blob: 44a2e535cde70f5c602bfeba3beefefd1cc58728 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package relnote
import (
md ""
// DumpMarkdown writes the internal structure of a markdown
// document to standard output.
// It is intended for debugging.
func DumpMarkdown(d *md.Document) {
dumpBlocks(d.Blocks, 0)
func dumpBlocks(bs []md.Block, depth int) {
for _, b := range bs {
dumpBlock(b, depth)
func dumpBlock(b md.Block, depth int) {
typeName := strings.TrimPrefix(fmt.Sprintf("%T", b), "*markdown.")
dprintf(depth, "%s\n", typeName)
switch b := b.(type) {
case *md.Paragraph:
dumpInlines(b.Text.Inline, depth+1)
case *md.Heading:
dumpInlines(b.Text.Inline, depth+1)
case *md.List:
dumpBlocks(b.Items, depth+1)
case *md.Item:
dumpBlocks(b.Blocks, depth+1)
// TODO(jba): additional cases as needed.
func dumpInlines(ins []md.Inline, depth int) {
for _, in := range ins {
switch in := in.(type) {
case *md.Plain:
dprintf(depth, "Plain(%q)\n", in.Text)
case *md.Code:
dprintf(depth, "Code(%q)\n", in.Text)
case *md.Link:
dprintf(depth, "Link:\n")
dumpInlines(in.Inner, depth+1)
dprintf(depth+1, "URL: %q\n", in.URL)
case *md.Strong:
dprintf(depth, "Strong(%q):\n", in.Marker)
dumpInlines(in.Inner, depth+1)
case *md.Emph:
dprintf(depth, "Emph(%q):\n", in.Marker)
dumpInlines(in.Inner, depth+1)
case *md.Del:
dprintf(depth, "Del(%q):\n", in.Marker)
dumpInlines(in.Inner, depth+1)
fmt.Printf("%*s%#v\n", depth*4, "", in)
func dprintf(depth int, format string, args ...any) {
fmt.Printf("%*s%s", depth*4, "", fmt.Sprintf(format, args...))