blob: 2c5cfcd97e4a00850debf71d69dceab89e1b95a0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package relui
import (
wf ""
// DefinitionHolder holds workflow definitions.
type DefinitionHolder struct {
mu sync.Mutex
definitions map[string]*wf.Definition
// NewDefinitionHolder creates a new DefinitionHolder,
// initialized with a sample "echo" wf.
func NewDefinitionHolder() *DefinitionHolder {
return &DefinitionHolder{definitions: map[string]*wf.Definition{
"echo": newEchoWorkflow(),
// Definition returns the initialized wf.Definition registered
// for a given name.
func (h *DefinitionHolder) Definition(name string) *wf.Definition {
return h.definitions[name]
// RegisterDefinition registers a definition with a name.
// If a definition with the same name already exists, RegisterDefinition panics.
func (h *DefinitionHolder) RegisterDefinition(name string, d *wf.Definition) {
if _, exist := h.definitions[name]; exist {
panic("relui: multiple registrations for " + name)
h.definitions[name] = d
// Definitions returns the names of all registered definitions.
func (h *DefinitionHolder) Definitions() map[string]*wf.Definition {
defs := make(map[string]*wf.Definition)
for k, v := range h.definitions {
defs[k] = v
return defs
// Release parameter definitions.
var (
targetDateParam = wf.ParamDef[task.Date]{
Name: "Target Release Date",
ParamType: wf.ParamType[task.Date]{
HTMLElement: "input",
HTMLInputType: "date",
Doc: `Target Release Date is the date on which the release is scheduled.
It must be three to seven days after the pre-announcement as documented in the security policy.`,
securityPreAnnParam = wf.ParamDef[string]{
Name: "Security Content",
ParamType: workflow.ParamType[string]{
HTMLElement: "select",
HTMLSelectOptions: []string{
"the standard library",
"the toolchain",
"the standard library and the toolchain",
Doc: `Security Content is the security content to be included in the release pre-announcement.
It must not reveal details beyond what's allowed by the security policy.`,
securityPreAnnCVEsParam = wf.ParamDef[[]string]{
Name: "PRIVATE-track CVEs",
ParamType: wf.SliceShort,
Example: "CVE-2023-XXXX",
Doc: "List of CVEs for PRIVATE track fixes contained in the release to be included in the pre-announcement.",
securitySummaryParameter = wf.ParamDef[string]{
Name: "Security Summary (optional)",
Doc: `Security Summary is an optional sentence describing security fixes included in this release.
It shows up in the release tweet.
The empty string means there are no security fixes to highlight.
Past examples:
• "Includes a security fix for crypto/tls (CVE-2021-34558)."
• "Includes a security fix for the Wasm port (CVE-2021-38297)."
• "Includes security fixes for encoding/pem (CVE-2022-24675), crypto/elliptic (CVE-2022-28327), crypto/x509 (CVE-2022-27536)."`,
securityFixesParameter = wf.ParamDef[[]string]{
Name: "Security Fixes (optional)",
ParamType: wf.SliceLong,
Doc: `Security Fixes is a list of descriptions, one for each distinct security fix included in this release, in Markdown format.
It shows up in the announcement mail.
The empty list means there are no security fixes included.
Past examples:
• "encoding/pem: fix stack overflow in Decode
A large (more than 5 MB) PEM input can cause a stack overflow in Decode,
leading the program to crash.
Thanks to Juho Nurminen of Mattermost who reported the error.
This is CVE-2022-24675 and Go issue"
• "crypto/elliptic: tolerate all oversized scalars in generic P-256
A crafted scalar input longer than 32 bytes can cause P256().ScalarMult
or P256().ScalarBaseMult to panic. Indirect uses through crypto/ecdsa and
crypto/tls are unaffected. amd64, arm64, ppc64le, and s390x are unaffected.
This was discovered thanks to a Project Wycheproof test vector.
This is CVE-2022-28327 and Go issue"`,
Example: `encoding/pem: fix stack overflow in Decode
A large (more than 5 MB) PEM input can cause a stack overflow in Decode,
leading the program to crash.
Thanks to Juho Nurminen of Mattermost who reported the error.
This is CVE-2022-24675 and Go issue`,
releaseCoordinators = wf.ParamDef[[]string]{
Name: "Release Coordinator Usernames (optional)",
ParamType: wf.SliceShort,
Doc: `Release Coordinator Usernames is an optional list of the coordinators of the release.
Their first names will be included at the end of the release announcement, and CLs will be mailed to them.`,
Example: "heschi",
// newEchoWorkflow returns a runnable wf.Definition for
// development.
func newEchoWorkflow() *wf.Definition {
wd := wf.New()
wf.Output(wd, "greeting", wf.Task1(wd, "greeting", echo, wf.Param(wd, wf.ParamDef[string]{Name: "greeting"})))
wf.Output(wd, "farewell", wf.Task1(wd, "farewell", echo, wf.Param(wd, wf.ParamDef[string]{Name: "farewell"})))
return wd
func echo(ctx *wf.TaskContext, arg string) (string, error) {
ctx.Printf("echo(%v, %q)", ctx, arg)
return arg, nil
func checkTaskApproved(ctx *wf.TaskContext, p db.PGDBTX) (bool, error) {
q := db.New(p)
t, err := q.Task(ctx, db.TaskParams{
Name: ctx.TaskName,
WorkflowID: ctx.WorkflowID,
if !t.ReadyForApproval {
_, err := q.UpdateTaskReadyForApproval(ctx, db.UpdateTaskReadyForApprovalParams{
ReadyForApproval: true,
Name: ctx.TaskName,
WorkflowID: ctx.WorkflowID,
if err != nil {
return false, err
return t.ApprovedAt.Valid, err
// ApproveActionDep returns a function for defining approval Actions.
// ApproveActionDep takes a single *pgxpool.Pool argument, which is
// used to query the database to determine if a task has been marked
// approved.
// ApproveActionDep marks the task as requiring approval in the
// database once the task is started. This can be used to show an
// "approve" control in the UI.
// waitAction := wf.ActionN(wd, "Wait for Approval", ApproveActionDep(db), wf.After(someDependency))
func ApproveActionDep(p db.PGDBTX) func(*wf.TaskContext) error {
return func(ctx *wf.TaskContext) error {
_, err := task.AwaitCondition(ctx, 5*time.Second, func() (int, bool, error) {
done, err := checkTaskApproved(ctx, p)
return 0, done, err
return err
// RegisterReleaseWorkflows registers workflows for issuing Go releases.
func RegisterReleaseWorkflows(ctx context.Context, h *DefinitionHolder, build *BuildReleaseTasks, milestone *task.MilestoneTasks, version *task.VersionTasks, comm task.CommunicationTasks) error {
// Register prod release workflows.
if err := registerProdReleaseWorkflows(ctx, h, build, milestone, version, comm); err != nil {
return err
// Register pre-announcement workflows.
currentMajor, _, err := version.GetCurrentMajor(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
releases := []struct {
kinds []task.ReleaseKind
name string
{[]task.ReleaseKind{task.KindCurrentMinor, task.KindPrevMinor}, fmt.Sprintf("next minor release for Go 1.%d and 1.%d", currentMajor, currentMajor-1)},
{[]task.ReleaseKind{task.KindCurrentMinor}, fmt.Sprintf("next minor release for Go 1.%d", currentMajor)},
{[]task.ReleaseKind{task.KindPrevMinor}, fmt.Sprintf("next minor release for Go 1.%d", currentMajor-1)},
for _, r := range releases {
wd := wf.New()
versions := wf.Task1(wd, "Get next versions", version.GetNextVersions, wf.Const(r.kinds))
targetDate := wf.Param(wd, targetDateParam)
securityContent := wf.Param(wd, securityPreAnnParam)
cves := wf.Param(wd, securityPreAnnCVEsParam)
coordinators := wf.Param(wd, releaseCoordinators)
sentMail := wf.Task5(wd, "mail-pre-announcement", comm.PreAnnounceRelease, versions, targetDate, securityContent, cves, coordinators)
wf.Output(wd, "Pre-announcement URL", wf.Task1(wd, "await-pre-announcement", comm.AwaitAnnounceMail, sentMail))
h.RegisterDefinition("pre-announce ", wd)
// Register dry-run release workflows.
registerBuildTestSignOnlyWorkflow(h, version, build, currentMajor+1, task.KindBeta)
return nil
func registerProdReleaseWorkflows(ctx context.Context, h *DefinitionHolder, build *BuildReleaseTasks, milestone *task.MilestoneTasks, version *task.VersionTasks, comm task.CommunicationTasks) error {
currentMajor, majorReleaseTime, err := version.GetCurrentMajor(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
type release struct {
kind task.ReleaseKind
major int
suffix string
releases := []release{
{task.KindMajor, currentMajor + 1, "final"},
{task.KindRC, currentMajor + 1, "next RC"},
{task.KindBeta, currentMajor + 1, "next beta"},
{task.KindCurrentMinor, currentMajor, "next minor"},
{task.KindPrevMinor, currentMajor - 1, "next minor"},
if time.Since(majorReleaseTime) < 7*24*time.Hour {
releases = append(releases, release{task.KindMajor, currentMajor, "final"})
for _, r := range releases {
wd := wf.New()
coordinators := wf.Param(wd, releaseCoordinators)
versionPublished := addSingleReleaseWorkflow(build, milestone, version, wd, r.major, r.kind, coordinators)
securitySummary := wf.Const("")
securityFixes := wf.Slice[string]()
if r.kind == task.KindCurrentMinor || r.kind == task.KindPrevMinor {
securitySummary = wf.Param(wd, securitySummaryParameter)
securityFixes = wf.Param(wd, securityFixesParameter)
addCommTasks(wd, build, comm, wf.Slice(versionPublished), securitySummary, securityFixes, coordinators)
h.RegisterDefinition(fmt.Sprintf("Go 1.%d %s", r.major, r.suffix), wd)
wd, err := createMinorReleaseWorkflow(build, milestone, version, comm, currentMajor-1, currentMajor)
if err != nil {
return err
h.RegisterDefinition(fmt.Sprintf("Minor releases for Go 1.%d and 1.%d", currentMajor-1, currentMajor), wd)
return nil
func registerBuildTestSignOnlyWorkflow(h *DefinitionHolder, version *task.VersionTasks, build *BuildReleaseTasks, major int, kind task.ReleaseKind) {
wd := wf.New()
nextVersion := wf.Task1(wd, "Get next version", version.GetNextVersion, wf.Const(kind))
branch := fmt.Sprintf("release-branch.go1.%d", major)
if kind == task.KindBeta {
branch = "master"
branchVal := wf.Const(branch)
source := wf.Task3(wd, "Build source archive", build.buildSource, branchVal, wf.Const(""), nextVersion)
artifacts := build.addBuildTasks(wd, major, nextVersion, source)
wf.Output(wd, "Artifacts", artifacts)
h.RegisterDefinition(fmt.Sprintf("dry-run (build, test, and sign only): Go 1.%d next beta", major), wd)
func createMinorReleaseWorkflow(build *BuildReleaseTasks, milestone *task.MilestoneTasks, version *task.VersionTasks, comm task.CommunicationTasks, prevMajor, currentMajor int) (*wf.Definition, error) {
wd := wf.New()
coordinators := wf.Param(wd, releaseCoordinators)
v1Published := addSingleReleaseWorkflow(build, milestone, version, wd.Sub(fmt.Sprintf("Go 1.%d", currentMajor)), currentMajor, task.KindCurrentMinor, coordinators)
v2Published := addSingleReleaseWorkflow(build, milestone, version, wd.Sub(fmt.Sprintf("Go 1.%d", prevMajor)), prevMajor, task.KindPrevMinor, coordinators)
securitySummary := wf.Param(wd, securitySummaryParameter)
securityFixes := wf.Param(wd, securityFixesParameter)
addCommTasks(wd, build, comm, wf.Slice(v1Published, v2Published), securitySummary, securityFixes, coordinators)
return wd, nil
func addCommTasks(
wd *wf.Definition, build *BuildReleaseTasks, comm task.CommunicationTasks,
versions wf.Value[[]string], securitySummary wf.Value[string], securityFixes, coordinators wf.Value[[]string],
) {
okayToAnnounceAndTweet := wf.Action0(wd, "Wait to Announce", build.ApproveAction, wf.After(versions))
// Announce that a new Go release has been published.
sentMail := wf.Task3(wd, "mail-announcement", comm.AnnounceRelease, versions, securityFixes, coordinators, wf.After(okayToAnnounceAndTweet))
announcementURL := wf.Task1(wd, "await-announcement", comm.AwaitAnnounceMail, sentMail)
tweetURL := wf.Task3(wd, "post-tweet", comm.TweetRelease, versions, securitySummary, announcementURL, wf.After(okayToAnnounceAndTweet))
wf.Output(wd, "Announcement URL", announcementURL)
wf.Output(wd, "Tweet URL", tweetURL)
func addSingleReleaseWorkflow(
build *BuildReleaseTasks, milestone *task.MilestoneTasks, version *task.VersionTasks,
wd *wf.Definition, major int, kind task.ReleaseKind, coordinators wf.Value[[]string],
) (versionPublished wf.Value[string]) {
kindVal := wf.Const(kind)
branch := fmt.Sprintf("release-branch.go1.%d", major)
if kind == task.KindBeta {
branch = "master"
branchVal := wf.Const(branch)
startingHead := wf.Task1(wd, "Read starting branch head", version.ReadBranchHead, branchVal)
// Select version, check milestones.
nextVersion := wf.Task1(wd, "Get next version", version.GetNextVersion, kindVal)
milestones := wf.Task2(wd, "Pick milestones", milestone.FetchMilestones, nextVersion, kindVal)
checked := wf.Action3(wd, "Check blocking issues", milestone.CheckBlockers, milestones, nextVersion, kindVal)
securityRef := wf.Param(wd, wf.ParamDef[string]{Name: "Ref from the private repository to build from (optional)"})
source := wf.Task3(wd, "Build source archive", build.buildSource, startingHead, securityRef, nextVersion, wf.After(checked))
// Build, test, and sign release.
signedAndTestedArtifacts := build.addBuildTasks(wd, major, nextVersion, source)
okayToTagAndPublish := wf.Action0(wd, "Wait for Release Coordinator Approval", build.ApproveAction, wf.After(signedAndTestedArtifacts))
dlcl := wf.Task3(wd, "Mail DL CL", version.MailDLCL, wf.Slice(nextVersion), coordinators, wf.Const(false), wf.After(okayToTagAndPublish))
dlclCommit := wf.Task2(wd, "Wait for DL CL submission", version.AwaitCL, dlcl, wf.Const(""))
wf.Output(wd, "Download CL submitted", dlclCommit)
// Tag version and upload to CDN/website.
// If we're releasing a beta from master, tagging is easy; we just tag the
// commit we started from. Otherwise, we're going to submit a VERSION CL,
// and we need to make sure that that CL is submitted on top of the same
// state we built from. For security releases that state may not have
// been public when we started, but it should be now.
tagCommit := startingHead
if branch != "master" {
publishingHead := wf.Task3(wd, "Check branch state matches source archive", build.checkSourceMatch, branchVal, nextVersion, source, wf.After(okayToTagAndPublish))
versionCL := wf.Task3(wd, "Mail version CL", version.CreateAutoSubmitVersionCL, branchVal, coordinators, nextVersion, wf.After(publishingHead))
tagCommit = wf.Task2(wd, "Wait for version CL submission", version.AwaitCL, versionCL, publishingHead)
tagged := wf.Action2(wd, "Tag version", version.TagRelease, nextVersion, tagCommit, wf.After(okayToTagAndPublish))
uploaded := wf.Action1(wd, "Upload artifacts to CDN", build.uploadArtifacts, signedAndTestedArtifacts, wf.After(tagged))
pushed := wf.Action3(wd, "Push issues", milestone.PushIssues, milestones, nextVersion, kindVal, wf.After(tagged))
versionPublished = wf.Task2(wd, "Publish to website", build.publishArtifacts, nextVersion, signedAndTestedArtifacts, wf.After(uploaded, pushed))
if kind == task.KindMajor {
goimportsCL := wf.Task2(wd, fmt.Sprintf("Mail goimports CL for 1.%d", major), version.CreateUpdateStdlibIndexCL, coordinators, versionPublished)
goimportsCommit := wf.Task2(wd, "Wait for goimports CL submission", version.AwaitCL, goimportsCL, wf.Const(""))
wf.Output(wd, "goimports CL submitted", goimportsCommit)
wf.Output(wd, "Released version", versionPublished)
return versionPublished
// addBuildTasks registers tasks to build, test, and sign the release onto wd.
// It returns the output from the last task, a slice of signed and tested artifacts.
func (tasks *BuildReleaseTasks) addBuildTasks(wd *wf.Definition, major int, version wf.Value[string], source wf.Value[artifact]) wf.Value[[]artifact] {
targets := releasetargets.TargetsForGo1Point(major)
skipTests := wf.Param(wd, wf.ParamDef[[]string]{Name: "Targets to skip testing (or 'all') (optional)", ParamType: wf.SliceShort})
artifacts := []wf.Value[artifact]{source}
// Build, test and sign binary artifacts for all targets.
var testsPassed []wf.Dependency
for _, target := range targets {
targetVal := wf.Const(target)
wd := wd.Sub(target.Name)
// Build release artifacts for the platform.
// Also create installers and perform platform-specific signing where applicable.
bin := wf.Task2(wd, "Build binary archive", tasks.buildBinary, targetVal, source)
switch target.GOOS {
case "darwin":
pkg := wf.Task3(wd, "Build PKG installer", tasks.buildDarwinPKG, targetVal, version, bin)
signedPKG := wf.Task2(wd, "Sign PKG installer", tasks.signArtifact, pkg, wf.Const(sign.BuildMacOS))
signedTGZ := wf.Task2(wd, "Convert to .tgz", tasks.convertPKGToTGZ, targetVal, signedPKG)
artifacts = append(artifacts, signedPKG, signedTGZ)
case "windows":
msi := wf.Task2(wd, "Build MSI installer", tasks.buildWindowsMSI, targetVal, bin)
signedMSI := wf.Task2(wd, "Sign MSI installer", tasks.signArtifact, msi, wf.Const(sign.BuildWindows))
zip := wf.Task2(wd, "Convert to .zip", tasks.convertTGZToZip, targetVal, bin)
artifacts = append(artifacts, signedMSI, zip)
artifacts = append(artifacts, bin)
if target.BuildOnly {
short := wf.Action4(wd, "Run short tests", tasks.runTests, targetVal, wf.Const(dashboard.Builders[target.Builder]), skipTests, bin)
testsPassed = append(testsPassed, short)
if target.LongTestBuilder != "" {
long := wf.Action4(wd, "Run long tests", tasks.runTests, targetVal, wf.Const(dashboard.Builders[target.Builder]), skipTests, bin)
testsPassed = append(testsPassed, long)
signedArtifacts := wf.Task1(wd, "Compute GPG signature for artifacts", tasks.computeGPG, wf.Slice(artifacts...))
// Run advisory trybots.
var advisoryResults []wf.Value[tryBotResult]
for _, bc := range advisoryTryBots(major) {
result := wf.Task3(wd, "Run advisory TryBot "+bc.Name, tasks.runAdvisoryTryBot, wf.Const(bc), skipTests, source)
advisoryResults = append(advisoryResults, result)
tryBotsApproved := wf.Action1(wd, "Wait for advisory TryBots", tasks.checkAdvisoryTrybots, wf.Slice(advisoryResults...))
signedAndTested := wf.Task2(wd, "Wait for signing and tests", func(ctx *wf.TaskContext, artifacts []artifact, version string) ([]artifact, error) {
// Note: Note this needs to happen somewhere, doesn't matter where. Maybe move it to a nicer place later.
for i, a := range artifacts {
if a.Target != nil {
artifacts[i].Filename = version + "." + a.Target.Name + "." + a.Suffix
} else {
artifacts[i].Filename = version + "." + a.Suffix
return artifacts, nil
}, signedArtifacts, version, wf.After(testsPassed...), wf.After(tryBotsApproved))
return signedAndTested
func advisoryTryBots(major int) []*dashboard.BuildConfig {
usedBuilders := map[string]bool{}
for _, t := range releasetargets.TargetsForGo1Point(major) {
usedBuilders[t.Builder] = true
usedBuilders[t.LongTestBuilder] = true
var extras []*dashboard.BuildConfig
for name, bc := range dashboard.Builders {
if !usedBuilders[name] &&
bc.BuildsRepoPostSubmit("go", fmt.Sprintf("release-branch.go1.%d", major), "") &&
bc.HostConfig().IsGoogle() &&
len(bc.KnownIssues) == 0 {
extras = append(extras, bc)
return extras
// BuildReleaseTasks serves as an adapter to the various build tasks in the task package.
type BuildReleaseTasks struct {
GerritClient task.GerritClient
GerritHTTPClient *http.Client
GerritURL string
PrivateGerritURL string
GCSClient *storage.Client
ScratchURL, ServingURL string // ScratchURL is a gs:// or file:// URL, no trailing slash. E.g., "gs://golang-release-staging/relui-scratch".
DownloadURL string
PublishFile func(*task.WebsiteFile) error
CreateBuildlet func(context.Context, string) (buildlet.RemoteClient, error)
SignService sign.Service
ApproveAction func(*wf.TaskContext) error
func (b *BuildReleaseTasks) buildSource(ctx *wf.TaskContext, revision, securityRevision, version string) (artifact, error) {
return b.runBuildStep(ctx, nil, nil, artifact{}, "src.tar.gz", func(_ *task.BuildletStep, _ io.Reader, w io.Writer) error {
if securityRevision != "" {
return task.WriteSourceArchive(ctx, b.GerritHTTPClient, b.PrivateGerritURL, securityRevision, version, w)
return task.WriteSourceArchive(ctx, b.GerritHTTPClient, b.GerritURL, revision, version, w)
func (b *BuildReleaseTasks) checkSourceMatch(ctx *wf.TaskContext, branch, version string, source artifact) (head string, _ error) {
head, err := b.GerritClient.ReadBranchHead(ctx, "go", branch)
if err != nil {
return "", err
_, err = b.runBuildStep(ctx, nil, nil, source, "", func(_ *task.BuildletStep, r io.Reader, _ io.Writer) error {
branchArchive := &bytes.Buffer{}
if err := task.WriteSourceArchive(ctx, b.GerritHTTPClient, b.GerritURL, head, version, branchArchive); err != nil {
return err
branchHashes, err := tarballHashes(branchArchive)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("hashing branch tarball: %v", err)
archiveHashes, err := tarballHashes(r)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("hashing archive tarball: %v", err)
if diff := cmp.Diff(branchHashes, archiveHashes); diff != "" {
return fmt.Errorf("branch state doesn't match source archive (-branch, +archive):\n%v", diff)
return nil
return head, err
func tarballHashes(r io.Reader) (map[string]string, error) {
gzr, err := gzip.NewReader(r)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer gzr.Close()
tr := tar.NewReader(gzr)
hashes := map[string]string{}
for {
header, err := tr.Next()
if err == io.EOF {
} else if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("reading tar header: %v", err)
h := sha256.New()
if _, err := io.CopyN(h, tr, header.Size); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("reading file %q: %v", header.Name, err)
hashes[header.Name] = fmt.Sprintf("%X", h.Sum(nil))
return hashes, nil
func (b *BuildReleaseTasks) buildBinary(ctx *wf.TaskContext, target *releasetargets.Target, source artifact) (artifact, error) {
bc := dashboard.Builders[target.Builder]
return b.runBuildStep(ctx, target, bc, source, "tar.gz", func(bs *task.BuildletStep, r io.Reader, w io.Writer) error {
return bs.BuildBinary(ctx, r, w)
func (b *BuildReleaseTasks) buildDarwinPKG(ctx *wf.TaskContext, target *releasetargets.Target, version string, binary artifact) (artifact, error) {
bc := dashboard.Builders[target.Builder]
return b.runBuildStep(ctx, target, bc, binary, "pkg", func(bs *task.BuildletStep, r io.Reader, w io.Writer) error {
return bs.BuildDarwinPKG(ctx, r, version, w)
func (b *BuildReleaseTasks) convertPKGToTGZ(ctx *wf.TaskContext, target *releasetargets.Target, pkg artifact) (tgz artifact, _ error) {
bc := dashboard.Builders[target.Builder]
return b.runBuildStep(ctx, target, bc, pkg, "tar.gz", func(bs *task.BuildletStep, r io.Reader, w io.Writer) error {
return bs.ConvertPKGToTGZ(ctx, r, w)
func (b *BuildReleaseTasks) buildWindowsMSI(ctx *wf.TaskContext, target *releasetargets.Target, binary artifact) (artifact, error) {
bc := dashboard.Builders[target.Builder]
return b.runBuildStep(ctx, target, bc, binary, "msi", func(bs *task.BuildletStep, r io.Reader, w io.Writer) error {
return bs.BuildWindowsMSI(ctx, r, w)
func (b *BuildReleaseTasks) convertTGZToZip(ctx *wf.TaskContext, target *releasetargets.Target, binary artifact) (artifact, error) {
return b.runBuildStep(ctx, target, nil, binary, "zip", func(_ *task.BuildletStep, r io.Reader, w io.Writer) error {
return task.ConvertTGZToZIP(r, w)
// computeGPG performs GPG signing on artifacts, and sets their GPGSignature field.
func (b *BuildReleaseTasks) computeGPG(ctx *wf.TaskContext, artifacts []artifact) ([]artifact, error) {
// doGPG reports whether to do GPG signature computation for artifact a.
doGPG := func(a artifact) bool {
return a.Suffix == "src.tar.gz" || a.Suffix == "tar.gz"
// Start a signing job on all artifacts that want to do GPG signing and await its results.
var in []string
for _, a := range artifacts {
if !doGPG(a) {
in = append(in, b.ScratchURL+"/"+a.ScratchPath)
out, err := b.signArtifacts(ctx, sign.BuildGPG, in)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if len(out) != len(in) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("got %d outputs, want %d .asc signatures", len(out), len(in))
// All done, we have our GPG signatures.
// Put them in a base name → scratch path map.
var signatures = make(map[string]string)
for _, o := range out {
scratchPath, ok := cutPrefix(o, b.ScratchURL+"/")
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("got signed URL %q outside of scratch space %q, which is unsupported", o, b.ScratchURL+"/")
signatures[path.Base(o)] = scratchPath
// Set the artifacts' GPGSignature field.
scratchFS, err := gcsfs.FromURL(ctx, b.GCSClient, b.ScratchURL)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for i, a := range artifacts {
if !doGPG(a) {
sigPath, ok := signatures[path.Base(a.ScratchPath)+".asc"]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no GPG signature for %q", path.Base(a.ScratchPath))
sig, err := fs.ReadFile(scratchFS, sigPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
artifacts[i].GPGSignature = string(sig)
return artifacts, nil
// signArtifact signs a single artifact of specified type.
func (b *BuildReleaseTasks) signArtifact(ctx *wf.TaskContext, a artifact, bt sign.BuildType) (signed artifact, _ error) {
// Sign the unsigned artifact located at ScratchPath, and
// update ScratchPath to point to the new signed artifact.
signedURL, err := b.signArtifacts(ctx, bt, []string{b.ScratchURL + "/" + a.ScratchPath})
if err != nil {
return artifact{}, err
} else if len(signedURL) != 1 {
return artifact{}, fmt.Errorf("got %d outputs, want 1 signed artifact", len(signedURL))
var ok bool
a.ScratchPath, ok = cutPrefix(signedURL[0], b.ScratchURL+"/")
if !ok {
return artifact{}, fmt.Errorf("got signed URL %q outside of scratch space %q, which is unsupported", signedURL[0], b.ScratchURL+"/")
scratchFS, err := gcsfs.FromURL(ctx, b.GCSClient, b.ScratchURL)
if err != nil {
return artifact{}, err
// Update the Size and SHA256 fields.
f, err := scratchFS.Open(a.ScratchPath)
if err != nil {
return artifact{}, err
var hash = sha256.New()
n, err := io.Copy(hash, f)
if err != nil {
return artifact{}, err
err = f.Close()
if err != nil {
return artifact{}, err
a.Size = int(n)
a.SHA256 = fmt.Sprintf("%x", string(hash.Sum([]byte(nil))))
return a, nil
// signArtifacts starts signing on the artifacts provided via the gs:// URL inputs,
// waits for signing to complete, and returns the gs:// URLs of the signed outputs.
func (b *BuildReleaseTasks) signArtifacts(ctx *wf.TaskContext, bt sign.BuildType, inURLs []string) (outURLs []string, _ error) {
jobID, err := b.SignService.SignArtifact(ctx, bt, inURLs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
outURLs, jobError := task.AwaitCondition(ctx, time.Minute, func() (out []string, done bool, _ error) {
statusContext, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, time.Minute)
defer cancel()
t := time.Now()
status, desc, out, err := b.SignService.ArtifactSigningStatus(statusContext, jobID)
if err != nil {
ctx.Printf("ArtifactSigningStatus ran into a retryable communication error after %v: %v\n", time.Since(t), err)
return nil, false, nil
switch status {
case sign.StatusCompleted:
return out, true, nil // All done.
case sign.StatusFailed:
if desc != "" {
return nil, true, fmt.Errorf("signing attempt failed: %s", desc)
return nil, true, fmt.Errorf("signing attempt failed")
if desc != "" {
ctx.Printf("still waiting: %s\n", desc)
return nil, false, nil // Still waiting.
if jobError != nil {
// If ctx is canceled, also cancel the signing request.
if ctx.Err() != nil {
cancelContext, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Minute)
defer cancel()
t := time.Now()
err := b.SignService.CancelSigning(cancelContext, jobID)
if err != nil {
ctx.Printf("CancelSigning error after %v: %v\n", time.Since(t), err)
return nil, jobError
return outURLs, nil
func (b *BuildReleaseTasks) runTests(ctx *wf.TaskContext, target *releasetargets.Target, build *dashboard.BuildConfig, skipTests []string, binary artifact) error {
for _, skip := range skipTests {
if skip == "all" || target.Name == skip {
ctx.Printf("Skipping test")
return nil
_, err := b.runBuildStep(ctx, target, build, binary, "", func(bs *task.BuildletStep, r io.Reader, _ io.Writer) error {
return bs.TestTarget(ctx, r)
return err
type tryBotResult struct {
Name string
Passed bool
func (b *BuildReleaseTasks) runAdvisoryTryBot(ctx *wf.TaskContext, bc *dashboard.BuildConfig, skipTests []string, source artifact) (tryBotResult, error) {
for _, skip := range skipTests {
if skip == "all" || bc.Name == skip {
ctx.Printf("Skipping test")
return tryBotResult{bc.Name, true}, nil
passed := false
for attempt := 1; attempt <= workflow.MaxRetries && !passed; attempt++ {
ctx.Printf("======== Trybot Attempt %d of %d ========\n", attempt, workflow.MaxRetries)
_, err := b.runBuildStep(ctx, nil, bc, source, "", func(bs *task.BuildletStep, r io.Reader, w io.Writer) error {
var err error
passed, err = bs.RunTryBot(ctx, r)
return err
if err != nil {
ctx.Printf("Trybot Attempt failed: %v\n", err)
if errors.Is(ctx.Context.Err(), context.Canceled) {
ctx.Printf("Advisory TryBot timed out or was canceled\n")
return tryBotResult{bc.Name, passed}, nil
if !passed {
ctx.Printf("Advisory TryBot failed. Check the logs and approve this task if it's okay:\n")
return tryBotResult{bc.Name, passed}, b.ApproveAction(ctx)
return tryBotResult{bc.Name, passed}, nil
func (b *BuildReleaseTasks) checkAdvisoryTrybots(ctx *wf.TaskContext, results []tryBotResult) error {
var fails []string
for _, r := range results {
if !r.Passed {
fails = append(fails, r.Name)
if len(fails) != 0 {
ctx.Printf("Some advisory TryBots failed and their failures have been approved:\n%v", strings.Join(fails, "\n"))
return nil
return nil
// runBuildStep is a convenience function that manages resources a build step might need.
// If target and build config are specified, a BuildletStep will be passed to f.
// If input with a scratch file is specified, its content will be opened and passed as a Reader to f.
// If outputSuffix is specified, a unique filename will be generated based off
// it (and the target name, if any), the file will be opened and passed as a
// Writer to f, and an artifact representing it will be returned as the result.
func (b *BuildReleaseTasks) runBuildStep(
ctx *wf.TaskContext,
target *releasetargets.Target,
build *dashboard.BuildConfig,
input artifact,
outputSuffix string,
f func(*task.BuildletStep, io.Reader, io.Writer) error,
) (artifact, error) {
var step *task.BuildletStep
if build != nil {
ctx.Printf("Creating buildlet %v.", build.Name)
client, err := b.CreateBuildlet(ctx, build.Name)
if err != nil {
return artifact{}, err
defer client.Close()
w := &task.LogWriter{Logger: ctx}
go w.Run(ctx)
step = &task.BuildletStep{
Target: target,
Buildlet: client,
BuildConfig: build,
LogWriter: w,
ctx.Printf("Buildlet ready.")
scratchFS, err := gcsfs.FromURL(ctx, b.GCSClient, b.ScratchURL)
if err != nil {
return artifact{}, err
var in io.ReadCloser
if input.ScratchPath != "" {
in, err = scratchFS.Open(input.ScratchPath)
if err != nil {
return artifact{}, err
defer in.Close()
var out io.WriteCloser
var scratchPath string
hash := sha256.New()
size := &sizeWriter{}
var multiOut io.Writer
if outputSuffix != "" {
scratchName := outputSuffix
if target != nil {
scratchName = target.Name + "." + outputSuffix
scratchPath = fmt.Sprintf("%v/%v-%v", ctx.WorkflowID.String(), rand.Int63(), scratchName)
out, err = gcsfs.Create(scratchFS, scratchPath)
if err != nil {
return artifact{}, err
defer out.Close()
multiOut = io.MultiWriter(out, hash, size)
// Hide in's Close method from the task, which may assert it to Closer.
nopIn := io.NopCloser(in)
if err := f(step, nopIn, multiOut); err != nil {
return artifact{}, err
if step != nil {
if err := step.Buildlet.Close(); err != nil {
return artifact{}, err
if in != nil {
if err := in.Close(); err != nil {
return artifact{}, err
if out != nil {
if err := out.Close(); err != nil {
return artifact{}, err
return artifact{
Target: target,
ScratchPath: scratchPath,
Suffix: outputSuffix,
SHA256: fmt.Sprintf("%x", string(hash.Sum([]byte(nil)))),
Size: size.size,
}, nil
// An artifact represents a file as it moves through the release process. Most
// files will appear on eventually.
type artifact struct {
// The target platform of this artifact, or nil for source.
Target *releasetargets.Target
// The scratch path of this artifact within the scratch directory.
// <workflow-id>/<random-number>-<filename>
ScratchPath string
// The contents of the GPG signature for this artifact (.asc file).
GPGSignature string
// The filename suffix of the artifact, e.g. "tar.gz" or "src.tar.gz",
// combined with the version and Target name to produce Filename.
Suffix string
// The final Filename of this artifact as it will be downloaded.
Filename string
SHA256 string
Size int
type sizeWriter struct {
size int
func (w *sizeWriter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
w.size += len(p)
return len(p), nil
func (tasks *BuildReleaseTasks) uploadArtifacts(ctx *wf.TaskContext, artifacts []artifact) error {
scratchFS, err := gcsfs.FromURL(ctx, tasks.GCSClient, tasks.ScratchURL)
if err != nil {
return err
servingFS, err := gcsfs.FromURL(ctx, tasks.GCSClient, tasks.ServingURL)
if err != nil {
return err
todo := map[string]bool{} // URLs we're waiting on becoming available.
for _, a := range artifacts {
if err := uploadArtifact(scratchFS, servingFS, a); err != nil {
return err
todo[tasks.DownloadURL+"/"+a.Filename] = true
todo[tasks.DownloadURL+"/"+a.Filename+".sha256"] = true
if a.GPGSignature != "" {
todo[tasks.DownloadURL+"/"+a.Filename+".asc"] = true
check := func() (int, bool, error) {
for url := range todo {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 5*time.Second)
defer cancel()
resp, err := ctxhttp.Head(ctx, http.DefaultClient, url)
if err != nil && err != context.DeadlineExceeded {
return 0, false, err
if resp.StatusCode == http.StatusOK {
delete(todo, url)
return 0, len(todo) == 0, nil
_, err = task.AwaitCondition(ctx, 30*time.Second, check)
return err
// uploadArtifact copies the artifact a and its metadata files
// from scratchFS to servingFS.
func uploadArtifact(scratchFS, servingFS fs.FS, a artifact) error {
in, err := scratchFS.Open(a.ScratchPath)
if err != nil {
return err
defer in.Close()
out, err := gcsfs.Create(servingFS, a.Filename)
if err != nil {
return err
defer out.Close()
if _, err := io.Copy(out, in); err != nil {
return err
if err := out.Close(); err != nil {
return err
if err := gcsfs.WriteFile(servingFS, a.Filename+".sha256", []byte(a.SHA256)); err != nil {
return err
if a.GPGSignature != "" {
if err := gcsfs.WriteFile(servingFS, a.Filename+".asc", []byte(a.GPGSignature)); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// publishArtifacts publishes artifacts for version (typically so they appear at
// It returns version, the Go version that has been successfully published.
// The version string uses the same format as Go tags. For example, "go1.19rc1".
func (tasks *BuildReleaseTasks) publishArtifacts(ctx *wf.TaskContext, version string, artifacts []artifact) (publishedVersion string, _ error) {
for _, a := range artifacts {
f := &task.WebsiteFile{
Filename: a.Filename,
Version: version,
ChecksumSHA256: a.SHA256,
Size: int64(a.Size),
if a.Target != nil {
f.OS = a.Target.GOOS
f.Arch = a.Target.GOARCH
if a.Target.GOARCH == "arm" {
f.Arch = "armv6l"
switch a.Suffix {
case "src.tar.gz":
f.Kind = "source"
case "tar.gz", "zip":
f.Kind = "archive"
case "msi", "pkg":
f.Kind = "installer"
if err := tasks.PublishFile(f); err != nil {
return "", err
ctx.Printf("Published %v artifacts for %v", len(artifacts), version)
return version, nil
// cutPrefix returns s without the provided leading prefix string
// and reports whether it found the prefix.
// If s doesn't start with prefix, cutPrefix returns s, false.
// If prefix is the empty string, cutPrefix returns s, true.
// TODO: After Go 1.21 is out, delete in favor of strings.CutPrefix.
func cutPrefix(s, prefix string) (after string, found bool) {
if !strings.HasPrefix(s, prefix) {
return s, false
return s[len(prefix):], true