blob: ec8b6c9ec62624733b29bb27fbacfc740f020f5d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package task
import (
wf ""
type TagXReposTasks struct {
IgnoreProjects map[string]bool // project name -> ignore
Gerrit GerritClient
GerritURL string
CreateBuildlet func(context.Context, string) (buildlet.RemoteClient, error)
LatestGoBinaries func(context.Context) (string, error)
DashboardURL string
func (x *TagXReposTasks) NewDefinition() *wf.Definition {
wd := wf.New()
reviewers := wf.Param(wd, reviewersParam)
repos := wf.Task0(wd, "Select repositories", x.SelectRepos)
wf.Expand2(wd, "Create plan", x.BuildPlan, repos, reviewers)
return wd
func (x *TagXReposTasks) NewSingleDefinition() *wf.Definition {
wd := wf.New()
reviewers := wf.Param(wd, reviewersParam)
repos := wf.Task0(wd, "Load all repositories", x.SelectRepos)
name := wf.Param(wd, wf.ParamDef[string]{Name: "Repository name", Example: "tools"})
wf.Expand3(wd, "Create single-repo plan", x.BuildSingleRepoPlan, repos, name, reviewers)
return wd
var reviewersParam = wf.ParamDef[[]string]{
Name: "Reviewer usernames (optional)",
ParamType: wf.SliceShort,
Doc: `Send code reviews to these users.`,
Example: "heschi",
// TagRepo contains information about a repo that can be tagged.
type TagRepo struct {
Name string // Gerrit project name, e.g. "tools".
ModPath string // Module path, e.g. "".
Deps []string // Dependency module paths.
Compat string // The Go version to pass to go mod tidy -compat for this repository.
StartVersion string // The version of the module when the workflow started.
Version string // After a tagging decision has been made, the version dependencies should upgrade to.
func (x *TagXReposTasks) SelectRepos(ctx *wf.TaskContext) ([]TagRepo, error) {
projects, err := x.Gerrit.ListProjects(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ctx.Printf("Examining repositories %v", projects)
var repos []TagRepo
for _, p := range projects {
if x.IgnoreProjects[p] {
ctx.Printf("Repository %v ignored", p)
repo, err := x.readRepo(ctx, p)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if repo != nil {
repos = append(repos, *repo)
if cycles := checkCycles(repos); len(cycles) != 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cycles detected (there may be more): %v", cycles)
return repos, nil
func (x *TagXReposTasks) readRepo(ctx *wf.TaskContext, project string) (*TagRepo, error) {
head, err := x.Gerrit.ReadBranchHead(ctx, project, "master")
if errors.Is(err, gerrit.ErrResourceNotExist) {
ctx.Printf("ignoring %v: no master branch: %v", project, err)
return nil, nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tag, err := x.latestReleaseTag(ctx, project)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if tag == "" {
ctx.Printf("ignoring %v: no semver tag", project)
return nil, nil
gomod, err := x.Gerrit.ReadFile(ctx, project, head, "go.mod")
if errors.Is(err, gerrit.ErrResourceNotExist) {
ctx.Printf("ignoring %v: no go.mod: %v", project, err)
return nil, nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
mf, err := modfile.ParseLax("go.mod", gomod, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// TODO(heschi): ignoring nested modules for now. We should find and handle
// x/exp/event, maybe by reading release tags? But don't tag gopls...
isX := func(path string) bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(path, "") &&
!strings.Contains(strings.TrimPrefix(path, ""), "/")
if !isX(mf.Module.Mod.Path) {
ctx.Printf("ignoring %v: not", project)
return nil, nil
result := &TagRepo{
Name: project,
ModPath: mf.Module.Mod.Path,
StartVersion: tag,
compatRe := regexp.MustCompile(`tagx:compat\s+([\d.]+)`)
if mf.Go != nil {
for _, c := range mf.Go.Syntax.Comments.Suffix {
if matches := compatRe.FindStringSubmatch(c.Token); matches != nil {
result.Compat = matches[1]
for _, req := range mf.Require {
if !isX(req.Mod.Path) {
for _, c := range req.Syntax.Comments.Suffix {
// We have cycles in the x repo dependency graph. Allow a magic
// comment, `// tagx:ignore`, to exclude requirements from
// consideration.
if strings.Contains(c.Token, "tagx:ignore") {
ctx.Printf("ignoring %v's requirement on %v: %q", project, req.Mod, c.Token)
continue require
result.Deps = append(result.Deps, req.Mod.Path)
return result, nil
// checkCycles returns all the shortest dependency cycles in repos.
func checkCycles(repos []TagRepo) [][]string {
reposByModule := map[string]TagRepo{}
for _, repo := range repos {
reposByModule[repo.ModPath] = repo
var cycles [][]string
for _, repo := range reposByModule {
cycles = append(cycles, checkCycles1(reposByModule, repo, nil)...)
var shortestCycles [][]string
for _, cycle := range cycles {
switch {
case len(shortestCycles) == 0 || len(shortestCycles[0]) > len(cycle):
shortestCycles = [][]string{cycle}
case len(shortestCycles[0]) == len(cycle):
found := false
for _, existing := range shortestCycles {
if reflect.DeepEqual(existing, cycle) {
found = true
if !found {
shortestCycles = append(shortestCycles, cycle)
return shortestCycles
func checkCycles1(reposByModule map[string]TagRepo, repo TagRepo, stack []string) [][]string {
var cycles [][]string
stack = append(stack, repo.ModPath)
for i, s := range stack[:len(stack)-1] {
if s == repo.ModPath {
cycles = append(cycles, append([]string(nil), stack[i:]...))
if len(cycles) != 0 {
return cycles
for _, dep := range repo.Deps {
cycles = append(cycles, checkCycles1(reposByModule, reposByModule[dep], stack)...)
return cycles
// BuildPlan adds the tasks needed to update repos to wd.
func (x *TagXReposTasks) BuildPlan(wd *wf.Definition, repos []TagRepo, reviewers []string) error {
// repo.ModPath to the wf.Value produced by updating it.
updated := map[string]wf.Value[TagRepo]{}
// Find all repositories whose dependencies are satisfied and update
// them, proceeding until all are updated or no progress can be made.
for len(updated) != len(repos) {
progress := false
for _, repo := range repos {
if _, ok := updated[repo.ModPath]; ok {
dep, ok := x.planRepo(wd, repo, updated, reviewers)
if !ok {
updated[repo.ModPath] = dep
progress = true
if !progress {
var missing []string
for _, r := range repos {
if updated[r.ModPath] == nil {
missing = append(missing, r.Name)
return fmt.Errorf("failed to progress the plan: todo: %v", missing)
var allDeps []wf.Dependency
for _, dep := range updated {
allDeps = append(allDeps, dep)
done := wf.Task0(wd, "done", func(_ context.Context) (string, error) { return "done!", nil }, wf.After(allDeps...))
wf.Output(wd, "done", done)
return nil
func (x *TagXReposTasks) BuildSingleRepoPlan(wd *wf.Definition, repoSlice []TagRepo, name string, reviewers []string) error {
repos := map[string]TagRepo{}
updatedRepos := map[string]wf.Value[TagRepo]{}
for _, r := range repoSlice {
repos[r.Name] = r
// Pretend that we've just tagged version that was live when we started.
r.Version = r.StartVersion
updatedRepos[r.ModPath] = wf.Const(r)
repo, ok := repos[name]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("no repository %q", name)
tagged, ok := x.planRepo(wd, repo, updatedRepos, reviewers)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("%q doesn't have all of its dependencies (%q)", repo.Name, repo.Deps)
wf.Output(wd, "tagged repository", tagged)
return nil
// planRepo adds tasks to wf to update and tag repo. It returns a Value
// containing the tagged repository's information, or nil, false if its
// dependencies haven't been planned yet.
func (x *TagXReposTasks) planRepo(wd *wf.Definition, repo TagRepo, updated map[string]wf.Value[TagRepo], reviewers []string) (_ wf.Value[TagRepo], ready bool) {
var deps []wf.Value[TagRepo]
for _, repoDeps := range repo.Deps {
if dep, ok := updated[repoDeps]; ok {
deps = append(deps, dep)
} else {
return nil, false
wd = wd.Sub(repo.Name)
repoName, branch := wf.Const(repo.Name), wf.Const("master")
var tagCommit wf.Value[string]
if len(deps) == 0 {
tagCommit = wf.Task2(wd, "read branch head", x.Gerrit.ReadBranchHead, repoName, branch)
} else {
gomod := wf.Task3(wd, "generate updated go.mod", x.UpdateGoMod, wf.Const(repo), wf.Slice(deps...), branch)
cl := wf.Task3(wd, "mail updated go.mod", x.MailGoMod, repoName, gomod, wf.Const(reviewers))
tagCommit = wf.Task3(wd, "wait for submit", x.AwaitGoMod, cl, repoName, branch)
greenCommit := wf.Task2(wd, "wait for green post-submit", x.AwaitGreen, wf.Const(repo), tagCommit)
tagged := wf.Task2(wd, "tag if appropriate", x.MaybeTag, wf.Const(repo), greenCommit)
return tagged, true
func (x *TagXReposTasks) UpdateGoMod(ctx *wf.TaskContext, repo TagRepo, deps []TagRepo, branch string) (files map[string]string, _ error) {
commit, err := x.Gerrit.ReadBranchHead(ctx, repo.Name, branch)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
binaries, err := x.LatestGoBinaries(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
bc, err := x.CreateBuildlet(ctx, "linux-amd64-longtest") // longtest to allow network access. A little yucky.
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer bc.Close()
if err := bc.PutTarFromURL(ctx, binaries, ""); err != nil {
return nil, err
tarURL := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/+archive/%s.tar.gz", x.GerritURL, repo.Name, commit)
if err := bc.PutTarFromURL(ctx, tarURL, "repo"); err != nil {
return nil, err
writer := &LogWriter{Logger: ctx}
go writer.Run(ctx)
// Update the root module to the selected versions.
getCmd := []string{"get"}
for _, dep := range deps {
getCmd = append(getCmd, dep.ModPath+"@"+dep.Version)
remoteErr, execErr := bc.Exec(ctx, "go/bin/go", buildlet.ExecOpts{
Dir: "repo",
Args: getCmd,
Output: writer,
if execErr != nil {
return nil, execErr
if remoteErr != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Command failed: %v", remoteErr)
// Tidy the root module. For tools, also tidy gopls so that its replaced
// version still works.
dirs := []string{""}
if repo.Name == "tools" {
dirs = append(dirs, "gopls")
var fetchCmd []string
for _, dir := range dirs {
var tidyFlags []string
if repo.Compat != "" {
tidyFlags = append(tidyFlags, "-compat", repo.Compat)
remoteErr, execErr = bc.Exec(ctx, "go/bin/go", buildlet.ExecOpts{
Dir: path.Join("repo", dir),
Args: append([]string{"mod", "tidy"}, tidyFlags...),
Output: writer,
if execErr != nil {
return nil, execErr
if remoteErr != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Command failed: %v", remoteErr)
repoDir, fetchDir := path.Join("repo", dir), path.Join("fetch", dir)
fetchCmd = append(fetchCmd, fmt.Sprintf("mkdir -p %[2]v && cp %[1]v/go.mod %[2]v && touch %[1]v/go.sum && cp %[1]v/go.sum %[2]v", repoDir, fetchDir))
remoteErr, execErr = bc.Exec(ctx, "bash", buildlet.ExecOpts{
Dir: ".",
Args: []string{"-c", strings.Join(fetchCmd, " && ")},
Output: writer,
SystemLevel: true,
if execErr != nil {
return nil, execErr
if remoteErr != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Command failed: %v", remoteErr)
tgz, err := bc.GetTar(ctx, "fetch")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer tgz.Close()
return tgzToMap(tgz)
func tgzToMap(r io.Reader) (map[string]string, error) {
gzr, err := gzip.NewReader(r)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer gzr.Close()
result := map[string]string{}
tr := tar.NewReader(gzr)
for {
h, err := tr.Next()
if err == io.EOF {
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if h.Typeflag != tar.TypeReg {
b, err := io.ReadAll(tr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
result[h.Name] = string(b)
return result, nil
// LatestGoBinaries returns a URL to the latest linux/amd64
// Go distribution archive using the JSON API.
func LatestGoBinaries(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {
resp, err := ctxhttp.Get(ctx, http.DefaultClient, "")
if err != nil {
return "", err
defer resp.Body.Close()
if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
return "", fmt.Errorf("unexpected status %v", resp.Status)
releases := []*WebsiteRelease{}
if err := json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(&releases); err != nil {
return "", err
for _, r := range releases {
for _, f := range r.Files {
if f.Arch == "amd64" && f.OS == "linux" && f.Kind == "archive" {
return "" + f.Filename, nil
return "", fmt.Errorf("no linux-amd64??")
func (x *TagXReposTasks) MailGoMod(ctx *wf.TaskContext, repo string, files map[string]string, reviewers []string) (string, error) {
const subject = `go.mod: update dependencies
Update dependencies to their latest tagged versions.
Once this CL is submitted, and post-submit testing succeeds on all
first-class ports across all supported Go versions, this repository
will be tagged with its next minor version.
return x.Gerrit.CreateAutoSubmitChange(ctx, gerrit.ChangeInput{
Project: repo,
Branch: "master",
Subject: subject,
}, reviewers, files)
func (x *TagXReposTasks) AwaitGoMod(ctx *wf.TaskContext, changeID, repo, branch string) (string, error) {
if changeID == "" {
ctx.Printf("No CL was necessary")
return x.Gerrit.ReadBranchHead(ctx, repo, branch)
ctx.Printf("Awaiting review/submit of %v", ChangeLink(changeID))
return AwaitCondition(ctx, 10*time.Second, func() (string, bool, error) {
return x.Gerrit.Submitted(ctx, changeID, "")
func (x *TagXReposTasks) AwaitGreen(ctx *wf.TaskContext, repo TagRepo, commit string) (string, error) {
return AwaitCondition(ctx, time.Minute, func() (string, bool, error) {
return x.findGreen(ctx, repo, commit, false)
func (x *TagXReposTasks) findGreen(ctx *wf.TaskContext, repo TagRepo, commit string, verbose bool) (string, bool, error) {
// Read the front status page to discover live Go release branches.
frontStatus, err := x.getBuildStatus("")
if err != nil {
return "", false, fmt.Errorf("reading dashboard front page: %v", err)
branchSet := map[string]bool{}
for _, rev := range frontStatus.Revisions {
if rev.GoBranch != "" {
branchSet[rev.GoBranch] = true
var refs []string
for b := range branchSet {
refs = append(refs, "refs/heads/"+b)
// Read the page for the given repo to get the list of commits and statuses.
repoStatus, err := x.getBuildStatus(repo.ModPath)
if err != nil {
return "", false, fmt.Errorf("reading dashboard for %q: %v", repo.ModPath, err)
// Some slow-moving repos have years of Go history. Throw away old stuff.
firstRev := repoStatus.Revisions[0].Revision
for i, rev := range repoStatus.Revisions {
ts, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, rev.Date)
if err != nil {
return "", false, fmt.Errorf("parsing date of rev %#v: %v", rev, err)
if i == 200 || (rev.Revision != firstRev && ts.Add(6*7*24*time.Hour).Before(time.Now())) {
repoStatus.Revisions = repoStatus.Revisions[:i]
// Associate Go revisions with branches.
var goCommits []string
for _, rev := range repoStatus.Revisions {
goCommits = append(goCommits, rev.GoRevision)
commitsInRefs, err := x.Gerrit.GetCommitsInRefs(ctx, "go", goCommits, refs)
if err != nil {
return "", false, err
// Determine which builders have to pass to consider a CL green.
firstClass := releasetargets.LatestFirstClassPorts()
required := map[string][]bool{}
for goBranch := range branchSet {
required[goBranch] = make([]bool, len(repoStatus.Builders))
for i, b := range repoStatus.Builders {
cfg, ok := dashboard.Builders[b]
if !ok {
runs := cfg.BuildsRepoPostSubmit(repo.Name, "master", goBranch)
ki := len(cfg.KnownIssues) != 0
fc := firstClass[releasetargets.OSArch{OS: cfg.GOOS(), Arch: cfg.GOARCH()}]
google := cfg.HostConfig().IsGoogle()
required[goBranch][i] = runs && !ki && fc && google
foundCommit := false
for _, rev := range repoStatus.Revisions {
if rev.Revision == commit {
foundCommit = true
if !foundCommit {
ctx.Printf("commit %v not found on first page of results; too old or too new?", commit)
return "", false, nil
// x/ repo statuses are:
// <x commit> <go commit>
// <go commit>
// <go commit>
// Process one x/ commit at a time, looking for green go commits from
// each release branch.
var currentRevision, earliestGreen string
greenOnBranches := map[string]bool{}
for i := 0; i <= len(repoStatus.Revisions); i++ {
if currentRevision != "" && (i == len(repoStatus.Revisions) || repoStatus.Revisions[i].Revision != currentRevision) {
// Finished an x/ commit.
if verbose {
ctx.Printf("rev %v green = %v", currentRevision, len(greenOnBranches) == len(branchSet))
if len(greenOnBranches) == len(branchSet) {
// All the branches were green, so this is a candidate.
earliestGreen = currentRevision
if currentRevision == commit {
// We've passed the desired commit. Stop.
greenOnBranches = map[string]bool{}
if i == len(repoStatus.Revisions) {
rev := repoStatus.Revisions[i]
currentRevision = rev.Revision
for _, ref := range commitsInRefs[rev.GoRevision] {
branch := strings.TrimPrefix(ref, "refs/heads/")
allOK := true
var missing []string
for i, result := range rev.Results {
ok := result == "ok" || !required[branch][i]
if !ok {
missing = append(missing, repoStatus.Builders[i])
allOK = allOK && ok
if allOK {
greenOnBranches[branch] = true
if verbose {
ctx.Printf("branch %v at %v: green = %v (missing: %v)", branch, rev.GoRevision, allOK, missing)
return earliestGreen, earliestGreen != "", nil
func (x *TagXReposTasks) getBuildStatus(modPath string) (*types.BuildStatus, error) {
resp, err := http.Get(x.DashboardURL + "/?mode=json&repo=" + url.QueryEscape(modPath))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer resp.Body.Close()
if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected status %v", resp.Status)
status := &types.BuildStatus{}
if err := json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(&status); err != nil {
return nil, err
return status, nil
// MaybeTag tags repo at commit with the next version, unless commit is already
// the latest tagged version. repo is returned with Version populated.
func (x *TagXReposTasks) MaybeTag(ctx *wf.TaskContext, repo TagRepo, commit string) (TagRepo, error) {
highestRelease, err := x.latestReleaseTag(ctx, repo.Name)
if err != nil {
return TagRepo{}, err
if highestRelease == "" {
return TagRepo{}, fmt.Errorf("no semver tags found in %v", repo.Name)
tagInfo, err := x.Gerrit.GetTag(ctx, repo.Name, highestRelease)
if err != nil {
return TagRepo{}, fmt.Errorf("reading project %v tag %v: %v", repo.Name, highestRelease, err)
if tagInfo.Revision == commit {
repo.Version = highestRelease
return repo, nil
repo.Version, err = nextMinor(highestRelease)
if err != nil {
return TagRepo{}, fmt.Errorf("couldn't pick next version for %v: %v", repo.Name, err)
ctx.Printf("Tagging %v at %v as %v", repo.Name, commit, repo.Version)
return repo, x.Gerrit.Tag(ctx, repo.Name, repo.Version, commit)
func (x *TagXReposTasks) latestReleaseTag(ctx context.Context, repo string) (string, error) {
tags, err := x.Gerrit.ListTags(ctx, repo)
if err != nil {
return "", err
highestRelease := ""
for _, tag := range tags {
if semver.IsValid(tag) && semver.Prerelease(tag) == "" &&
(highestRelease == "" || semver.Compare(highestRelease, tag) < 0) {
highestRelease = tag
return highestRelease, nil
var majorMinorRestRe = regexp.MustCompile(`^v(\d+)\.(\d+)\..*$`)
func nextMinor(version string) (string, error) {
parts := majorMinorRestRe.FindStringSubmatch(version)
if parts == nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("malformatted version %q", version)
minor, err := strconv.Atoi(parts[2])
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("malformatted version %q (%v)", version, err)
return fmt.Sprintf("v%s.%d.0", parts[1], minor+1), nil