-org-autocert-cache",
var Development = &Environment{
IsProd: false,
StaticIP: "",
// possibleEnvs enumerate the known buildenv.Environment definitions.
var possibleEnvs = map[string]*Environment{
"dev": Development,
"symbolic-datum-552": Production,
"go-dashboard-dev": Staging,
var (
stagingFlag bool
localDevFlag bool
registeredFlags bool
// RegisterFlags registers the "staging" and "localdev" flags.
func RegisterFlags() {
if registeredFlags {
panic("duplicate call to RegisterFlags or RegisterStagingFlag")
flag.BoolVar(&localDevFlag, "localdev", false, "use the localhost in-development coordinator")
registeredFlags = true
// RegisterStagingFlag registers the "staging" flag.
func RegisterStagingFlag() {
if registeredFlags {
panic("duplicate call to RegisterFlags or RegisterStagingFlag")
flag.BoolVar(&stagingFlag, "staging", false, "use the staging build coordinator and buildlets")
registeredFlags = true
// FromFlags returns the build environment specified from flags,
// as registered by RegisterFlags or RegisterStagingFlag.
// By default it returns the production environment.
func FromFlags() *Environment {
if !registeredFlags {
panic("FromFlags called without RegisterFlags")
if localDevFlag {
return Development
if stagingFlag {
return Staging
return Production