blob: 98d1955655e6a1231ff5b61e45d9d7fa03e1bdce [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package relui
import (
// DefinitionHolder holds workflow definitions.
type DefinitionHolder struct {
mu sync.Mutex
definitions map[string]*workflow.Definition
// NewDefinitionHolder creates a new DefinitionHolder,
// initialized with a sample "echo" workflow.
func NewDefinitionHolder() *DefinitionHolder {
return &DefinitionHolder{definitions: map[string]*workflow.Definition{
"echo": newEchoWorkflow(),
// Definition returns the initialized workflow.Definition registered
// for a given name.
func (h *DefinitionHolder) Definition(name string) *workflow.Definition {
return h.definitions[name]
// RegisterDefinition registers a definition with a name.
// If a definition with the same name already exists, RegisterDefinition panics.
func (h *DefinitionHolder) RegisterDefinition(name string, d *workflow.Definition) {
if _, exist := h.definitions[name]; exist {
panic("relui: multiple registrations for " + name)
h.definitions[name] = d
// Definitions returns the names of all registered definitions.
func (h *DefinitionHolder) Definitions() map[string]*workflow.Definition {
defs := make(map[string]*workflow.Definition)
for k, v := range h.definitions {
defs[k] = v
return defs
// RegisterMailDLCLDefinition registers a workflow definition for mailing a CL
// onto h, using e for the external service configuration.
func RegisterMailDLCLDefinition(h *DefinitionHolder, e task.ExternalConfig) {
versions := workflow.Parameter{
Name: "Versions",
ParameterType: workflow.SliceShort,
Doc: `Versions are the Go versions that have been released.
The versions must use the same format as Go tags,
and the list must contain one or two versions.
For example:
• "go1.18.2" and "go1.17.10" for a minor Go release
• "go1.19" for a major Go release
• "go1.19beta1" or "go1.19rc1" for a pre-release`,
wd := workflow.New()
wd.Output("ChangeURL", wd.Task("mail-dl-cl", func(ctx *workflow.TaskContext, versions []string) (string, error) {
return task.MailDLCL(ctx, versions, e)
}, wd.Parameter(versions)))
h.RegisterDefinition("mail-dl-cl", wd)
// RegisterTweetDefinitions registers workflow definitions involving tweeting
// onto h, using e for the external service configuration.
func RegisterTweetDefinitions(h *DefinitionHolder, e task.ExternalConfig) {
version := workflow.Parameter{
Name: "Version",
Doc: `Version is the Go version that has been released.
The version string must use the same format as Go tags.`,
security := workflow.Parameter{
Name: "Security (optional)",
Doc: `Security is an optional sentence describing security fixes included in this release.
The empty string means there are no security fixes to highlight.
Past examples:
• "Includes a security fix for crypto/tls (CVE-2021-34558)."
• "Includes a security fix for the Wasm port (CVE-2021-38297)."
• "Includes security fixes for encoding/pem (CVE-2022-24675), crypto/elliptic (CVE-2022-28327), crypto/x509 (CVE-2022-27536)."`,
announcement := workflow.Parameter{
Name: "Announcement",
ParameterType: workflow.URL,
Doc: `Announcement is the announcement URL.
It's applicable to all release types other than major
(since major releases point to release notes instead).`,
Example: "",
minorVersion := version
minorVersion.Example = "go1.18.2"
secondaryVersion := workflow.Parameter{
Name: "SecondaryVersion",
Doc: `SecondaryVersion is an older Go version that was also released.`,
Example: "go1.17.10",
wd := workflow.New()
wd.Output("TweetURL", wd.Task("tweet-minor", func(ctx *workflow.TaskContext, v1, v2, sec, ann string) (string, error) {
return task.TweetMinorRelease(ctx, task.ReleaseTweet{Version: v1, SecondaryVersion: v2, Security: sec, Announcement: ann}, e)
}, wd.Parameter(minorVersion), wd.Parameter(secondaryVersion), wd.Parameter(security), wd.Parameter(announcement)))
h.RegisterDefinition("tweet-minor", wd)
betaVersion := version
betaVersion.Example = "go1.19beta1"
wd := workflow.New()
wd.Output("TweetURL", wd.Task("tweet-beta", func(ctx *workflow.TaskContext, v, sec, ann string) (string, error) {
return task.TweetBetaRelease(ctx, task.ReleaseTweet{Version: v, Security: sec, Announcement: ann}, e)
}, wd.Parameter(betaVersion), wd.Parameter(security), wd.Parameter(announcement)))
h.RegisterDefinition("tweet-beta", wd)
rcVersion := version
rcVersion.Example = "go1.19rc1"
wd := workflow.New()
wd.Output("TweetURL", wd.Task("tweet-rc", func(ctx *workflow.TaskContext, v, sec, ann string) (string, error) {
return task.TweetRCRelease(ctx, task.ReleaseTweet{Version: v, Security: sec, Announcement: ann}, e)
}, wd.Parameter(rcVersion), wd.Parameter(security), wd.Parameter(announcement)))
h.RegisterDefinition("tweet-rc", wd)
majorVersion := version
majorVersion.Example = "go1.19"
wd := workflow.New()
wd.Output("TweetURL", wd.Task("tweet-major", func(ctx *workflow.TaskContext, v, sec string) (string, error) {
return task.TweetMajorRelease(ctx, task.ReleaseTweet{Version: v, Security: sec}, e)
}, wd.Parameter(majorVersion), wd.Parameter(security)))
h.RegisterDefinition("tweet-major", wd)
// newEchoWorkflow returns a runnable workflow.Definition for
// development.
func newEchoWorkflow() *workflow.Definition {
wd := workflow.New()
wd.Output("greeting", wd.Task("greeting", echo, wd.Parameter(workflow.Parameter{Name: "greeting"})))
wd.Output("farewell", wd.Task("farewell", echo, wd.Parameter(workflow.Parameter{Name: "farewell"})))
return wd
func echo(ctx *workflow.TaskContext, arg string) (string, error) {
ctx.Printf("echo(%v, %q)", ctx, arg)
return arg, nil
func (tasks *BuildReleaseTasks) RegisterBuildReleaseWorkflows(h *DefinitionHolder) {
go117, err := tasks.newBuildReleaseWorkflow("go1.17")
if err != nil {
h.RegisterDefinition("Release Go 1.17", go117)
go118, err := tasks.newBuildReleaseWorkflow("go1.18")
if err != nil {
h.RegisterDefinition("Release Go 1.18", go118)
func (tasks *BuildReleaseTasks) newBuildReleaseWorkflow(majorVersion string) (*workflow.Definition, error) {
wd := workflow.New()
targets, ok := releasetargets.TargetsForVersion(majorVersion)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("malformed/unknown version %q", majorVersion)
version := wd.Parameter(workflow.Parameter{Name: "Version", Example: "go1.10.1"})
revision := wd.Parameter(workflow.Parameter{Name: "Revision", Example: "release-branch.go1.10"})
skipTests := wd.Parameter(workflow.Parameter{Name: "Targets to skip testing (space-separated target names or 'all') (optional)"})
source := wd.Task("Build source archive", tasks.buildSource, revision, version)
// Artifact file paths.
artifacts := []workflow.Value{source}
// Empty values that represent the dependency on tests passing.
var testResults []workflow.Value
for _, target := range targets {
targetVal := wd.Constant(target)
taskName := func(step string) string { return target.Name + ": " + step }
// Build release artifacts for the platform.
bin := wd.Task(taskName("Build binary archive"), tasks.buildBinary, targetVal, source)
if target.GOOS == "windows" {
zip := wd.Task(taskName("Convert to .zip"), tasks.convertToZip, targetVal, bin)
msi := wd.Task(taskName("Build MSI"), tasks.buildMSI, targetVal, bin)
artifacts = append(artifacts, msi, zip)
} else {
artifacts = append(artifacts, bin)
if target.BuildOnly {
short := wd.Task(taskName("Run short tests"), tasks.runTests, targetVal, wd.Constant(target.Builder), skipTests, bin)
testResults = append(testResults, short)
if target.LongTestBuilder != "" {
long := wd.Task(taskName("Run long tests"), tasks.runTests, targetVal, wd.Constant(target.LongTestBuilder), skipTests, bin)
testResults = append(testResults, long)
// Eventually we need to sign artifacts and perhaps summarize test results.
// For now, just mush them all together.
stagedArtifacts := wd.Task("Stage artifacts for signing", tasks.copyToStaging, version, wd.Slice(artifacts))
wd.Output("Staged artifacts", stagedArtifacts)
results := wd.Task("Combine results", combineResults, stagedArtifacts, wd.Slice(testResults))
wd.Output("Build results", results)
return wd, nil
// BuildReleaseTasks serves as an adapter to the various build tasks in the task package.
type BuildReleaseTasks struct {
GerritURL string
GCSClient *storage.Client
ScratchURL, StagingURL string
CreateBuildlet func(string) (buildlet.Client, error)
func (b *BuildReleaseTasks) buildSource(ctx *workflow.TaskContext, revision, version string) (artifact, error) {
return b.runBuildStep(ctx, nil, "", artifact{}, "src.tar.gz", func(_ *task.BuildletStep, _ io.Reader, w io.Writer) error {
return task.WriteSourceArchive(ctx, b.GerritURL, revision, version, w)
func (b *BuildReleaseTasks) buildBinary(ctx *workflow.TaskContext, target *releasetargets.Target, source artifact) (artifact, error) {
return b.runBuildStep(ctx, target, target.Builder, source, "tar.gz", func(bs *task.BuildletStep, r io.Reader, w io.Writer) error {
return bs.BuildBinary(ctx, r, w)
func (b *BuildReleaseTasks) buildMSI(ctx *workflow.TaskContext, target *releasetargets.Target, binary artifact) (artifact, error) {
return b.runBuildStep(ctx, target, target.Builder, binary, "msi", func(bs *task.BuildletStep, r io.Reader, w io.Writer) error {
return bs.BuildMSI(ctx, r, w)
func (b *BuildReleaseTasks) convertToZip(ctx *workflow.TaskContext, target *releasetargets.Target, binary artifact) (artifact, error) {
return b.runBuildStep(ctx, target, "", binary, "zip", func(_ *task.BuildletStep, r io.Reader, w io.Writer) error {
return task.ConvertTGZToZIP(r, w)
func (b *BuildReleaseTasks) runTests(ctx *workflow.TaskContext, target *releasetargets.Target, buildlet, skipTests string, binary artifact) (string, error) {
skipped := skipTests == "all"
skipTargets := strings.Fields(skipTests)
for _, skip := range skipTargets {
if target.Name == skip {
skipped = true
if skipped {
ctx.Printf("Skipping test")
return "skipped", nil
_, err := b.runBuildStep(ctx, target, buildlet, binary, "", func(bs *task.BuildletStep, r io.Reader, _ io.Writer) error {
return bs.TestTarget(ctx, r)
return "", err
// runBuildStep is a convenience function that manages resources a build step might need.
// If target and buildlet name are specified, a BuildletStep will be passed to f.
// If inputName is specified, it will be opened and passed as a Reader to f.
// If outputSuffix is specified, a unique filename will be generated based off
// it (and the target name, if any), the file will be opened and passed as a
// Writer to f, and an artifact representing it will be returned as the result.
func (b *BuildReleaseTasks) runBuildStep(
ctx *workflow.TaskContext,
target *releasetargets.Target,
buildletName string,
input artifact,
outputSuffix string,
f func(*task.BuildletStep, io.Reader, io.Writer) error,
) (artifact, error) {
var step *task.BuildletStep
if buildletName != "" {
if target == nil {
return artifact{}, fmt.Errorf("target must be specified to use a buildlet")
ctx.Printf("Creating buildlet %v.", buildletName)
client, err := b.CreateBuildlet(buildletName)
if err != nil {
return artifact{}, err
defer client.Close()
buildConfig, ok := dashboard.Builders[buildletName]
if !ok {
return artifact{}, fmt.Errorf("unknown builder: %v", buildConfig)
step = &task.BuildletStep{
Target: target,
Buildlet: client,
BuildConfig: buildConfig,
Watch: true,
ctx.Printf("Buildlet ready.")
scratchFS, err := gcsfs.FromURL(ctx, b.GCSClient, b.ScratchURL)
if err != nil {
return artifact{}, err
var in io.ReadCloser
if input.scratchPath != "" {
in, err = scratchFS.Open(input.scratchPath)
if err != nil {
return artifact{}, err
defer in.Close()
var out io.WriteCloser
var scratchPath string
hash := sha256.New()
size := &sizeWriter{}
var multiOut io.Writer
if outputSuffix != "" {
scratchName := outputSuffix
if target != nil {
scratchName = target.Name + "." + outputSuffix
scratchPath = fmt.Sprintf("%v/%v-%v", ctx.WorkflowID.String(), scratchName, rand.Int63())
out, err = gcsfs.Create(scratchFS, scratchPath)
if err != nil {
return artifact{}, err
defer out.Close()
multiOut = io.MultiWriter(out, hash, size)
// Hide in's Close method from the task, which may assert it to Closer.
nopIn := io.NopCloser(in)
if err := f(step, nopIn, multiOut); err != nil {
return artifact{}, err
if step != nil {
if err := step.Buildlet.Close(); err != nil {
return artifact{}, err
if in != nil {
if err := in.Close(); err != nil {
return artifact{}, err
if out != nil {
if err := out.Close(); err != nil {
return artifact{}, err
return artifact{
target: target,
scratchPath: scratchPath,
suffix: outputSuffix,
sha256: fmt.Sprintf("%x", string(hash.Sum([]byte(nil)))),
size: size.size,
}, nil
type artifact struct {
// The target platform of this artifact, or nil for source.
target *releasetargets.Target
// The scratch path of this artifact.
scratchPath string
// The path the artifact was staged to for the signing process.
stagingPath string
// The filename suffix of the artifact, e.g. "tar.gz" or "src.tar.gz",
// combined with the version and target name to produce filename.
suffix string
// The final filename of this artifact as it will be downloaded.
filename string
sha256 string
size int
type sizeWriter struct {
size int
func (w *sizeWriter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
w.size += len(p)
return len(p), nil
func combineResults(ctx *workflow.TaskContext, artifacts []artifact, tests []string) (string, error) {
return fmt.Sprintf("%#v\n\n", artifacts) + strings.Join(tests, "\n"), nil
func (tasks *BuildReleaseTasks) copyToStaging(ctx *workflow.TaskContext, version string, artifacts []artifact) ([]artifact, error) {
scratchFS, err := gcsfs.FromURL(ctx, tasks.GCSClient, tasks.ScratchURL)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
stagingFS, err := gcsfs.FromURL(ctx, tasks.GCSClient, tasks.StagingURL)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var stagedArtifacts []artifact
for _, a := range artifacts {
staged := a
if != nil {
staged.filename = version + "." + + "." + a.suffix
} else {
staged.filename = version + "." + a.suffix
staged.stagingPath = path.Join(ctx.WorkflowID.String(), staged.filename)
stagedArtifacts = append(stagedArtifacts, staged)
in, err := scratchFS.Open(a.scratchPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
out, err := gcsfs.Create(stagingFS, staged.stagingPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if _, err := io.Copy(out, in); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := in.Close(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := out.Close(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return stagedArtifacts, nil