blob: b3364ca122f5ff04aa99db1e38ab557808d46f29 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package maintner
import (
google_protobuf ""
type dummyMutationLogger struct {
Mutations []*maintpb.Mutation
func (d *dummyMutationLogger) Log(m *maintpb.Mutation) error {
if d.Mutations == nil {
d.Mutations = []*maintpb.Mutation{}
d.Mutations = append(d.Mutations, m)
return nil
type mutationTest struct {
corpus *Corpus
want *Corpus
func (mt mutationTest) test(t *testing.T, muts ...*maintpb.Mutation) {
c := mt.corpus
if c == nil {
c = NewCorpus(&dummyMutationLogger{})
for _, m := range muts {
if !reflect.DeepEqual(c, mt.want) {
t.Errorf("corpus mismatch\n got: %#v\nwant: %#v", c, mt.want)
var t1, t2 time.Time
var tp1, tp2 *google_protobuf.Timestamp
func init() {
t1, _ = time.Parse(time.RFC3339, "2016-01-02T15:04:00Z")
t2, _ = time.Parse(time.RFC3339, "2016-01-02T15:30:00Z")
tp1, _ = ptypes.TimestampProto(t1)
tp2, _ = ptypes.TimestampProto(t2)
func TestProcessMutation_Github_NewIssue(t *testing.T) {
c := NewCorpus(&dummyMutationLogger{})
c.githubUsers = map[int64]*githubUser{
100: &githubUser{
Login: "gopherbot",
ID: 100,
c.githubIssues = map[githubRepo]map[int32]*githubIssue{
"golang/go": map[int32]*githubIssue{
3: &githubIssue{
Number: 3,
User: &githubUser{ID: 100, Login: "gopherbot"},
Body: "some body",
Created: t1,
mutationTest{want: c}.test(t, &maintpb.Mutation{
GithubIssue: &maintpb.GithubIssueMutation{
Owner: "golang",
Repo: "go",
Number: 3,
User: &maintpb.GithubUser{
Login: "gopherbot",
Id: 100,
Body: "some body",
Created: tp1,
func TestProcessMutation_OldIssue(t *testing.T) {
// process a mutation with an Updated timestamp older than the existing
// issue.
c := NewCorpus(&dummyMutationLogger{})
c.githubUsers = map[int64]*githubUser{
100: &githubUser{
Login: "gopherbot",
ID: 100,
c.githubIssues = map[githubRepo]map[int32]*githubIssue{
"golang/go": map[int32]*githubIssue{
3: &githubIssue{
Number: 3,
User: &githubUser{ID: 100, Login: "gopherbot"},
Body: "some body",
Created: t2,
Updated: t2,
mutationTest{want: c}.test(t, &maintpb.Mutation{
GithubIssue: &maintpb.GithubIssueMutation{
Owner: "golang",
Repo: "go",
Number: 3,
User: &maintpb.GithubUser{
Login: "gopherbot",
Id: 100,
Body: "some body",
Created: tp2,
Updated: tp2,
}, &maintpb.Mutation{
// The second issue is older than the first.
GithubIssue: &maintpb.GithubIssueMutation{
Owner: "golang",
Repo: "go",
Number: 3,
User: &maintpb.GithubUser{
Login: "gopherbot",
Id: 100,
Body: "issue body changed",
Created: tp1,
Updated: tp1,
func TestNewMutationsFromIssue(t *testing.T) {
gh := &github.Issue{
Number: github.Int(5),
CreatedAt: &t1,
UpdatedAt: &t2,
Body: github.String("body of the issue"),
State: github.String("closed"),
is := newMutationFromIssue(nil, gh, githubRepo("golang/go"))
want := &maintpb.Mutation{GithubIssue: &maintpb.GithubIssueMutation{
Owner: "golang",
Repo: "go",
Number: 5,
Body: "body of the issue",
Created: tp1,
Updated: tp2,
if !reflect.DeepEqual(is, want) {
t.Errorf("issue mismatch\n got: %#v\nwant: %#v", is, want)
func TestGithubRepoOrg(t *testing.T) {
gr := githubRepo("golang/go")
want := "golang"
if org := gr.Org(); org != want {
t.Errorf("githubRepo(\"%s\").Org(): got %s, want %s", gr, org, want)
gr = githubRepo("unknown format")
want = ""
if org := gr.Org(); org != want {
t.Errorf("githubRepo(\"%s\").Org(): got %s, want %s", gr, org, want)
func TestGithubRepo(t *testing.T) {
gr := githubRepo("golang/go")
want := "go"
if repo := gr.Repo(); repo != want {
t.Errorf("githubRepo(\"%s\").Repo(): got %s, want %s", gr, repo, want)
gr = githubRepo("bad/")
want = ""
if repo := gr.Repo(); repo != want {
t.Errorf("githubRepo(\"%s\").Repo(): got %s, want %s", gr, repo, want)