blob: 15d8f632adb42fc336ff6afab65049b1a5beafc0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package relnote
import (
md ""
// addSymbolLinks looks for text like [Buffer] and
// [math.Max] and replaces them with links to standard library
// symbols and packages.
// It uses the given default package for links without a package.
func addSymbolLinks(doc *md.Document, defaultPackage string) {
addSymbolLinksBlocks(doc.Blocks, defaultPackage)
func addSymbolLinksBlocks(bs []md.Block, defaultPackage string) {
for _, b := range bs {
addSymbolLinksBlock(b, defaultPackage)
func addSymbolLinksBlock(b md.Block, defaultPackage string) {
switch b := b.(type) {
case *md.Heading:
addSymbolLinksBlock(b.Text, defaultPackage)
case *md.Text:
b.Inline = addSymbolLinksInlines(b.Inline, defaultPackage)
case *md.List:
addSymbolLinksBlocks(b.Items, defaultPackage)
case *md.Item:
addSymbolLinksBlocks(b.Blocks, defaultPackage)
case *md.Paragraph:
addSymbolLinksBlock(b.Text, defaultPackage)
case *md.Quote:
addSymbolLinksBlocks(b.Blocks, defaultPackage)
// no links in these blocks
case *md.CodeBlock:
case *md.HTMLBlock:
case *md.Empty:
case *md.ThematicBreak:
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown block type %T", b))
// addSymbolLinksInlines looks for symbol links in the slice of inline markdown
// elements. It returns a new slice of inline elements with links added.
func addSymbolLinksInlines(ins []md.Inline, defaultPackage string) []md.Inline {
var res []md.Inline
for _, in := range ins {
switch in := in.(type) {
case *md.Plain:
res = append(res, addSymbolLinksText(in.Text, defaultPackage)...)
case *md.Strong:
res = append(res, addSymbolLinksInlines(in.Inner, defaultPackage)...)
case *md.Emph:
res = append(res, addSymbolLinksInlines(in.Inner, defaultPackage)...)
case *md.Del:
res = append(res, addSymbolLinksInlines(in.Inner, defaultPackage)...)
// Don't look for links in anything else.
res = append(res, in)
return res
// addSymbolLinksText converts symbol links in the text to markdown links.
// The text comes from a single Plain inline element, which may be split
// into multiple alternating Plain and Link elements.
func addSymbolLinksText(text, defaultPackage string) []md.Inline {
var res []md.Inline
last := 0
appendPlain := func(j int) {
if j-last > 0 {
res = append(res, &md.Plain{Text: text[last:j]})
start := -1
for i := 0; i < len(text); i++ {
switch text[i] {
case '[':
start = i
case ']':
link, ok := symbolLink(text[start+1:i], text[:start], text[i+1:], defaultPackage)
if ok {
res = append(res, link)
last = i + 1
start = -1
return res
// symbolLink convert s into a Link and returns it and true, or nil and false if
// s is not a valid link or is surrounded by runes that disqualify it from being
// converted to a link.
func symbolLink(s, before, after, defaultPackage string) (md.Inline, bool) {
if before != "" {
r, _ := utf8.DecodeLastRuneInString(before)
if !isLinkAdjacentRune(r) {
return nil, false
if after != "" {
r, _ := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(after)
if !isLinkAdjacentRune(r) {
return nil, false
pkg, sym, ok := splitRef(s)
if !ok {
return nil, false
if pkg == "" {
if defaultPackage == "" {
return nil, false
pkg = defaultPackage
if sym != "" {
sym = "#" + sym
return &md.Link{
Inner: []md.Inline{&md.Plain{Text: s}},
URL: fmt.Sprintf("/pkg/%s%s", pkg, sym),
}, true
// isLinkAdjacentRune reports whether r can be adjacent to a symbol link.
// The logic is the same as the go/doc/comment package.
func isLinkAdjacentRune(r rune) bool {
return unicode.IsPunct(r) || r == ' ' || r == '\t' || r == '\n'
// splitRef splits s into a package and possibly a symbol.
// Examples:
// splitRef("math.Max") => ("math", "Max", true)
// splitRef("bytes.Buffer.String") => ("bytes", "Buffer.String", true)
// splitRef("math") => ("math", "", true)
func splitRef(s string) (pkg, name string, ok bool) {
s = strings.TrimPrefix(s, "*")
pkg, name, ok = splitDocName(s)
var recv string
if ok {
pkg, recv, _ = splitDocName(pkg)
if pkg != "" {
if err := module.CheckImportPath(pkg); err != nil {
return "", "", false
if recv != "" {
name = recv + "." + name
return pkg, name, true
// The following functions were copied from go/doc/comment/parse.go.
// If text is of the form before.Name, where Name is a capitalized Go identifier,
// then splitDocName returns before, name, true.
// Otherwise it returns text, "", false.
func splitDocName(text string) (before, name string, foundDot bool) {
i := strings.LastIndex(text, ".")
name = text[i+1:]
if !isName(name) {
return text, "", false
if i >= 0 {
before = text[:i]
return before, name, true
// isName reports whether s is a capitalized Go identifier (like Name).
func isName(s string) bool {
t, ok := ident(s)
if !ok || t != s {
return false
r, _ := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s)
return unicode.IsUpper(r)
// ident checks whether s begins with a Go identifier.
// If so, it returns the identifier, which is a prefix of s, and ok == true.
// Otherwise it returns "", false.
// The caller should skip over the first len(id) bytes of s
// before further processing.
func ident(s string) (id string, ok bool) {
// Scan [\pL_][\pL_0-9]*
n := 0
for n < len(s) {
if c := s[n]; c < utf8.RuneSelf {
if isIdentASCII(c) && (n > 0 || c < '0' || c > '9') {
r, nr := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s[n:])
if unicode.IsLetter(r) {
n += nr
return s[:n], n > 0
// isIdentASCII reports whether c is an ASCII identifier byte.
func isIdentASCII(c byte) bool {
// mask is a 128-bit bitmap with 1s for allowed bytes,
// so that the byte c can be tested with a shift and an and.
// If c > 128, then 1<<c and 1<<(c-64) will both be zero,
// and this function will return false.
const mask = 0 |
(1<<26-1)<<'A' |
(1<<26-1)<<'a' |
(1<<10-1)<<'0' |
return ((uint64(1)<<c)&(mask&(1<<64-1)) |
(uint64(1)<<(c-64))&(mask>>64)) != 0