blob: d8bbd596d564aab35deba5393beb5f9495dab7f8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package maintner mirrors, searches, syncs, and serves Git, Github,
// and Gerrit metadata.
// Maintner is short for "Maintainer". This package is intended for
// use by many tools. The name of the daemon that serves the maintner
// data to other tools is "maintnerd".
package maintner
import (
// Corpus holds all of a project's metadata.
// Many public accessor methods are missing. File bugs at
type Corpus struct {
mutationLogger MutationLogger // non-nil when this is a self-updating corpus
mutationSource MutationSource // from Initialize
verbose bool
dataDir string
sawErrSplit bool
mu sync.RWMutex // guards all following fields
// corpus state:
didInit bool // true after Initialize completes successfully
debug bool
strIntern map[string]string // interned strings, including binary githashes
// pubsub:
activityChans map[string]chan struct{} // keyed by topic
// github-specific
github *GitHub
gerrit *Gerrit
watchedGithubRepos []watchedGithubRepo
watchedGerritRepos []watchedGerritRepo
githubLimiter *rate.Limiter
// git-specific:
lastGitCount time.Time // last time of log spam about loading status
pollGitDirs []polledGitCommits
gitPeople map[string]*GitPerson
gitCommit map[GitHash]*GitCommit
gitCommitTodo map[GitHash]bool // -> true
gitOfHg map[string]GitHash // hg hex hash -> git hash
zoneCache map[string]*time.Location // "+0530" => location
// RLock grabs the corpus's read lock. Grabbing the read lock prevents
// any concurrent writes from mutation the corpus. This is only
// necessary if the application is querying the corpus and calling its
// Update method concurrently.
func (c *Corpus) RLock() { }
// RUnlock unlocks the corpus's read lock.
func (c *Corpus) RUnlock() { }
type polledGitCommits struct {
repo *maintpb.GitRepo
dir string
// EnableLeaderMode prepares c to be the leader. This should only be
// called by the maintnerd process.
// The provided scratchDir will store git checkouts.
func (c *Corpus) EnableLeaderMode(logger MutationLogger, scratchDir string) {
c.mutationLogger = logger
c.dataDir = scratchDir
// SetVerbose enables or disables verbose logging.
func (c *Corpus) SetVerbose(v bool) { c.verbose = v }
func (c *Corpus) getDataDir() string {
if c.dataDir == "" {
panic("getDataDir called before Corpus.EnableLeaderMode")
return c.dataDir
// GitHub returns the corpus's github data.
func (c *Corpus) GitHub() *GitHub {
if c.github != nil {
return c.github
return new(GitHub)
// Gerrit returns the corpus's Gerrit data.
func (c *Corpus) Gerrit() *Gerrit {
if c.gerrit != nil {
return c.gerrit
return new(Gerrit)
// Check verifies the internal structure of the Corpus data structures.
// It is intended for tests and debugging.
func (c *Corpus) Check() error {
if err := c.Gerrit().check(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("gerrit: %v", err)
for hash, gc := range c.gitCommit {
if gc.Committer == placeholderCommitter {
return fmt.Errorf("corpus git commit %v has placeholder committer", hash)
if gc.Hash != hash {
return fmt.Errorf("git commit for key %q had GitCommit.Hash %q", hash, gc.Hash)
for _, pc := range gc.Parents {
if _, ok := c.gitCommit[pc.Hash]; !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("git commit %q exists but its parent %q does not", gc.Hash, pc.Hash)
return nil
// mustProtoFromTime turns a time.Time into a *timestamp.Timestamp or panics if
// in is invalid.
func mustProtoFromTime(in time.Time) *timestamp.Timestamp {
tp, err := ptypes.TimestampProto(in)
if err != nil {
return tp
// requires be held for writing
func (c *Corpus) str(s string) string {
if v, ok := c.strIntern[s]; ok {
return v
if c.strIntern == nil {
c.strIntern = make(map[string]string)
c.strIntern[s] = s
return s
func (c *Corpus) strb(b []byte) string {
if v, ok := c.strIntern[string(b)]; ok {
return v
return c.str(string(b))
func (c *Corpus) SetDebug() {
c.debug = true
func (c *Corpus) debugf(format string, v ...interface{}) {
if c.debug {
log.Printf(format, v...)
// gerritProjNameRx is the pattern describing a Gerrit project name.
// TODO: figure out if this is accurate.
var gerritProjNameRx = regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-z0-9]+[a-z0-9\-\_]*$`)
// TrackGoGitRepo registers a git directory to have its metadata slurped into the corpus.
// The goRepo is a name like "go" or "net". The dir is a path on disk.
func (c *Corpus) TrackGoGitRepo(goRepo, dir string) {
if c.mutationLogger == nil {
panic("can't TrackGoGitRepo in non-leader mode")
if !gerritProjNameRx.MatchString(goRepo) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("bogus goRepo value %q", goRepo))
c.pollGitDirs = append(c.pollGitDirs, polledGitCommits{
repo: &maintpb.GitRepo{GoRepo: goRepo},
dir: dir,
// A MutationSource yields a log of mutations that will catch a corpus
// back up to the present.
type MutationSource interface {
// GetMutations returns a channel of mutations or related events.
// The channel will never be closed.
// All sends on the returned channel should select
// on the provided context.
GetMutations(context.Context) <-chan MutationStreamEvent
// MutationStreamEvent represents one of three possible events while
// reading mutations from disk. An event is either a mutation, an
// error, or reaching the current end of the log. Only one of the
// fields will be non-zero.
type MutationStreamEvent struct {
Mutation *maintpb.Mutation
// Err is a fatal error reading the log. No other events will
// follow an Err.
Err error
// End, if true, means that all mutations have been sent and
// the next event might take some time to arrive (it might not
// have occurred yet). The End event is not a terminal state
// like Err. There may be multiple Ends.
End bool
// Initialize populates the Corpus using the data from the
// MutationSource. It returns once it's up-to-date. To incrementally
// update it later, use the Update method.
func (c *Corpus) Initialize(ctx context.Context, src MutationSource) error {
if c.mutationSource != nil {
panic("duplicate call to Initialize")
c.mutationSource = src
log.Printf("Loading data from log %T ...", src)
return c.update(ctx, nil)
// ErrSplit is returned when the the client notices the leader's
// mutation log has changed. This can happen if the leader restarts
// with uncommitted transactions. (The leader only commits mutations
// periodically.)
var ErrSplit = errors.New("maintner: leader server's history split, process out of sync")
// Update incrementally updates the corpus from its current state to
// the latest state from the MutationSource passed earlier to
// Initialize. It does not return until there's either a new change or
// the context expires.
// If Update returns ErrSplit, the corpus can longer be updated.
// Update must not be called concurrently with any other method or
// access of the corpus, including other Update calls.
func (c *Corpus) Update(ctx context.Context) error {
if c.mutationSource == nil {
panic("Update called without call to Initialize")
if c.sawErrSplit {
panic("Update called after previous call returned ErrSplit")
log.Printf("Updating data from log %T ...", c.mutationSource)
err := c.update(ctx, nil)
if err == ErrSplit {
c.sawErrSplit = true
return err
// UpdateWithLocker behaves just like Update, but holds lk when processing
// mutation events.
func (c *Corpus) UpdateWithLocker(ctx context.Context, lk sync.Locker) error {
if c.mutationSource == nil {
panic("UpdateWithLocker called without call to Initialize")
if c.sawErrSplit {
panic("UpdateWithLocker called after previous call returned ErrSplit")
log.Printf("Updating data from log %T ...", c.mutationSource)
err := c.update(ctx, lk)
if err == ErrSplit {
c.sawErrSplit = true
return err
type noopLocker struct{}
func (noopLocker) Lock() {}
func (noopLocker) Unlock() {}
// lk optionally specifies a locker to use while processing mutations.
func (c *Corpus) update(ctx context.Context, lk sync.Locker) error {
src := c.mutationSource
ch := src.GetMutations(ctx)
done := ctx.Done()
if lk == nil {
lk = noopLocker{}
for {
select {
case <-done:
err := ctx.Err()
log.Printf("Context expired while loading data from log %T: %v", src, err)
return err
case e := <-ch:
if e.Err != nil {
log.Printf("Corpus GetMutations: %v", e.Err)
return e.Err
if e.End {
c.didInit = true
log.Printf("Reloaded data from log %T.", src)
return nil
// addMutation adds a mutation to the log and immediately processes it.
func (c *Corpus) addMutation(m *maintpb.Mutation) {
if c.verbose {
log.Printf("mutation: %v", m)
if c.mutationLogger == nil {
err := c.mutationLogger.Log(m)
if err != nil {
// TODO: handle errors better? failing is only safe option.
log.Fatalf("could not log mutation %v: %v\n", m, err)
// must be held.
func (c *Corpus) processMutationLocked(m *maintpb.Mutation) {
if im := m.GithubIssue; im != nil {
if gm := m.Github; gm != nil {
if gm := m.Git; gm != nil {
if gm := m.Gerrit; gm != nil {
// finishProcessing fixes up invariants and data structures before
// returning the Corpus from the Update loop back to the user.
// must be held.
func (c *Corpus) finishProcessing() {
// SyncLoop runs forever (until an error or context expiration) and
// updates the corpus as the tracked sources change.
func (c *Corpus) SyncLoop(ctx context.Context) error {
return c.sync(ctx, true)
// Sync updates the corpus from its tracked sources.
func (c *Corpus) Sync(ctx context.Context) error {
return c.sync(ctx, false)
func (c *Corpus) sync(ctx context.Context, loop bool) error {
if _, ok := c.mutationSource.(*netMutSource); ok {
return errors.New("maintner: can't run Corpus.Sync on a Corpus using NetworkMutationSource (did you mean Update?)")
group, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
for _, w := range c.watchedGithubRepos {
gr, token :=, w.token
group.Go(func() error {
log.Printf("Polling %v ...",
for {
err := gr.sync(ctx, token, loop)
if loop && isTempErr(err) {
log.Printf("Temporary error from github %v: %v", gr.ID(), err)
time.Sleep(30 * time.Second)
log.Printf("github sync ending for %v: %v", gr.ID(), err)
return err
for _, rp := range c.pollGitDirs {
rp := rp
group.Go(func() error {
for {
err := c.syncGitCommits(ctx, rp, loop)
if loop && isTempErr(err) {
log.Printf("Temporary error from git repo %v: %v", rp.dir, err)
time.Sleep(30 * time.Second)
log.Printf("git sync ending for %v: %v", rp.dir, err)
return err
for _, w := range c.watchedGerritRepos {
gp := w.project
group.Go(func() error {
log.Printf("Polling gerrit %v ...", gp.proj)
for {
err := gp.sync(ctx, loop)
if loop && isTempErr(err) {
log.Printf("Temporary error from gerrit %v: %v", gp.proj, err)
time.Sleep(30 * time.Second)
log.Printf("gerrit sync ending for %v: %v", gp.proj, err)
return err
return group.Wait()
func isTempErr(err error) bool {
log.Printf("IS TEMP ERROR? %T %v", err, err)
return true