blob: f24decde794ff311f661442c121c9e7d3be1b62a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package task
import (
wf ""
var releaseCoordinatorsParam = wf.ParamDef[[]string]{
Name: "Release Coordinator Usernames",
ParamType: wf.SliceShort,
Doc: `Release Coordinator Usernames is a required list of the coordinators of the release.
The first user in the list will be assigned to the release tracking issue.
All users will be added as reviewers for automatically generated CLs.`,
Check: CheckCoordinators,
// ReleaseGoplsTasks provides workflow definitions and tasks for releasing gopls.
type ReleaseGoplsTasks struct {
Github GitHubClientInterface
Gerrit GerritClient
CloudBuild CloudBuildClient
SendMail func(MailHeader, MailContent) error
AnnounceMailHeader MailHeader
ApproveAction func(*wf.TaskContext) error
// NewPrereleaseDefinition create a new workflow definition for gopls pre-release.
func (r *ReleaseGoplsTasks) NewPrereleaseDefinition() *wf.Definition {
wd := wf.New(wf.ACL{Groups: []string{groups.ToolsTeam}})
// versionBumpStrategy specifies the desired release type: next minor, next
// patch or use explicit version.
// This should be the default choice for most releases.
versionBumpStrategy := wf.Param(wd, nextVersionParam)
// inputVersion allows manual override of the version, bypassing the version
// bump strategy.
// Use with caution.
inputVersion := wf.Param(wd, wf.ParamDef[string]{Name: "explicit version (optional)"})
coordinators := wf.Param(wd, releaseCoordinatorsParam)
release := wf.Task2(wd, "determine the release version", r.determineReleaseVersion, inputVersion, versionBumpStrategy)
prerelease := wf.Task1(wd, "find the next pre-release version", r.nextPrereleaseVersion, release)
approved := wf.Action2(wd, "wait for release coordinator approval", r.approvePrerelease, release, prerelease)
issue := wf.Task3(wd, "create release git issue", r.findOrCreateGitHubIssue, release, coordinators, wf.Const(true), wf.After(approved))
branchCreated := wf.Action1(wd, "create new branch if minor release", r.createBranchIfMinor, release, wf.After(issue))
configChangeID := wf.Task3(wd, "update branch's codereview.cfg", r.updateCodeReviewConfig, release, coordinators, issue, wf.After(branchCreated))
configCommit := wf.Task1(wd, "await config CL submission", clAwaiter{r.Gerrit}.awaitSubmission, configChangeID)
dependencyChangeID := wf.Task4(wd, "update gopls' x/tools dependency", r.updateXToolsDependency, release, prerelease, coordinators, issue, wf.After(configCommit))
dependencyCommit := wf.Task1(wd, "await gopls' x/tools dependency CL submission", clAwaiter{r.Gerrit}.awaitSubmission, dependencyChangeID)
verified := wf.Action1(wd, "verify installing latest gopls using release branch dependency commit", r.verifyGoplsInstallation, dependencyCommit)
prereleaseVersion := wf.Task3(wd, "tag pre-release", r.tagPrerelease, release, dependencyCommit, prerelease, wf.After(verified))
prereleaseVerified := wf.Action1(wd, "verify installing latest gopls using release branch pre-release version", r.verifyGoplsInstallation, prereleaseVersion)
wf.Action4(wd, "mail announcement", r.mailPrereleaseAnnouncement, release, prereleaseVersion, dependencyCommit, issue, wf.After(prereleaseVerified))
wf.Output(wd, "version", prereleaseVersion)
return wd
// determineReleaseVersion returns the release version based on coordinator inputs.
// Returns the specified input version if provided; otherwise, interpret a new
// version based on the version bumping strategy.
func (r *ReleaseGoplsTasks) determineReleaseVersion(ctx *wf.TaskContext, inputVersion, versionBumpStrategy string) (releaseVersion, error) {
switch versionBumpStrategy {
case "use explicit version":
if inputVersion == "" {
return releaseVersion{}, fmt.Errorf("the input version should not be empty when choosing explicit version release")
if err := r.isValidReleaseVersion(ctx, inputVersion); err != nil {
return releaseVersion{}, err
release, prerelease, ok := parseVersion(inputVersion)
if !ok {
return releaseVersion{}, fmt.Errorf("input version %q can not be parsed as semantic version", inputVersion)
if prerelease != "" {
return releaseVersion{}, fmt.Errorf("input version %q can not be a prerelease version", inputVersion)
return release, nil
case "next minor", "next patch":
return r.interpretNextRelease(ctx, versionBumpStrategy)
return releaseVersion{}, fmt.Errorf("unknown version selection strategy: %q", versionBumpStrategy)
func (r *ReleaseGoplsTasks) interpretNextRelease(ctx *wf.TaskContext, versionBumpStrategy string) (releaseVersion, error) {
tags, err := r.Gerrit.ListTags(ctx, "tools")
if err != nil {
return releaseVersion{}, err
var versions []string
for _, tag := range tags {
if v, ok := strings.CutPrefix(tag, "gopls/"); ok {
versions = append(versions, v)
release, _ := latestVersion(versions, isReleaseVersion)
switch versionBumpStrategy {
case "next minor":
release.Minor += 1
release.Patch = 0
case "next patch":
release.Patch += 1
return releaseVersion{}, fmt.Errorf("unknown version selection strategy: %q", versionBumpStrategy)
return release, nil
// approvePrerelease prompts the approval for creating a pre-release version.
func (r *ReleaseGoplsTasks) approvePrerelease(ctx *wf.TaskContext, release releaseVersion, pre string) error {
ctx.Printf("The next release candidate will be %s-%s", release, pre)
return r.ApproveAction(ctx)
// approveRelease prompts the approval for releasing a pre-release version.
func (r *ReleaseGoplsTasks) approveRelease(ctx *wf.TaskContext, release releaseVersion, pre string) error {
ctx.Printf("The release candidate %s-%s will be released as %s", release, pre, release)
return r.ApproveAction(ctx)
// findOrCreateGitHubIssue locates or creates the release issue for the given
// release milestone.
// If the release issue exists, return the issue ID.
// If 'create' is true and no issue exists, a new one is created.
// If 'create' is false and no issue exists, an error is returned.
func (r *ReleaseGoplsTasks) findOrCreateGitHubIssue(ctx *wf.TaskContext, release releaseVersion, coordinators []string, create bool) (int64, error) {
versionString := release.String()
milestoneName := fmt.Sprintf("gopls/%s", versionString)
// All milestones and issues resides under go repo.
milestoneID, err := r.Github.FetchMilestone(ctx, "golang", "go", milestoneName, false)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
ctx.Printf("found release milestone %v", milestoneID)
issues, err := r.Github.FetchMilestoneIssues(ctx, "golang", "go", milestoneID)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
title := fmt.Sprintf("x/tools/gopls: release version %s", versionString)
for id := range issues {
issue, _, err := r.Github.GetIssue(ctx, "golang", "go", id)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if title == issue.GetTitle() {
ctx.Printf("found existing releasing issue %v", id)
return int64(id), nil
if !create {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("could not find any release issue for %s", versionString)
content := fmt.Sprintf(`This issue tracks progress toward releasing gopls@%s
- [ ] create or update %s
- [ ] update go.mod/go.sum (remove x/tools replace, update x/tools version)
- [ ] tag gopls/%s-pre.1
- [ ] update Github milestone
- [ ] write release notes
- [ ] smoke test features
- [ ] tag gopls/%s
- [ ] (if vX.Y.0 release): update dependencies in master for the next release
`, versionString, goplsReleaseBranchName(release), versionString, versionString)
if len(coordinators) == 0 {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("the input coordinators slice is empty")
assignee, err := lookupCoordinator(coordinators[0])
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("failed to find the coordinator %q", coordinators[0])
issue, _, err := r.Github.CreateIssue(ctx, "golang", "go", &github.IssueRequest{
Title: github.String(title),
Body: github.String(content),
Labels: &[]string{"gopls", "Tools"},
Assignee: github.String(assignee.GitHub),
Milestone: github.Int(milestoneID),
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("failed to create release tracking issue for %q: %w", versionString, err)
ctx.Printf("created releasing issue %v", *issue.Number)
return int64(*issue.Number), nil
// goplsReleaseBranchName returns the branch name for given input release version.
func goplsReleaseBranchName(release releaseVersion) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("gopls-release-branch.%v.%v", release.Major, release.Minor)
// createBranchIfMinor create the release branch if the input version is a minor
// release.
// All patch releases under the same minor version share the same release branch.
func (r *ReleaseGoplsTasks) createBranchIfMinor(ctx *wf.TaskContext, release releaseVersion) error {
branch := goplsReleaseBranchName(release)
// Require gopls release branch existence if this is a non-minor release.
if release.Patch != 0 {
_, err := r.Gerrit.ReadBranchHead(ctx, "tools", branch)
return err
// Return early if the branch already exist.
// This scenario should only occur if the initial minor release flow failed
// or was interrupted and subsequently re-triggered.
if _, err := r.Gerrit.ReadBranchHead(ctx, "tools", branch); err == nil {
return nil
// Create the release branch using the revision from the head of master branch.
head, err := r.Gerrit.ReadBranchHead(ctx, "tools", "master")
if err != nil {
return err
ctx.Printf("Creating branch %s at revision %s.\n", branch, head)
_, err = r.Gerrit.CreateBranch(ctx, "tools", branch, gerrit.BranchInput{Revision: head})
return err
// openCL checks if an open CL with the given title exists in the specified
// branch.
// It returns an empty string if no such CL is found, otherwise it returns the
// CL's change ID.
func openCL(ctx *wf.TaskContext, gerrit GerritClient, repo, branch, title string) (string, error) {
// Query for an existing pending config CL, to avoid duplication.
query := fmt.Sprintf(`message:%q status:open repo:%s branch:%q -age:7d`, title, repo, branch)
changes, err := gerrit.QueryChanges(ctx, query)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if len(changes) == 0 {
return "", nil
return changes[0].ChangeID, nil
// updateCodeReviewConfig checks if codereview.cfg has the desired configuration.
// It returns the change ID required to update the config if changes are needed,
// otherwise it returns an empty string indicating no update is necessary.
func (r *ReleaseGoplsTasks) updateCodeReviewConfig(ctx *wf.TaskContext, release releaseVersion, reviewers []string, issue int64) (string, error) {
const configFile = "codereview.cfg"
branch := goplsReleaseBranchName(release)
clTitle := fmt.Sprintf("all: update %s for %s", configFile, branch)
openCL, err := openCL(ctx, r.Gerrit, "tools", branch, clTitle)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to find the open CL of title %q in branch %q: %w", clTitle, branch, err)
if openCL != "" {
ctx.Printf("not creating CL: found existing CL %s", openCL)
return openCL, nil
head, err := r.Gerrit.ReadBranchHead(ctx, "tools", branch)
if err != nil {
return "", err
before, err := r.Gerrit.ReadFile(ctx, "tools", head, configFile)
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, gerrit.ErrResourceNotExist) {
return "", err
const configFmt = `issuerepo: golang/go
branch: %s
parent-branch: master
after := fmt.Sprintf(configFmt, branch)
// Skip CL creation as config has not changed.
if string(before) == after {
return "", nil
changeInput := gerrit.ChangeInput{
Project: "tools",
Subject: fmt.Sprintf("%s\n\nThis is an automated CL which updates the %s.\n\nFor golang/go#%v", clTitle, configFile, issue),
Branch: branch,
files := map[string]string{
configFile: string(after),
ctx.Printf("creating auto-submit change to %s under branch %q in x/tools repo.", configFile, branch)
return r.Gerrit.CreateAutoSubmitChange(ctx, changeInput, reviewers, files)
// nextPrereleaseVersion inspects the tags in tools repo that match with the given
// version and finds the next prerelease version.
func (r *ReleaseGoplsTasks) nextPrereleaseVersion(ctx *wf.TaskContext, release releaseVersion) (string, error) {
tags, err := r.Gerrit.ListTags(ctx, "tools")
if err != nil {
return "", err
var versions []string
for _, tag := range tags {
if v, ok := strings.CutPrefix(tag, "gopls/"); ok {
versions = append(versions, v)
_, prerelease := latestVersion(versions, isSameReleaseVersion(release), isPrereleaseMatchRegex(`^pre\.\d+$`))
if prerelease == "" {
return "pre.1", nil
pre, err := prereleaseNumber(prerelease)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return fmt.Sprintf("pre.%v", pre+1), nil
// updateXToolsDependency ensures gopls sub module have the correct x/tools
// version as dependency.
// It returns the change ID, or "" if the CL was not created.
func (r *ReleaseGoplsTasks) updateXToolsDependency(ctx *wf.TaskContext, release releaseVersion, pre string, reviewers []string, issue int64) (string, error) {
if pre == "" {
return "", fmt.Errorf("the input pre-release version should not be empty")
branch := goplsReleaseBranchName(release)
clTitle := fmt.Sprintf("gopls: update go.mod for %s-%s", release, pre)
openCL, err := openCL(ctx, r.Gerrit, "tools", branch, clTitle)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to find the open CL of title %q in branch %q: %w", clTitle, branch, err)
if openCL != "" {
ctx.Printf("not creating CL: found existing CL %s", openCL)
return openCL, nil
head, err := r.Gerrit.ReadBranchHead(ctx, "tools", branch)
if err != nil {
return "", err
// TODO(hxjiang): Remove -compat flag once gopls no longer supports building
// with older Go versions.
script := fmt.Sprintf(`cd gopls
go mod edit
go get
go mod tidy -compat=1.19
`, head)
changedFiles, err := executeAndMonitorChange(ctx, r.CloudBuild, "tools", branch, script, []string{"gopls/go.mod", "gopls/go.sum"})
if err != nil {
return "", err
// Skip CL creation as nothing changed.
if len(changedFiles) == 0 {
return "", nil
changeInput := gerrit.ChangeInput{
Project: "tools",
Branch: branch,
Subject: fmt.Sprintf("%s\n\nThis is an automated CL which updates the go.mod and go.sum.\n\nFor golang/go#%v", clTitle, issue),
ctx.Printf("creating auto-submit change under branch %q in x/tools repo.", branch)
return r.Gerrit.CreateAutoSubmitChange(ctx, changeInput, reviewers, changedFiles)
// verifyGoplsInstallation installs the gopls with the provided version and run
// smoke test.
// The input version can be a commit, a branch name, a semantic version, see
// more detail
func (r *ReleaseGoplsTasks) verifyGoplsInstallation(ctx *wf.TaskContext, version string) error {
if version == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("the input version should not be empty")
const scriptFmt = `go install &> install.log
$(go env GOPATH)/bin/gopls version &> version.log
echo -n "package main
func main () {
const a = 2
b := a
}" > main.go
$(go env GOPATH)/bin/gopls references -d main.go:4:8 &> smoke.log
ctx.Printf("verify gopls with version %s\n", version)
build, err := r.CloudBuild.RunScript(ctx, fmt.Sprintf(scriptFmt, version), "", []string{"install.log", "version.log", "smoke.log"})
if err != nil {
return err
outputs, err := buildToOutputs(ctx, r.CloudBuild, build)
if err != nil {
return err
ctx.Printf("verify gopls installation process:\n%s\n", outputs["install.log"])
ctx.Printf("verify gopls version:\n%s\n", outputs["version.log"])
ctx.Printf("verify gopls functionality with gopls references smoke test:\n%s\n", outputs["smoke.log"])
return nil
// tagPrerelease applies gopls pre-release tags to the given commit.
// The input semversion provides Major, Minor, and Patch info.
// The input pre-release, generated by previous steps of the workflow, provides
// Pre-release info.
func (r *ReleaseGoplsTasks) tagPrerelease(ctx *wf.TaskContext, release releaseVersion, commit, pre string) (string, error) {
if commit == "" {
return "", fmt.Errorf("the input commit should not be empty")
if pre == "" {
return "", fmt.Errorf("the input pre-release version should not be empty")
// Defensively guard against re-creating tags.
version := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", release, pre)
tag := fmt.Sprintf("gopls/%s", version)
if err := r.Gerrit.Tag(ctx, "tools", tag, commit); err != nil {
return "", err
ctx.Printf("tagged commit %s with tag %s", commit, tag)
return version, nil
type goplsPrereleaseAnnouncement struct {
Version string
Branch string
Commit string
Issue int64
func (r *ReleaseGoplsTasks) mailPrereleaseAnnouncement(ctx *wf.TaskContext, release releaseVersion, rc, commit string, issue int64) error {
announce := goplsPrereleaseAnnouncement{
Version: rc,
Branch: goplsReleaseBranchName(release),
Commit: commit,
Issue: issue,
content, err := announcementMail(announce)
if err != nil {
return err
ctx.Printf("pre-announcement subject: %s\n\n", content.Subject)
ctx.Printf("pre-announcement body HTML:\n%s\n", content.BodyHTML)
ctx.Printf("pre-announcement body text:\n%s", content.BodyText)
return r.SendMail(r.AnnounceMailHeader, content)
type goplsReleaseAnnouncement struct {
Version string
Branch string
Commit string
func (r *ReleaseGoplsTasks) mailReleaseAnnouncement(ctx *wf.TaskContext, release releaseVersion) error {
version := fmt.Sprintf("v%v.%v.%v", release.Major, release.Minor, release.Patch)
info, err := r.Gerrit.GetTag(ctx, "tools", fmt.Sprintf("gopls/%s", version))
if err != nil {
return err
announce := goplsReleaseAnnouncement{
Version: version,
Branch: goplsReleaseBranchName(release),
Commit: info.Revision,
content, err := announcementMail(announce)
if err != nil {
return err
ctx.Printf("announcement subject: %s\n\n", content.Subject)
ctx.Printf("announcement body HTML:\n%s\n", content.BodyHTML)
ctx.Printf("announcement body text:\n%s", content.BodyText)
return r.SendMail(r.AnnounceMailHeader, content)
func (r *ReleaseGoplsTasks) isValidReleaseVersion(ctx *wf.TaskContext, ver string) error {
if !semver.IsValid(ver) {
return fmt.Errorf("the input %q version does not follow semantic version schema", ver)
versions, err := r.possibleGoplsVersions(ctx)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get latest Gopls version tags from x/tool: %w", err)
if !slices.Contains(versions, ver) {
return fmt.Errorf("the input %q is not next version of any existing versions", ver)
return nil
// releaseVersion is a parsed semantic release version containing only major,
// minor and patch version.
type releaseVersion struct {
Major, Minor, Patch int
// String returns the version string representation of the release version.
func (s releaseVersion) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("v%v.%v.%v", s.Major, s.Minor, s.Patch)
// parseVersion parses the input version string into a release version and a
// prerelease string.
// It returns false if the input is not a valid semantic version in canonical form.
func parseVersion(v string) (_ releaseVersion, prerelease string, ok bool) {
var parsed releaseVersion
if !semver.IsValid(v) {
return releaseVersion{}, "", false
v, pre, _ := strings.Cut(v, "-")
if _, err := fmt.Sscanf(v, "v%d.%d.%d", &parsed.Major, &parsed.Minor, &parsed.Patch); err != nil {
return releaseVersion{}, "", false
return parsed, pre, true
// prereleaseNumber extracts the integer component from a pre-release version
// string in the format "${STRING}.${INT}".
func prereleaseNumber(prerelease string) (int, error) {
parts := strings.Split(prerelease, ".")
if len(parts) == 1 {
return 0, fmt.Errorf(`pre-release version does not contain any "."`)
if len(parts) > 2 {
return 0, fmt.Errorf(`pre-release version contains %v "."`, len(parts)-1)
pre, err := strconv.Atoi(parts[1])
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("failed to convert pre-release version to int %q: %w", pre, err)
if pre <= 0 {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("the pre-release version should be larger than 0: %v", pre)
return pre, nil
// possibleGoplsVersions identifies suitable versions for the upcoming release
// based on the current tags in the repo.
func (r *ReleaseGoplsTasks) possibleGoplsVersions(ctx *wf.TaskContext) ([]string, error) {
tags, err := r.Gerrit.ListTags(ctx, "tools")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var releaseVersions []releaseVersion
seen := make(map[releaseVersion]bool)
for _, tag := range tags {
v, ok := strings.CutPrefix(tag, "gopls/")
if !ok {
release, prerelease, ok := parseVersion(v)
if !ok || prerelease != "" {
releaseVersions = append(releaseVersions, release)
seen[release] = true
var possible []string
for _, v := range releaseVersions {
for _, next := range []releaseVersion{
{v.Major + 1, 0, 0}, // next major
{v.Major, v.Minor + 1, 0}, // next minor
{v.Major, v.Minor, v.Patch + 1}, // next patch
} {
if _, ok := seen[next]; !ok {
possible = append(possible, next.String())
seen[next] = true
return possible, nil
// NewReleaseDefinition create a new workflow definition for gopls release.
func (r *ReleaseGoplsTasks) NewReleaseDefinition() *wf.Definition {
wd := wf.New(wf.ACL{Groups: []string{groups.ToolsTeam}})
// versionBumpStrategy specifies the desired release type: next minor, next
// patch or use explicit version.
// This should be the default choice for most releases.
versionBumpStrategy := wf.Param(wd, nextVersionParam)
// inputVersion allows manual override of the version, bypassing the version
// bump strategy.
// Use with caution.
inputVersion := wf.Param(wd, wf.ParamDef[string]{Name: "explicit version (optional)"})
coordinators := wf.Param(wd, releaseCoordinatorsParam)
release := wf.Task2(wd, "determine the release version", r.determineReleaseVersion, inputVersion, versionBumpStrategy)
prerelease := wf.Task1(wd, "find the latest pre-release version", r.latestPrerelease, release)
approved := wf.Action2(wd, "wait for release coordinator approval", r.approveRelease, release, prerelease)
tagged := wf.Action2(wd, "tag the release", r.tagRelease, release, prerelease, wf.After(approved))
issue := wf.Task3(wd, "find release git issue", r.findOrCreateGitHubIssue, release, wf.Const([]string{}), wf.Const(false))
_ = wf.Action1(wd, "mail announcement", r.mailReleaseAnnouncement, release, wf.After(tagged))
changeID := wf.Task3(wd, "updating x/tools dependency in master branch in gopls sub dir", r.updateDependencyIfMinor, coordinators, release, issue, wf.After(tagged))
_ = wf.Task1(wd, "await x/tools gopls dependency CL submission in gopls sub dir", clAwaiter{r.Gerrit}.awaitSubmission, changeID)
vscodeGoChanges := wf.Task4(wd, "update gopls version in vscode-go", r.updateVSCodeGoGoplsVersion, coordinators, issue, release, wf.Const(""), wf.After(tagged))
_ = wf.Task1(wd, "await gopls version update CLs submission in vscode-go", clAwaiter{r.Gerrit}.awaitSubmissions, vscodeGoChanges)
return wd
func (r *ReleaseGoplsTasks) latestPrerelease(ctx *wf.TaskContext, release releaseVersion) (string, error) {
tags, err := r.Gerrit.ListTags(ctx, "tools")
if err != nil {
return "", err
var versions []string
for _, tag := range tags {
if v, ok := strings.CutPrefix(tag, "gopls/"); ok {
versions = append(versions, v)
_, prerelease := latestVersion(versions, isSameReleaseVersion(release), isPrereleaseMatchRegex(`^pre\.\d+$`))
if prerelease == "" {
return "", fmt.Errorf("could not find any release candidate for %s", release)
return prerelease, nil
// updateVSCodeGoGoplsVersion updates the gopls version in the vscode-go project.
// For releases (input param prerelease is empty), it updates both the master
// and release branches.
// For pre-releases (input param prerelease is not empty), it updates only the
// master branch.
func (r *ReleaseGoplsTasks) updateVSCodeGoGoplsVersion(ctx *wf.TaskContext, reviewers []string, issue int64, release releaseVersion, prerelease string) ([]string, error) {
version := release.String()
if prerelease != "" {
version = version + "-" + prerelease
branches := []string{"master"}
if prerelease == "" {
releaseBranch, err := vscodeGoActiveReleaseBranch(ctx, r.Gerrit)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
branches = append(branches, releaseBranch)
var cls []string
for _, branch := range branches {
clTitle := fmt.Sprintf(`extension/src/goToolsInformation: update gopls version %s`, version)
if branch != "master" {
clTitle = "[" + branch + "] " + clTitle
openCL, err := openCL(ctx, r.Gerrit, "vscode-go", branch, clTitle)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to find the open CL of title %q in branch %q: %w", clTitle, branch, err)
if openCL != "" {
ctx.Printf("not creating CL: found existing CL %s", openCL)
cls = append(cls, openCL)
const script = `go run -C extension tools/generate.go -tools`
changedFiles, err := executeAndMonitorChange(ctx, r.CloudBuild, "vscode-go", branch, script, []string{"extension/src/goToolsInformation.ts"})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Skip CL creation as nothing changed.
if len(changedFiles) == 0 {
changeInput := gerrit.ChangeInput{
Project: "vscode-go",
Branch: branch,
Subject: fmt.Sprintf("%s\n\nThis is an automated CL which updates the gopls version.\n\nFor golang/go#%v", clTitle, issue),
cl, err := r.Gerrit.CreateAutoSubmitChange(ctx, changeInput, reviewers, changedFiles)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ctx.Printf("created auto-submit change %s under branch %q in vscode-go.", cl, branch)
cls = append(cls, cl)
return cls, nil
// tagRelease locates the commit associated with the pre-release version and
// applies the official release tag in form of "gopls/vX.Y.Z" to the same commit.
func (r *ReleaseGoplsTasks) tagRelease(ctx *wf.TaskContext, release releaseVersion, prerelease string) error {
info, err := r.Gerrit.GetTag(ctx, "tools", fmt.Sprintf("gopls/%s-%s", release, prerelease))
if err != nil {
return err
// Defensively guard against re-creating tags.
releaseTag := fmt.Sprintf("gopls/%s", release)
if err := r.Gerrit.Tag(ctx, "tools", releaseTag, info.Revision); err != nil {
return err
ctx.Printf("tagged commit %s with tag %s", info.Revision, releaseTag)
return nil
// updateDependencyIfMinor update the dependency of x/tools repo in master
// branch.
// Returns the change ID.
func (r *ReleaseGoplsTasks) updateDependencyIfMinor(ctx *wf.TaskContext, reviewers []string, release releaseVersion, issue int64) (string, error) {
if release.Patch != 0 {
return "", nil
clTitle := fmt.Sprintf("gopls/go.mod: update dependencies following the %s release", release)
openCL, err := openCL(ctx, r.Gerrit, "tools", "master", clTitle)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to find the open CL of title %q in master branch: %w", clTitle, err)
if openCL != "" {
ctx.Printf("not creating CL: found existing CL %s", openCL)
return openCL, nil
// TODO(hxjiang): Remove -compat flag once gopls no longer supports building
// with older Go versions.
const script = `cd gopls
go get -u all
go mod tidy -compat=1.19
changed, err := executeAndMonitorChange(ctx, r.CloudBuild, "tools", "master", script, []string{"gopls/go.mod", "gopls/go.sum"})
if err != nil {
return "", err
// Skip CL creation as nothing changed.
if len(changed) == 0 {
return "", nil
changeInput := gerrit.ChangeInput{
Project: "tools",
Branch: "master",
Subject: fmt.Sprintf("%s\n\nThis is an automated CL which updates the go.mod and go.sum.\n\nFor golang/go#%v", clTitle, issue),
ctx.Printf("creating auto-submit change under master branch in x/tools repo.")
return r.Gerrit.CreateAutoSubmitChange(ctx, changeInput, reviewers, changed)
// executeAndMonitorChange runs the specified script on the designated branch,
// tracking changes to the provided files.
// Returns a map where keys are the filenames of modified files and values are
// their corresponding content after script execution.
func executeAndMonitorChange(ctx *wf.TaskContext, cloudBuild CloudBuildClient, project, branch, script string, watchFiles []string) (map[string]string, error) {
// Checkout to the provided branch.
fullScript := fmt.Sprintf(`git checkout %s
git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
git rev-parse --ref HEAD
`, branch)
// Make a copy of all file that need to watch.
// If the file does not exist, create a empty file and a empty before file.
for _, file := range watchFiles {
if strings.Contains(file, "'") {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("file name %q contains '", file)
fullScript += fmt.Sprintf(`if [ -f '%[1]s' ]; then
cp '%[1]s' '%[1]s.before'
touch '%[1]s' '%[1]s.before'
`, file)
// Execute the script provided.
fullScript += script
// Output files before the script execution and after the script execution.
outputFiles := []string{}
for _, file := range watchFiles {
outputFiles = append(outputFiles, file+".before")
outputFiles = append(outputFiles, file)
build, err := cloudBuild.RunScript(ctx, fullScript, project, outputFiles)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
outputs, err := buildToOutputs(ctx, cloudBuild, build)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
changed := map[string]string{}
for i := 0; i < len(outputFiles); i += 2 {
if before, after := outputs[outputFiles[i]], outputs[outputFiles[i+1]]; before != after {
changed[outputFiles[i+1]] = after
return changed, nil
// A clAwaiter closes over a GerritClient to provide a reusable workflow task
// for awaiting the submission of a Gerrit change.
type clAwaiter struct {
// awaitSubmission waits for the specified change to be submitted, then returns
// the corresponding commit hash.
func (c clAwaiter) awaitSubmission(ctx *wf.TaskContext, changeID string) (string, error) {
if changeID == "" {
ctx.Printf("not awaiting: no CL was created")
return "", nil
ctx.Printf("awaiting review/submit of %v", ChangeLink(changeID))
return AwaitCondition(ctx, 10*time.Second, func() (string, bool, error) {
return c.Submitted(ctx, changeID, "")
// awaitSubmissions waits for the specified changes to be submitted, then
// returns a slice of commit hashes corresponding to the input change IDs,
// maintaining the original input order.
func (c clAwaiter) awaitSubmissions(ctx *wf.TaskContext, changeIDs []string) ([]string, error) {
if len(changeIDs) == 0 {
ctx.Printf("not awaiting: no CL was created")
return nil, nil
var commits []string
for _, changeID := range changeIDs {
commit, err := c.awaitSubmission(ctx, changeID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
commits = append(commits, commit)
return commits, nil