blob: 96f1b17483f48df7498f80cda759341c2f0a30ba [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package dashboard
import (
func TestOSARCHAccessors(t *testing.T) {
valid := func(s string) bool { return s != "" && !strings.Contains(s, "-") }
for _, conf := range Builders {
os := conf.GOOS()
arch := conf.GOARCH()
osArch := os + "-" + arch
if !valid(os) || !valid(arch) || !(conf.Name == osArch || strings.HasPrefix(conf.Name, osArch+"-")) {
t.Errorf("OS+ARCH(%q) = %q, %q; invalid", conf.Name, os, arch)
func TestListTrybots(t *testing.T) {
tryBots := TrybotBuilderNames()
for _, name := range tryBots {
t.Logf(" - %s", name)
func TestHostConfigsAllUsed(t *testing.T) {
used := map[string]bool{}
for _, conf := range Builders {
used[conf.HostType] = true
for hostType := range Hosts {
if !used[hostType] {
// Currently host-linux-armhf-cross and host-linux-armel-cross aren't
// referenced, but the coordinator hard-codes them, so don't make
// this an error for now.
t.Logf("warning: host type %q is not referenced from any build config", hostType)