blob: 4795fb7aee859098753656ab91b930726a7ac77a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
//go:build go1.16 && (linux || darwin)
// +build go1.16
// +build linux darwin
package main
import (
perfstorage ""
// newBuild constructs a new *buildStatus from rev and commit details.
// detail may be only partially populated, but it must have at least RevBranch set.
// If rev.SubRev is set, then detail.SubRevBranch must also be set.
func newBuild(rev buildgo.BuilderRev, detail commitDetail) (*buildStatus, error) {
// Note: can't acquire statusMu in newBuild, as this is called
// from findTryWork -> newTrySet, which holds statusMu.
conf, ok := dashboard.Builders[rev.Name]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown builder type %q", rev.Name)
if rev.Rev == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("required field Rev is empty; got %+v", rev)
if detail.RevBranch == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("required field RevBranch is empty; got %+v", detail)
if rev.SubRev != "" && detail.SubRevBranch == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("field SubRevBranch is empty, required because SubRev is present; got %+v", detail)
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
return &buildStatus{
buildID: "B" + randHex(9),
BuilderRev: rev,
commitDetail: detail,
conf: conf,
startTime: time.Now(),
ctx: ctx,
cancel: cancel,
}, nil
// buildStatus is the status of a build.
type buildStatus struct {
// Immutable:
buildID string // "B" + 9 random hex
conf *dashboard.BuildConfig
startTime time.Time // actually time of newBuild (~same thing)
trySet *trySet // or nil
onceInitHelpers sync.Once // guards call of onceInitHelpersFunc
helpers <-chan buildlet.Client
ctx context.Context // used to start the build
cancel context.CancelFunc // used to cancel context; for use by setDone only
hasBuildlet int32 // atomic: non-zero if this build has a buildlet; for status.go.
mu sync.Mutex // guards following
canceled bool // whether this build was forcefully canceled, so errors should be ignored
schedItem *queue.SchedItem // for the initial buildlet (ignoring helpers for now)
logURL string // if non-empty, permanent URL of log
bc buildlet.Client // nil initially, until pool returns one
done time.Time // finished running
succeeded bool // set when done
output livelog.Buffer // stdout and stderr
events []eventAndTime
useSnapshotMemo map[string]bool // memoized result of useSnapshotFor(rev), where the key is rev
func (st *buildStatus) NameAndBranch() string {
result := st.Name
if st.RevBranch != "master" {
// For the common and currently-only case of
// "release-branch.go1.15" say "linux-amd64 (Go 1.15.x)"
const releasePrefix = "release-branch.go"
if strings.HasPrefix(st.RevBranch, releasePrefix) {
result = fmt.Sprintf("%s (Go %s.x)", st.Name, strings.TrimPrefix(st.RevBranch, releasePrefix))
} else {
// But if we ever support building other branches,
// fall back to something verbose until we add a
// special case:
result = fmt.Sprintf("%s (go branch %s)", st.Name, st.RevBranch)
// For an x repo running on a CL in a different repo,
// add a prefix specifying the name of the x repo.
if st.SubName != "" && st.trySet != nil && st.SubName != st.trySet.Project {
result = "(x/" + st.SubName + ") " + result
return result
// cancelBuild marks a build as no longer wanted, cancels its context,
// and tears down its buildlet.
func (st *buildStatus) cancelBuild() {
if st.canceled {
// Already done. Shouldn't happen currently, but make
// it safe for duplicate calls in the future.
st.canceled = true
// cancel the context, which stops the creation of helper
// buildlets, etc. The context isn't plumbed everywhere yet,
// so we also forcefully close its buildlet out from under it
// to trigger a failure. When we get the failure later, we
// just ignore it (knowing that the canceled bit was set
// true).
bc := st.bc
if bc != nil {
// closing the buildlet may be slow (up to ~10 seconds
// on a wedged buildlet) so run it in its own
// goroutine, so we're not holding for too long.
func (st *buildStatus) setDone(succeeded bool) {
if st.canceled {
st.succeeded = succeeded
st.done = time.Now()
func (st *buildStatus) isRunning() bool {
return st.isRunningLocked()
func (st *buildStatus) isRunningLocked() bool { return st.done.IsZero() }
func (st *buildStatus) logf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
log.Printf("[build %s %s]: %s", st.Name, st.Rev, fmt.Sprintf(format, args...))
// start starts the build in a new goroutine.
// The buildStatus's context is closed when the build is complete,
// successfully or not.
func (st *buildStatus) start() {
setStatus(st.BuilderRev, st)
go func() {
err :=
if err == errSkipBuildDueToDeps {
} else {
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(st, "\n\nError: %v\n", err)
log.Println(st.BuilderRev, "failed:", err)
st.setDone(err == nil)
func (st *buildStatus) buildletPool() pool.Buildlet {
return pool.ForHost(st.conf.HostConfig())
func (st *buildStatus) expectedMakeBashDuration() time.Duration {
// TODO: base this on historical measurements, instead of statically configured.
// TODO: move this to dashboard/builders.go? But once we based on on historical
// measurements, it'll need GCE services (bigtable/bigquery?), so it's probably
// better in this file.
goos, goarch := st.conf.GOOS(), st.conf.GOARCH()
if goos == "linux" {
if goarch == "arm" {
return 4 * time.Minute
return 45 * time.Second
return 60 * time.Second
func (st *buildStatus) expectedBuildletStartDuration() time.Duration {
// TODO: move this to dashboard/builders.go? But once we based on on historical
// measurements, it'll need GCE services (bigtable/bigquery?), so it's probably
// better in this file.
p := st.buildletPool()
switch p.(type) {
case *pool.GCEBuildlet:
if strings.HasPrefix(st.Name, "android-") {
// about a minute for buildlet + minute for Android emulator to be usable
return 2 * time.Minute
return time.Minute
case *pool.EC2Buildlet:
// lack of historical data. 2 * time.Minute is a safe overestimate
return 2 * time.Minute
case *pool.ReverseBuildletPool:
goos, arch := st.conf.GOOS(), st.conf.GOARCH()
if goos == "darwin" {
if arch == "arm" || arch == "arm64" {
// iOS; idle or it's not.
return 0
if arch == "amd64" || arch == "386" {
return 0 // TODO: remove this once we're using VMware
// return 1 * time.Minute // VMware boot of hermetic OS X
return 0
// getHelpersReadySoon waits a bit (as a function of the build
// configuration) and starts getting the buildlets for test sharding
// ready, such that they're ready when make.bash is done. But we don't
// want to start too early, lest we waste idle resources during make.bash.
func (st *buildStatus) getHelpersReadySoon() {
if st.IsSubrepo() || st.conf.NumTestHelpers(st.isTry()) == 0 || st.conf.IsReverse() {
func() {
st.getHelpers() // and ignore the result.
// getHelpers returns a channel of buildlet test helpers, with an item
// sent as they become available. The channel is closed at the end.
func (st *buildStatus) getHelpers() <-chan buildlet.Client {
return st.helpers
func (st *buildStatus) onceInitHelpersFunc() {
schedTmpl := &queue.SchedItem{
BuilderRev: st.BuilderRev,
HostType: st.conf.HostType,
IsTry: st.isTry(),
CommitTime: st.commitTime(),
Branch: st.RevBranch,
Repo: st.RepoOrGo(),
User: st.AuthorEmail,
st.helpers = getBuildlets(st.ctx, st.conf.NumTestHelpers(st.isTry()), schedTmpl, st)
// useSnapshot reports whether this type of build uses a snapshot of
// make.bash if it exists and that the snapshot exists.
func (st *buildStatus) useSnapshot() bool {
return st.useSnapshotFor(st.Rev)
func (st *buildStatus) useSnapshotFor(rev string) bool {
if st.conf.SkipSnapshot {
return false
if b, ok := st.useSnapshotMemo[rev]; ok {
return b
br := st.BuilderRev
br.Rev = rev
b := br.SnapshotExists(context.TODO(), pool.NewGCEConfiguration().BuildEnv())
if st.useSnapshotMemo == nil {
st.useSnapshotMemo = make(map[string]bool)
st.useSnapshotMemo[rev] = b
return b
func (st *buildStatus) forceSnapshotUsage() {
if st.useSnapshotMemo == nil {
st.useSnapshotMemo = make(map[string]bool)
st.useSnapshotMemo[st.Rev] = true
func (st *buildStatus) checkDep(ctx context.Context, dep string) (have bool, err error) {
span := st.CreateSpan("ask_maintner_has_ancestor")
defer func() { span.Done(err) }()
fails := 0
for {
res, err := maintnerClient.HasAncestor(ctx, &apipb.HasAncestorRequest{
Commit: st.Rev,
Ancestor: dep,
if err != nil {
if fails == 3 {
return false, err
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return false, ctx.Err()
case <-time.After(1 * time.Second):
if res.UnknownCommit {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return false, ctx.Err()
case <-time.After(1 * time.Second):
return res.HasAncestor, nil
var errSkipBuildDueToDeps = errors.New("build was skipped due to missing deps")
func (st *buildStatus) getBuildlet() (buildlet.Client, error) {
schedItem := &queue.SchedItem{
HostType: st.conf.HostType,
IsTry: st.trySet != nil,
BuilderRev: st.BuilderRev,
CommitTime: st.commitTime(),
Repo: st.RepoOrGo(),
Branch: st.RevBranch,
User: st.AuthorEmail,
st.schedItem = schedItem
sp := st.CreateSpan("get_buildlet")
bc, err := sched.GetBuildlet(st.ctx, schedItem)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("failed to get a buildlet: %v", err)
go st.reportErr(err)
return nil, err
atomic.StoreInt32(&st.hasBuildlet, 1)
st.bc = bc
st.LogEventTime("using_buildlet", bc.IPPort())
return bc, nil
func (st *buildStatus) build() error {
if deps := st.conf.GoDeps; len(deps) > 0 {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(st.ctx, 30*time.Second)
defer cancel()
for _, dep := range deps {
has, err := st.checkDep(ctx, dep)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(st, "Error checking whether commit %s includes ancestor %s: %v\n", st.Rev, dep, err)
return err
if !has {
fmt.Fprintf(st, "skipping build; commit %s lacks ancestor %s\n", st.Rev, dep)
return errSkipBuildDueToDeps
bc, err := st.getBuildlet()
if err != nil {
return err
defer bc.Close()
if st.useSnapshot() {
if err := st.writeGoSnapshot(); err != nil {
return err
} else {
// Write the Go source and bootstrap tool chain in parallel.
var grp syncutil.Group
if err := grp.Err(); err != nil {
return err
execStartTime := time.Now()
fmt.Fprintf(st, "%s at %v", st.Name, st.Rev)
if st.IsSubrepo() {
fmt.Fprintf(st, " building %v at %v", st.SubName, st.SubRev)
fmt.Fprint(st, "\n\n")
makeTest := st.CreateSpan("make_and_test") // warning: magic event named used by handleLogs
remoteErr, err := st.runAllSharded()
// bc (aka st.bc) may be invalid past this point, so let's
// close it to make sure we don't accidentally use it.
doneMsg := "all tests passed"
if remoteErr != nil {
doneMsg = "with test failures"
} else if err != nil {
doneMsg = "comm error: " + err.Error()
// If a build fails multiple times due to communication
// problems with the buildlet, assume something's wrong with
// the buildlet or machine and fail the build, rather than
// looping forever. This promotes the err (communication
// error) to a remoteErr (an error that occurred remotely and
// is terminal).
if rerr := st.repeatedCommunicationError(err); rerr != nil {
remoteErr = rerr
err = nil
doneMsg = "communication error to buildlet (promoted to terminal error): " + rerr.Error()
fmt.Fprintf(st, "\n%s\n", doneMsg)
if err != nil {
// Return the error *before* we create the magic
// "done" event. (which the try coordinator looks for)
return err
st.LogEventTime(eventDone, doneMsg)
if devPause {
time.Sleep(5 * time.Minute)
if st.trySet == nil {
buildLog := st.logs()
if remoteErr != nil {
// If we just have the line-or-so little
// banner at top, that means we didn't get any
// interesting output from the remote side, so
// include the remoteErr text. Otherwise,
// assume that remoteErr is redundant with the
// buildlog text itself.
if strings.Count(buildLog, "\n") < 10 {
buildLog += "\n" + remoteErr.Error()
if err := recordResult(st.BuilderRev, remoteErr == nil, buildLog, time.Since(execStartTime)); err != nil {
if remoteErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Remote error was %q but failed to report it to the dashboard: %v", remoteErr, err)
return fmt.Errorf("Build succeeded but failed to report it to the dashboard: %v", err)
if remoteErr != nil {
return remoteErr
return nil
func (st *buildStatus) HasBuildlet() bool { return atomic.LoadInt32(&st.hasBuildlet) != 0 }
// useKeepGoingFlag reports whether this build should use -k flag of 'go tool
// dist test', which makes it keep going even when some tests have failed.
func (st *buildStatus) useKeepGoingFlag() bool {
// For now, keep going for post-submit builders on release branches,
// because we prioritize seeing more complete test results over failing fast.
// Later on, we may start doing this all post-submit builders on all branches.
// See
// TODO( A more ideal long term solution is one that reports
// a failure fast, but still keeps going to make all other test results available.
return !st.isTry() && strings.HasPrefix(st.branch(), "release-branch.go")
// isTry reports whether the build is a part of a TryBot (pre-submit) run.
// It may be a normal TryBot (part of the default try set) or a SlowBot.
func (st *buildStatus) isTry() bool { return st.trySet != nil }
// isSlowBot reports whether the build is an explicitly requested SlowBot.
func (st *buildStatus) isSlowBot() bool {
if st.trySet == nil {
return false
for _, conf := range st.trySet.slowBots {
if st.conf == conf {
return true
return false
func (st *buildStatus) buildRecord() *types.BuildRecord {
rec := &types.BuildRecord{
ID: st.buildID,
ProcessID: processID,
StartTime: st.startTime,
IsTry: st.isTry(),
IsSlowBot: st.isSlowBot(),
GoRev: st.Rev,
Rev: st.SubRevOrGoRev(),
Repo: st.RepoOrGo(),
Builder: st.Name,
OS: st.conf.GOOS(),
Arch: st.conf.GOARCH(),
// Log whether we used COS, so we can do queries to analyze
// Kubernetes vs COS performance for containers.
if st.conf.IsContainer() && pool.ForHost(st.conf.HostConfig()) == pool.NewGCEConfiguration().BuildletPool() {
rec.ContainerHost = "cos"
// TODO: buildlet instance name
if !st.done.IsZero() {
rec.EndTime = st.done
rec.LogURL = st.logURL
rec.Seconds = rec.EndTime.Sub(rec.StartTime).Seconds()
if st.succeeded {
rec.Result = "ok"
} else {
rec.Result = "fail"
return rec
func (st *buildStatus) SpanRecord(sp *schedule.Span, err error) *types.SpanRecord {
rec := &types.SpanRecord{
BuildID: st.buildID,
IsTry: st.isTry(),
GoRev: st.Rev,
Rev: st.SubRevOrGoRev(),
Repo: st.RepoOrGo(),
Builder: st.Name,
OS: st.conf.GOOS(),
Arch: st.conf.GOARCH(),
Event: sp.Event(),
Detail: sp.OptText(),
StartTime: sp.Start(),
EndTime: sp.End(),
Seconds: sp.End().Sub(sp.Start()).Seconds(),
if err != nil {
rec.Error = err.Error()
return rec
// goBuilder returns a GoBuilder for this buildStatus.
func (st *buildStatus) goBuilder() buildgo.GoBuilder {
return buildgo.GoBuilder{
Logger: st,
BuilderRev: st.BuilderRev,
Conf: st.conf,
Goroot: "go",
// runAllSharded runs make.bash and then shards the test execution.
// remoteErr and err are as described at the top of this file.
// After runAllSharded returns, the caller must assume that st.bc
// might be invalid (It's possible that only one of the helper
// buildlets survived).
func (st *buildStatus) runAllSharded() (remoteErr, err error) {
if !st.useSnapshot() {
remoteErr, err = st.goBuilder().RunMake(st.ctx, st.bc, st)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if remoteErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("build failed: %v", remoteErr), nil
if st.conf.StopAfterMake {
return nil, nil
if err := st.doSnapshot(st.bc); err != nil {
return nil, err
if st.conf.RunBench {
remoteErr, err = st.runBenchmarkTests()
} else if st.IsSubrepo() {
remoteErr, err = st.runSubrepoTests()
} else if !st.conf.IsCrossCompileOnly() {
// Only run platform tests if we're not cross-compiling.
// dist can't actually build test packages without running them yet.
// See #58297.
remoteErr, err = st.runTests(st.getHelpers())
if err == errBuildletsGone {
// Don't wrap this error. TODO: use xerrors.
return nil, errBuildletsGone
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("runTests: %v", err)
if remoteErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("tests failed: %v", remoteErr), nil
return nil, nil
func (st *buildStatus) doSnapshot(bc buildlet.Client) error {
// If we're using a pre-built snapshot, don't make another.
if st.useSnapshot() {
return nil
if st.conf.SkipSnapshot {
return nil
if pool.NewGCEConfiguration().BuildEnv().SnapBucket == "" {
// Build environment isn't configured to do snapshots.
return nil
if err := st.cleanForSnapshot(bc); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cleanForSnapshot: %v", err)
if err := st.writeSnapshot(bc); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("writeSnapshot: %v", err)
return nil
func (st *buildStatus) writeGoSnapshot() (err error) {
return st.writeGoSnapshotTo(st.Rev, "go")
func (st *buildStatus) writeGoSnapshotTo(rev, dir string) (err error) {
sp := st.CreateSpan("write_snapshot_tar")
defer func() { sp.Done(err) }()
snapshotURL := pool.NewGCEConfiguration().BuildEnv().SnapshotURL(st.Name, rev)
if err := st.bc.PutTarFromURL(st.ctx, snapshotURL, dir); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to put baseline snapshot to buildlet: %v", err)
return nil
func (st *buildStatus) writeGoSource() error {
return st.writeGoSourceTo(st.bc, st.Rev, "go")
func (st *buildStatus) writeGoSourceTo(bc buildlet.Client, rev, dir string) error {
// Write the VERSION file.
sp := st.CreateSpan("write_version_tar")
if err := bc.PutTar(st.ctx, buildgo.VersionTgz(rev), dir); err != nil {
return sp.Done(fmt.Errorf("writing VERSION tgz: %v", err))
srcTar, err := sourcecache.GetSourceTgz(st, "go", rev)
if err != nil {
return err
sp = st.CreateSpan("write_go_src_tar")
if err := bc.PutTar(st.ctx, srcTar, dir); err != nil {
return sp.Done(fmt.Errorf("writing tarball from Gerrit: %v", err))
return sp.Done(nil)
func (st *buildStatus) writeBootstrapToolchain() error {
u := st.conf.GoBootstrapURL(pool.NewGCEConfiguration().BuildEnv())
if u == "" {
return nil
const bootstrapDir = "go1.4" // might be newer; name is the default
sp := st.CreateSpan("write_go_bootstrap_tar")
return sp.Done(st.bc.PutTarFromURL(st.ctx, u, bootstrapDir))
func (st *buildStatus) cleanForSnapshot(bc buildlet.Client) error {
sp := st.CreateSpan("clean_for_snapshot")
return sp.Done(bc.RemoveAll(st.ctx,
func (st *buildStatus) writeSnapshot(bc buildlet.Client) (err error) {
sp := st.CreateSpan("write_snapshot_to_gcs")
defer func() { sp.Done(err) }()
// A typical Go snapshot tarball in April 2022 is around 150 MB in size.
// Builders with a fast uplink speed can upload the tar within seconds or minutes.
// Reverse builders might be far away on the network, so be more lenient for them.
// (Fast builds require a sufficiently fast uplink speed or turning off snapshots,
// so the timeout here is mostly an upper bound to prevent infinite hangs.)
timeout := 5 * time.Minute
if st.conf.IsReverse() {
timeout *= 3
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(st.ctx, timeout)
defer cancel()
tsp := st.CreateSpan("fetch_snapshot_reader_from_buildlet")
tgz, err := bc.GetTar(ctx, "go")
if err != nil {
return err
defer tgz.Close()
sc := pool.NewGCEConfiguration().StorageClient()
if sc == nil {
return errors.New("GCE configuration missing storage client")
bucket := pool.NewGCEConfiguration().BuildEnv().SnapBucket
if bucket == "" {
return errors.New("build environment missing snapshot bucket")
wr := sc.Bucket(bucket).Object(st.SnapshotObjectName()).NewWriter(ctx)
wr.ContentType = "application/octet-stream"
if n, err := io.Copy(wr, tgz); err != nil {
st.logf("failed to write snapshot to GCS after copying %d bytes: %v", n, err)
return err
return wr.Close()
// toolchainBaselineCommit determines the toolchain baseline commit for this
// benchmark run.
func (st *buildStatus) toolchainBaselineCommit() (baseline string, err error) {
sp := st.CreateSpan("list_go_releases")
defer func() { sp.Done(err) }()
// TODO(prattmic): Cache responses for a while. These won't change often.
res, err := maintnerClient.ListGoReleases(st.ctx, &apipb.ListGoReleasesRequest{})
if err != nil {
return "", err
releases := res.GetReleases()
if len(releases) == 0 {
return "", fmt.Errorf("no Go releases: %v", res)
if st.RevBranch == "master" {
// Testing master, baseline is latest release.
return releases[0].GetTagCommit(), nil
// Testing release branch. Baseline is latest patch version of this
// release.
for _, r := range releases {
if st.RevBranch == r.GetBranchName() {
return r.GetTagCommit(), nil
return "", fmt.Errorf("cannot find latest release for %s", st.RevBranch)
// subrepoBaselineCommit determines the baseline commit for this subrepo benchmark run.
func (st *buildStatus) subrepoBaselineCommit() (baseline string, err error) {
if st.SubName != "tools" {
return "", fmt.Errorf("unknown subrepo for benchmarking %q", st.SubName)
// Baseline is the latest gopls release tag (but not prerelease).
gerritClient := pool.NewGCEConfiguration().GerritClient()
tags, err := gerritClient.GetProjectTags(st.ctx, st.SubName)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("error fetching tags for %q: %w", st.SubName, err)
goplsVersions := make([]string, 0)
goplsRevisions := make(map[string]string)
for ref, ti := range tags {
// gopls tags are "gopls/vX.Y.Z". Ignore non-gopls tags.
const prefix = "refs/tags/gopls/"
if !strings.HasPrefix(ref, prefix) {
version := ref[len(prefix):]
goplsVersions = append(goplsVersions, version)
goplsRevisions[version] = ti.Revision
// Return latest non-prerelease version.
for i := len(goplsVersions) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
ver := goplsVersions[i]
if !semver.IsValid(ver) {
if semver.Prerelease(ver) != "" {
return goplsRevisions[ver], nil
return "", fmt.Errorf("no valid versions found in %+v", goplsVersions)
// reportErr reports an error to Stackdriver.
func (st *buildStatus) reportErr(err error) {
gceErrsClient := pool.NewGCEConfiguration().ErrorsClient()
if gceErrsClient == nil {
// errorsClient is nil in dev environments.
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
defer cancel()
err = fmt.Errorf("buildID: %v, name: %s, hostType: %s, error: %v", st.buildID, st.conf.Name, st.conf.HostType, err)
gceErrsClient.ReportSync(ctx, errorreporting.Entry{Error: err})
func (st *buildStatus) distTestList() (names []string, remoteErr, err error) {
workDir, err := st.bc.WorkDir(st.ctx)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("distTestList, WorkDir: %v", err)
goroot := st.conf.FilePathJoin(workDir, "go")
args := []string{"tool", "dist", "test", "--no-rebuild", "--list"}
if st.conf.IsRace() {
args = append(args, "--race")
if st.conf.CompileOnly {
args = append(args, "--compile-only")
var buf bytes.Buffer
remoteErr, err = st.bc.Exec(st.ctx, "./go/bin/go", buildlet.ExecOpts{
Output: &buf,
ExtraEnv: append(st.conf.Env(), "GOROOT="+goroot),
OnStartExec: func() { st.LogEventTime("discovering_tests") },
Path: []string{st.conf.FilePathJoin("$WORKDIR", "go", "bin"), "$PATH"},
Args: args,
if remoteErr != nil {
remoteErr = fmt.Errorf("Remote error: %v, %s", remoteErr, buf.Bytes())
err = nil
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("Exec error: %v, %s", err, buf.Bytes())
for _, test := range strings.Fields(buf.String()) {
isNormalTry := st.isTry() && !st.isSlowBot()
if !st.conf.ShouldRunDistTest(test, isNormalTry) {
names = append(names, test)
return names, nil, nil
type token struct{}
// newTestSet returns a new testSet given the dist test names (strings from "go tool dist test -list")
// and benchmark items.
func (st *buildStatus) newTestSet(testStats *buildstats.TestStats, distTestNames []string) (*testSet, error) {
set := &testSet{
st: st,
testStats: testStats,
for _, name := range distTestNames {
set.items = append(set.items, &testItem{
set: set,
name: name,
duration: testStats.Duration(st.BuilderRev.Name, name),
take: make(chan token, 1),
done: make(chan token),
return set, nil
var (
testStats atomic.Value // of *buildstats.TestStats
testStatsLoader singleflight.Group
func getTestStats(sl spanlog.Logger) *buildstats.TestStats {
sp := sl.CreateSpan("get_test_stats")
ts, ok := testStats.Load().(*buildstats.TestStats)
if ok && ts.AsOf.After(time.Now().Add(-1*time.Hour)) {
return ts
v, err, _ := testStatsLoader.Do("", func() (interface{}, error) {
log.Printf("getTestStats: reloading from BigQuery...")
sp := sl.CreateSpan("query_test_stats")
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Minute)
defer cancel()
ts, err := buildstats.QueryTestStats(ctx, pool.NewGCEConfiguration().BuildEnv())
if err != nil {
log.Printf("getTestStats: error: %v", err)
return nil, err
return ts, nil
if err != nil {
return nil
return v.(*buildstats.TestStats)
func (st *buildStatus) runSubrepoTests() (remoteErr, err error) {
st.LogEventTime("fetching_subrepo", st.SubName)
workDir, err := st.bc.WorkDir(st.ctx)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("error discovering workdir for helper %s: %v", st.bc.IPPort(), err)
return nil, err
goroot := st.conf.FilePathJoin(workDir, "go")
gopath := st.conf.FilePathJoin(workDir, "gopath")
// A goTestRun represents a single invocation of the 'go test' command.
type goTestRun struct {
Dir string // Directory where 'go test' should be executed.
Patterns []string // Import path patterns to provide to 'go test'.
// Test all packages selected by the "./..." pattern at the repository root.
// (If there are modules in subdirectories, they'll be found and handled below.)
repoPath := importPathOfRepo(st.SubName)
testRuns := []goTestRun{{
Dir: "gopath/src/" + repoPath,
Patterns: []string{"./..."},
// Check out the provided sub-repo to the buildlet's workspace so we
// can find go.mod files and run tests in it.
tgz, err := sourcecache.GetSourceTgz(st, st.SubName, st.SubRev)
if errors.As(err, new(sourcecache.TooBigError)) {
// Source being too big is a non-retryable error.
return err, nil
} else if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = st.bc.PutTar(st.ctx, tgz, "gopath/src/"+repoPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Look for inner modules, in order to test them too. See
sp := st.CreateSpan("listing_subrepo_modules", st.SubName)
err = st.bc.ListDir(st.ctx, "gopath/src/"+repoPath, buildlet.ListDirOpts{Recursive: true}, func(e buildlet.DirEntry) {
goModFile := path.Base(e.Name()) == "go.mod" && !e.IsDir()
if !goModFile {
// Found a go.mod file in a subdirectory, which indicates the root of a module.
modulePath := path.Join(repoPath, path.Dir(e.Name()))
if modulePath == repoPath {
// This is the go.mod file at the repository root.
// It's already a part of testRuns, so skip it.
} else if ignoredByGoTool(modulePath) || isVendored(modulePath) {
// go.mod file is in a directory we're not looking to support, so skip it.
// Add an additional test run entry that will test all packages in this module.
testRuns = append(testRuns, goTestRun{
Dir: "gopath/src/" + modulePath,
Patterns: []string{"./..."},
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Finally, execute all of the test runs.
// If any fail, keep going so that all test results are included in the output.
sp = st.CreateSpan("running_subrepo_tests", st.SubName)
defer func() { sp.Done(err) }()
env := append(st.conf.Env(),
if !st.conf.IsReverse() {
// GKE value but will be ignored/overwritten by reverse buildlets
env = append(env, "GOPROXY="+moduleProxy())
env = append(env, st.conf.ModulesEnv(st.SubName)...)
args := []string{"test"}
if st.conf.CompileOnly {
// Build all packages, but avoid running the binary by executing /bin/true for the tests.
// We assume for a compile-only build we're just running on a Linux system.
args = append(args, "-exec", "/bin/true")
} else {
if !st.conf.IsLongTest() {
args = append(args, "-short")
if st.conf.IsRace() {
args = append(args, "-race")
if scale := st.conf.GoTestTimeoutScale(); scale != 1 {
const goTestDefaultTimeout = 10 * time.Minute // Default value taken from Go 1.20.
args = append(args, "-timeout="+(goTestDefaultTimeout*time.Duration(scale)).String())
var remoteErrors []error
for _, tr := range testRuns {
rErr, err := st.bc.Exec(st.ctx, "./go/bin/go", buildlet.ExecOpts{
Debug: true, // make buildlet print extra debug in output for failures
Output: st,
Dir: tr.Dir,
ExtraEnv: env,
Path: []string{st.conf.FilePathJoin("$WORKDIR", "go", "bin"), "$PATH"},
Args: append(args, tr.Patterns...),
if err != nil {
// A network/communication error. Give up here;
// the caller can retry as it sees fit.
return nil, err
} else if rErr != nil {
// An error occurred remotely and is terminal, but we want to
// keep testing other packages and report their failures too,
// rather than stopping short.
remoteErrors = append(remoteErrors, rErr)
if len(remoteErrors) > 0 {
return multiError(remoteErrors), nil
return nil, nil
// ignoredByGoTool reports whether the given import path corresponds
// to a directory that would be ignored by the go tool.
// The logic of the go tool for ignoring directories is documented at
// Directory and file names that begin with "." or "_" are ignored
// by the go tool, as are directories named "testdata".
func ignoredByGoTool(importPath string) bool {
for _, el := range strings.Split(importPath, "/") {
if strings.HasPrefix(el, ".") || strings.HasPrefix(el, "_") || el == "testdata" {
return true
return false
// isVendored reports whether the given import path corresponds
// to a Go package that is inside a vendor directory.
// The logic for what is considered a vendor directory is documented at
func isVendored(importPath string) bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(importPath, "vendor/") ||
strings.Contains(importPath, "/vendor/")
// multiError is a concatenation of multiple errors.
// There must be one or more errors, and all must be non-nil.
type multiError []error
// Error concatenates all error strings into a single string,
// using a semicolon and space as a separator.
func (m multiError) Error() string {
if len(m) == 1 {
return m[0].Error()
var b strings.Builder
for i, e := range m {
if i != 0 {
b.WriteString("; ")
return b.String()
// moduleProxy returns the GOPROXY environment value to use for module-enabled
// tests.
// We go through an internal ( proxy that then hits
// so we're still able to firewall
// non-internal outbound connections on builder nodes.
// This moduleProxy func in prod mode (when running on GKE) returns an http
// URL to the current GKE pod's IP with a Kubernetes NodePort service
// port that forwards back to the coordinator's 8123. See comment below.
// In localhost dev mode it just returns the value of GOPROXY.
func moduleProxy() string {
// If we're running on localhost, just use the current environment's value.
if pool.NewGCEConfiguration().BuildEnv() == nil || !pool.NewGCEConfiguration().BuildEnv().IsProd {
// If empty, use installed VCS tools as usual to fetch modules.
return os.Getenv("GOPROXY")
// We run a NodePort service on each GKE node
// (cmd/coordinator/module-proxy-service.yaml) on port 30157
// that maps back the coordinator's port 8123. (We could round
// robin over all the GKE nodes' IPs if we wanted, but the
// coordinator is running on GKE so our node by definition is
// up, so just use it. It won't be much traffic.)
// TODO: migrate to a GKE internal load balancer with an internal static IP
// once we migrate symbolic-datum-552 off a Legacy VPC network to the modern
// scheme that supports internal static IPs.
return "http://" + pool.NewGCEConfiguration().GKENodeHostname() + ":30157"
// runBenchmarkTests runs benchmarks from x/benchmarks when RunBench is set.
func (st *buildStatus) runBenchmarkTests() (remoteErr, err error) {
if st.SubName == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("benchmark tests must run on a subrepo")
// Repository under test.
// When running benchmarks, there are numerous variables:
// * Go experiment version
// * Go baseline version
// * Subrepo experiment version (if benchmarking subrepo)
// * Subrepo baseline version (if benchmarking subrepo)
// * x/benchmarks version (which defines which benchmarks run and how
// regardless of which repo is under test)
// For benchmarking of the main Go repo, the first three are used.
// Ideally, the coordinator scheduler would handle the combinatorics on
// testing these. Unfortunately, the coordinator doesn't handle
// three-way combinations. By running Go benchmarks as a "subrepo test"
// for x/benchmark, we can at least get the scheduler to handle the
// x/benchmarks version (st.SubRev) and Go experiment version (st.Rev).
// The Go baseline version is simply selected as the most recent
// previous release tag (e.g., 1.18.x on release-branch.go1.18) at the
// time this test runs (st.installBaselineToolchain below).
// When benchmarking a subrepo, we want to compare a subrepo experiment
// version vs subrepo baseline version (_not_ compare a single subrepo
// version vs baseline/experiment Go versions). We do need to build the
// subrepo with some version of Go, so we choose to use the latest
// released version at the time of testing (same as Go baseline above).
// We'd like the coordinator to handle the combination of x/benchmarks
// and x/<subrepo>, however the coordinator can't do multiple subrepo
// combinations.
// Thus, we run these as typical subrepo builders, which gives us the
// subrepo experiment version and a Go experiment version (which we
// will ignore). The Go baseline version is selected as above, and the
// subrepo baseline version is selected as the latest (non-pre-release)
// tag in the subrepo.
// This setup is suboptimal because the caller is installing an
// experiment Go version that we won't use when building the subrepo
// (we'll use the Go baseline version). We'll also end up with
// duplicate runs with identical subrepo experiment/baseline and
// x/benchmarks versions, as builds will trigger on every commit to the
// Go repo. Limiting subrepo builders to release branches can
// significantly reduce the number of Go commit triggers.
// TODO(prattmic): Cleaning this up is good future work, but these
// deficiencies are not particularly problematic and avoid the need for
// major changes in other parts of the coordinator.
repo := st.SubName
if repo == "benchmarks" {
repo = "go"
const (
baselineDir = "go-baseline"
benchmarksDir = "benchmarks"
subrepoDir = "subrepo"
subrepoBaselineDir = "subrepo-baseline"
workDir, err := st.bc.WorkDir(st.ctx)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("error discovering workdir for helper %s: %v", st.bc.IPPort(), err)
return nil, err
goroot := st.conf.FilePathJoin(workDir, "go")
baselineGoroot := st.conf.FilePathJoin(workDir, baselineDir)
gopath := st.conf.FilePathJoin(workDir, "gopath")
// Install baseline toolchain in addition to the experiment toolchain.
toolchainBaselineCommit, remoteErr, err := st.installBaselineToolchain(goroot, baselineDir)
if remoteErr != nil || err != nil {
return remoteErr, err
// Install x/benchmarks.
benchmarksCommit, remoteErr, err := st.fetchBenchmarksSource(benchmarksDir)
if remoteErr != nil || err != nil {
return remoteErr, err
// If testing a repo other than Go, install the subrepo and its baseline.
var subrepoBaselineCommit string
if repo != "go" {
subrepoBaselineCommit, remoteErr, err = st.fetchSubrepoAndBaseline(subrepoDir, subrepoBaselineDir)
if remoteErr != nil || err != nil {
return remoteErr, err
// Run to perform benchmarks.
sp := st.CreateSpan("running_benchmark_tests", st.SubName)
defer func() { sp.Done(err) }()
env := append(st.conf.Env(),
"GOPATH="+gopath, // For module cache storage
"GOPROXY="+moduleProxy(), // GKE value but will be ignored/overwritten by reverse buildlets
env = append(env, st.conf.ModulesEnv("benchmarks")...)
if repo != "go" {
env = append(env, "BENCH_SUBREPO_PATH="+st.conf.FilePathJoin(workDir, subrepoDir))
env = append(env, "BENCH_SUBREPO_BASELINE_PATH="+st.conf.FilePathJoin(workDir, subrepoBaselineDir))
rErr, err := st.bc.Exec(st.ctx, "./go/bin/go", buildlet.ExecOpts{
Debug: true, // make buildlet print extra debug in output for failures
Output: st,
Dir: benchmarksDir,
ExtraEnv: env,
Path: []string{st.conf.FilePathJoin("$WORKDIR", "go", "bin"), "$PATH"},
Args: []string{"run", ""},
if err != nil || rErr != nil {
return rErr, err
// Upload benchmark results on success.
if err := st.uploadBenchResults(toolchainBaselineCommit, subrepoBaselineCommit, benchmarksCommit); err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, nil
func (st *buildStatus) uploadBenchResults(toolchainBaselineCommit, subrepoBaselineCommit, benchmarksCommit string) (err error) {
sp := st.CreateSpan("upload_bench_results")
defer func() { sp.Done(err) }()
s := pool.NewGCEConfiguration().BuildEnv().PerfDataURL
if s == "" {
log.Printf("No perfdata URL, skipping benchmark upload")
return nil
client := &perfstorage.Client{BaseURL: s, HTTPClient: pool.NewGCEConfiguration().OAuthHTTPClient()}
u := client.NewUpload(st.ctx)
w, err := u.CreateFile("results")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error creating perfdata file: %w", err)
// Prepend some useful metadata.
var b strings.Builder
if subrepoBaselineCommit != "" {
// Subrepos compare two subrepo commits.
fmt.Fprintf(&b, "experiment-commit: %s\n", st.SubRev)
fmt.Fprintf(&b, "experiment-commit-time: %s\n", st.SubRevCommitTime.In(time.UTC).Format(time.RFC3339Nano))
fmt.Fprintf(&b, "baseline-commit: %s\n", subrepoBaselineCommit)
// Subrepo benchmarks typically don't care about the toolchain
// version, but we should still provide the data as toolchain
// version changes may cause a performance discontinuity.
fmt.Fprintf(&b, "toolchain-commit: %s\n", toolchainBaselineCommit)
} else {
// Go repo compares two main repo commits.
fmt.Fprintf(&b, "experiment-commit: %s\n", st.Rev)
fmt.Fprintf(&b, "experiment-commit-time: %s\n", st.RevCommitTime.In(time.UTC).Format(time.RFC3339Nano))
fmt.Fprintf(&b, "baseline-commit: %s\n", toolchainBaselineCommit)
fmt.Fprintf(&b, "benchmarks-commit: %s\n", benchmarksCommit)
fmt.Fprintf(&b, "post-submit: %t\n", st.trySet == nil)
if _, err := w.Write([]byte(b.String())); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error writing perfdata metadata with contents %q: %w", b.String(), err)
// TODO(prattmic): Full log output may contain non-benchmark output
// that can be erroneously parsed as benchfmt.
if _, err := w.Write([]byte(st.logs())); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error writing perfdata file with contents %q: %w", st.logs(), err)
status, err := u.Commit()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error committing perfdata file: %w", err)
st.LogEventTime("bench_upload", status.UploadID)
return nil
func (st *buildStatus) installBaselineToolchain(goroot, baselineDir string) (baselineCommit string, remoteErr, err error) {
sp := st.CreateSpan("install_baseline")
defer func() { sp.Done(err) }()
commit, err := st.toolchainBaselineCommit()
if err != nil {
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("error finding baseline commit: %w", err)
fmt.Fprintf(st, "Baseline toolchain %s\n", commit)
if st.useSnapshotFor(commit) {
if err := st.writeGoSnapshotTo(commit, baselineDir); err != nil {
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("error writing baseline snapshot: %w", err)
return commit, nil, nil
if err := st.writeGoSourceTo(st.bc, commit, baselineDir); err != nil {
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("error writing baseline source: %w", err)
br := st.BuilderRev
br.Rev = commit
builder := buildgo.GoBuilder{
Logger: st,
BuilderRev: br,
Conf: st.conf,
Goroot: baselineDir,
// Use the primary GOROOT as GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP. The
// typical bootstrap toolchain may not be available if
// the primary toolchain was installed from a snapshot.
GorootBootstrap: goroot,
remoteErr, err = builder.RunMake(st.ctx, st.bc, st)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
if remoteErr != nil {
return "", remoteErr, nil
return commit, nil, nil
func (st *buildStatus) fetchBenchmarksSource(benchmarksDir string) (rev string, remoteErr, err error) {
if st.SubName == "benchmarks" {
rev = st.SubRev
} else {
rev, err = getRepoHead("benchmarks")
if err != nil {
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("error finding x/benchmarks HEAD: %w", err)
sp := st.CreateSpan("fetching_benchmarks")
defer func() { sp.Done(err) }()
tgz, err := sourcecache.GetSourceTgz(st, "benchmarks", rev)
if errors.As(err, new(sourcecache.TooBigError)) {
// Source being too big is a non-retryable error.
return "", err, nil
} else if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
err = st.bc.PutTar(st.ctx, tgz, benchmarksDir)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
return rev, nil, nil
func (st *buildStatus) fetchSubrepoAndBaseline(repoDir, baselineDir string) (baselineRev string, remoteErr, err error) {
st.LogEventTime("fetching_subrepo", st.SubName)
tgz, err := sourcecache.GetSourceTgz(st, st.SubName, st.SubRev)
if errors.As(err, new(sourcecache.TooBigError)) {
// Source being too big is a non-retryable error.
return "", err, nil
} else if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
err = st.bc.PutTar(st.ctx, tgz, repoDir)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
baselineRev, err = st.subrepoBaselineCommit()
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
fmt.Fprintf(st, "Baseline subrepo %s\n", baselineRev)
tgz, err = sourcecache.GetSourceTgz(st, st.SubName, baselineRev)
if errors.As(err, new(sourcecache.TooBigError)) {
// Source being too big is a non-retryable error.
return "", err, nil
} else if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
err = st.bc.PutTar(st.ctx, tgz, baselineDir)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
return baselineRev, nil, nil
var errBuildletsGone = errors.New("runTests: dist test failed: all buildlets had network errors or timeouts, yet tests remain")
// runTests runs tests for the main Go repo.
// After runTests completes, the caller must assume that st.bc might be invalid
// (It's possible that only one of the helper buildlets survived).
func (st *buildStatus) runTests(helpers <-chan buildlet.Client) (remoteErr, err error) {
testNames, remoteErr, err := st.distTestList()
if remoteErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("distTestList remote: %v", remoteErr), nil
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("distTestList exec: %v", err)
testStats := getTestStats(st)
set, err := st.newTestSet(testStats, testNames)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
st.LogEventTime("starting_tests", fmt.Sprintf("%d tests", len(set.items)))
startTime := time.Now()
workDir, err := st.bc.WorkDir(st.ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error discovering workdir for main buildlet, %s: %v", st.bc.Name(), err)
mainBuildletGoroot := st.conf.FilePathJoin(workDir, "go")
mainBuildletGopath := st.conf.FilePathJoin(workDir, "gopath")
// We use our original buildlet to run the tests in order, to
// make the streaming somewhat smooth and not incredibly
// lumpy. The rest of the buildlets run the largest tests
// first (critical path scheduling).
// The buildletActivity WaitGroup is used to track when all
// the buildlets are dead or done.
var buildletActivity sync.WaitGroup
buildletActivity.Add(2) // one per goroutine below (main + helper launcher goroutine)
go func() {
defer buildletActivity.Done() // for the per-goroutine Add(2) above
for !st.bc.IsBroken() {
tis, ok := set.testsToRunInOrder()
if !ok {
select {
case <-st.ctx.Done():
case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
st.runTestsOnBuildlet(st.bc, tis, mainBuildletGoroot, mainBuildletGopath)
st.LogEventTime("main_buildlet_broken", st.bc.Name())
go func() {
defer buildletActivity.Done() // for the per-goroutine Add(2) above
for helper := range helpers {
go func(bc buildlet.Client) {
defer buildletActivity.Done() // for the per-helper Add(1) above
defer st.LogEventTime("closed_helper", bc.Name())
defer bc.Close()
if devPause {
defer time.Sleep(5 * time.Minute)
defer st.LogEventTime("DEV_HELPER_SLEEP", bc.Name())
st.LogEventTime("got_empty_test_helper", bc.String())
if err := bc.PutTarFromURL(st.ctx, st.SnapshotURL(pool.NewGCEConfiguration().BuildEnv()), "go"); err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to extract snapshot for helper %s: %v", bc.Name(), err)
workDir, err := bc.WorkDir(st.ctx)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("error discovering workdir for helper %s: %v", bc.Name(), err)
st.LogEventTime("test_helper_set_up", bc.Name())
goroot := st.conf.FilePathJoin(workDir, "go")
gopath := st.conf.FilePathJoin(workDir, "gopath")
for !bc.IsBroken() {
tis, ok := set.testsToRunBiggestFirst()
if !ok {
st.LogEventTime("no_new_tests_remain", bc.Name())
st.runTestsOnBuildlet(bc, tis, goroot, gopath)
st.LogEventTime("test_helper_is_broken", bc.Name())
// Convert a sync.WaitGroup into a channel.
// Aside:!topic/golang-dev/7fjGWuImu5k
buildletsGone := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
var lastMetadata string
var lastHeader string
var serialDuration time.Duration
for _, ti := range set.items {
for {
timer := time.NewTimer(30 * time.Second)
select {
case <-ti.done: // wait for success
break AwaitDone
case <-timer.C:
case <-buildletsGone:
return nil, errBuildletsGone
serialDuration += ti.execDuration
if len(ti.output) > 0 {
metadata, header, out := parseOutputAndHeader(ti.output)
printHeader := false
if metadata != lastMetadata {
lastMetadata = metadata
fmt.Fprintf(st, "\n%s\n", metadata)
// Always include the test header after
// metadata changes. This is a readability
// optimization that ensures that tests are
// always immediately preceded by their test
// banner, even if it is duplicate banner
// because the test metadata changed.
printHeader = true
if header != lastHeader {
lastHeader = header
printHeader = true
if printHeader {
fmt.Fprintf(st, "\n%s\n", header)
if pool.NewGCEConfiguration().InStaging() {
out = bytes.TrimSuffix(out, nl)
fmt.Fprintf(st, " (shard %s; par=%d)\n", ti.shardIPPort, ti.groupSize)
} else {
if ti.remoteErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("dist test failed: %s: %v",, ti.remoteErr), nil
elapsed := time.Since(startTime)
var msg string
if st.conf.NumTestHelpers(st.isTry()) > 0 {
msg = fmt.Sprintf("took %v; aggregate %v; saved %v", elapsed, serialDuration, serialDuration-elapsed)
} else {
msg = fmt.Sprintf("took %v", elapsed)
st.LogEventTime("tests_complete", msg)
fmt.Fprintf(st, "\nAll tests passed.\n")
return nil, nil
const (
banner = "XXXBANNERXXX:" // flag passed to dist
bannerPrefix = "\n" + banner // with the newline added by dist
metadataBannerPrefix = bannerPrefix + "Test execution environment."
outputBanner = "##### " // banner to display in output.
var (
bannerPrefixBytes = []byte(bannerPrefix)
metadataBannerPrefixBytes = []byte(metadataBannerPrefix)
// parseOutputAndHeader parses b and returns the test (optional) environment
// metaadata, display header (e.g., "##### Testing packages.") and the
// following output.
// metadata is the optional execution environment metadata block. e.g.,
// ##### Test execution environment.
// # GOARCH: amd64
// # CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) W-2135 CPU @ 3.70GHz
func parseOutputAndHeader(b []byte) (metadata, header string, out []byte) {
if !bytes.HasPrefix(b, bannerPrefixBytes) {
return "", "", b
if bytes.HasPrefix(b, metadataBannerPrefixBytes) {
// Header includes everything up to and including the next
// banner.
rem := b[len(metadataBannerPrefixBytes):]
i := bytes.Index(rem, bannerPrefixBytes)
if i == -1 {
// Metadata block without a following block doesn't
// make sense. Bail.
return "", "", b
bi := i + len(metadataBannerPrefixBytes)
// Metadata portion of header, skipping initial and trailing newlines.
metadata = strings.Trim(string(b[:bi]), "\n")
metadata = strings.Replace(metadata, banner, outputBanner, 1)
b = b[bi+1:] // skip newline at start of next banner.
} else {
b = b[1:] // skip newline
// Find end of primary test banner.
nl := bytes.IndexByte(b, '\n')
if nl == -1 {
// No newline, everything is header.
header = string(b)
b = nil
} else {
header = string(b[:nl])
b = b[nl+1:]
// Replace internal marker banner with the human-friendly version.
header = strings.Replace(header, banner, outputBanner, 1)
return metadata, header, b
// maxTestExecError is the number of test execution failures at which
// we give up and stop trying and instead permanently fail the test.
// Note that this is not related to whether the test failed remotely,
// but whether we were unable to start or complete watching it run.
// (A communication error)
const maxTestExecErrors = 3
// runTestsOnBuildlet runs tis on bc, using the optional goroot & gopath environment variables.
func (st *buildStatus) runTestsOnBuildlet(bc buildlet.Client, tis []*testItem, goroot, gopath string) {
names := make([]string, len(tis))
for i, ti := range tis {
names[i] =
if i > 0 && (!strings.HasPrefix(, "go_test:") || !strings.HasPrefix(names[0], "go_test:")) {
panic("only go_test:* tests may be merged")
var spanName string
var detail string
if len(names) == 1 {
spanName = "run_test:" + names[0]
detail = bc.Name()
} else {
spanName = "run_tests_multi"
detail = fmt.Sprintf("%s: %v", bc.Name(), names)
sp := st.CreateSpan(spanName, detail)
args := []string{"tool", "dist", "test", "--no-rebuild", "--banner=" + banner}
if st.conf.IsRace() {
args = append(args, "--race")
if st.conf.CompileOnly {
args = append(args, "--compile-only")
if st.useKeepGoingFlag() {
args = append(args, "-k")
args = append(args, names...)
var buf bytes.Buffer
t0 := time.Now()
timeout := st.conf.DistTestsExecTimeout(names)
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(st.ctx, timeout)
defer cancel()
env := append(st.conf.Env(),
env = append(env, st.conf.ModulesEnv("go")...)
remoteErr, err := bc.Exec(ctx, "./go/bin/go", buildlet.ExecOpts{
// We set Dir to "." instead of the default ("go/bin") so when the dist tests
// try to run os/exec.Command("go", "test", ...), the LookPath of "go" doesn't
// return "./go.exe" (which exists in the current directory: "go/bin") and then
// fail when dist tries to run the binary in dir "$GOROOT/src", since
// "$GOROOT/src" + "./go.exe" doesn't exist. Perhaps LookPath should return
// an absolute path.
Dir: ".",
Output: &buf, // see "maybe stream lines" TODO below
ExtraEnv: env,
Path: []string{st.conf.FilePathJoin("$WORKDIR", "go", "bin"), "$PATH"},
Args: args,
execDuration := time.Since(t0)
if err != nil {
bc.MarkBroken() // prevents reuse
for _, ti := range tis {
st.logf("Execution error running %s on %s: %v (numFails = %d)",, bc, err, ti.numFail)
if err == buildlet.ErrTimeout {
ti.failf("Test %q ran over %v limit (%v); saw output:\n%s",, timeout, execDuration, buf.Bytes())
} else if ti.numFail >= maxTestExecErrors {
ti.failf("Failed to schedule %q test after %d tries.\n",, maxTestExecErrors)
} else {
out := buf.Bytes()
out = bytes.Replace(out, []byte("\nALL TESTS PASSED (some were excluded)\n"), nil, 1)
out = bytes.Replace(out, []byte("\nALL TESTS PASSED\n"), nil, 1)
for _, ti := range tis {
ti.output = out
ti.remoteErr = remoteErr
ti.execDuration = execDuration
ti.groupSize = len(tis)
ti.shardIPPort = bc.IPPort()
// After the first one, make the rest succeed with no output.
// TODO: maybe stream lines (set Output to a line-reading
// Writer instead of &buf). for now we just wait for them in
// ~10 second batches. Doesn't look as smooth on the output,
// though.
out = nil
remoteErr = nil
execDuration = 0
func (st *buildStatus) CreateSpan(event string, optText ...string) spanlog.Span {
return schedule.CreateSpan(st, event, optText...)
func (st *buildStatus) LogEventTime(event string, optText ...string) {
if len(optText) > 1 {
if pool.NewGCEConfiguration().InStaging() {
st.logf("%s %v", event, optText)
var text string
if len(optText) > 0 {
text = optText[0]
} = append(, eventAndTime{
t: time.Now(),
evt: event,
text: text,
func (st *buildStatus) hasEvent(event string) bool {
for _, e := range {
if e.evt == event {
return true
return false
// HTMLStatusLine returns the HTML to show within the <pre> block on
// the main page's list of active builds.
func (st *buildStatus) HTMLStatusLine() template.HTML { return st.htmlStatus(singleLine) }
func (st *buildStatus) HTMLStatusTruncated() template.HTML { return st.htmlStatus(truncated) }
func (st *buildStatus) HTMLStatus() template.HTML { return st.htmlStatus(full) }
func strSliceTo(s string, n int) string {
if len(s) <= n {
return s
return s[:n]
type buildStatusDetail int
const (
singleLine buildStatusDetail = iota
func (st *buildStatus) htmlStatus(detail buildStatusDetail) template.HTML {
if st == nil {
return "[nil]"
urlPrefix := ""
if st.Rev == "" {
log.Printf("warning: st.Rev is empty")
var buf bytes.Buffer
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "<a href=''>%s</a> rev <a href='%s%s'>%s</a>",
st.Name, urlPrefix, st.Rev, strSliceTo(st.Rev, 8))
if st.IsSubrepo() {
if st.SubRev == "" {
log.Printf("warning: st.SubRev is empty on subrepo")
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, " (sub-repo %s rev <a href='%s%s'>%s</a>)",
st.SubName, urlPrefix, st.SubRev, strSliceTo(st.SubRev, 8))
if ts := st.trySet; ts != nil {
if ts.ChangeID == "" {
log.Printf("warning: ts.ChangeID is empty")
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, " (<a href='/try?commit=%v'>trybot set</a> for <a href=''>%s</a>)",
strSliceTo(ts.Commit, 8),
ts.ChangeTriple(), strSliceTo(ts.ChangeID, 8))
var state string
if st.canceled {
state = "canceled"
} else if st.done.IsZero() {
if st.HasBuildlet() {
state = "running"
} else {
state = "waiting_for_machine"
} else if st.succeeded {
state = "succeeded"
} else {
state = "<font color='#700000'>failed</font>"
if detail > singleLine && st.bc != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "; <a href='%s'>%s</a>; %s", html.EscapeString(st.logsURLLocked()), state, html.EscapeString(st.bc.String()))
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "; <a href='%s'>%s</a>", html.EscapeString(st.logsURLLocked()), state)
t := st.done
if t.IsZero() {
t = st.startTime
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, ", %v ago", time.Since(t).Round(time.Second))
if detail > singleLine {
lastLines := 0
if detail == truncated {
lastLines = 3
st.writeEventsLocked(&buf, true, lastLines)
return template.HTML(buf.String())
func (st *buildStatus) logsURLLocked() string {
if st.logURL != "" {
return st.logURL
var urlPrefix string
if pool.NewGCEConfiguration().BuildEnv() == buildenv.Production {
urlPrefix = ""
} else {
urlPrefix = "http://" + pool.NewGCEConfiguration().BuildEnv().StaticIP
if *mode == "dev" {
urlPrefix = "https://localhost:8119"
u := fmt.Sprintf("%v/temporarylogs?name=%s&rev=%s&st=%p", urlPrefix, st.Name, st.Rev, st)
if st.IsSubrepo() {
u += fmt.Sprintf("&subName=%v&subRev=%v", st.SubName, st.SubRev)
return u
// must be held.
// If numLines is greater than zero, it's the number of final lines to truncate to.
func (st *buildStatus) writeEventsLocked(w io.Writer, htmlMode bool, numLines int) {
startAt := 0
if numLines > 0 {
startAt = len( - numLines
if startAt > 0 {
io.WriteString(w, "...\n")
} else {
startAt = 0
for i := startAt; i < len(; i++ {
evt :=[i]
e := evt.evt
text := evt.text
if htmlMode {
if e == "running_exec" {
e = fmt.Sprintf("<a href='%s'>%s</a>", html.EscapeString(st.logsURLLocked()), e)
e = "<b>" + e + "</b>"
text = "<i>" + html.EscapeString(text) + "</i>"
fmt.Fprintf(w, " %v %s %s\n", evt.t.Format(time.RFC3339), e, text)
if st.isRunningLocked() && len( > 0 {
lastEvt :=[len(]
fmt.Fprintf(w, " %7s (now)\n", fmt.Sprintf("+%0.1fs", time.Since(lastEvt.t).Seconds()))
func (st *buildStatus) logs() string {
return st.output.String()
func (st *buildStatus) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
return st.output.Write(p)
// repeatedCommunicationError takes a buildlet execution error (a
// network/communication error, as opposed to a remote execution that
// ran and had a non-zero exit status and we heard about) and
// conditionally promotes it to a terminal error. If this returns a
// non-nil value, the execErr should be considered terminal with the
// returned error.
func (st *buildStatus) repeatedCommunicationError(execErr error) error {
if execErr == nil {
return nil
// For now, only do this for plan9, which is flaky (Issue 31261),
// but not for plan9-arm (Issue 52677)
if strings.HasPrefix(st.Name, "plan9-") && st.Name != "plan9-arm" && execErr == errBuildletsGone {
// TODO: give it two tries at least later (store state
// somewhere; global map?). But for now we're going to
// only give it one try.
return fmt.Errorf("network error promoted to terminal error: %v", execErr)
return nil
// commitTime returns the greater of Rev and SubRev's commit times.
func (st *buildStatus) commitTime() time.Time {
if st.RevCommitTime.Before(st.SubRevCommitTime) {
return st.SubRevCommitTime
return st.RevCommitTime
// branch returns branch for either Rev, or SubRev if it exists.
func (st *buildStatus) branch() string {
if st.SubRev != "" {
return st.SubRevBranch
return st.RevBranch