blob: 493fb7ec29404f68606a0f8b03b97423fdddb596 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Logic to interact with a Gerrit server. Gerrit has an entire Git-based
// protocol for fetching metadata about CL's, reviewers, patch comments, which
// is used here - we don't use the x/build/gerrit client, which hits the API.
// TODO: write about Gerrit's Git API.
package maintner
import (
// Gerrit holds information about a number of Gerrit projects.
type Gerrit struct {
c *Corpus
projects map[string]*GerritProject // keyed by ""
clsReferencingGithubIssue map[GitHubIssueRef][]*GerritCL
func normalizeGerritServer(server string) string {
u, err := url.Parse(server)
if err == nil && u.Host != "" {
server = u.Host
if strings.HasSuffix(server, "") {
// special case: the review site is hosted at a different URL than the
// Git checkout URL.
return strings.Replace(server, "", "", 1)
return server
// Project returns the specified Gerrit project if it's known, otherwise
// it returns nil. Server is the Gerrit server's hostname, such as
// "".
func (g *Gerrit) Project(server, project string) *GerritProject {
server = normalizeGerritServer(server)
return g.projects[server+"/"+project]
// must be held
func (g *Gerrit) getOrCreateProject(gerritProj string) *GerritProject {
proj, ok := g.projects[gerritProj]
if ok {
return proj
proj = &GerritProject{
gerrit: g,
proj: gerritProj,
cls: map[int32]*GerritCL{},
remote: map[gerritCLVersion]GitHash{},
g.projects[gerritProj] = proj
return proj
// ForeachProjectUnsorted calls fn for each known Gerrit project.
// Iteration ends if fn returns a non-nil value.
func (g *Gerrit) ForeachProjectUnsorted(fn func(*GerritProject) error) error {
for _, p := range g.projects {
if err := fn(p); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// GerritProject represents a single Gerrit project.
type GerritProject struct {
gerrit *Gerrit
proj string // ""
cls map[int32]*GerritCL
remote map[gerritCLVersion]GitHash
need map[GitHash]bool
func (gp *GerritProject) gitDir() string {
return filepath.Join(gp.gerrit.c.getDataDir(), url.PathEscape(gp.proj))
// ServerSlashProject returns the server and project together, such as
// "".
func (gp *GerritProject) ServerSlashProject() string { return gp.proj }
// Server returns the Gerrit server, such as "".
func (gp *GerritProject) Server() string {
if i := strings.IndexByte(gp.proj, '/'); i != -1 {
return gp.proj[:i]
return ""
// Project returns the Gerrit project on the server, such as "go" or "crypto".
func (gp *GerritProject) Project() string {
if i := strings.IndexByte(gp.proj, '/'); i != -1 {
return gp.proj[i+1:]
return ""
// ForeachOpenCL calls fn for each open CL in the repo.
// If fn returns an error, iteration ends and ForeachOpenCL returns
// with that error.
// The fn function is called serially, with increasingly numbered
// CLs.
func (gp *GerritProject) ForeachOpenCL(fn func(*GerritCL) error) error {
var s []*GerritCL
for _, cl := range gp.cls {
if cl.Status != "new" {
s = append(s, cl)
sort.Slice(s, func(i, j int) bool { return s[i].Number < s[j].Number })
for _, cl := range s {
if err := fn(cl); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// ForeachCLUnsorted calls fn for each CL in the repo, in any order
// If fn returns an error, iteration ends and ForeachCLUnsorted returns with
// that error.
func (gp *GerritProject) ForeachCLUnsorted(fn func(*GerritCL) error) error {
for _, cl := range gp.cls {
if err := fn(cl); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// CL returns the GerritCL with the given number, or nil if it is not present.
// CL numbers are shared across all projects on a Gerrit server, so you can get
// nil unless you have the GerritProject containing that CL.
func (gp *GerritProject) CL(number int32) *GerritCL {
return gp.cls[number]
func (gp *GerritProject) logf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
log.Printf("gerrit "+gp.proj+": "+format, args...)
// gerritCLVersion is a value type used as a map key to store a CL
// number and a patchset version. Its Version field is overloaded
// to reference the "meta" metadata commit if the Version is 0.
type gerritCLVersion struct {
CLNumber int32
Version int32 // version 0 is used for the "meta" ref.
// A GerritCL represents a single change in Gerrit.
type GerritCL struct {
// Project is the project this CL is part of.
Project *GerritProject
// Number is the CL number on the Gerrit
// server. (e.g. 1, 2, 3)
Number int32
Created time.Time
// Version is the number of versions of the patchset for this
// CL seen so far. It starts at 1.
Version int32
// Commit is the git commit of the latest version of this CL.
// Previous versions are available via GerritProject.remote.
Commit *GitCommit
// Meta is the head of the most recent Gerrit "meta" commit
// for this CL. This is guaranteed to be a linear history
// back to a CL-specific root commit for this meta branch.
Meta *GitCommit
// Status will be "merged", "abandoned", "new", or "draft".
Status string
// GitHubIssueRefs are parsed references to GitHub issues.
GitHubIssueRefs []GitHubIssueRef
// References reports whether cl includes a commit message reference
// to the provided Github issue ref.
func (cl *GerritCL) References(ref GitHubIssueRef) bool {
for _, eref := range cl.GitHubIssueRefs {
if eref == ref {
return true
return false
func (cl *GerritCL) updateGithubIssueRefs() {
gp := cl.Project
gerrit := gp.gerrit
gc := cl.Commit
oldRefs := cl.GitHubIssueRefs
newRefs := gerrit.c.parseGithubRefs(gp.proj, gc.Msg)
cl.GitHubIssueRefs = newRefs
for _, ref := range newRefs {
if !clSliceContains(gerrit.clsReferencingGithubIssue[ref], cl) {
// TODO: make this as small as
// possible? Most will have length
// 1. Care about default capacity of
// 2?
gerrit.clsReferencingGithubIssue[ref] = append(gerrit.clsReferencingGithubIssue[ref], cl)
for _, ref := range oldRefs {
if !cl.References(ref) {
// TODO: remove ref from gerrit.clsReferencingGithubIssue
// It could be a map of maps I suppose, but not as compact.
// So uses a slice as the second layer, since there will normally
// be one item.
// must be held
func (c *Corpus) initGerrit() {
if c.gerrit != nil {
c.gerrit = &Gerrit{
c: c,
projects: map[string]*GerritProject{},
clsReferencingGithubIssue: map[GitHubIssueRef][]*GerritCL{},
type watchedGerritRepo struct {
project *GerritProject
// TrackGerrit registers the Gerrit project with the given project as a project
// to watch and append to the mutation log. Only valid in leader mode.
// The provided string should be of the form "hostname/project", without a scheme
// or trailing slash.
func (c *Corpus) TrackGerrit(gerritProj string) {
if c.mutationLogger == nil {
panic("can't TrackGerrit in non-leader mode")
if strings.Count(gerritProj, "/") != 1 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("gerrit project argument %q expected to contain exactly 1 slash", gerritProj))
if _, dup := c.gerrit.projects[gerritProj]; dup {
panic("duplicated watched gerrit project " + gerritProj)
project := c.gerrit.getOrCreateProject(gerritProj)
if project == nil {
panic("gerrit project not created")
c.watchedGerritRepos = append(c.watchedGerritRepos, watchedGerritRepo{
project: project,
// called with Locked
func (c *Corpus) processGerritMutation(gm *maintpb.GerritMutation) {
if c.gerrit == nil {
// TODO: option to ignore mutation if user isn't interested.
gp, ok := c.gerrit.projects[gm.Project]
if !ok {
// TODO: option to ignore mutation if user isn't interested.
// For now, always process the record.
gp = c.gerrit.getOrCreateProject(gm.Project)
var statusIndicator = "\nStatus: "
// The Go Gerrit site does not really use the "draft" status much, but if
// you need to test it, create a dummy commit and then run
// git push origin HEAD:refs/drafts/master
var statuses = []string{"merged", "abandoned", "draft", "new"}
// getGerritStatus takes a current and previous commit, and returns a Gerrit
// status, or the empty string to indicate the status did not change between the
// two commits.
// getGerritStatus relies on the Gerrit code review convention of amending
// the meta commit to include the current status of the CL. The Gerrit search
// bar allows you to search for changes with the following statuses: "open",
// "reviewed", "closed", "abandoned", "merged", "draft", "pending". The REST API
// returns only "NEW", "DRAFT", "ABANDONED", "MERGED". Gerrit attaches "draft",
// "abandoned", "new", and "merged" statuses to some meta commits; you may have
// to search the current meta commit's parents to find the last good commit.
// must be held.
func (gp *GerritProject) getGerritStatus(currentMeta, oldMeta *GitCommit) string {
commit := currentMeta
c := gp.gerrit.c
for {
idx := strings.Index(commit.Msg, statusIndicator)
if idx > -1 {
off := idx + len(statusIndicator)
for _, status := range statuses {
if strings.HasPrefix(commit.Msg[off:], status) {
return status
if len(commit.Parents) == 0 {
return "new"
parentHash := commit.Parents[0].Hash // meta tree has no merge commits
commit = c.gitCommit[parentHash]
if commit == nil {
gp.logf("getGerritStatus: did not find parent commit %s", parentHash)
return "new"
if oldMeta != nil && commit.Hash == oldMeta.Hash {
return ""
// called with Locked
func (gp *GerritProject) processMutation(gm *maintpb.GerritMutation) {
c := gp.gerrit.c
for _, refp := range gm.Refs {
m := rxChangeRef.FindStringSubmatch(refp.Ref)
if m == nil {
clNum64, err := strconv.ParseInt(m[1], 10, 32)
version, ok := gerritVersionNumber(m[2])
if !ok || err != nil {
hash := c.gitHashFromHexStr(refp.Sha1)
gc, ok := c.gitCommit[hash]
if !ok {
gp.logf("ERROR: ref %v references unknown hash %v; ignoring", refp, hash)
clv := gerritCLVersion{int32(clNum64), version}
gp.remote[clv] = hash
cl := gp.getOrCreateCL(clv.CLNumber)
if clv.Version == 0 {
oldMeta := cl.Meta
cl.Meta = gc
if status := gp.getGerritStatus(cl.Meta, oldMeta); status != "" {
cl.Status = status
if cl.Created.IsZero() || gc.CommitTime.Before(cl.Created) {
cl.Created = gc.CommitTime
} else {
cl.Commit = gc
cl.Version = clv.Version
if c.didInit {
gp.logf("Ref %+v => %v", clv, hash)
for _, commitp := range gm.Commits {
gc, err := c.processGitCommit(commitp)
if err != nil {
if gp.need != nil {
delete(gp.need, gc.Hash)
for _, p := range gc.Parents {
// clSliceContains reports whether cls contains cl.
func clSliceContains(cls []*GerritCL, cl *GerritCL) bool {
for _, v := range cls {
if v == cl {
return true
return false
// must be held
func (gp *GerritProject) markNeededCommit(hash GitHash) {
c := gp.gerrit.c
if _, ok := c.gitCommit[hash]; ok {
// Already have it.
if gp.need == nil {
gp.need = map[GitHash]bool{}
gp.need[hash] = true
// must be held
func (gp *GerritProject) getOrCreateCL(num int32) *GerritCL {
cl, ok := gp.cls[num]
if ok {
return cl
cl = &GerritCL{
Project: gp,
Number: num,
gp.cls[num] = cl
return cl
func gerritVersionNumber(s string) (version int32, ok bool) {
if s == "meta" {
return 0, true
v, err := strconv.ParseInt(s, 10, 32)
if err != nil {
return 0, false
return int32(v), true
// rxRemoteRef matches "git ls-remote" lines.
// sample row:
// fd1e71f1594ce64941a85428ddef2fbb0ad1023e refs/changes/99/30599/3
// Capture values:
// $0: whole match
// $1: "fd1e71f1594ce64941a85428ddef2fbb0ad1023e"
// $2: "30599" (CL number)
// $3: "1", "2" (patchset number) or "meta" (a/ special commit
// holding the comments for a commit)
// The "99" in the middle covers all CL's that end in "99", so
// refs/changes/99/99/1, refs/changes/99/199/meta.
var rxRemoteRef = regexp.MustCompile(`^([0-9a-f]{40,})\s+refs/changes/[0-9a-f]{2}/([0-9]+)/(.+)$`)
// $1: change num
// $2: version or "meta"
var rxChangeRef = regexp.MustCompile(`^refs/changes/[0-9a-f]{2}/([0-9]+)/(meta|(?:\d+))`)
func (gp *GerritProject) sync(ctx context.Context, loop bool) error {
if err := gp.init(ctx); err != nil {
gp.logf("init: %v", err)
return err
activityCh := gp.gerrit.c.activityChan("gerrit:" + gp.proj)
for {
if err := gp.syncOnce(ctx); err != nil {
if ee, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok {
err = fmt.Errorf("%v; stderr=%q", err, ee.Stderr)
gp.logf("sync: %v", err)
return err
if !loop {
return nil
timer := time.NewTimer(15 * time.Minute)
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
case <-activityCh:
case <-timer.C:
func (gp *GerritProject) syncOnce(ctx context.Context) error {
c := gp.gerrit.c
gitDir := gp.gitDir()
fetchCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, time.Minute)
cmd := exec.CommandContext(fetchCtx, "git", "fetch", "origin")
cmd.Dir = gitDir
out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("git fetch origin: %v, %s", err, out)
cmd = exec.CommandContext(ctx, "git", "ls-remote")
cmd.Dir = gitDir
out, err = cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("git ls-remote: %v, %s", err, out)
var changedRefs []*maintpb.GitRef
var toFetch []GitHash
bs := bufio.NewScanner(bytes.NewReader(out))
// Take the lock here to access gp.remote and call c.gitHashFromHex.
// It's acceptable to take such a coarse-looking lock because
// it's not actually around I/O: all the input from ls-remote has
// already been slurped into memory.
for bs.Scan() {
m := rxRemoteRef.FindSubmatch(bs.Bytes())
if m == nil {
clNum, err := strconv.ParseInt(string(m[2]), 10, 32)
version, ok := gerritVersionNumber(string(m[3]))
if err != nil || !ok {
sha1 := m[1]
hash := c.gitHashFromHex(sha1)
curHash := gp.remote[gerritCLVersion{int32(clNum), version}]
if curHash != hash {
toFetch = append(toFetch, hash)
changedRefs = append(changedRefs, &maintpb.GitRef{
Ref: strings.TrimSpace(bs.Text()[len(sha1):]),
Sha1: string(sha1),
if err := bs.Err(); err != nil {
return err
if len(changedRefs) == 0 {
return nil
gp.logf("%d new refs", len(changedRefs))
const batchSize = 250
for len(toFetch) > 0 {
batch := toFetch
if len(batch) > batchSize {
batch = batch[:batchSize]
if err := gp.fetchHashes(ctx, batch); err != nil {
return err
for _, hash := range batch {
n, err := gp.syncCommits(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
toFetch = toFetch[len(batch):]
gp.logf("synced %v commits for %d new hashes, %d hashes remain", n, len(batch), len(toFetch))
Gerrit: &maintpb.GerritMutation{
Project: gp.proj,
Refs: changedRefs[:len(batch)],
changedRefs = changedRefs[len(batch):]
return nil
func (gp *GerritProject) syncCommits(ctx context.Context) (n int, err error) {
c := gp.gerrit.c
lastLog := time.Now()
for {
hash := gp.commitToIndex()
if hash == "" {
return n, nil
now := time.Now()
if lastLog.Before(now.Add(-1 * time.Second)) {
lastLog = now
gp.logf("parsing commits (%v done)", n)
commit, err := parseCommitFromGit(gp.gitDir(), hash)
if err != nil {
return n, err
Gerrit: &maintpb.GerritMutation{
Project: gp.proj,
Commits: []*maintpb.GitCommit{commit},
func (gp *GerritProject) commitToIndex() GitHash {
c := gp.gerrit.c
for hash := range gp.need {
return hash
return ""
var (
statusSpace = []byte("Status: ")
func (gp *GerritProject) fetchHashes(ctx context.Context, hashes []GitHash) error {
args := []string{"fetch", "--quiet", "origin"}
for _, hash := range hashes {
args = append(args, hash.String())
gp.logf("fetching %v hashes...", len(hashes))
cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx, "git", args...)
cmd.Dir = gp.gitDir()
if out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput(); err != nil {
log.Printf("error fetching %d hashes from gerrit project %s: %s", len(hashes), gp.proj, out)
return err
gp.logf("fetched %v hashes.", len(hashes))
return nil
func formatExecError(err error) string {
if ee, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v; stderr=%q", err, ee.Stderr)
return fmt.Sprint(err)
func (gp *GerritProject) init(ctx context.Context) error {
gitDir := gp.gitDir()
if err := os.MkdirAll(gitDir, 0755); err != nil {
return err
// try to short circuit a git init error, since the init error matching is
// brittle
if _, err := exec.LookPath("git"); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("looking for git binary: %v", err)
if _, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(gitDir, ".git", "config")); err == nil {
cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx, "git", "remote", "-v")
cmd.Dir = gitDir
remoteBytes, err := cmd.Output()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("running git remote -v in %v: %v", gitDir, formatExecError(err))
if !strings.Contains(string(remoteBytes), "origin") && !strings.Contains(string(remoteBytes), "https://"+gp.proj) {
return fmt.Errorf("didn't find origin & gp.url in remote output %s", string(remoteBytes))
gp.logf("git directory exists.")
return nil
cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx, "git", "init")
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
cmd.Stdout = buf
cmd.Stderr = buf
cmd.Dir = gitDir
if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
log.Printf(`Error running "git init": %s`, buf.String())
return err
cmd = exec.CommandContext(ctx, "git", "remote", "add", "origin", "https://"+gp.proj)
cmd.Stdout = buf
cmd.Stderr = buf
cmd.Dir = gitDir
if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
log.Printf(`Error running "git remote add origin": %s`, buf.String())
return err
return nil