blob: 05eb0f9acd40293ef22f0d946b910336c0fd74a9 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
# license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
set -e
if [ ! $# -eq 2 ]; then
echo 'usage: make.bash [ 386 | amd64 ] [ qemu | gce ]' 2>&1
exit 1
if [ "$arch" != 386 ] && [ "$arch" != amd64 ]; then
echo 'supported architectures are 386 and amd64' 2>&1
exit 1
case "$platform" in
echo 'supported platforms are qemu and gce' 2>&1
exit 1
# Download Plan 9
if ! sha1sum -c plan9-gce.iso.sha1; then
curl --fail -O
bunzip2 plan9-gce.iso.bz2
sha1sum -c plan9-gce.iso.sha1
# Initialize disk image.
rm -f disk.raw
qemu-img create -f raw disk.raw 10G
# Run the installer to create the disk image.
expect <<EOF
spawn qemu-system-i386 -machine accel=kvm -nographic -net user -net nic,model=virtio -m 1024 -vga none -drive if=none,id=hd,file=disk.raw -device virtio-scsi-pci,id=scsi -device scsi-hd,drive=hd -cdrom plan9-gce.iso -boot d
expect -exact "Selection:"
send "1\n"
expect -exact "Plan 9"
sleep 5
# Need to wait for the kernel to boot.
expect -timeout 600 -exact "use DMA for ide drives\[yes\]:"
send "\n"
expect -exact "mouseport is (ps2, ps2intellimouse, 0, 1, 2)\[ps2\]:"
send "ps2intellimouse\n"
expect -exact "vgasize \[640x480x8\]:"
send "1280x1024x32\n"
expect -exact "monitor is \[xga\]:"
send "vesa\n"
expect -exact "% "
send "inst/textonly\n"
expect -exact "Task to do \[configfs\]:"
send "\n"
expect -exact "File system (fossil, fossil+venti)\[fossil\]:"
send "\n"
expect -exact "Task to do \[partdisk\]:"
send "\n"
expect -exact "Disk to partition (sd00, sdD0)\[no default\]:"
send "sd00\n"
expect -exact "Install mbr \(y, n\)\[no default\]:"
send "y\n"
expect -exact ">>> "
send "w\n"
expect -exact ">>> "
send "q\n"
expect -exact "Task to do \[prepdisk\]:"
send "\n"
expect -exact "Plan 9 partition to subdivide \(/dev/sd00/plan9\)\[/dev/sd00/plan9\]:"
send "\n"
expect -exact ">>> "
send "w\n"
expect -exact ">>> "
send "q\n"
expect -exact "Task to do \[fmtfossil\]:"
send "\n"
expect -exact "Fossil partition to format \(/dev/sd00/fossil\)\[/dev/sd00/fossil\]:"
send "\n"
expect -exact "Task to do \[mountfs\]:"
send "\n"
expect -exact "Fossil partition \(/dev/sd00/fossil\)\[/dev/sd00/fossil\]:"
send "\n"
expect -exact "Task to do \[configdist\]:"
send "\n"
expect -exact "Distribution is from \(local, net\)\[local\]:"
send "\n"
expect -exact "Task to do \[mountdist\]:"
send "\n"
expect -exact "Distribution disk \[no default\]:"
send "/dev/sdD0/data\n"
expect -exact "Location of archives \[browse\]:"
send "/\n"
expect -exact "Task to do \[copydist\]:"
send "\n"
# Need to wait for the copy to finish.
expect -timeout 600 -exact "Task to do \[bootsetup\]:"
send "\n"
expect -exact "Enable boot method (floppy, plan9, win9x, winnt)\[no default\]:"
send "plan9\n"
expect -exact "Install the Plan 9 master boot record (y, n)\[no default\]:"
send "y\n"
expect -exact "Task to do \[finish\]:"
send "\n"
expect -exact "Feel free to turn off your computer."
# Configuration.
expect <<EOF
spawn qemu-system-i386 -machine accel=kvm -nographic -net user -net nic,model=virtio -m 1024 -vga none -drive if=none,id=hd,file=disk.raw -device virtio-scsi-pci,id=scsi -device scsi-hd,drive=hd -cdrom plan9-gce.iso -boot c
expect -exact "Plan 9"
sleep 5
# Need to wait for the kernel to boot.
expect -timeout 600 -exact "term% "
send "\n"
expect -exact "term% "
send "mkdir /cfg/helix\n"
expect -exact "term% "
send "dircp /cfg/example /cfg/helix\n"
expect -exact "term% "
send "echo ip/ipconfig -o mtu >>/cfg/helix/cpurc\n"
expect -exact "term% "
send "echo ndb/dns -r >>/cfg/helix/cpurc\n"
expect -exact "term% "
send "echo echo remove /104 '>'/net/iproute >>/cfg/helix/cpurc\n"
expect -exact "term% "
send "echo ramfs -su >>/cfg/helix/cpustart\n"
expect -exact "term% "
send "echo mount -c /srv/ramfs /tmp >>/cfg/helix/cpustart\n"
expect -exact "term% "
send "echo aux/randfs -m /dev >>/cfg/helix/cpustart\n"
expect -exact "term% "
send "echo kill timesync '|' rc >>/cfg/helix/cpustart\n"
expect -exact "term% "
send "echo >>/cfg/helix/cpustart\n"
expect -exact "term% "
send "echo echo downloading git >>/cfg/helix/cpustart\n"
expect -exact "term% "
send "echo hget '>'/usr/glenda/bin/rc/git >>/cfg/helix/cpustart\n"
expect -exact "term% "
send "echo chmod +x /usr/glenda/bin/rc/git >>/cfg/helix/cpustart\n"
expect -exact "term% "
send "echo >>/cfg/helix/cpustart\n"
expect -exact "term% "
send "echo echo starting buildlet script >>/cfg/helix/cpustart\n"
expect -exact "term% "
send "echo 'hget \`{hget -r '''Metadata-Flavor: Google'''} >/tmp/buildlet' >>/cfg/helix/cpustart\n"
expect -exact "term% "
send "echo chmod +x /tmp/buildlet >>/cfg/helix/cpustart\n"
expect -exact "term% "
send "echo exec /tmp/buildlet >>/cfg/helix/cpustart\n"
expect -exact "term% "
send "echo fshalt >>/cfg/helix/cpustart\n"
expect -exact "term% "
send "sed /exec/d \\\$home/lib/profile >\\\$home/lib/ && mv \\\$home/lib/ \\\$home/lib/profile\n"
expect -exact "term% "
send "auth/wrkey\n"
expect -exact "authid: "
send "glenda\n"
expect -exact "authdom: "
send "go\n"
expect -exact "auth password: "
send "glenda123\n"
expect -exact "secstore password: "
send "glenda123\n"
expect -exact "term% "
send "fshalt\n"
expect -exact "done halting"
if [ "$arch" == "amd64" ]; then
expect <<EOF
spawn qemu-system-i386 -machine accel=kvm -nographic -net user -net nic,model=virtio -m 1024 -vga none -drive if=none,id=hd,file=disk.raw -device virtio-scsi-pci,id=scsi -device scsi-hd,drive=hd -cdrom plan9-gce.iso -boot c
expect -exact "Plan 9"
sleep 5
# Need to wait for the kernel to boot.
expect -timeout 600 -exact "term% "
send "\n"
expect -exact "term% "
send "echo 'aux/listen1 tcp!*!17007 /bin/exportfs -a &' >>/cfg/helix/cpurc\n"
expect -exact "term% "
send "echo 'aux/listen1 tcp!*!17010 /bin/cpu -R &' >>/cfg/helix/cpurc\n"
expect -exact "term% "
send "mkdir /usr/glenda/bin/amd64\n"
expect -exact "term% "
send "9fat:\n"
expect -exact "term% "
send "cp /amd64/9k10cpuf /n/9fat\n"
expect -exact "term% "
send "sed s/9pcf/9k10cpuf/ /n/9fat/plan9.ini >/tmp/plan9.ini\n"
expect -exact "term% "
send "mv /tmp/plan9.ini /n/9fat/plan9.ini\n"
expect -exact "term% "
send "sed s/sd00/$disk/ /n/9fat/plan9.ini >/tmp/plan9.ini\n"
expect -exact "term% "
send "mv /tmp/plan9.ini /n/9fat/plan9.ini\n"
expect -exact "term% "
send "unmount /n/9fat\n"
expect -exact "term% "
send "fossil/conf /dev/sd00/fossil | sed s/sd00/$disk/ >/tmp/fossil.conf\n"
expect -exact "term% "
send "fossil/conf -w /dev/sd00/fossil /tmp/fossil.conf\n"
expect -exact "term% "
send "rm /tmp/fossil.conf\n"
expect -exact "term% "
send "fshalt\n"
expect -exact "done halting"
expect <<EOF
spawn qemu-system-i386 -machine accel=kvm -nographic -net user -net nic,model=virtio -m 1024 -vga none -drive if=none,id=hd,file=disk.raw -device virtio-scsi-pci,id=scsi -device scsi-hd,drive=hd -cdrom plan9-gce.iso -boot c
expect -exact "Plan 9"
sleep 5
# Need to wait for the kernel to boot.
expect -timeout 600 -exact "term% "
send "\n"
expect -exact "term% "
send "9fat:\n"
expect -exact "term% "
send "cp /386/9pccpuf /n/9fat\n"
expect -exact "term% "
send "sed s/9pcf/9pccpuf/ /n/9fat/plan9.ini >/tmp/plan9.ini\n"
expect -exact "term% "
send "mv /tmp/plan9.ini /n/9fat/plan9.ini\n"
expect -exact "term% "
send "sed s/sd00/$disk/ /n/9fat/plan9.ini >/tmp/plan9.ini\n"
expect -exact "term% "
send "mv /tmp/plan9.ini /n/9fat/plan9.ini\n"
expect -exact "term% "
send "unmount /n/9fat\n"
expect -exact "term% "
send "fossil/conf /dev/sd00/fossil | sed s/sd00/$disk/ >/tmp/fossil.conf\n"
expect -exact "term% "
send "fossil/conf -w /dev/sd00/fossil /tmp/fossil.conf\n"
expect -exact "term% "
send "rm /tmp/fossil.conf\n"
expect -exact "term% "
send "fshalt\n"
expect -exact "done halting"
if [ "$platform" == qemu ]; then
echo "Done. QEMU image is disk.raw."
# Create Compute Engine disk image.
echo "Archiving disk.raw... (this may take a while)"
tar -Szcf plan9-$arch-gce.tar.gz disk.raw
echo "Done. GCE image is plan9-$arch-gce.tar.gz."