blob: 266ba8d9564c723f02b141c0dc0fe2b7b984efd7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package protos;
option go_package = "";
// GomoteService can manage the lifecycle of gomote instances and interact with them.
service GomoteService {
// Authenticate provides authentication information without any additonal action.
rpc Authenticate (AuthenticateRequest) returns (AuthenticateResponse) {}
// CreateInstance creates a gomote instance.
rpc CreateInstance (CreateInstanceRequest) returns (CreateInstanceResponse) {}
// DestroyInstance destroys a gomote instance.
rpc DestroyInstance (DestroyInstanceRequest) returns (DestroyInstanceResponse) {}
// ExecuteCommand executes a command on the gomote instance.
rpc ExecuteCommand (ExecuteCommandRequest) returns (stream ExecuteCommandResponse) {}
// InstanceAlive gives the liveness state of a gomote instance.
rpc InstanceAlive (InstanceAliveRequest) returns (InstanceAliveResponse) {}
// ListDirectory lists the contents of a directory on an gomote instance.
rpc ListDirectory (ListDirectoryRequest) returns (ListDirectoryResponse) {}
// ListInstances lists all of the live gomote instances owned by the caller.
rpc ListInstances (ListInstancesRequest) returns (ListInstancesResponse) {}
// ReadTGZ tars and zips a dicrectory which exists on the gomote instance.
rpc ReadTGZ (ReadTGZRequest) returns (stream ReadTGZResponse) {}
// RemoveDirectory removes a directory from the gomote instance.
rpc RemoveDirectory (RemoveDirectoryRequest) returns (RemoveDirectoryResponse) {}
// RetrieveSSHCredentials retrieves the SSH credentials for the specified gomote instance.
rpc RetrieveSSHCredentials (RetrieveSSHCredentialsRequest) returns (RetrieveSSHCredentialsResponse) {}
// WriteTGZ expands a tar and ziped file onto the file system of a gomote instance.
rpc WriteTGZ (stream WriteTGZRequest) returns (WriteTGZResponse) {}
// AuthenticateRequest specifies the data needed for an authentication request.
message AuthenticateRequest {}
// AuthenticateResponse contains authenticated user data.
message AuthenticateResponse {}
// CreateInstanceRequest specifies the data needed to create a gomote instance.
message CreateInstanceRequest {}
// CreateInstanceResponse contains data about a created gomote instance.
message CreateInstanceResponse {}
// DestroyInstanceRequest specifies the data needed to destroy a gomote instance.
message DestroyInstanceRequest {}
// DestroyInstanceResponse contains data about a destroyed gomote instance.
message DestroyInstanceResponse {}
// ExecuteCommandRequest specifies the data needed to execute a command on a gomote instance.
message ExecuteCommandRequest {}
// ExecuteCommandResponse contains data about the executed command.
message ExecuteCommandResponse {}
// InstanceAliveRequest specifies the data needed to check the liveness of a gomote instance.
message InstanceAliveRequest {}
// InstanceAliveResponse contains instance liveness state.
message InstanceAliveResponse {}
// ListDirectoryRequest specifies the data needed to list contents of a directory from a gomote instance.
message ListDirectoryRequest {}
// ListDirectoryResponse contains the directory listing of a gomote instance.
message ListDirectoryResponse {}
// ListInstancesRequest specifies the data needed to list the live gomote instances owned by the caller.
message ListInstancesRequest {}
// ListInstancesResponse contains the list of live gomote instances owned by the caller.
message ListInstancesResponse {}
// ReadTGZRequest specifies the data needed to retrieve a tar and zipped directory from a gomote instance.
message ReadTGZRequest {}
// ReadTGZResponse contains a tar and zipped directory from a gomote instance.
message ReadTGZResponse {}
// RemoveDirectoryRequest specifies the data needed to remove a directory from a gomote instance.
message RemoveDirectoryRequest {}
// RemoveDirectoryResponse contains the results from removing a directory from a gomote instance.
message RemoveDirectoryResponse {}
// RetrieveSSHCredentialsRequest specifies the data needed to retrieve SSH credentials for a gomote instance.
message RetrieveSSHCredentialsRequest {}
// RetrieveSSHCredentialsResponse contains SSH credentials for a gomote instance.
message RetrieveSSHCredentialsResponse {}
// WriteTGZRequest specifies the data needed to expand a tar and zipped file onto the file system of a gomote instance.
message WriteTGZRequest {}
// WriteTGZResponse contains the results from expanding a tar and zipped file onto the file system of a gomote instance.
message WriteTGZResponse {}