| The linux-ppc64 buildlets run on PPC64 VMs at osuosl.org (OSU Open Source Lab). |
| |
| Filing tickets: https://support.osuosl.org/ |
| Ticket username: bradfitz@golang.org |
| Ticket password: go/pw-osuosl-ppc64 |
| |
| Machines: |
| |
| * go-be-xenial-3: (20 GB RAM, 50 GB disk, 10 cores, POWER8) |
| |
| ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_golang1 ubuntu@ |
| (key from go/go-builders-ssh) |
| |
| Linux go-be-xenial-3 4.4.0-130-powerpc64-smp #156-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jun 14 09:28:49 UTC 2018 ppc64 ppc64 ppc64 GNU/Linux |
| |
| # Installing Docker on the unsupported ppc64 platform |
| |
| There are 3 main scripts, in chronological order: |
| - build-golang.sh |
| - build-docker.sh |
| - build-ubuntu.sh |
| |
| ## Go toolchain |
| |
| The build-golang.sh script will create a Go toolchain for ppc64 and is meant to be run on a system for which Go has official releases, such as linux/amd64. |
| |
| The resulting tgz archive (and sha256 checksum file) should be sent to the ppc64 machine |
| |
| ## Docker |
| |
| The build-docker.sh script assumes it is running on the target ppc64 machine, after the Go toolchain archive and corresponding checksum file were transferred to the current directory. |
| It will install docker and its dependencies to /usr/local/bin/ but will not start docker. |
| |
| ## Ubuntu base image |
| |
| The build-ubuntu.sh script is to show how the tiborvass/ubuntu:xenial-ppc64 base image was built. |
| To build images with static binaries only, there is no need for an ubuntu base image. |
| Keep in mind, that the ubuntu packages are all 32bit, even though the kernel is 64bit. |
| |
| # Cleanup |
| |
| The cleanup.sh script by default uninstalls from /usr/local/bin/ |
| `./cleanup.sh all` will however remove all intermediary files and folders such as extracted archives. |