blob: 178939eb9736621887e02ae9c78305aebce5cb2d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package dashboard contains shared configuration and logic used by various
// pieces of the Go continuous build system.
package dashboard
import (
// Builders are the different build configurations.
// The keys are like "darwin-amd64" or "linux-386-387".
// This map should not be modified by other packages.
var Builders = map[string]BuildConfig{}
// A BuildConfig describes how to run a builder.
type BuildConfig struct {
// Name is the unique name of the builder, in the form of
// "darwin-386" or "linux-amd64-race".
Name string
Notes string // notes for humans
Owner string // e.g. "", empty means golang-dev
VMImage string // e.g. "openbsd-amd64-56"
machineType string // optional GCE instance type
Go14URL string // URL to built Go 1.4 tar.gz
buildletURL string // optional override buildlet URL
IsReverse bool // if true, only use the reverse buildlet pool
RegularDisk bool // if true, use spinning disk instead of SSD
TryOnly bool // only used for trybots, and not regular builds
// NumTestHelpers is the number of _additional_ buildlets
// past the first help out with sharded tests.
NumTestHelpers int
// BuildletType optionally specifies the type of buildlet to
// request from the buildlet pool. If empty, it defaults to
// the value of Name.
// These should be used to minimize builder types, so the buildlet pool
// implementations can reuse buildlets from similar-enough builds.
// (e.g. a shared linux-386 trybot can be reused for some linux-amd64
// or linux-amd64-race tests, etc)
// TODO(bradfitz): break BuildConfig up into BuildConfig and
// BuildletConfig and have a BuildConfig refer to a
// BuildletConfig. There's no much confusion now.
BuildletType string
env []string // extra environment ("key=value") pairs
allScriptArgs []string
func (c *BuildConfig) Env() []string { return append([]string(nil), c.env...) }
func (c *BuildConfig) GOOS() string { return c.Name[:strings.Index(c.Name, "-")] }
func (c *BuildConfig) GOARCH() string {
arch := c.Name[strings.Index(c.Name, "-")+1:]
i := strings.Index(arch, "-")
if i == -1 {
return arch
return arch[:i]
// FilePathJoin is mostly like filepath.Join (without the cleaning) except
// it uses the path separator of c.GOOS instead of the host system's.
func (c *BuildConfig) FilePathJoin(x ...string) string {
if c.GOOS() == "windows" {
return strings.Join(x, "\\")
return strings.Join(x, "/")
// BuildletBucket is the GCS storage bucket which holds the buildlet binaries.
// Tools working in the dev project may change this.
var BuildletBucket = "go-builder-data"
func fixBuildletBucket(u string) string {
if BuildletBucket == "go-builder-data" {
// Prod. Default case.
return u
// Dev project remapping:
return strings.Replace(u,
// BuildletBinaryURL returns the public URL of this builder's buildlet.
func (c *BuildConfig) BuildletBinaryURL() string {
if c.buildletURL != "" {
return fixBuildletBucket(c.buildletURL)
return fixBuildletBucket("" + c.GOOS() + "-" + c.GOARCH())
// SetBuildletBinaryURL sets the public URL of this builder's buildlet.
func (c *BuildConfig) SetBuildletBinaryURL(u string) {
c.buildletURL = u
// AllScript returns the relative path to the operating system's script to
// do the build and run its standard set of tests.
// Example values are "src/all.bash", "src/all.bat", "src/all.rc".
func (c *BuildConfig) AllScript() string {
if strings.HasSuffix(c.Name, "-race") {
if strings.HasPrefix(c.Name, "windows-") {
return "src/race.bat"
return "src/race.bash"
if strings.HasPrefix(c.Name, "windows-") {
return "src/all.bat"
if strings.HasPrefix(c.Name, "plan9-") {
return "src/all.rc"
if strings.HasPrefix(c.Name, "nacl-") {
return "src/nacltest.bash"
if strings.HasPrefix(c.Name, "darwin-arm") {
return "src/iostest.bash"
if c.Name == "misc-compile" {
return "src/buildall.bash"
return "src/all.bash"
// SplitMakeRun reports whether the coordinator should first compile
// (using c.MakeScript), then snapshot, then run the tests (ideally
// sharded) using c.RunScript.
// Eventually this function should always return true (and then be deleted)
// but for now we've only set up the scripts and verified that the main
// configurations work.
func (c *BuildConfig) SplitMakeRun() bool {
if strings.HasPrefix(c.Name, "linux-arm") {
// On Scaleway, we don't want to snapshot these to GCS
// yet. That might be a lot of bandwidth and we
// haven't measure their speed yet. We might want to
// store snapshots within Scaleway instead. For now:
// use the old way.
return false
if strings.HasPrefix(c.Name, "darwin-") {
// TODO(bradfitz,crawshaw,adg): this is failing for some reason:
// Error: runTests: distTestList: Remote error: fork/exec /var/folders/5h/sqs3zkxd12zclcslj67vccqh0000gp/T/buildlet-scatch190808745/go/bin/go: no such file or directory
return false
switch c.AllScript() {
case "src/all.bash", "src/all.bat", "src/all.rc":
// These we've verified to work.
return true
// Conservatively:
return false
func (c *BuildConfig) BuildSubrepos() bool {
if !c.SplitMakeRun() {
return false
// TODO(adg,bradfitz): expand this as required
switch c.Name {
case "darwin-amd64-10_10",
"freebsd-386-gce101", "freebsd-amd64-gce101",
"linux-386", "linux-amd64", "linux-amd64-nocgo",
"openbsd-386-gce56", "openbsd-amd64-gce56",
"windows-386-gce", "windows-amd64-gce":
return true
return false
// AllScriptArgs returns the set of arguments that should be passed to the
// all.bash-equivalent script. Usually empty.
func (c *BuildConfig) AllScriptArgs() []string {
if strings.HasPrefix(c.Name, "darwin-arm") {
return []string{"-restart"}
return append([]string(nil), c.allScriptArgs...)
// MakeScript returns the relative path to the operating system's script to
// do the build.
// Example values are "src/make.bash", "src/make.bat", "src/make.rc".
func (c *BuildConfig) MakeScript() string {
if strings.HasPrefix(c.Name, "windows-") {
return "src/make.bat"
if strings.HasPrefix(c.Name, "plan9-") {
return "src/make.rc"
return "src/make.bash"
// MakeScriptArgs returns the set of arguments that should be passed to the
// make.bash-equivalent script. Usually empty.
func (c *BuildConfig) MakeScriptArgs() []string {
return c.AllScriptArgs()
// RunScript returns the relative path to the operating system's script to
// run the test suite.
// Example values are "src/run.bash", "src/run.bat", "src/run.rc".
func (c *BuildConfig) RunScript() string {
if strings.HasPrefix(c.Name, "windows-") {
return "src/run.bat"
if strings.HasPrefix(c.Name, "plan9-") {
return "src/run.rc"
return "src/run.bash"
// RunScriptArgs returns the set of arguments that should be passed to the
// run.bash-equivalent script.
func (c *BuildConfig) RunScriptArgs() []string {
return []string{"--no-rebuild"}
// GorootFinal returns the default install location for
// releases for this platform.
func (c *BuildConfig) GorootFinal() string {
if strings.HasPrefix(c.Name, "windows-") {
return "c:\\go"
return "/usr/local/go"
// MachineType returns the GCE machine type to use for this builder.
func (c *BuildConfig) MachineType() string {
if v := c.machineType; v != "" {
return v
return "n1-highcpu-2"
// ShortOwner returns a short human-readable owner.
func (c BuildConfig) ShortOwner() string {
if c.Owner == "" {
return "go-dev"
return strings.TrimSuffix(c.Owner, "")
// GCENumCPU reports the number of GCE CPUs this buildlet requires.
func (c *BuildConfig) GCENumCPU() int {
t := c.MachineType()
n, _ := strconv.Atoi(t[strings.LastIndex(t, "-")+1:])
return n
func init() {
Name: "freebsd-amd64-gce93",
VMImage: "freebsd-amd64-gce93",
machineType: "n1-highcpu-2",
Go14URL: "",
NumTestHelpers: 3,
Name: "freebsd-amd64-gce101",
Notes: "FreeBSD 10.1; GCE VM is built from script in build/env/freebsd-amd64",
VMImage: "freebsd-amd64-gce101",
machineType: "n1-highcpu-2",
Go14URL: "",
env: []string{"CC=clang"},
NumTestHelpers: 3,
Name: "freebsd-amd64-race",
VMImage: "freebsd-amd64-gce101",
machineType: "n1-highcpu-4",
Go14URL: "",
env: []string{"CC=clang"},
Name: "freebsd-386-gce101",
VMImage: "freebsd-amd64-gce101",
//BuildletType: "freebsd-amd64-gce101",
machineType: "n1-highcpu-2",
buildletURL: "",
Go14URL: "",
// TODO(bradfitz): setting GOHOSTARCH=386 should work
// to eliminate some unnecessary work (it works on
// Linux), but fails on FreeBSD with:
// ##### ../misc/cgo/testso
// Shared object "" not found, required by "main"
// Maybe this is a clang thing? We'll see when we do linux clang too.
env: []string{"GOARCH=386", "CC=clang"},
Name: "linux-386",
VMImage: "linux-buildlet-std",
//BuildletType: "linux-amd64",
buildletURL: "",
env: []string{"GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=/go1.4", "GOARCH=386", "GOHOSTARCH=386"},
NumTestHelpers: 3,
Name: "linux-386-387",
Notes: "GO386=387",
VMImage: "linux-buildlet-std",
//BuildletType: "linux-amd64",
buildletURL: "",
env: []string{"GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=/go1.4", "GOARCH=386", "GOHOSTARCH=386", "GO386=387"},
Name: "linux-amd64",
VMImage: "linux-buildlet-std",
env: []string{"GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=/go1.4"},
NumTestHelpers: 3,
Name: "misc-compile",
TryOnly: true,
VMImage: "linux-buildlet-std",
machineType: "n1-highcpu-16", // CPU-bound, uses it well.
Notes: "Runs to compile stdlib for GOOS/GOARCH pairs not otherwise covered by trybots, but doesn't run any tests.",
buildletURL: "",
env: []string{"GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=/go1.4"},
allScriptArgs: []string{
// Filtering pattern to buildall.bash:
// TODO: add darwin-386 and
Name: "linux-amd64-nocgo",
Notes: "cgo disabled",
VMImage: "linux-buildlet-std",
env: []string{
// This USER=root was required for Docker-based builds but probably isn't required
// in the VM anymore, since the buildlet probably already has this in its environment.
// (It was required because without cgo, it couldn't find the username)
Name: "linux-amd64-noopt",
Notes: "optimizations and inlining disabled",
VMImage: "linux-buildlet-std",
//BuildletType: "linux-amd64",
env: []string{"GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=/go1.4", "GO_GCFLAGS=-N -l"},
Name: "linux-amd64-race",
VMImage: "linux-buildlet-std",
machineType: "n1-highcpu-4",
env: []string{"GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=/go1.4"},
// TODO(bradfitz): make race.bash shardable, then: NumTestHelpers: 3
Name: "linux-386-clang",
VMImage: "linux-buildlet-clang",
//BuildletType: "linux-amd64-clang",
buildletURL: "",
env: []string{"GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=/go1.4", "CC=/usr/bin/clang", "GOHOSTARCH=386"},
Name: "linux-amd64-clang",
Notes: "Debian wheezy + clang 3.5 instead of gcc",
VMImage: "linux-buildlet-clang",
env: []string{"GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=/go1.4", "CC=/usr/bin/clang"},
Name: "linux-386-sid",
VMImage: "linux-buildlet-sid",
buildletURL: "",
env: []string{"GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=/go1.4", "GOHOSTARCH=386"},
Name: "linux-amd64-sid",
Notes: "Debian sid (unstable)",
VMImage: "linux-buildlet-sid",
env: []string{"GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=/go1.4"},
Name: "linux-arm-qemu",
VMImage: "linux-buildlet-arm",
env: []string{"GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=/go1.4", "IN_QEMU=1"},
Name: "linux-arm",
IsReverse: true,
env: []string{"GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=/usr/local/go"},
// Sharded ARM trybots:
Name: "linux-arm-shard_test",
BuildletType: "linux-arm",
TryOnly: true,
IsReverse: true,
env: []string{
Name: "linux-arm-shard_std_am",
BuildletType: "linux-arm",
TryOnly: true,
IsReverse: true,
env: []string{
Name: "linux-arm-shard_std_nz",
BuildletType: "linux-arm",
TryOnly: true,
IsReverse: true,
env: []string{
Name: "linux-arm-shard_runtimecpu",
BuildletType: "linux-arm",
TryOnly: true,
IsReverse: true,
env: []string{
Name: "linux-arm-shard_cgotest",
BuildletType: "linux-arm",
TryOnly: true,
IsReverse: true,
env: []string{
Name: "linux-arm-shard_misc",
BuildletType: "linux-arm",
TryOnly: true,
IsReverse: true,
env: []string{
Name: "linux-arm-arm5",
IsReverse: true,
env: []string{
Name: "nacl-386",
VMImage: "linux-buildlet-nacl-v2",
buildletURL: "",
env: []string{"GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=/go1.4", "GOOS=nacl", "GOARCH=386", "GOHOSTOS=linux", "GOHOSTARCH=amd64"},
//BuildletType: "nacl-amd64p32",
Name: "nacl-amd64p32",
VMImage: "linux-buildlet-nacl-v2",
buildletURL: "",
env: []string{"GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=/go1.4", "GOOS=nacl", "GOARCH=amd64p32", "GOHOSTOS=linux", "GOHOSTARCH=amd64"},
Name: "openbsd-amd64-gce56",
Notes: "OpenBSD 5.6; GCE VM is built from script in build/env/openbsd-amd64",
VMImage: "openbsd-amd64-56",
machineType: "n1-highcpu-2",
Go14URL: "",
NumTestHelpers: 3,
Name: "openbsd-386-gce56",
Notes: "OpenBSD 5.6; GCE VM is built from script in build/env/openbsd-386",
VMImage: "openbsd-386-56",
machineType: "n1-highcpu-2",
Go14URL: "",
NumTestHelpers: 3,
Name: "plan9-386",
Notes: "Plan 9 from 0intro; GCE VM is built from script in build/env/plan9-386",
VMImage: "plan9-386-v2",
Go14URL: "",
// We *were* using n1-standard-1 because Plan 9 can only
// reliably use a single CPU. Using 2 or 4 and we see
// test failures. See:
// n1-standard-1 has 3.6 GB of memory which WAS (see below)
// overkill (userspace probably only sees 2GB anyway),
// but it's the cheapest option. And plenty to keep
// our ~250 MB of inputs+outputs in its ramfs.
// But the docs says "For the n1 series of machine
// types, a virtual CPU is implemented as a single
// hyperthread on a 2.6GHz Intel Sandy Bridge Xeon or
// Intel Ivy Bridge Xeon (or newer) processor. This
// means that the n1-standard-2 machine type will see
// a whole physical core."
// ... so we used n1-highcpu-2 (1.80 RAM, still
// plenty), just so we can get 1 whole core for the
// single-core Plan 9. It will see 2 virtual cores and
// only use 1, but we hope that 1 will be more powerful
// and we'll stop timing out on tests.
machineType: "n1-highcpu-2",
NumTestHelpers: 5, // slow
Name: "windows-amd64-gce",
VMImage: "windows-buildlet-v2",
machineType: "n1-highcpu-2",
Go14URL: "",
RegularDisk: true,
env: []string{"GOARCH=amd64", "GOHOSTARCH=amd64"},
NumTestHelpers: 3,
Name: "windows-amd64-race",
Notes: "Only runs -race tests (./race.bat)",
VMImage: "windows-buildlet-v2",
machineType: "n1-highcpu-4",
Go14URL: "",
RegularDisk: true,
env: []string{"GOARCH=amd64", "GOHOSTARCH=amd64"},
Name: "windows-386-gce",
VMImage: "windows-buildlet-v2",
machineType: "n1-highcpu-2",
// TODO(bradfitz): once buildlet type vs. config type is split: BuildletType: "windows-amd64-gce",
buildletURL: "",
Go14URL: "",
RegularDisk: true,
env: []string{"GOARCH=386", "GOHOSTARCH=386"},
NumTestHelpers: 3,
Name: "darwin-amd64-10_10",
Notes: "Mac Mini running OS X 10.10 (Yosemite)",
Go14URL: "",
IsReverse: true,
NumTestHelpers: 1, // limited resources
Name: "darwin-arm-a5ios",
Notes: "iPhone 4S (A5 processor), via a Mac Mini",
Owner: "",
Go14URL: "",
IsReverse: true,
env: []string{"GOARCH=arm", "GOHOSTARCH=amd64"},
Name: "darwin-arm64-a7ios",
Notes: "iPad Mini 3 (A7 processor), via a Mac Mini",
Owner: "",
Go14URL: "",
IsReverse: true,
env: []string{"GOARCH=arm64", "GOHOSTARCH=amd64"},
func addBuilder(c BuildConfig) {
if c.Name == "" {
panic("empty name")
if _, dup := Builders[c.Name]; dup {
panic("dup name")
if c.VMImage == "" && !c.IsReverse {
panic("empty VMImage")
Builders[c.Name] = c