blob: 40a4297d8adb0dbf0b4ed3b79967b2da26326cac [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
//go:build linux || darwin
// +build linux darwin
package schedule
import (
// The Scheduler prioritizes access to buidlets. It accepts requests
// for buildlets, starts the creation of buildlets from BuildletPools,
// and prioritizes which callers gets them first when they're ready.
type Scheduler struct {
// mu guards the following fields.
mu sync.Mutex
// waiting contains all the set of callers who are waiting for
// a buildlet, keyed by the host type they're waiting for.
waiting map[string]map[*SchedItem]bool // hostType -> item -> true
// hostsCreating is the number of GetBuildlet calls currently in flight
// to each hostType's respective buildlet pool.
hostsCreating map[string]int // hostType -> count
lastProgress map[string]time.Time // hostType -> time last delivered buildlet
// A getBuildletResult is a buildlet that was just created and is up and
// is ready to be assigned to a caller based on priority.
type getBuildletResult struct {
Pool pool.Buildlet
HostType string
// One of Client or Err gets set:
Client *buildlet.Client
Err error
// NewScheduler returns a new scheduler.
func NewScheduler() *Scheduler {
s := &Scheduler{
hostsCreating: make(map[string]int),
waiting: make(map[string]map[*SchedItem]bool),
lastProgress: make(map[string]time.Time),
return s
// matchBuildlet matches up a successful getBuildletResult to the
// highest priority waiter, or closes it if there is none.
func (s *Scheduler) matchBuildlet(res getBuildletResult) {
if res.Err != nil {
go s.schedule()
for {
waiter, ok := s.matchWaiter(res.HostType)
if !ok {
log.Printf("sched: no waiter for buildlet of type %q; closing", res.HostType)
go res.Client.Close()
select {
case ch := <-waiter.wantRes:
// Normal happy case. Something gets its buildlet.
ch <- res.Client
s.lastProgress[res.HostType] = time.Now()
case <-waiter.ctxDone:
// Waiter went away in the tiny window between
// matchWaiter returning it and here. This
// should happen super rarely, so log it to verify that.
log.Printf("sched: waiter of type %T went away; trying to match next", res.HostType)
// schedule starts creating buildlets if there's demand.
// It acquires
func (s *Scheduler) schedule() {
// scheduleLocked starts creating buildlets if there's demand.
// It requires that be held.
func (s *Scheduler) scheduleLocked() {
for hostType, waiting := range s.waiting {
need := len(waiting) - s.hostsCreating[hostType]
if need <= 0 {
pool := pool.ForHost(dashboard.Hosts[hostType])
// TODO: recognize certain pools like the reverse pool
// that have finite capacity and will just queue up
// GetBuildlet calls anyway and avoid extra goroutines
// here and just cap the number of outstanding
// GetBuildlet calls. But even with thousands of
// outstanding builds, that's a small constant memory
// savings, so for now just do the simpler thing.
for i := 0; i < need; i++ {
go s.getPoolBuildlet(pool, hostType)
type stderrLogger struct{}
func (stderrLogger) LogEventTime(event string, optText ...string) {
if len(optText) == 0 {
log.Printf("sched.getbuildlet: %v", event)
} else {
log.Printf("sched.getbuildlet: %v, %v", event, optText[0])
func (l stderrLogger) CreateSpan(event string, optText ...string) spanlog.Span {
return CreateSpan(l, event, optText...)
// getPoolBuildlet is launched as its own goroutine to do a
// potentially long blocking cal to pool.GetBuildlet.
func (s *Scheduler) getPoolBuildlet(pool pool.Buildlet, hostType string) {
res := getBuildletResult{
Pool: pool,
HostType: hostType,
ctx := context.Background() // TODO: make these cancelable and cancel unneeded ones earlier?
res.Client, res.Err = pool.GetBuildlet(ctx, hostType, stderrLogger{})
// This is still slightly racy, but probably ok for now.
// (We might invoke the schedule method right after
// GetBuildlet returns and dial an extra buildlet, but if so
// we'll close it without using it.)
// matchWaiter returns (and removes from the waiting set) the highest priority SchedItem
// that matches the provided host type.
func (s *Scheduler) matchWaiter(hostType string) (_ *SchedItem, ok bool) {
waiters := s.waiting[hostType]
var best *SchedItem
for si := range waiters {
if best == nil || schedLess(si, best) {
best = si
if best != nil {
delete(waiters, best)
return best, true
return nil, false
func (s *Scheduler) removeWaiter(si *SchedItem) {
if m := s.waiting[si.HostType]; m != nil {
delete(m, si)
func (s *Scheduler) addWaiter(si *SchedItem) {
if _, ok := s.waiting[si.HostType]; !ok {
s.waiting[si.HostType] = make(map[*SchedItem]bool)
s.waiting[si.HostType][si] = true
func (s *Scheduler) hasWaiter(si *SchedItem) bool {
return s.waiting[si.HostType][si]
type SchedulerWaitingState struct {
Count int
Newest time.Duration
Oldest time.Duration
func (st *SchedulerWaitingState) add(si *SchedItem) {
age := time.Since(si.requestTime).Round(time.Second)
if st.Newest == 0 || age < st.Newest {
st.Newest = age
if st.Oldest == 0 || age > st.Oldest {
st.Oldest = age
type SchedulerHostState struct {
HostType string
LastProgress time.Duration
Total SchedulerWaitingState
Gomote SchedulerWaitingState
Try SchedulerWaitingState
Regular SchedulerWaitingState
type SchedulerState struct {
HostTypes []SchedulerHostState
func (s *Scheduler) State() (st SchedulerState) {
for hostType, m := range s.waiting {
if len(m) == 0 {
var hst SchedulerHostState
hst.HostType = hostType
for si := range m {
if si.IsGomote {
} else if si.IsTry {
} else {
if lp := s.lastProgress[hostType]; !lp.IsZero() {
lastProgressAgo := time.Since(lp)
if lastProgressAgo < hst.Total.Oldest {
hst.LastProgress = lastProgressAgo.Round(time.Second)
st.HostTypes = append(st.HostTypes, hst)
sort.Slice(st.HostTypes, func(i, j int) bool { return st.HostTypes[i].HostType < st.HostTypes[j].HostType })
return st
// WaiterState returns tells waiter how many callers are on the line
// in front of them.
func (s *Scheduler) WaiterState(waiter *SchedItem) (ws types.BuildletWaitStatus) {
m := s.waiting[waiter.HostType]
for si := range m {
if schedLess(si, waiter) {
return ws
// schedLess reports whether the scheduler item ia is "less" (more
// important) than scheduler item ib.
func schedLess(ia, ib *SchedItem) bool {
// TODO: flesh out this policy more. For now this is much
// better than the old random policy.
// For example, consider IsHelper? Figure out a policy.
// TODO: consider SchedItem.Branch.
// TODO: pass in a context to schedLess that includes current time and current
// top of various branches. Then we can use that in decisions rather than doing
// lookups or locks in a less function.
// Gomote is most important, then TryBots (FIFO for either), then
// post-submit builds (LIFO, by commit time)
if ia.IsGomote != ib.IsGomote {
return ia.IsGomote
if ia.IsTry != ib.IsTry {
return ia.IsTry
// Gomote and TryBots are FIFO.
if ia.IsGomote || ia.IsTry {
// TODO: if IsTry, consider how many TryBot requests
// are outstanding per user. The scheduler should
// round-robin between CL authors, rather than use
// time. But time works for now.
return ia.requestTime.Before(ib.requestTime)
// Post-submit builds are LIFO by commit time, not necessarily
// when the coordinator's findWork loop threw them at the
// scheduler.
return ia.CommitTime.After(ib.CommitTime)
// SchedItem is a specification of a requested buildlet in its
// exported fields, and internal scheduler state used while waiting
// for that buildlet.
type SchedItem struct {
buildgo.BuilderRev // not set for gomote
HostType string
IsGomote bool
IsTry bool
IsHelper bool
Branch string
// CommitTime is the latest commit date of the relevant repos
// that make up the work being tested. (For example, x/foo
// being tested against master can have either x/foo commit
// being newer, or master being newer).
CommitTime time.Time
// The following unexported fields are set by the Scheduler in
// Scheduler.GetBuildlet.
s *Scheduler
requestTime time.Time
tryFor string // TODO: which user. (user with 1 trybot >> user with 50 trybots)
pool pool.Buildlet
ctxDone <-chan struct{}
// wantRes is the unbuffered channel that's passed
// synchronously from Scheduler.GetBuildlet to
// Scheduler.matchBuildlet. Its value is a channel (whose
// buffering doesn't matter) to pass over a *buildlet.Client
// just obtained from a BuildletPool. The contract to use
// wantRes is that the sender must have a result already
// available to send on the inner channel, and the receiver
// still wants it (their context hasn't expired).
wantRes chan chan<- *buildlet.Client
// GetBuildlet requests a buildlet with the parameters described in si.
// The provided si must be newly allocated; ownership passes to the scheduler.
func (s *Scheduler) GetBuildlet(ctx context.Context, si *SchedItem) (*buildlet.Client, error) {
hostConf, ok := dashboard.Hosts[si.HostType]
if !ok && pool.TestPoolHook == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid SchedItem.HostType %q", si.HostType)
pool := pool.ForHost(hostConf)
si.pool = pool
si.s = s
si.requestTime = time.Now()
si.ctxDone = ctx.Done()
si.wantRes = make(chan chan<- *buildlet.Client) // unbuffered
ch := make(chan *buildlet.Client)
select {
case si.wantRes <- ch:
// No need to call removeWaiter. If we're here, the
// sender has already done so.
return <-ch, nil
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil, ctx.Err()