blob: 51180ddbe6b1c29e82b137426f3f30f82bf2fd99 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
//go:build go1.16
// +build go1.16
// Package legacydash holds the serving code for the build dashboard
// ( and its remaining HTTP API endpoints.
// It's a code transplant of the previous app/appengine application,
// converted into a package that coordinator can import and use.
// A newer version of the build dashboard is in development in
// the package.
package legacydash
import (
var (
// Datastore client to a GCP project where build results are stored.
// Typically this is the golang-org GCP project.
datastoreClient *datastore.Client
// Maintner client for the maintner service.
// Typically the one at
maintnerClient apipb.MaintnerServiceClient
// The builder master key.
masterKey string
// TODO( Keep moving away from package scope
// variables during future refactors.
// fakeResults controls whether to make up fake random results. If true, datastore is not used.
const fakeResults = false
// Handler sets a datastore client, maintner client, and builder master key
// at the package scope, and returns an HTTP mux for the legacy dashboard.
func Handler(dc *datastore.Client, mc apipb.MaintnerServiceClient, key string) http.Handler {
datastoreClient = dc
maintnerClient = mc
masterKey = key
mux := http.NewServeMux()
// authenticated handlers
mux.Handle("/clear-results", hstsGzip(AuthHandler(clearResultsHandler))) // called by coordinator for x/build/cmd/retrybuilds
mux.Handle("/result", hstsGzip(AuthHandler(resultHandler))) // called by coordinator after build
// public handlers
mux.Handle("/", hstsGzip(http.HandlerFunc(uiHandler)))
mux.Handle("/log/", hstsGzip(http.HandlerFunc(logHandler)))
// static handler
fs := http.FileServer(http.FS(static))
mux.Handle("/static/", hstsGzip(fs))
return mux
//go:embed static
var static embed.FS
// hstsGzip is short for hstsHandler(GzipHandler(h)).
func hstsGzip(h http.Handler) http.Handler {
return hstsHandler(gziphandler.GzipHandler(h))
// hstsHandler returns a Handler that sets the HSTS header but
// otherwise just wraps h.
func hstsHandler(h http.Handler) http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
w.Header().Set("Strict-Transport-Security", "max-age=31536000; preload")
h.ServeHTTP(w, r)
// Dashboard describes a unique build dashboard.
// (There used to be more than one dashboard, so this is now somewhat
// less important than it once was.)
type Dashboard struct {
Name string // This dashboard's name (always "Go" nowadays)
Packages []*Package // The project's packages to build
// packageWithPath returns the Package in d with the provided importPath,
// or nil if none is found.
func (d *Dashboard) packageWithPath(importPath string) *Package {
for _, p := range d.Packages {
if p.Path == importPath {
return p
return nil
// goDash is the dashboard for the main go repository.
var goDash = &Dashboard{
Name: "Go",
Packages: []*Package{
{Name: "Go"},
func init() {
var add []*Package
for _, r := range repos.ByGerritProject {
if !r.ShowOnDashboard() {
add = append(add, &Package{
Name: r.GoGerritProject,
Path: r.ImportPath,
sort.Slice(add, func(i, j int) bool {
return add[i].Name < add[j].Name
goDash.Packages = append(goDash.Packages, add...)